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Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan

osial dan Ilmu Politik

Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021 (62-80)
ISSN 1410-4946 (Print), 2502-7883 (Online)

Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government Level in

Bandung City, Indonesia

Tutik Rachmawati 1, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti2

Corresponding Author. Department of Public Administration, Parahyangan Catholic University
Department of Public Administration, Parahyangan Catholic University

This research aims to analyze aspects affecting the implementation of electronic parking, a digital-
based public services provision in parking. The concept of digital divide, workforce, regulation,
and infrastructure were used to conduct the analysis. This study employed a qualitative research
methodology with qualitative data collection techniques through interviews with two officers of
the Parking Technical Implementation Unit (TIU) - the Department of Transportation Bandung
City Government, 4 parking attendants, and 100 people as the roadside parking users. To enrich
the data, observation and study documents were also conducted. The research used a descriptive
analysis combined with simple descriptive quantitative data. It is evident from this study that four
primary aspects hindered the implementation of the electronic-parking initiative. Those aspects
are a large gap in the digital divide, low workforce quality and quantity, the absence of the proper
regulations, and futile infrastructure. Adding to these four barriers, we also found other significant
aspects: the investment that has not been strategically designed, the lack of leadership, and the
low quality of education and marketing. All these three additional aspects also contribute to the
failure in meeting the objective of the electronic parking initiative. This finding suggests that any
new initiatives in public service provision, mainly using ICT, need to be well communicated and
consulted with the implementing units. Furthermore, the initiative needs to be complemented
with an acceptable set of policies to ensure its sustainability.

E-Government Initiative; E-Parking; Parking Service

Introduction that the target of local government revenue

Local Government Revenue, hereinafter from parking fees has not been achieved. Three
referred to as LGR, is required by any factors cause this loss of LGR. First, regulation:
local government to finance the regional There are two regulations as the basis for
development. Bandung City has great potential roadside parking retribution: Local Government
to increase the LGR obtained from roadside Regulation Act Bandung Municipality Number
parking. Roadside is a public facility that can be 12/2001 concerning Parking Management
used as a regional revenue source as stipulated Rules, and Local Government Regulation
in the Local Government Regulation Act Act Bandung Municipality Number 9/2010
Bandung Municipality Number 9/2010. This concerning Public Parking Retribution, Public
means that the use of public roadside facilities Roads, and Specific Parking Spots. Even
for parking can be charged a specific fee as a though some thorough attempts to trace the
public service provision. documents have been made, there are no details
However, th e research ers’ initia l on technical instructions and implementation
observation and document analysis shows instructions for these two regulations can be

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

Figure 1.
Regulation Inconsistency1 and Infrastructure Provision2

Source: Compiled by Authors (Left: an e-parking machine was placed at an area that has a no-stop
sign. Right: parking fee charge info board without e-parking machine)

found. This shows the lack of detailed parking problems, Information and Communication
regulations. Technology (ICT) can be harnessed as
Second, management: There are no detailed creative problem-solving. ICT is applied in
explanations about the management of roadside governmental processes to improve the quality
parking payment. Consequently, illegal of public sector organizations' activities and is
parking attendants take over, and the public defined as e-government (Cullen & Hassall,
is accustomed to paying for parking to illegal 2017). Presidential Regulation Number 95/2018
parking attendants. This means that there is no concerning Electronic Based Government
revenue for the local government from parking System paves the way for Bandung city
fees. government to establish a policy that uses ICT
Third, surveillance: The issue of illegal to achieve parking retribution potential through
parking can be solved if there is an effective electronic-parking, hereinafter referred to as
surveillance system. The lack of surveillance e-parking. However, initial findings showed
causes the public to often park in no-parking that there are four aspects likely to contribute
areas or roadside. Parking ticket payment to the failure of this. Based on observation, there
is regarded as one of the sources of local are four aspects as the cause of unsuccessful
government revenue. However, in Bandung e-parking implementation. First, the digital
City, surveillance is only carried out by sticking divide; there is a gap in public understanding
stickers on vehicles. In Indonesia, sticking a of the use of e-parking machines. 3 Second,
sticker will not make any motorist pay the the quality of the workforce, i.e. the parking
parking ticket, hence the potential for increased attendants, is still low.4 The parking attendants
LGR is lost.1 2 have not been doing their tasks properly.
The three factors above caused the loss For example, they do not help direct the
of potential increases in LGR. To solve such
A result of an Interview with D, a community
A result of an observation done in one of member of Bandung City, on October 22nd, 2018,
designated e-parking areas (Hasanudin street - at 15.47 PM
Bandung), on October 22th, 2021 4
A result of an interview with D (above) and
A result of an observation done in one of confirmed with the result of an observation done
designated e-parking areas (Teuku Umar street - in one of designated e-parking areas (Ahmad Yani
Bandung), on October 22th, 2021 street - Bandung), on October 18th, 2018

