01 Problem Set 3 FS2021

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Republic of the Philippines

Central Philippines State University

Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental 6111
Website: www.cpsu.edu.ph
E-mail add: nsca_kabcity@yahoo.com.ph or cpsu_main@cpsu.edu.ph
Contact No.: 09173015565 (Mobile); (034) 702-9903 (Landline)

Name: ____________________________________ Campus: _____________ Score: __________

PROBLEM SET #3 (Due on May 14, 2021)

A. Comparing Coke and Pepsi. Find the mean, median and mode of the weight in pounds of samples
of the contents in cans of regular coke and regular pepsi:

Coke: 0.8192 0.8150 0.8163 0.8211 0.8181 0.8247

Pepsi: 0.8258 0.8156 0.8211 0.8170 0.8216 0.8302

B. Make up three data sets with 5 numbers each that have:

Case i. the same mean but different standard deviations.
Case ii. the same mean but different medians.
Case iii. the same median but different means.

C. Customer Waiting Time. Find the range, variance and standard deviation for each of the samples
below, then compare the two sets of results. The data below presents the waiting times of customers at the
Producers Valley Bank (where all customers enter a single waiting line) and the Bank of Providence (where
customers wait in individual lines at three different teller windows):

Jefferson Valley: 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.1 7.3 7.4 7.7 7.7 7.7
Providence : 4.2 5.4 5.8 6.2 6.7 7.7 7.7 8.5 9.3 10.0

D. Comparing Scores. Interpreting z-scores. Express all z scores with two decimal places. Consider
a value to be unusual if its z-score is less than -2.00 or greater than 2.00.

Three students take equivalent tests of a sense of humor and, after the laughter dies down, their
scores are calculated. Which is the highest relative score from the three given results? Interpret the results.
Draw a diagram of the z-scores in the normal curve.
a. A score of 144 on a test with a mean of 128 and a standard deviation of 18.
b. A score of 90 on a test with a mean of 86 and a standard deviation of 34.
c. A score of 18 on a test with a mean of 15 and a standard deviation of 5.

E. Discarded Plastic and Household Size: The paired data below consist of the weight in kilograms
of discarded plastic and sizes of households. Use the measures of variation to compare the two data sets.
Interpret your results in your own words.

Plastic 0.27 1.41 2.19 2.83 2.19 1.81 0.85 3.05

Household Size 2 3 3 6 4 2 1 5

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental 6111
Website: www.cpsu.edu.ph
E-mail add: nsca_kabcity@yahoo.com.ph or cpsu_main@cpsu.edu.ph
Contact No.: 09173015565 (Mobile); (034) 702-9903 (Landline)

F. Interpreting a z-Score.

a. Heights of women have a mean of 63.6 in. and a standard deviation of 2.5 in. Elena has a height described
by z = -1.25. What is her height in inches? Show the scores in the normal curve.

b. Six months after a divorce, the former wife and husband each take a test that measures divorce
adjustment. The wife’s score is 63, and the husband’s score is 59. Overall, the mean score for divorced
women on this test is 60 (SD = 6), the mean score for divorced men is 55 (SD = 4). Which of the two has
adjusted better to the divorce in relation to other divorced people of the same gender? Reflect the scores in
the normal curve.

G. The following are the results of the recent physical fitness, particularly in the 100 meter sprint of the
four divisions.
District Mean (in seconds) Standard Deviation (in seconds)
I 10.8 1.7
II 17.1 1.3
III 13.5 0.9
IV 17.1 1.7

a. How would you identify which division performed best? Show your complete solution.

b. Which division has the most heterogeneous students in terms of their performance in physical fitness?
Show your complete solution.

H. Try Me. From the cafeteria, obtain 18 straws. Cut 6 of them in half, cut 6 of them in quarters and
leave the other 6 as they are. There should now be 42 straws of different lengths. Put them in a bag, mix
them up, then select one straw, find its length, then replace it. Repeat this until 20 straws have been
selected. Important: Select the straws without looking into the bag, and select the first straw that is touched.
Find the average (mean) length of the sample of 20 straws. Now remove all the straws and find the mean
length of the population. Did the sample provide an average that was close to the true population? Why or
why not? Make your reflection out of this activity. Record and document properly this experiment.

Republic of the Philippines
Central Philippines State University
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental 6111
Website: www.cpsu.edu.ph
E-mail add: nsca_kabcity@yahoo.com.ph or cpsu_main@cpsu.edu.ph
Contact No.: 09173015565 (Mobile); (034) 702-9903 (Landline)

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