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Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 75, No. 41, October I l.

1994, Pages 473-476

Project Images Crust,

and metamorphic facies changes, all of
which are represented at the well. Seismic
reflections are found both from dipping

Collects Seismic Data in com• positional layering which correlates

with structure, and from horizontal zones,
which are provisionally interpreted as

World's Largest Borehole horizontal, fluid-filled fractures.

The principal aim of the project was to de-
D. K. Smythe, S. B. Smithson, C. Gillen, C. Humphreys, Y. termine the reflection characteñstics of the
Kristoffesen, N. A. Kamev, V. Z. Garipov, N. I. Pavlenkova, and the upper crystalline crust. Obtaining a whole
Kola-92 Working Group crustal image was a secondary priority.
Since crustal reflection surveys of the
kind now commonplace in the west had
An anomaly in oor understanding of A crucial factor about SG-3, apart from its never been undertaken at the SG3 well, a
per continental crustal structure is caused by depth of 12.2 km, is that the primary lithologi- multinational geophysical team was assem-
conflicting observations from structural ge- cal layering of the Proterozoic supracrustal bled to obtain the necesary surface and
ologists and reflection seismologists. Near- rocks dips at 400—500 (Figure 2). Seismic
downhole seismic data. Reconnaissance site
surface structure in metamorphic terrain is re-
surveys were carried out by the summer of
frequently steeply dipping or vertical, but flections were observed from this layering
1991. The nonhem branch of Environmental,
seismic reflection images display flat-lying re- both on high-resolution shallow surface data
Geological and Geophysical Investigation or-
flectors below depths of a few kilometers. as well as on the previously recorded single
ganized the field work in cooperation with
The seismic image of the topmost 2—3 km is component analogue-record VSPs. There are
usually blank. How can this be, when seis- also flat•lying, lower•frequency reflections be- the Universities of Bergen, Glasgow, and Wp
mic reflections are supposed to represent pri- tween 6 and 9 km depth, cross-cutting the
mary geological structure? terozoic/Archean lithologies (Figure 2). The field work was carried out between
Seismic measurements in and around a Pavlenkova [ 19921 has reviewed the sig- early March and mid-May 1992. Normally, the
deep borehole could solve this dilemma. Sur- nificance of the flat•lying reflectors. The late winter provides the best combination of
face seismic observations and physical sam- depth range at which they occur corre- calm weather conditions, hard ground, and
ples collected from the hole by wireline sponds roughly to the zones of porosity in- enough daylight for seismic surveys. Unfoflu•
logging, particularly by vertical seismic crease, velocity inversion, increase in P wave nately, however, the unusually mild winter of
files (VSPs), could then be compared. anisotropy and pressure, and the presence of 1992 produced very deep snow but barely fro•
There are only two sites where hypothe- circulating fluids. Furthermore, the essen- zen ground.
ses on crustal reflection sources can be tially vertical variation in physical properties First, a 38-km long crustal seismic reflec-
against in situ geological and fluid sam- correlates well with discrete changes in meta- tion profile was recorded through the well in
ples. One of these sites, the Kola morphic facies. a direction at right angles to the regional
super- The SG3 well provided an ideal opportu- strike. The surface and VSP data were re
deep well in the Kola Peninsula, northwest nity to test hypotheses on several alternatives corded in three•component mode—ground
Rusia, has been cored with more than 80% to primary lithological layering as the source motion in x, y, and z directions—lo give the
recovery. Investigation has yielded exciting of reflections. The alternative sources of crus- full wave field, permitting separation of Pand
evidence of current and past fluid flow, as tal reflections include shear zones, fluids, Swaves. A surface seismic survey was then
well as physical property and logging data.
However, until now it has lacked the deep
crustal commondepth-point (CDP) seismic
section required for correlation efforts. To
remedy this gap in our knowledge, a major
multinational experiment, incorporating
truck•mounted vibrators, was performed dur•
ing the winter of 1992 (Figure l).