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021

motorists, and they do not standby near the Literature Review

e-parking machines. 5 Third, the placement E-government refers to the use of
of the e-parking machine creates regulation technology in the government sector to change
inconsistency instead. For example, the parking the work culture from non-electronic work
machines are placed at a no-parking area or culture to electronic work culture (Hasibuan,
roadside. Fourth, in regard to infrastructure 2007). In e-government, the change paved
provision, there seems to be a problem with the way to improve the quality of delivering
machine maintenance. public services. As such, e-government is
To this date, topics on e-government an attempt by government organizations to
initiatives particularly on e-parking are under- deliver electronic-based services to be used
researched. Reviewing scientific publication by the public (Henman, 2010). According to
in SINTA indexing, there are only two studies OECD (2013), e-government is about rethinking
about e-parking that have been published. Qohar the provision of services to optimize the
(2018) discusses the e-parking performance's opportunities provided by technology. Taking
success using output and outcome performance from this definition, the working definition of
approach. Other research by Kireina (2017) e-parking for this paper is a form of parking
discusses e-parking using the smart city service that utilizes technology. E-parking is the
concept. In contrast to previous studies, process of changing from paying for parking
this study uses an e-government approach manually to paying for parking via technology.
that focuses on four aspects; digital divide, The provision of technology for parking services
workforce, regulation, and infrastructure. is considered a strategic initiative carried out
Hence, our research fills this gap. by the government of Bandung City to increase
 The four aspects of e-government LGR. Therefore, e-parking can be considered as
implementation are used to identify barriers an e-government product. Elements significant
in achieving e-parking goals. The use of an to the e-government initiative implementation
e-government approach in this research is are used in this study. These are Digital
considered appropriate given that e-parking Divide (Helsper & Van Deursen, 2015; and
is a form of e-government, which is defined OECD, 2009), Workforce (World Bank, 2002),
as the use of ICT in providing public services. Regulation (Alcaide Muñoz & Rodríguez
This study is specifically aimed to answer Bolívar, 2018; Brimkulov & Baryktabasov,
the research question, "How is the e-parking 2018; Gascó, 2006; and Joseph, 2018), and
initiative implemented and what are the Infrastructure (Hamner et al., 2010; and Zulu,
aspects that are instrumental to the success of 2010).
e-parking implementation in Bandung City?" To analyze e-parking, this paper focuses
This study provides a practical contribution on relevant aspects for a developing country's
to any governments at the local level (cities or context, such as Indonesia. These aspects
districts) to understand important elements are consistent with what has been argued
that hinder or advance e-parking and further by the World Bank (2002). Even though
finding solutions to the barriers. Indonesia is now considered as an upper-
middle income country, in the aspect of
technological advancement, Indonesia is still
in its very early stage of e-government with
a maturity index of 0.66 out of 1.00 & ranked
A result of an observation done in one of designated
88th (UNDESA, 2020). Hence, understanding
e-parking areas (Ahmad Yani street - Bandung),
on October 18th, 2021 e-government initiatives and factors significant

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

to their implementation needs to be based on knowledge and ability in using technology. A

the concepts of e-government for developing lower ability level can only mean the wider
countries. In the next section, these aspects will the gap of the digital divide. We argued that
be discussed. knowledge and ability is defined by what
First, according to the United Nation is being understood by the public about the
Department Economic & Social Affairs (2014), information technology which is fundamental
digital divide is one of severe challenges in in any e-government initiatives.
e-government implementation. We argue The second significant factor to
that the digital divide is the first challenging e-government implementation is the workforce,
aspect for any e-government implementation of which, its role is to manage the e-government
in developing countries because information initiative (Sosiawan, 2008). World Bank
technology infrastructure provision in (2002) describes that a skilled workforce is a
developing countries is behind those of prerequisite to any e-government initiatives.
developed countries. Hence, prior to taking Therefore, the workforce is an essential aspect
up the endeavour to implement any forms of implementing e-government to obtain the
of e-government, any governments must results set by the government.
first confront the digital divide problem and It is generally accepted that workers
bridge the gap. Digital divide is a gap between contribute effectively to achieving an
people with the knowledge and the ability organization's mission and goals (Condrey,
or skills to use technology and those who do 2004). This means, to achieve e-government
not (West, 2011). The understanding of digital goals, the workforce must have good quality
divide has been developed from “primarily and sufficient quantity. In their recent research,
revolves around the problem of access to Leon‐Moreta & Totaro (2021) found evidence
relevant technology information” to “capacity that municipal workforce capacity “allows
and ability to access and use ICT” (UNDESA, local governments to extend their provision
2014). In line to this understanding, Helsper of public goods and services”. However, even
& Van Deursen (2015) stated that aspects of when the workforce is highly competent and
skills and motivation must be considered in sufficient in number, there is a certain degree
any e-government initiative; otherwise, it will of resistance in using technology among the
inhibit the success of e-government, as OECD workforce (digital divide). This can cause
(2009) argued that the inability of people to ineffective e-government (World Bank, 2002).
use technology is a barrier that can cause In this study of e-parking implementation,
low use of e-government. Taking a slightly the workforce refer to those who work as
different approach to understanding the digital parking attendants. Parking attendants are
divide, Van Dijk (2006) argues that one of the responsible for directing the public, or the
possible causes of the public avoidance in motorists, to use e-parking to pay for parking
using e-government is a motivational factor. on the roadside. The e-parking revenue target
This motivational factor can be represented by is expected to be achieved when there is a
the lack of desire to use technology (Van Dijk, high level of e-parking usage by the public.
2006). Based on this approach, this research Therefore, parking attendants must have
looked at the digital divide by understanding quality and sufficient quantity.
the aspect of the public's awareness of using The third important aspect of e-government
technology. is regulation, as it is argued by Gascó (2006).
Adding to the awareness factor, the This explains that any e-government initiative
digital divide also focuses on both the public must have an appropriate legal framework

