Project Rough Draft

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Story #1: The Coincidence

It was pitch dark that night. Clouds had covered the sky and rain was inevitable. A car chase was
going on with police in pursuit of a man who is driving his Mercedes at a speed above 140km/h. it
seemed as if something was wrong. Suddenly, the man lost the control over his car and the car
crashed. Wounded, the man manages to get out of the car somehow with the help of the people who
gathered to help the person. Immediately after getting out, he hears police siren from a distance and
starts to run. The man seemed to be quite well off, well shaved, wearing a black suit but there was
something wrong due to which he was running like this.
Police was still in pursuit and it started to rain. They were searching the whole area as they knew that
the man was injured and would never manage to go much far. A group of police men arrived at a
nearby colony named as the city housing society. They asked the guards that if they had seen a person
about 6 feet tall who is injured enter the building. The guards denied it and just as they sat in their car
to leave, a lady in her early thirties approached the car and started to plead for help. The cops went to
her apartment to see what the matter was and there, they found the man they were searching for but to
their concern, they also found a dead body in the apartment with that man. The cops immediately
arrested the person while the lady started to mourn on the body which was actually her husband.
Detective Liam Davis was a sharp minded, cunning police detective was a specialist in murder cases.
He was immediately called at the crime scene. Upon reaching the apartment, he examined the body
closely and got to know of certain details. The man police had arrested was a very famous British
Novelist Andrew D’Souza. He was charged for double murder, one of his wife Katherine D’Souza,
who was found dead in their hotel room and the other murder was of Roger, whose body was in front
of police. Detective Liam took a close look at the crime scene and found some useful things including
the murder weapon which was a heavy candle stand and he also found blood samples of the coffee
table which was broken. Apart from that, police found some burnt photographs and papers in the
dustbin which were sent in the forensic lab along with the blood samples.
Liam straight away went to the police station to meet the writer Andrew D’Souza and investigate
further regarding the murders. Upon reaching the police station, he met the senior detective who told
him that he only has three days to complete the investigation and conclude the case as Andrew was a
British citizen and well connected, it would be tough to extend the case longer than that. Liam took
this challenge and was determined to find the truth behind these murders.
Andrew was sitting in the interrogation room all alone, in a shock. Tears were falling from his eyes as
he couldn’t believe that how his life had changed in a matter of a day. Only yesterday, it was his third
book launch and everyone was happy but now, he had lost his dear wife and was in a deep mess. He
was sitting on a chair and took of his boots as his feet were hurting. In the meantime, Detective Liam
entered the room and sat right in front of Andrew. Liam asked Andrew to tell him what exactly
happened that day. Andrew started by telling that last night on 23 April, it was his book launch event
in Hotel Marriot. Katherine, her wife, had flown all the way from London to attend the event as she
was the owner of the company who published Andrew’s book. As Katherine was tired, she didn’t
attend the book launch and decided to rest. Andrew also came back early but found his wife dead in
the washroom with blood around her head. Liam straightaway questioned that if Katherine specially
came to attend the book launch, why was it that she didn’t came to which Andrew responded that
Katherine had a minor heart problem since her childhood and even a little fatigue caused problems to
her health. Liam further questioned that why did Andrew run away from the hotel when the police
wanted to take him to police station for investigation? Andrew responded by stating that he was the
one who called the police and they were instead suspecting him and taunting him as if he was the one
who killed her own wife. He got terrified and thought to run away. Liam further questioned as to why
Andrew killed Roger that night to which Andrew exploded and stated that he didn’t kill Roger. He
started to narrate what exactly happened that night. Andrew narrated that as he was driving very fast
that night, he got in a car crash and had a severe wound on his stomach. When he reached at some
distance on foot, he was unable to move more and was about to faint and hence he decided to ask for
help. He went in the society as it was the closet to make a phone call and ask for help but he didn’t
find any security guards there. He saw some light coming from Roger’s apartment and hence decided
to go there and ask for help. He climbed the staircase slowly as the apartment was on the third floor
and saw that Sarah, wife of Roger, was outside the flat, disposing something in the bin. He pleaded
for help but Sarah refused but after insisting a lot, she allowed him in just to make a phone call.
