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3° Plan

Diciembre, 2021 Liceo # 2 La Paz (nocturno)

Name: ………………………………………………………..….. Test:…………. /100

Group: ……………………………………. Oral Exam:…………….

Date: …………………………………………………….. Final mark:...............

A) Listen to Elise talk about a typical day in her life and tick ( ✔) the right answer

i) Elise always wakes up early ii) After she wakes up, Elise has breakfast
late takes her dog for a walk

iii) Elise usually works in the office iv) She never has lunch
studio dinner

v) She visits her brother in N.Y. often vi) Elise usually goes to bed before 1 a.m.
sometimes after 1 a.m.

Total marks: /24

B) Read about a typical day in the life of Adam and answer the questions below.

Hi! I’m Adam. Let me tell you about a typical day in my life. A lot of people think my daily routine is boring, but
I enjoy it. On weekdays, I almost always wake up at about 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. First, I brush my teeth and have a
shower. Then, I get dressed and have breakfast. I usually have a cup of milk and a slice of bread with butter.
I also like toasts but I do not have time for that on working days. My work place is not far from home, so I
often walk there. Only if I am late or in a hurry I take the bus to work.
My office opens at eight o’clock. I like to be punctual. I never leave
work before 5:00 p.m. My favourite time of the day is when I get back
home and see my wife and children. I like to listen to music with my
family and relax. Sometimes I prefer to exercise before dinner. We
usually have dinner at about 7:30. After that, we often watch a movie
or our favourite T.V. series. Finally, I go to bed and fall asleep at
around 11:00 p.m . Surely, my weekly activities may seem boring for
some people but on weekends I make the best of my free time when my family and I go out to the lake or park
all day long.

i- Indicate if the following statements are True or False. Underline the evidence in the text.

a) Adam wakes up early on weekdays. __ b) First, Adam has breakfast. __

c) He usually goes to work by bus. __ d) After work, he takes the dog out for a walk. __

e) Adam usually has dinner before 7 p.m. __ f) Adam thinks his daily routine is boring. __

Total marks: /12

ii- Read the text again and answer…

a- What time does Adam usually wake up____________________________________________________

b- What does he like to have for breakfast?__________________________________________________

c- What is Adam’s favourite part of the day___________________________________________________

d- When does Adam and his family watch TV?________________________________________________

e- How often does Adam go to the park with his family?_________________________________________

Total marks: /15

C) i- Complete the following table.

Chunk Food Heathy Food Drinks Desserts
Total marks: /16

ii- Match the sentences with the pictures below

a) I have breakfast at 7:30 b) I go to bed at 11:30 c) I leave school at 4:15 d) I have lunch at 12:45

e) I go to school at 12:20 f) I get home at 4:45 g) I get up at 7:00

Total marks: /7

D) How about you? Is your daily routines interesting or boring? Describe a typical day in your life in no less than 200 words.

Hi! Let me tell you about my daily routine._____________________________________________________________________


Total marks: /26

(Language /9 Content /9 Organization /8)

My name is Elise Maddox and I am 25 years old. I am an artist. I live in a small house by the sea in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I

always wake up late at ten o'clock in the morning. First, I have a big breakfast -coffee, eggs and toasts- and then I walk to the

beach with my dog. When I get back home, I work in my studio until seven o'clock in the evening. I never eat lunch but I always

have a big dinner. After dinner, I usually listen to music or play the piano. Sometimes I visit my brother, Elliot, in New York. Finally,

I go to bed very late, at around one or two o'clock in the morning.

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