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021

prior to its implementation. As Brimkulov & We argue that these four factors require
Baryktabasov (2018) stated, the implementation special consideration when implementing
of e-government relies on a legal framework to e-government initiatives in a country like
be used as a strategic step to make e-government Indonesia. However, to fully comprehend the
successful. Thus, regulations are needed as the implementation of e-parking in Bandung City,
strategic guidelines for any e-government it is necessary to consider the possibility of
implementation. Sosiawan (2008) even argues other significant factors influencing the success
that for any e-government implementation to of e-government efforts.
achieve its target, a master plan and a grand Wohlers (2010) emphasized that successful
strategy is needed. A master plan and a grand e-government adoption in developing countries
strategy are needed to adapt policies to an that are still in the early stages of their journey
area’s local contextual characteristics. It is is contingent on a number of factors, including
most likely that any e-government initiatives successful governance reform, institutional
will fail when they are not founded on policies capabilities, and leadership. Even in more
that fit into the local contextual characteristics developed countries, however, leadership
(Joseph, 2018). Therefore, e-parking requires a is still a critical factor in the adoption of
regulatory framework that contains a master e-government. According to Welchman (2015),
plan and basic strategies that consider planning, leadership has a significant impact on the
technical implementation, promotion, outreach, adoption of e-government. She claims that
infrastructure deployment, monitoring, and leadership must determine who has power
evaluation of the performance of the e-parking over three areas: digital strategy, policy, and
implementation. standards. Additionally, leaders must articulate
The fourth, defining factor for e-government a clear strategy for digitizing the public sector
implementation is the infrastructure provision in the face of digital conservatism.
and quality. Hamner et al., (2010) argue that This paper argues that citizens, as well
the lack of infrastructure is a massive barrier to as bureaucracy, must embrace and actively
e-government implementation. This also true as use the e-government initiative, drawing
the absence or low quality of IT infrastructure on the work of Ho & Ni (2004), Jaeger &
is also one of the causes of wider digital divide. Matteson (2009), and Mahler & Regan (2002),
E-government can only be implemented when all of whom emphasize the critical importance
the required infrastructure is available as of bureaucratic acceptance of ICT-enabled
infrastructure is the basis for the operation transparency initiatives. When the bureaucracy
of e-government (Zulu, 2010). Hence, IT demonstrates to citizens its willingness to
infrastructure must be not only available but embrace e-government initiatives, citizens will
also in good quality. look to it as a model to emulate. As a result, any
According to Ludwig (2017), infrastructure e-government initiative is much more likely to
can be physical objects used in different locations have far-reaching cultural consequences.
and long-lasting. Thus, it is necessary to have Citizens, on the other hand, must first
a good maintenance plan for infrastructure acquire the necessary skills and knowledge
for the e-government initiative. To ensure to adopt ICT. Education and marketing of the
this, a specific agency needs to be assigned to technology used in the e-government initiative,
maintain the electronic infrastructure (Campos, in the form of training and introduction, are
2009). This is true, particularly if the e-parking required. Both of these components are critical
machines are expected to function well and for closing the digital divide. Bertot et al. (2010)
have long-life usage. suggest that in order to ensure the broadest

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

possible participation in e-government services attendants. All of the interviews took place in
and resources, extensive training and usability, December 2019. TIU was interviewed with the
functionality, and accessibility testing are assistance of an interview guide to gain a better
frequently required understanding of certain aspects. To begin,
After implementing the e-government the TIU focused its efforts on educating and
project, it is vital to identify and quantify the training the public about e-parking and proper
public value of ICT investments. Welchman usage. Second, the maintenance of the e-parking
(2015) noted that "just because an institution machine. Third, to ascertain the disappearance
appears attractive online does not mean it is of e-parking machines, and fourth, to conduct
getting a favorable return on its investment," an examination of the e-parking regulations.
and that the value of e-government must The interviews with four parking attendants
embrace more than financial concerns (Wohlers, were conducted using an interview guide
2010). Any e-government initiative must to ascertain their barriers to performing
produce tangible benefits for citizens or society their duties. Each interview was recorded,
as a whole in order to be a sound strategic transcribed, and categorized according to the
investment. four components of e-government deployment.
A d a t a a n a l y s i s wa s p e r f o r m e d
Methods descriptively to obtain in-depth information
This study followed a qualitative about the research objects and then equipped
research methodology with an interpretative with simple descriptive quantitative data to
analysis. Considering this, the study's method complete the overall analysis. To ensure the
emphasizes the analysis of selected concepts in validity of the finding, this study uses data
e-government and uses this concept to confirm triangulation, using various data sources, such
the finding. However, the study also discusses as documents, observations, and interviews
phenomena found during the fieldwork conducted on more than one subject that is
without any predisposition to the e-parking considered to have a different perspective.
implementation. An interpretive technique is Further, observations were done by
used to describe, decode, and translate social tracing the existence of the parking machines,
phenomena more deeply by focusing on the checking the condition of the e-parking
research phenomenon meaning (Merriam & machines, and observing public behaviour
Tisdell, 2015). A primary data was collected when parking vehicles on the roadside of other
through 100 interviews with parking users on three main streets in Bandung City. Secondary
Bandung's four main streets. Three-question data are gathered from official government
interview guide were used to conduct the publications, social media (Twitter) and local
interviews. The first question is whether road news.
users understand how an e-parking machine This study was carried out for a period
works. Second, a question to ascertain whether of five months, from August to December
road users are aware that parking fees must 2019. The study's location of this research
be paid through electronic parking machines. is (7) seven main streets in Bandung City.
Third, a question to understand road users' They were selected based on the primary
perceptions of the assistance provided by consideration that main streets are essential
parking attendants in directing parking users. in the e-parking policy implementation. The
Additionally, two officers from the study locations were selected to represent three
Parking Technical Implementation Unit (TIU) categories of Bandung City main streets. The
were interviewed, as well as four parking first category is the busiest and the quietest