D.K. Smythe, Ikpartment of Geology and

Apptied Geology, University of Glasgow. Glas•
gow 012 8QQ, United Kingdom; S.B. Smith-
son and C. Humphreys, Department of
Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyc»
ming, PO Box 30(h, Laramie,
82071 ; c,Gil-
len, Centre for Continuing Education,
University of Edinbugh, I I Buccleuch Place,
Edinburgh EH8 9LW, United Kingdom; Y.Kris-
toffersen, Seismologi€al Observatory, Univer-
sity of Bergen, Allegaten 41 N-5W7 Bergen,
Norway; N.A. Karev, Rudgeofizika, Fajan-
sovaja 20, St. Petersburg 193019, Russia;
V.Z.Garipovt Ru.s.skomgeologia, B. Gruzin•
skaya 4/6, Moscow 123242. Rusia; N.l. Fig. l. Russian Caterpillar tractors are towing Bergen University's truck•mounted vibrators over
Pavlenkova, Institute of Physics of the Earth, the last hitl on the CDP line. The SG3 well towerlies I km to the north. This image is a Still frame
B. Gruzinskaya 10, Moscow, Russia from a video of the pmject.

Copyright 1994 by the

American Geophysical Union
Geological cross-section (Figure 3a) at channel spacingt giving a the hypothesis that there are horizontal
composite spread long. A recording reflec-tors al the well (Figure 2).
North from well (km)
cabin—or doghouse—with two systems sat It was impoxsible to acquire the VSPs origi-
between two spreads. Anothcr doghouse nally planned. The 12•km long logging cable
Irig• gered sourc.e•firing and the recording wa.s damaged beyond repair, so in.stead sev-
cycle of all Ihree instruments. The vibrators, eral 6-km deep, three-component VSPs were run
in an offend configuration south of the at different offsets using a new Russian
cable, moved up 1.5 km as far as thesouth three•level, threecomponent tool that digit-izes
end of the Inost southerly spread vibrating down•hole (2 m/s sample interval) onto a three-
every 50 'n. This spread was then lifted and conductorcable. The VSP calibrates surface
3 4 laid again in the nonh. Although each spread seismic data against the geologic data from the
was made up of 1'20-channel roll-along borehole. The Russian tool was used in a
Arctic cable sec-tions in pristine condition, it single-levet mode at a level interval of 20 m,
was impossible to use it in a convenlional with a sweep of 12—120 Hz. Up to three
roll•along mode, in which 12-'24 channels vibrators per source point were u.sed.
arc moved at a time. when combined with
Positioning was based on a high-
three.component re-cording and thrce
quality topographic map enlarged to
separate recording sys-tems.
l: scale. Three-dimensional global pc»
7 While the CDP cat)le spread progres.scd
sitioning satellite fixes were made at key loca-
to• Ward the well frorn aboul 30
south (Fig• tions. Absolute positioning is better than 20 m
ure 3b), a .separate 5-km long, Oinslrument and relative positioning is 5 m or better, which is
Rcnek remote instrument array was rolled to- satisfactory for processing purposes.
ward the well at half the rate of the cable
10 spread- The two spreads converged and over-
lapped near the well. 'Ihe Refleks operated
within time windows during Ihe day. Quality
"1'0 interface with the Refteks. the The south end of the line, Shot first.
Fig. 2. Geological cross-sectton through ,SG3, vibrators and geosource MDS- 10 recording shows excellent data (Figure 4a). Lower
showing a oanety ofsouthdipping lithologies. systems had to be starled in absolute time. crustal re-ilectivity and a Moho—the
Bold solid lines indicate seismic reflectors in- Thus total subsurface coverage was 60- to boundary surface that separales the Earlh's
terpreled from previous Russian experiments. 70-fold. Be• cause it was the first time that crust from the man-lle—at 12 s ('10 km depth)
such instru-rnents had been uscd lo record could be seen on some raw Shot gathers.
recorded in
such vast quantllies of controlled source Quality of the horizon-tal components is
three•componcnt and thrcc-dimensional seismic data, inany timing and internal noise much lower than the verti-cal component, but
The main line was Shot from south to problems had to be resolved. The data presumed shear wave arrivals can bo secn.
nonh. along a slraighl track- Away froln collec.ted ex-tend the range of CDP oífsels to Because the Reflek (lata had never been
the well the maximum lateral deviation of between 10 and 20 km (Figure 3b) and Will ased in this mode before, they required