Andrew explained that when he entered the apartment, he got a strange vibe from the place. Like
Sarah had locked the door of her bedroom from outside, the coffee table in the living was broken and
there was some blood as well on the pieces of broken mirror of table. Sarah brought the phone to
Andrew and just as he is about to dial a doctor, Sarah saw on news that Andrew has just killed his
wife is on a run. Sarah panicked and asked him to leave even though Andrew tried to explain the
problem but she got a knife and pointed it towards Andrew. In the meantime, the doorbell rang and it
was the maid who wanted to come for cleaning as usual but Sarah asked Andrew to stay silent and
had the maid leave.
Liam listened to the account and started to analyse it in his mind but he knew that Andrew was a
writer, a pretty good one so instead of trusting his testimony straight away, he had to talk to Sarah and
know his part of story as well so he left the room and asked his subordinate about any other
information about Andrew. Liam got to know that there was another ongoing case on Andrew. That
case was related to the main lead of her second story book which was a gang-rape victim. Andrew
was alleged to have leaked the name of the girl who was actually raped in order to make his book
famous. This led to the girl committing suicide and the girl’s father filed a case against Andrew.
Next, Liam went in the other room to meet Sarah. After apologising for her loss, Liam asked her to
explain what exactly happened that day. She narrated that she was alone at her apartment as roger
usually returned late at night. The bell rang, she opened the door but saw no-one. When she turned to
close the door, Andrew over-powered here and entered in forcefully. She gets away of Andrews grip
and grabs a knife which she points towards Andrew but he yet again overpowers her and slaps her on
the face. In the meantime, doorbell rang. Andrew stood behind the door and threatened Sarah not to
say anything. It was the maid who Sarah asked to leave. At the same time, Sarah saw the news which
declared Andrew as the killer of her wife Katherine and got terrified. Andrew looked here and there
when Sarah seized the opportunity and ran out of flat but once again was caught by Andrew and
brought in again.
Just as she was narrating the incident, Liam’s subordinate informed that the father of the girl who did
suicide is here as Liam wanted to meet him. Upon meeting him, Liam asked him about Andrew and
why did he file a case against him. He narrated that Andrew came to their place before writing his
book and pleaded them to include their story as it would help other rape victims as well. His daughter
agreed only after Andrew promised that he would keep the identity a secret but just as the book
launched, he leaked the identity just to make the book popular. The girl was depressed and shattered
as she was everywhere in media and hence, she committed suicide.
After listening to the father of the girl and the initial stories of Sarah and Andrew, Detective Liam was
sure that this isn’t a very straight forward case and that in order to solve it in three days, he needs to
evaluate each and every fact carefully. He knew that there were three versions of that night, Andrew’s
version, Sarah’s version and one which was the truth which he had to find as soon as he could.
Next day, Liam went to Andrew’s cell again to know further what happened that night. Andrew
continued that after the maid left, he told Sarah that how he has lost his wife and being framed in the
murder when he is innocent and hasn’t done it. Afterwards, he told that Sarah was quite sympathetic
and was trying to be romantic with Andrew. She brought the first aid kit and cleaned up Andrew’s
wound. After that, he told Andrew that husband was a lawyer who would be home soon and that he
should wait until he comes. In the meantime, Sarah made him a drink which he found very awkward.
When Liam asked Sarah about why did she have drink with a person who broke into her apartment
forcefully as per her account, Sarah stated that though she had a drink but she didn’t have it willingly
but was perhaps forced by Andrew. She told Liam that Andrew was searching for some documents
and when she asked that if she could have some water, he instead forced her to make a drink and then
they both had it. Sarah further continued that she found a torch near the kitchen and she slipped it into
her pocket in a hope that it might be useful for her to call for some help. She asked Andrew whether
she could go to washroom and through the washroom’s window, she tried to flash the torch at the
building’s guard’s quarter but at that time, police was their asking them the questions and hence they
didn’t pay attention to the flash. As her plan didn’t work, she came out of the washroom but as she
moved, she forgot to turn the flash off and it was visible through his pants pocket. Andrew saw it and
was furious and slapped her.