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021

main streets. Being busy or quiet streets will account were collected for January 2020 and
affect the number of vehicles needed to use the March 2021, of which the public conversation
e-parking machines. The second category is about e-parking of Bandung City took place.
the availability of the parking attendants who Precisely, 11 tweets from infobdg twitter
guarded the e-parking machines. We looked at account and 102 tweets and 11 quote tweets
both unguarded and well-guarded e-parking from the PRFMNews. All those tweets were
machines. Furthermore, the final category is the then converted into 112 cases which then
updated condition of the e-parking machines in were analyzed using the ATLAS.ti qualitative
those seven main streets. We observed all the data analysis software. Using ATLAS.ti,
e-parking machines, whether they are missing, co-occurrence analysis was conducted to
damaged, and or out of order. understand the public’s perception of significant
To analyze the aspects significant to aspects for e-parking implementation. The co-
e-government initiative, the authors crafted occurrence analysis consists of several steps.
a conceptual framework which were inspired The first is code setup. As described in the
by aspects of considerations for the design of literature review section, these four codes
e-government contained in “The E-Government are digital divide, workforce, regulation,
Handbook for Developing Countries,” by Info and infrastructure. Second, co-occurrence
Dev The World Bank. As a result of synthesizing analysis for all the 112 cases were conducted.
these aspects of considerations with other The result shows that two other important
authors’ findings on aspects or dimensions of aspects emerged from the public conversation,
e-government implementation we highlighted leadership and education & marketing aspect.
aspects we considered relevant in discussing The third step is, adding these two new codes
e-parking implementation in Bandung City. and re-run the co-occurrence analysis.
These aspects are Digital Divide, Workforce,
Regulation, and Infrastructure. To understand Results
the digital divide, we inquired about two This section discusses the findings of
aspects: the respondents’ understanding the four aspects significant to the e-parking
and motivations in using e-parking and implementation. The first finding is on the
respondents’ skills in using the e-parking digital divide. The digital divide is the gap in
machines. To understand the aspects of the understanding ICT, which leads to differences
workforce, we looked at the quantity (number) in the public’s ability and skill when using
of the e-parking machines attendants and also e-parking. According to Helsper & Van Deursen
the public perception on the quality of the (2015), digital divide can be understood as
e-parking machines attendants. Further, we motivation and skills to use any e-government
delve into the official government documents initiatives. We argue that the level of awareness
to find any set of regulatory frameworks, determines motivation. Users are generally
including a master plan and a grand strategy, motivated in using these initiatives when they
as the legal basis of the e-parking policy are aware of them. Hence, based on Van Dijk
implementation. (2006), public awareness is important to public
To corroborate the research’s finding, understanding of the e-parking policy. Based
we delved into public conversation via twitter on the interviews with 100 users of parking on
which serves as one of the leading social media the roadside, the following is a summary of the
platforms in Bandung. All the tweets and quote findings on public awareness.
tweets from infobdg and PRFMNews twitter

