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What is PDEA?
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) – is the lead Anti-Drug law enforcement
agency, responsible for preventing, investigating and combating dangerous drugs, controlled
precursors and essential chemicals within the Philippines.
What is R.A 9165?
It is an act instituting the Comprehensive Act of 2002 also known as Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, Repealing R.A. 6425, also known as The Dangerous Act of 1972,
as amended, providing funds therefor, and for other purposes. President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo signed R.A 9165 on June 7, 2002, was published June 19, 2002 and took effect July 4,

Harmful Effects of Dangerous Drugs

Drugs – any chemical substance that brings about physical, emotional or behavioral change in a
person taking it.
Drug Abuse – the use of any chemical which result to an individual’s physical, mental, or social
impairment. It refers to the following:
a. Use of drugs without prescription
b. Use of drug or any substance for a purpose different from the one which the drug
was prescribed for
c. Use of illegal or illicit drugs
Origin of Drugs
1. Natural – anything that comes from the nature
2. Synthetic – anything that is produced artificially or processed in the laboratory
Classification of Drugs
1. Stimulants
It is also known as “uppers”, any of the group of drugs that excite the central
nervous system. It increases alertness, alleviates fatigue, reduce hunger and provide
a feeling of well-being.
2. Depressant
This drug is also known as “downers” or “bars”, any drug or chemical that decreases
the activity of any bodily function. The term is most often used to refer to drugs that
reduce the activity of the central nervous system.

3. Hallucinogens
It is also known as “psychedelics”, first developed as appetite suppressant. Any
natural or synthetic psychoactive drugs that produce marked distortion of the
senses and changes in perception.

Nature of Drug Use

Poly drug use (or abuse drugs one after the other or in combination with other
intoxicating substances) Still based on the 2006 reported cases admitted for treatment and
rehabilitation, the Top 10 Drugs/Substances of Abuse are:
1. Methamphetamine hydrochloride (Shabu)
2. Cannabis (Marijuana)
3. Contact Cement
4. Benzodiazepines
5. Cough/cold Preparations
6. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA (Ecstacy)
7. Cocaine
8. Nalbuphine Hydrochloride
9. Psilocybin (Magic Mushroom)
10. Solvents (acetone, thinner)
Drug Addiction

 A chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and

use, despite harmful consequences
 This is considered a brain disease because drugs can change the structure of the
brain and how it works. The change can damage the brain and it can be long
lasting and can lead to harmful behavior.

Effect of Drug of Abuse

The Limbic Reward System
Every substance of abuse like alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin,
marijuana, nicotine has some effects on limbic reward system. Substances of abuse affects the
system by an increase in the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which helps to regulate
the feelings of pleasure (euphoria and satisfaction)
Dopamine also plays a role in the control of movement, cognition, motivation, and
reward. High levels of free dopamine in the brain generally enhance mood and increase body
movement (i.e., motor activity, but too much dopamine may produce nervousness, arability,
aggressiveness, and paranoia as well as hallucinations and bizarre thoughts.
Natural activities such as eating, drinking and sec activate the nucleus, acumens,
inducing communication among this structures neuron to release dopamine. The released
dopamine produces immediate, but ephemeral, feelings of pleasure and elation. As dopamine
levels subside, so do the feelings of pleasure. But if the activity is repeated, then dopamine
again is released and more feelings of pleasure and euphoria are produced (positive
Altered Perceptions
1. ILLUSION – misperception of a real external stimulus
2. DELUSION – a fix false belief cannot be corrected by logic
3. HALLUCINATION – a false sensory perception without an external stimulus
How to tell a person who is abusing drugs?
A lot of changes in behavior, appearance and mood, it occurs in a person abusing drugs.
Sudden changes also occur in the person’s disposition from pleasant to unpleasant.
Common characteristics of Drug Abuser:

 Often associated with known drugs users

 Irritable, discourteous, defiant and aggressive
 Untrustworthy and lacks self-confidence
 Unconcerned about his/her health and grooming
 Has a low frustration tolerance
 Lacks interest in studies/works
 Blames everybody but himself for his/her problems
 Prefers to be with “barkada” where he/she feels accepted
 Frequently goes to odd places (to take drugs)
 Often wears sunglasses at inappropriate times
 Often borrows money and sometimes steals various items
 Shows changes in attending school/work
 Develops change in normal capabilities in school/work

What will happen to drug users who will not reform?

1. Imprisonment
2. Death
3. Rehabilitation
Drug Prevention

 Stay away from illegal drugs

 Maintain physical and mental health and well-being
 Use drugs properly. Most drugs are beneficial when used under medical advice
 Understand yourself. Accept and respect your own capabilities and limitations
 Develop your potentials. Engage in wholesome, productive and fulfilling activities
 Choose your friends wisely.
 Learn to relate effectively to a trusted person whom you can communicate our
problems freely.
 Seek professional help if you feel you cannot cope with your problems
 Develop strong moral and spiritual foundations
Who are penalized by the anti-drug law?

 Pusher
 User
 Possessor
 Cultivator
 Importer
 Manufacturer
 Financer
Republic Act No. 9211
This act Is also known as Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 signed into law in June 23,
Prohibited Act:

 Allowing minors to man stalls selling tobacco product(s)

 Selling tobacco products to a minor (under 18 years of age)
 For a minor to smoke cigarettes or any tobacco products
 Cigarette vending machine within the place mentioned
 Smoking in public places and public transportation
 Tobacco sponsorship restricted to activities for those “18 and above” beginning July 7,
 No tobacco ad on TV, Cable TV, and radio since January 1, 2007
 No tobacco ads outdoors and in cinemas beginning July 1, 2007
 No tobacco ads in all mass media beginning July 1, 2008
 No tobacco sponsorship of all sports, concert, and art events beginning July 1, 2008

What is Alcohol?
Alcohol is a powerful drug. It contains drug called “ethanol” (ethyl alcohol). It is a toxic
and poisonous drug. It poisons the body if taken in large quantities simply or in combination
with other drugs.
Alcohol damages all the major organs of the body.
It is a depressant drug and not a stimulant as erroneously believed.
Pure alcohol is colorless and tasteless. Alcoholic drinks may vary in color and taste
because of the ingredients used to favor them.

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