Andrew denied this and said that he didn’t needed to be aggressive because Sarah was very friendly.
He stated the Sarah was in-fact talking to him normally and she was a little over-friendly. They both
were talking about Katherine when Andrew started to realise that something isn’t right in the
apartment. He saw the coffee table which was broken in pieces. When he asked Sarah about it, she
stated that she accidently dropped a vase on it. Sarah went in the kitchen to get some water when he
saw a wallet dropped nearby. He picked it up and on the wallet, Roger name was imprinted. Andrew
asked that when Roger isn’t home, how is his wallet here to which Sarah hesitantly replied that he
must have forgot it over here. Andrew claimed that after seeing the mysterious situation, he thought
something is wrong and in-fact he believed that Roger was already dead and his body was in the room
due to which Sarah had locked the door from outside.
Detective Liam was now starting to get confused in these two completely different versions. He knew
that either Andrew or Sarah are the killer’s but he had to proof it as soon as he could. He called the
security guards of the city housing society to get further insight about what happened that night. There
were two guards on duty. One went at 8pm when the other one came. The one who went at 8pm
informed Liam that Roger came home at about 7:30pm and till 8pm, he didn’t see him leave. The
other said that he had indigestion that day so he was constantly going to washroom but till the time he
was on his duty, he also didn’t saw Roger leave the building.
Liam further asked Sarah that what happened afterwards. She continued that Andrew was choking
him when Roger came home at about 12am. Andrew and Roger had a fight and Andrew threw Roger
on the coffee table causing it to break. They were fighting when Sarah rushed downstairs to call
police and by the time they reached back in the apartment, Roger was already dead. Sarah was crying
while telling the story but Liam was clear that she is lying as Sarah told Liam that Roger came at 12
but guards saw Roger come home at 7:30pm. Liam told Sarah that the guards have told him that
Roger came at 7:30pm to which Sarah was shocked and covered up by that he came to take some
documents and left straight away. Liam was furious as the guard who was at duty till 8pm never saw
Roger go back and he told Sarah that she is in trouble as her account is turning out to be wrong and
that forensics have claimed that Roger died between 8pm and 12am which means that there is a clear
chance that Sarah killed Roger.
Detective Liam gets a call from a person who is the neighbour of Andrew. He states that he has a
recording that can help them get closer to solve the case. The person comes in the police station and
shows the recording. In the recording, it was clearly recorded that Andrew and Katherine were
fighting and arguing and it was just one day before the death of Katherine. Liam thought that maybe
this was a lead he was waiting for.
Liam questioned Andrew about the video clip on which he wasn’t willing to comment. Liam clearly
stated that this clip could be used against him so it’s better if Andrew tells clearly what happened that
night and why were they fighting. Andrew finally opened up and told Liam that they were fighting
because Andrew wanted to cancel the book launch as it was Katherine who leaked the name of the
girl who was raped to get success for the book. She did this because the book was published by her
company and it was really important for her that the launch was successful. Andrew on the other hand
was guilty that the poor girl committed suicide due to her name being leaked when he promised that
her identity would remain anonymous. Andrew requested Liam to not reveal this outside as he loved
his wife and didn’t wanted the media to criticise her after her death.
Liam’s subordinated told him that the forensics have called him. Liam went to the lab and asked the
doctor regarding the killings. Doctor’s informed that Katherine died of a heart attack while Roger died
due to blunt force trauma which was caused when he was attacked with the candle stand on the head.
Forensics experts further stated that Roger died in between 8pm to 12 am that night and that after
seeing the position of wound on Roger’s head, they stated that the killer was 6 feet tall at least. Liam
was clear that who the killer was after this description. Only Andrew was the person who was 6 feet
tall in the apartment and hence it’s inevitable that he is the murderer. Liam charged Andrew for the
murder of Roger and put him in jail while Andrew pleaded that he wasn’t the killer. But one thing was
still left which was bothering Liam, the half burnt photos he found in the bin of Sarah’s apartment.