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

Table 1. they often choose not to use the e-parking

Public Awareness in Using e-Parking machine but pay directly to the parking
No. Public Awareness Number Percentage attendants (manually).
1. Aware 17 17% The second aspect significant to the
2. Not aware 83 83%
e-parking implementation is workforce. As the
Total 100 100%
workforce for the e-parking initiative, parking
Source: Compiled by Authors
attendants have the responsibility to direct the
public to use the e-parking machine for paying
It is evident that the public awareness
the parking fee. Table 3 shows that 73% of the
about the e-parking policy is very low, only 17%
public believe that parking attendants did not
of the public are aware of the e-parking policy
do their job in directing the parking users. This
(Table 1). This signifies that there is a significant
indicates the low quality of parking attendants
gap in the public's awareness of e-parking.
in doing their job. Public perceptions about the
From the interview, it can be understood that
low quality of parking attendants are validated
the public were used to paying the parking
with interviews of four parking attendants and
fee to the parking attendants because this
also findings from observations. A question was
practice is considered more convenient and
asked about what the parking attendants will
more accessible. However, this habit causes low
do when confronted with a situation in which
public awareness in using e-parking.
two parking users came at the same time and
The digital divide is also understood as
required their services. Four responses are
the gap in public skills to use technology which
can lead to a low number of people who are able
“I will prioritized the vehicle that
to take advantage of electronic-based policies closest to where I am standing, the most
(Joseph, 2018). important is that I achieve my daily
Table 2. “I will choose the closest one first, and
Level of Public Understanding if I have enough time, I will help other
Public Skill in using users”7
No. Number Percentage “I will choose the closest one first, and
E-Parking Machine
1. Able to use 38 38% when this vehicle has parked correctly
2. Not able to Use 62 62% then I will assist other users”8
Total 100 100% “If I were put in that situation, I will
Source: Compiled by Authors help the vehicle closest to my position”9

Table 2 shows that the public ability to use The findings from observations are
e-parking machines is very low, only 38%. To consistent with the interviews’ results.
corroborate the finding that the public prefers When more than one vehicle wants to park
paying the parking fee to parking attendants, simultaneously, the parking attendants will
we analyzed Bandung people’s conversation
on Twitter. 6
Interview with A, on December 3rd, 2019, in Braga
The co-occurrence analysis using ATLAS. Street – Bandung
ti shows that Bandung people perceived using 7
Interview with W, on December 3rd, 2019, in Braga
the e-parking machines to make payment more Street – Bandung
expensive. The public must pay double the 8
Interview with U, on December 4 th, 2019, in
amount because the public must pay both to the Ahmad Yani Street -Bandung
machine and to the parking attendants. Hence,
Interview with D, on December 4 th, 2019, in
Ahmad Yani Street -Bandung

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021

Figure 2.
Ineffective of Digital Divide

Source: Compiled by Authors

Figure 3.
Ineffective Parking Attendants Causes E-Parking More Expensive

Source: Compiled by Authors

Table 3. low quality. Whenever the public wants

The Quality of Parking Attendants to make a payment through an e-parking
No. The Public Perception Number Percentage machine, the parking attendants are not being
1. Not directing the public 73 73% helpful and to some extent force the public to
2. Directing the public 27 27%
make payment manually to them. The parking
Total 100 100%
attendants argue that when the public makes
Source: Compiled by Authors
the payment using the e-parking machine, they
will not get any income. In contrast, it can be
choose to help direct the closest one first, understood from the interviews with TIU of
then the latter. This choice causes the parking Parking, the government of Bandung City pays
attendants to lose the opportunity to direct salaries to the parking attendants monthly.
other vehicles. This happens so often that the The number of workers is also a defining
public describes the parking attendants as factor in the implementation of e-parking
being not proactive in directing the public to initiatives. However, in this study, the quantity
use e-parking. Local government regulation in the workforce is very low. This is indicated
Act Bandung Municipality Number 3/2008 by the gap between the number of machines
stipulated that the parking attendants’ stipulated in the official document and the
responsibility is to deliver the best service to number of parking attendants.
users parking. When the parking attendants The data shows 21.3% of e-parking
are not considered proactive, that means they machines were not guarded by any parking
do not deliver the best services. attendants. Further, the users still prefer to pay
This finding was also validated against the parking fee in cash directly to the parking
the result of a content analysis on 119 comments attendants. The users who cannot process the
on Twitter. Bandung people considers that payment through e-parking will ask the parking
e-parking is useless due to parking attendants' attendants to make the payment. Hence, the

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

Table 4. Organizational Structure, Duties, and

E-parking Machine & Parking Functions and Work Procedures of the
Attendants Availability Department Transportation of the Bandung
No. E-Parking Machines  Number Percentage City.
1. Guarded by a Parking 350 78.7% 2. Local Government Regulation of Bandung
2. Not Guarded by a 95 21.3%
City Number 634/2017 about the changes in
Parking Attendant Local Government Regulation of Bandung
Total 445 100% City Number 764/2014 Concerning Technical
Source: Compiled by Authors Guidelines for Transportation and Retribution
in the Transportation Sector.
unguarded e-parking machine indicates the 3. Local Government Regulation of Bandung
loss of potential local government revenue. The City Number 4/2017 About the changes
loss potential of Local Government Revenue in Local Government Regulation of
was also caused by the undeclared extra Bandung City Number 16/2012 Concerning
money from parking fees collected by parking Transportation and Retribution in the
attendants. An interview with one of TIU's Transportation Sector.
parking officers validated this. 4. The Strategic Plans Year of 2013-2018 of
“I found that parking attendants have Department of Transportation of Bandung
become cunning. They will collect City
money from the parking users manually. 5. Regional Medium-Term Development
When his working day was finished, he
Planning year 2014-2018 of Bandung City.
would tap the e-card into the machine
6. Regional Medium-Term Development
and input the exact amount of the daily
target collection. Hence, he did not Planning year 2018-2023 of Bandung City.
report the remaining amount of money
collected if he exceed the daily target However, in those six regulations, there
collection”10. cannot be found any single article that stipulated
the implementation of e-parking clearly.
The third important element of the For the e-parking initiative to be successful,
e-parking initiative is regulation. Regulation the e-parking machines as the basic ICT
serves as the legal basis for any policy infrastructure should be adequate and well-
implementation, from planning, technical maintained (Hamner et al., 2010). Therefore,
guidance, socialization, distribution of in this study, the aspects of infrastructure are
infrastructure, monitoring, and evaluation analyzed based on the E-parking machine’s
(Alcaide Muñoz & Rodríguez Bolívar, 2018). availability.
This study found that the implementation of According to TIU of Parking, there are two
the e-parking policy in Bandung City was not categories of e-parking machines; productive
based on a specific master plan and strategic and non-productive. Productive e-parking
planning. The authors were able to trace all machines mean that the e-parking machines
related documents on regulations of parking are in good working order. In contrast, non-
in Bandung City Government, as follows: productive e-parking machines are e-parking
1. Regulation of Bandung City Mayor machines that were not used by the public. The
Number 1392/2016 about The Position, following is a table about the availability of the
e-parking machines:
Table 5 shows that out of 445 e-parking
Interview with H, on December 19th, 2019, in TIU
of Parking Bandung. machines, 54% are productive, and 46% are