shots or receivers frolil a Inean straighl evenloally be merged with the shorter-ofíset heavy low-leve( processing to apply time
line was :ess than CDP cable spread data.
m. The line coul(i not be ex- cor-rections. They also suffered from
Extensive wave test; were carried to intemal problems and 18 Hz and 50 Hz
tended more than 3—4 krn north of the well compare horizontal and vertical vibrations
because ot the pickup from pu:nps at the well; however,
of Ihe Illiliaarized collec.ted by acous\lC dctcctors with single good data are being recovered. The quality
border zone. South of this zonc iic a •,hrcc-componcnt cases. Even when Ihe ot the VSP data (Figure 4b) is excellent.
of east•west trending Qbstacles such as three strings had been properly planted and The con)plete wave field (in a three-com-
major 50ads, railroad tracks, and aligned, snow meiling around the phones ponent mode) was observed, and all raw data
power lines. all of which may cause soon deteriorated the geometry. En the end, were preserved in unsummed, uncorre• ünted
no•se and degrade (lata- only Ihe vertical component string buried in form. After demultiplexing, the surface
Early plans to use dynamiteas a sourcc shallow holcs in thc snow was used. along seismic (CDP) data amounts to some 40 Gbar
were ruled out due ta logisticai problems and
with two horizontal components taken from and the VSP data to about 2.5 Gbar- A great
c.ost, so four truck-mounted vibrators were one deeply buricd three•component case. deal of data from the second-hand field tapes
Since the proposed east-west cross- had been left in unheated, uninsulated dog•
used instead (Figure I Although truc.k- iine Ihrough Ihe well was impossible to houses overnight, during whic.h the air tem-
gnounted vibrators are hardly ideal for the ler- observe due to thc weathcr conditions, a
rain, they are power(ul. 'Chey are also equpped limited three-dimensional survey was perature sometimes fell to -300C. One
with control electronics compat• ible with the operator•s log sheet even records "Ice on
recording equipment being u.sed to collect data. carried out around Ihe well instead. ñis tape!" However, the data on the corrupt tapes
The trucks were each towed on the main line by three-dimen• sionat. threc-componeot were succe,xsfulty recovered by reading
tractors. and three ways of mounting Ihe trucks coverage of a CDP area covers about 6 km thelD back on a field recording system linked
on specia'ly con-slructed skis were tried out. arcnjnd Ihe well, with of(sets from 50 m to
Duc to mechani-cal breakdowns, thc normal to a PC More than 99% of the
5 km. Thus within each Shot re-
source tumed out to be three out of the four
square arca, three to four traces can cords of the survey were saved.
Once the convoy of source vehicles started be summed to improve the signal (Figure 3c).
on Ihe line (Figure l) there was no way lo The result is a unique Ihree-dimensional, three-
tum the vibrators around; this constrained component crustal reflection data set, complete Future Investigation
the possible shot-receiver geometries. Wilh well control to 12 km. 'Ihe ap-enure and
Three 96-channel recording syste[ns were densily of the data are far too small for Because the data are presemed in both
set up to record the vibrations. Eac.h sysle•n orthodox Ihree-dimensional proc-essing, but uncorrelated and unsummed form, filteñng
had its own spread in a 3 x 30 channel mode the data shouid permit a test of methods now being developed can later be
fute the hypothesis that such layering is
a due to lithological contrasts.
This unique data set should aid our
South Composite CDP cable spread Nonh under-standing of the relative role of
lithological lay-ering, fractures, and fluids in
giving rise to reflectors within the
Vibrators w continental crust; for ex-ample, What is the
structural control on fluid flow at mid-upper
crustal depths, and the na• ture of the brittle-
30 x 50 m 30 x 50 m 30 x 50 m ductile transilion? We should be able
to observe P wave and S wave anisotropy,
and correlate them with the in situ stress
b that has been measured in the hole.
Going down beyond the reach of the drill,
the experiment Will help to define the nature
Cable spread Refiek spread Well of the Precambrian Moho, and whether