His team told that they have found the detective who snapped those photographs and that he would be
here anytime.
After an hour or so, the detective arrived. He told that Roger had come to him as he suspected that his
wife had an affair with one of his close friend, Lewis. The detective also brought the copy of those
photographs which introduced a new twist in the case as in those photos, it was visible that Lewis and
Sarah had an intimate affair. The detective told Liam that he had delivered the parcel to Roger himself
who was broken after seeing the photographs. A new sketch of the murder was painted in the mind of
Liam who knew that this case still has some questions which aren’t answered yet.
Liam sent his team to Lewis’s apartment and brought him in the police station for investigation. Liam
showed him the photographs and told him that he was already short on time and only needs to hear the
truth. After seeing the photos, Lewis was hesitant and shocked. Liam asked whether he went to
Sarah’s apartment that night or not. Lewis said he didn’t to which Liam became furious and said that
the forensics have found Lewis’s blood on the broken coffee table’s glass and hence it was inevitable
that Lewis did visit Sarah that night. Lewis knew that he was trapped and had nowhere to go. Lewis
told Liam that he and Sarah were having an affair and that night, he and Sarah were on the sofa in
Sarah’s apartment perhaps in some romantic mood. Just then, Roger came in, quite early than his
usual time. Before he came to the living room, Lewis and Sarah sat properly and pretended to have a
casual conversation but it seemed as if Roger’s mood was already spoiled. He straight away came to
Sarah and handed him envelope in which were the photographs of Lewis and Sarah. Both of them
were embarrassed and when Lewis tried to apologise, Roger threw him on the coffee table and left the
apartment in fury. Sarah told Lewis to leave as well and he left but after sometime, he was worried
about Sarah so he went back to Sarah’s apartment. Sarah opened the door but asked him to leave and
didn’t let him in.
Sarah also narrated the exact same story and told that he didn’t open the door because Andrew was
standing behind the door with a knife in his hand and she had to do it. This case had taken a new turn
as now, Liam was completely confused as to who killed Roger as even Sarah and Lewis had a motive
to kill him. So Liam decided to meet Andrew one final time to know complete version of his story and
solve this puzzle.

Liam goes to the cell to see Andrew and ask him to complete his story. Andrew, heartbroken, says
that he doesn’t want to say anything anymore because he is tired fighting but it seems like everyone
just wants to frame him. Liam understands his feelings and tells him that he is listening and this is his
one last chance to prove innocence. Andrew started his account where he left. He told Liam that after
seeing the wallet and broken coffee table, he wanted to leave the place but Sarah stopped him. Just as
he approached the door, bell rang and a person came in who Sarah introduced as her husband Roger.
They sat on the couch and Sarah took Roger to kitchen to discuss the problem and in the meantime,
Andrew saw a small photo frame on the table and the person standing with Sarah in the frame wasn’t
the one who she introduced right now. This meant something was wrong. He was just processing the
information when suddenly he got hit from back and he fainted. And when he got up, he saw the
actual Roger dead on the floor while police came and arrested him, he was framed.
After hearing both the versions, Liam came to a conclusion. He knew one thing for sure that the
answer to this mystery lied in whether Roger went back after coming home at 7:30pm or not. If he
went back, that meant Andrew killed him while if he didn’t, it simply meant that Sarah and Lewis
killed him but how would he know for sure that whether roger went back or not. Pondering over this,
a thought suddenly crossed his mind. He remembered that his subordinates mentioned that it was
raining that night. This meant that if Roger had come back at 12am, there must be mud on his shoes as
the rain started at 11:00pm that night. Liam rushed to the evidence room to check Roger’s shoes and
when he saw them, they were totally clean without any mud which made it clear that actually, Sarah
and Lewis had killed Roger and tried to frame Andrew in the case. It was a great plan but it went in
vain as Detective Liam once again found the truth.
Sarah and Lewis were thrown in jail for the case of murder. They pleaded that they didn’t kill Roger
but the proofs presented by Detective Liam were quite accurate. Liam personally went to Andrew and
told him that he was free. Liam apologised for the inconvenience caused and allowed him to go.

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