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021

Table 5.
Availability of E-Parking Machines
No. Productivity Conditions Number Percentage
Productive Maximal Potential, Active, and Guarded by a Parking At- 240 54%
(Maximum Usage) tendant
Minimal Potential 108 24.3%
Inactive 2 0.4%
(Minimum Usage)
Not Guarded by a Parking Attendant 95 21.3%
Total 445 100%
Source: Documents UPT of Parking, 2019

Table 6.
E-Parking Machines Conditions (Based on Observations)
No. Condition Number Percentage
1. Adequate 175 53.5%
2. Inadequate 4 1.2%
3. Unavailable 148 45.3%
Total 327 100%
* Adequate: The e-parking machine is in good condition, complete components, no errors so that it can be used.
** Inadequate: The e-parking machine is in an error state (indicated by notification to use another e-parking ma-
chine), and the e-parking machine will not turn on.
*** Unavailable: Only ‘use e-parking machine to pay for parking’ sign is available, but the e-parking machine was
not available.
(Note: the researcher determines three categories of the e-parking engine conditions by comparing the condition of
one engine with another)
Source: Compiled by Authors

not productive. In addition, two machines the tracking, out of 445 machines mentioned
were inactive; therefore, they cannot be used in the document, there are only 327 machines
by the public to make any payment. Further, detected.
the table showed the parking attendants guard The table above shows that only 53.5%
as many as 21.3% of the machines. Based on all of the e-parking machines are in the good
these numbers, it can be understood that there category. This percentage is somewhat similar
is a loss of revenue potential as much as 21.7% to the data in table 5, even though the total
from the inactive machines and the ones that number of e-parking machines is slightly
any parking attendant did not guard. lower. Hence, the data from the TIU of Parking
To verify the data's validity from the is confirmed by the data based on primary
TIU of Parking, the authors also conducted data. It gives more vigorous justification that
observations to cross-check the availability the revenue target will be most likely to be
and updated condition of the 445 e-parking achieved by only half of the target. It also means
machines. The Document from TIU of Parking that 46,5% of the e-parking machines were
consists of the number of machines (445) and not in good working condition. This is partly
where about the machines are planned to be because the TIU of Parking did not conduct
placed. Furthermore, the authors traced all any maintenance activities for the e-parking
the streets mentioned in the documents to machines.
check the e-parking machines. As a result of

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

Figure 4.
Absence of Socialization Causes
E-Parking Ineffective

Source: Compiled by Authors

Discussion of Bandung City Government, which will

This research aims at understanding eventually also be beneficial for public
aspects necessary to the implementation of services quality improvement. However,
the e-parking initiative in Bandung City. By from the interview, it is revealed that TIU of
understanding these aspects, the barriers to Parking, as the implementing unit of e-parking
the success of e-parking can be identified. policy, is pessimistic in making the public
The following is the explanation of those four understand the use of the e-parking. This can be
aspects. understood due to the lack of communication
Digital divide is a barrier that can cause low between the initiator of this e-parking policy
use of e-government OECD (2009). Considering and the implementation unit. This lack of
that digital divide is one of severe challenges communication is worsened by the fact that
in any e-government implementation in there are no clear regulatory frameworks.
developing countries, such as Indonesia, it Interview with one of the officials in TIU
must be addressed and dealt with to enable the of Parking shows as follows:
public to use e-parking. “We did not want these e-parking
The digital divide is not only related to machines. Since the beginning, TIU of
people's understanding of the use of ICT but Parking was not the one who wanted
these machines. It is not our idea. One
also to public awareness in using technology
day, it’s there, being placed on certain
(Van Dijk, 2006). The findings show that the roadsides. We were not being asked about
public understanding of using e-parking is that, at all.”11
low. The low level of public understanding
of the e-parking initiative is caused by That interview shows that the lack of
the government's absence of socialization communication creates no ownership from
or marketing. As it is generally accepted, the TIU as the workforce of the e-parking.
understanding creates ownership. This is also From this, it is understandable if even TIU
true for e-parking in Bandung City. was reluctant to do any socialization about
Socialization as a medium to introduce e-parking to the public.
the e-parking by the Bandung City Government According to Van Dijk (2006), problems
or agency in charge is paramount. Socialization such as low skill in using technology can be
can be done by informing the public about easily solved with simple training. Hence,
the positive impacts of fully participating the local government could conduct a simple
in e-parking policy. The people of Bandung
and the public must know that e-parking
will increase the local government revenue 11
Interview with H, on December 19th, 2019, in TIU
of Parking Bandung.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021

