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Examen 1° CBU Extra Edad Nocturno

Full Name: High School: Date:


A) Listen to two dialogues and tick the correct option.

Dialogue 1:

i-The man's full name is Lion Schultz ii-He is a photographer

Liam Schultz painter
Leon Schultz footballer

iii- The man works for a newspaper

online fanzine

Dialogue 2:

iv- Katja is ok v-Silvia is from Maryland

all right Madrin
fine Madrid
Mark: / 25
(5 marks each)

B) Read the personal introductions below:

i- Decide if the statements are True or False and underline the evidence.

1) Mario is fourteen years old. 2) Alma has a twin sister.

3) Sara studies in the morning. 4) María is from a small town in Rio de Janeiro.

5) Juan Carlos lives in Flores. 6) María works in a big supermarket.

Mark: /18
(3 marks each)
ii- Read again and answer Who...

a) ...lives in a capital city?

b) not from Uruguay?

c) from Montevideo?

d) ...loves English?

Mark: /15
(3 marks each)

C) Complete the conversation with the information from the bubble

I'm seventeen

How are you?

When is your birthday?
How old are you?

On June the 19th.

Mine is on May 29, 2001.
Oh, We are both gemini
Do you like studying?

Sure, that'd be great

I like all school subjects

Would you like to

prepare next test together?
Mark: /16
(4 marks each)

D) Use the examples in section B) and C) to i- write about yourself, or

ii- create a dialogue with a friend.

Mark: /32
(10 Language 10 Content 7 Organization)

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