Vibs 4.5 km 5.0 km Archean lower crustal structure is fundamen-
tally different from younger crust, as is now
being suggestcd after the reevaluation of
seis-mological data [Durrheim and Mooney,
1991; Mooney and Meissner, 1992]. It also
-30 km provides a crucial section of a crustal
reflection tran-sect across the Ballic Shield
from the Gulf of Bothnia, whcre the BABEL
data already exist [BABEL Working Group,
1993) to the Barents Sea. Conil)ieting the
crustal transect should be rclativcly easy,
Fig. 3. a) Layout oí composite CDP spread of since the remamdcr of it could be done
90 three-component stations linked to sledge- entirely on roads. A short ex-tension
mounted doghouses W (Wyoming University) northward within Norway, combined with
and G (Glasgow University). Vibrators moved on one side
up in an offend, shot•receioer configuration. and recording on the other side of an
b) Reftek remote recorder spread oí 50 three inacces-sible area—of the no-go zone just
component stations at 100 m spacing is about north of the well, would also link into deep
haláoay betunen the cable CDP spread and marine reflec-{ion data in the BarenLs Sea.
the well, and is rolled to 'he north at hall the
rafe. c) threedimensional, three-component 3 to 15 km, dne well Will be maintained as
subsurface cove«zge amund the Kola super- a natural
deep well (star). Shaded area around the u,ell for internationai coopera-
shows depth points for horizontal reflectors. ave experimenls- Using the sevcral supcr-aeep
Crosses are schematic locations of sources. holes. l.»articularly SCr3. within Che (or-Iner
Soviet I Jnion for a variety of new clown-hole
solid line is locatton o/ the receiver spread. Ar•
c.xporiments i5 a cost-cffcctivc way to
mu.) shows continuation oí main line. Gñd is 1
su pport the new intcmational continental deep
km 2 dri Iling program currently in develop[nent.
of a VHS video showing scenes
of the operations at the SG-3 wellhea(l can
be obtaincd fronl D. K. .S:nythe (e-mail
*ipplied to remove unwanted signals, such display can be dynamical ly switchod
as Ine direct arrivats and the 19Hz hurn from through the trace gather so that adiacent
machinery at the well site. Nonlinear effects vec-tor traces can be co:npared. Acknowledgments
of the vibroseis.F,arth interaction, Despite the political, weather. and We thank Goskotngeologia (now Russk-
fund-ing problems, the ()lngeologia.) for it5 su l)port of this projec.t
producing harmonics of Ihe sweep. can also
phase oi
be ana-lyzed, and perhaps removed. I he Q.x- through difficult economic times. The west-
Novel methods are also being applied ü) ern partner.s were financed by grants from
Deriment was succexsful. The seismic data
three-component data, treating (x,yz_) trace oblained wilE addrc\s the conllict between the the Earth Sciences Division of the National
fripleLs as vector traces rather than within steep lithological dips seen at outcrop and Science Foundation. EAR-91186(1), (Wyo.
convcntional vertical (z), iniine (x) and the flat•lying reflectors commonly ob-served Ining (Jniversity) and the Norwegian Re-
(y) gathers, the industry norm wherever deep sei5111ic reflection pro-files search Council for Scienc.e and the
[ T01ham and McCormack, 19911. A new com- are shot. The primary lithological layering in Hurnanities (Bergen University). Financial as-
puter program simultaneously anitnates a bolh the Proterozoic volcanics and the sistance witb planning and transport was
ground motion and a trace-c,omponent dis• Archaean is steeply dipping—but not, as in given to Glasgow University by the C.arnegie
the KTB deep borehole in Ger-many, too
play. whilc the data are rotated about any stcep and complex to image seis-mically. If Trust for the University of Scotland, thc Royal
Society, and the University of Wyoming. We
. we observe flal-lying, or {ow-dipping
reflectors, as is usually the case with deep were also aided by financialt hardware, and/or
axis. The animation supplies a convincing reflection profiling, then we can re- software (lonations from Advance Geophysical
Ihree-dimensional illusiont and color coding Corpora- tion. BP Exploration.
and labeling permit identification of Ihe túne
dimension. At the same time, the animated
aO o b De*h {m) Conoco, Enterprise Oil Norge Ltd, Gecc»
stEX, Prakla, Halliburton Geophysical Services,
0.0 and Simon•Horizon Ltd.
1 1