training on the use of e-parking machines. as 62% of the public in Bandung City cannot
Further, based on the interviews, there are three use the e-parking machine. Therefore, while the
factors causing the low level of skills in using e-parking policy is considered a boost for LGR
an e-parking machine to make the payment. of Bandung City, the low level of the e-parking
First, the public in Bandung City experience machine usage means LGR loss.
technophobia which causes the low motivation of Condrey (2004) argues that workers
the public to use e-parking. Technophobia means contribute effectively to achieving the
the fear of using technology and disbelief that organization’s mission and goals. We also argue
technology can have beneficial effects (Van Dijk, that the workforce is also crucial in e-parking
2006). Based on the interview, the public does implementation, and it is the parking attendants
not use e-parking because they experience fear that are significant to the implementation
of using technology. Mostly technophobia can be of e-parking. The parking attendants are
found in aged persons. They said the following: responsible for directing the public to use
“I am old, and I do not know how to e-parking machines, therefore essential to
operate this kind of machine”12 achieving the LGR targets. Considering their
essential role, parking attendants’ readiness to
Second, the TIU officers do not set a role carry out its responsibilities is significant to the
model to the public in using the e-parking success of e-parking.
machine. The TIU of Parking officers also has Based on finding, TIU of Parking as the
low motivation to pay for parking using an management of e-parking affects the low quality
e-parking machine. This is problematic because and insufficient parking attendants. Trost (2018)
the TIU of parking officers should set a role argues that working in the implementation
model for the public. It cannot be expected that unit is indeed more challenging. This is true,
the e-parking system will be successful if the particularly for public organizations in which
system owner, the TIU of parking, does not use the technical implementation unit such as TIU
the machine and is not aware of the importance of parking of Bandung City is in charge of the
of paying the e-parking as a contribution to e-parking implementation.
LGR. As discussed above, the behaviour of the As explained above, ownership of TIU of
TIU of parking officers caused by the absence Parking toward the e-parking policies was very
of ownership toward this e-parking policy. low or even absent. The absence of ownership
Third, the parking users often experience a was caused by the lack of communication and
technical barrier, such as not having electronic direction from the e-parking initiator and the
money. This has become the cause of low sudden change in the system of roadside parking
e-parking machine use. Based on the interview, from manual to electronic-based. As Alcaide
the public considers paying the parking fee in Muñoz & Rodríguez Bolívar (2018) argued,
cash directly to the parking attendants is the the resistance to e-government implementation
easiest option. However, this easiness can lead will be a barrier to e-government success.
to the loss of LGR. From the interviews, the details about the
Using the data on public understanding, consequences of this resistance appear. TIU
Bandung City has a wide digital divide, as 83% of Parking instructed the parking attendants
of the public in Bandung City do not understand to no longer assist in directing the users to
about e-parking policy. Furthermore, as much use e-parking machines. This instruction was
intended to make the public learn independently
Result of an Interview with B, a community
how to process the payment transactions
member of Bandung City, on November 28nd,
2018, at 14.21 PM through the machine. However, without prior

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

Figure 5.
Ineffective Workforce

Source: Compiled by Authors

information or socialization and basic training Hence, comparing the timeline of

in using the e-parking machines, it is difficult those documents and the date on which
for the public. This is evident from the low level implementation of the e-parking started,
of public skill in using e-parking machines in indicates that the e-parking implementation
Table 2 that shows only 38% of the public can was also not based on the Bandung Smart City
use e-parking machines. This shows that TIU Master Plan. The interview with one of the
of Parking has made no effort to empower the officials in TIU of Parking provided another
public to use the e-parking machine. basis for this fact:
The parking attendants, of course, “As far as I know, there is no single
followed the instruction given by TIU of regulation that can be used as the basis
Parking. However, the public saw this as for the e-parking implementation. I
suppose it is only a replication of similar
incompetency of the parking attendants in
initiatives from other countries.”13
doing their job. This is supported by the data
in Table 3 shows that only 27% of the public
From that interview, it can be understood
consider the parking attendance directing them
that the e-parking initiative might have
in using e-parking machines.
been an initiative to adopt practices from
The Bandung City Government often
other countries. However, as Joseph (2018)
promotes that implementing e-parking in
argued, an e-government initiative must be
Bandung City is part of Bandung Smart City
implemented in accordance with the local
approach, and the public also accepted this.
contextual characteristics in the area. Therefore,
The only official document about Bandung
without any strategic plan, the e-government
Smart City is the ‘Panduan Penyusunan Master
initiative will most likely fail.
Plan Smart City 2017 Gerakan Menuju 100 Smart
Ludwig (2017) argues that infrastructure
City’, published by the Indonesian Ministry of
is any object used in many different locations
Communication & Information on July 10, 2017.
and lasts for a long time. Therefore, scheduled
This document serves as the legal & official
maintenance to the e-parking machines must
document for the basis of any local government
be provided to keep the e-parking machine
initiative for smart city. Meanwhile, other
in a good working order. However, from the
sources of data confirmed that the mayor of
interviews with the officials of TIU of Parking
Bandung City (Ridwan Kamil) has officially
and the parking attendants, it is evident
marked the beginning of using the e-parking
that no maintenance has ever been done to
machines on December 24, 2013 (Putra,
any of the e-parking machines. The TIU of
2014). Another document, Strategic Planning
Document of the Bandung City Transportation
Department (year 2013 - 2018) did not mention 13
Interview with H, on December 19th, 2019, in TIU
anything about e-parking machines. of Parking Bandung.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 25, Issue 1, July 2021

