What New Information Did I Learn From This Activity? Discuss

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1. What new information did I learn from this activity? Discuss.

In this week's topic entitled "Communication Using Tools of Technology", I was able
to learn how to evaluate presentations, identify communication aids and strategies using
the tools of technology, and convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and web-based
online presentations. According to this topic, Microsoft PowerPoint and other web-based
presentations are among the most popular tools in today's generation. These tools can
help communicators, whether amateur or professional to attract listeners and boost their
understanding and appreciation of the content they are communicating. Aside from that,
we also discuss several ways to make a good presentation using the Microsoft
PowerPoint application. We also identify different Web-based or online presentations
like Empressr, Slideshare, Prezi, Sliderocket, Zohoshow, and Zentation, which could
help us to present our presentation in the most creative and efficient way. And the most
significant lesson that we discussed in this topic was the general guidelines for creating
an effective presentation. Through those guidelines, we were able to follow certain rules
that we may apply to our presentation to make it presentable and creative. This learning
that we learn from this topic could help us to become effective
communicators/presenters if we're given some tasks that we could apply this knowledge
like reporting, etc.

2. What did I not understand from or in this lesson? Explain

I don't have a lot of questions on this topic since we already discussed most of it
way back in high school. As a former media arts student, I am very familiar with this
kind of topic since mastering Microsoft offices like PowerPoint was part of our
curriculum when I was in junior high. But despite my prior knowledge of this topic,
still, learning this thing is relevant for me as a college student. There were still some
concepts from this topic that I hadn't encountered in high school, which is why I'm
glad we were able to discuss it. Our teacher also provides us with a range of
interesting and valuable learning resources, which makes this session enjoyable for
me to study. Apart from that, our synchronous class this week was really useful
since both of us and our instructor was exchanging ideas on the subject, making our
lesson both informative and exciting. The only conflict that I found towards
discussing this topic is we weren't able to discuss briefly on how to use several
online presentations like Empressr, Slideshare, Prezi, Sliderocket, Zohoshow, and
Zentation. Although I understand that our time in our asynchronous class is limited, it
still saddens me since I know that these applications could be really useful in the
3. Cite anything from the lesson which can be useful to you now or in the future. Why will
it be useful to you? Explain.

Discovering several techniques on being an effective

communicator/presenter is the thing that I cite from this topic that can be
useful for me today or in the future. In this topic, we'll talk about how
important it is to be prepared before giving a presentation.
Preparation is the most important part of making a successful presentation.
It is a crucial foundation, and we should dedicate a lot of time to it, to avoid
mistakes or regrets. Good preparation will ensure that we have thought
carefully about the messages that we want to communicate in our
presentation and it will also help boost our confidence. There are several
aspects that we need to consider when preparing a presentation. They
include our communication skills, etiquette, target audience, visual aids,
proper clothing and appearance, the venue or place, the time of day, and
the duration of the presentation. All of these will significantly affect our
presentation, as well as the visual aids like the PowerPoint that we use in
this specific presentation. That's why being prepared is one of the
techniques that I learned from this topic that could help me to become an
effective communicator. We can apply the knowledge we obtain from this
topic not only in school but also in our future careers, particularly if we are
expected to present something at work or in job interviews, as strong
communication and presentation skills are important in both situations.

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