Kola VSP•I: horlmnW


0.5 Reference
BABEL Working Group, Integrated seisrnic stu&
is of the Baltic shield IBing data in the
CAJIf of ü)thnia region, Geophys. J. Int..
1.0 '12, 305, 1993.
Durrheim, R. J. , and W. D. Mc»ney, Archean
and Prc*erozoic crustal evolution: Evidence
3 3 from crustal
Geology, 19, ü,
1.5 1991.
W. D.. and R. Meissner, Multi-ge
netic origin of reflectivity: A review of sei9
4 4 mic reflection pr(filing of the continental
lower crust and %ho, in Continental
2.0 Lower Crust, edited by D. M. Fountain, R.
Arculus, and R. W. Kay. Elsevier, Anster-
dam. 45, 1992.
5 5

Pavlenkova. N. I. , Ihe Kola supedeep drill-

2 3 6 hole and the nature

4 5

Fig. 4. a) Bmte stack ofvertical component data from 'he south endofthe CDP line Inyering at
of sekmic

018tatEe (km) 2.5

tites that have been overthrust to the north. A Terra Nova, 4. 117. 1992.
single oelocity Tatham, R. H. , and M.
2—3 s tu,o-way travel time is from Pechenga oolcanics underlying Archean gneisses and mign•uy D. McConnack, Multi-
function and component seSmolog in
uve applied, but no static conections or bad trace editing: raw data qualitysimplifiedsthergeomforetrygood. tion, Investigations in Geophysics Series,
b) Example ofa VSP section at short offset without wave field separation. Arrow indicates strong vol. 6, Society of Exploration
downgoing S waves generated by mode conversion at obout 2800 m depth. Tulsa, 248 PP.. 1991.
Kola-92 WorHng Group
C. Gillen, D. K. Smythe, D. C. Abensour, D.
R. Watts, H. Geiger, S. B. Smithson, C. Hum-
phreys, N. Boyd, M. A. Olson, L. Libeny, R.
Blenckner, A. Tanner, R. Carbonell, Y. Kristof.
fersen, C. Aranda, P. Digranes, D. Snanemo,
A. Nilsen, B. Sturt, R. Busby, L. L. Tamovet-
sky, S. Zubkovsky, M. Zarhin, V. Sarakhanov,
Y. Rospolozhensky, V. Stupak, N. l. Karaev, G.
Mikhailov, A. Ronin, N. l. Pavlenkova, D. Ilyin-
sky, S. Malias, l. Morozov, F. Mitrofanov, M.
Brodskaya, M. Strelkova, A. Grishko, D.
Guberman, and M. Lisinsky

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