Parking claimed that they do not employ any First, strategic investment is needed
technicians to do the maintenance job. The TIU because e-government requires goals and
of Parking only conducts number checking to direction to implement an e-government
the e-parking machine. program. One form of strategic investment is to
An interview with one of the TIU of Parking create short-term and long-term planning flow,
officials confirmed that TIU of Parking even asked financial expenditure, income, and deadlines
for assistance to do the machine maintenance (World Bank, 2002). It is evident from this
from officials at the district and sub-district levels. research that there are no plans or assigned
However, the officials at the lower governmental technicians to maintain the e-parking machines.
levels refuse to assist because they perceive that Therefore, the e-parking machine is used as an
e-parking machine maintenance is not their investment in increasing LGR is not a strategic
responsibility. These officials argued that they investment.
were not informed about the placement of the Second, leadership is the ability to get
e-parking machines. Therefore, they will not people to take action under direction, even
be responsible for those machines. This finding if they do not like it (World Bank, 2002). The
suggests that the lack of regulation as the basis research suggested that the understanding
for the e-parking initiative led to the absence of people about e-parking is only 17% (Table
of resources. The absence of technicians is also 1). This low level is partly due to the lack of
evident. Furthermore, the lack of communication direct instruction from the parking attendants.
between the e-parking initiators discussed in However, based on the interview, the parking
the digital divide section causes the lack of attendants did not give any instructions
engagement from the officials in districts and because they followed the TIU of Parking’s
sub-districts level. technical guidance. That is to let the parking
Having understood all aspects of e-parking users independently use the e-parking machine
implementation, this study concluded that the and independently make the payment. In
main objective of e-parking has not been met. this aspect, the technical guidance from TIU
of Parking does not match the needs of the
Other Significant Aspect Impediments to the e-parking users. This can be considered as the
E-Parking Initiative failure of leadership to understand the needs
This study also found other aspects of the service users.
significantly affecting the e-parking initiative Third, education and marketing. Any
implementation. These aspects strengthen the e-government initiative will only be beneficial
practical contribution of this paper, and further for the public if the public knows about
research agendas can be drawn from these those e-government services. Therefore,
findings. These three aspects are discussed as e-government needs specific promotions or
follows: marketing so that the public becomes aware of

Figure 6.
Ineffective of Infrastructure

Source: Compiled by Authors

Tutik Rachmawati, Kusuma Dwi Fitriyanti: Analysis of the E-Government Initiative at Local Government
Level in Bandung City, Indonesia

Figure 7.
Ineffective of Leadership

Source: Compiled by Authors

Figure 8.
Ineffective of Education and Marketing

Source: Compiled by Authors

it and uses it (World Bank, 2002). This research not-well-maintained infrastructure have all
shows that only 38% of e-parking users know become a significant barrier to the success
the technicality of e-parking use (Table 2). of the e-parking initiative. Adding to these
The public conversation on Twitter validated three barriers is the investment aspect that has
the findings. The public said that they do not not been strategically designed, the lack of
know how to use e-parking. It is partly because leadership, and the low quality of education
of the absence of marketing and education to and marketing. All these three additional
the public about using e-parking machines. aspects also contribute to the failure in meeting
Education and marketing can be in simple form the objective of the e-parking initiative.
as socialization and simple training. An improvement in the management
of e-parking that significantly considered
Conclusion those seven aspects in this study is highly
The purpose of the e-parking initiative recommended. Further, considering the
is to increase the revenue from parking fees nature of the organizational characteristics
to the LGR of Bandung City. However, it is of public organizations such as Bandung
evident from this study that this objective has City Government, it is recommended that
not been met. Hence, it can be concluded that Bandung City Government start improving
the e-parking initiative as an e-government the regulations. Hence, it is essential to provide
policy of the Bandung City Government precise regulation and detailed technical
was unsuccessful. This study shows aspects guidance in e-parking implementation.
of the large gap in the digital divide, the Within this regulation, specific agencies' clear
low quality and quantity of the workforce, responsibilities will be written, along with the
the absence of detailed regulation as the required resources. When all responsibilities
legal basis for e-parking initiatives, and the and resources are secured, other hindering

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