Naveena Biblio &annexure

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Book References:

 Kothari, C R., Research Methodology, Methods Techniques, Willey

Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, 1981.

 Philip Kotler,”Marketing Marketing” Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd.,

New Delhi, 13th Edition, March 2009.

 Sharma, D.D. “Marketing Research “, Sultan Chand &Sons, New

delhi,2nd Edition, 1998.

 Dr, Gupta, C.B Dr, Rajan Nair , N “Marketing Management” Sultan

Chand & Sons,3rd Edition,1998.

 Beri, G,C :marketing Research”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co

Ltd.., New Delhi, 3rd Edition 2001.
 Gupta S.P. “Statistical Methods “, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
– 2008.
 Memorial C.B and Satish memoria, “Marketing Management
"Ketab mahal , Delhi 2015.


A study on the women customers satisfaction level on the
Honda Scooters with reference to Perundurai


1. Name:

2. Age group:
a) 18 -25 years c) 36 -45 years
b) 26- 35 years d) Above 45 years

3. Marital Status:
a) Married
b) Unmarried

4. Education Qualification:
a) Illiterate c) College level
b) School level d) Professionals

5. Occupation:
a) Private employee c) Self employee
b) Government employee d)Others

6. Monthly income:
a) Below Rs.25,000 c) Rs.30,000 - Rs.35,000
b) Rs.25,000 - Rs.30,000 d) Above Rs.35,000

7. Locality:
a) Rural
b) Urban
c) Semi urban
8. How did you come to know about Honda?
a) Friend c) Media
b) Family d)Advertisement

9. Which model Honda Scooter do you prefer?

a) Activa
b) Dio
c) Grazia
10. What is your opinion about Honda Scooter when compared to other Scooters?
a) Look and Style
b) Power
c) Break

11. Why most of the people prefer Honda Scooters?

a) Speed
b) Comfort
c) Mileage

12. In Honda which Scooters give more Mileage.

a) Activa
b) Dio
c) Grazia

13. After buying Honda Scooter, what do you feel about Honda Service?
a) Excellent c) Good
b) Very good d) Poor

14. How you feel about the mileage in Honda Scooter?

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
15. Which color of Honda Scooty will you prefer the most?
a) White c) Black
b) Blue d) Grey

16. What kind of payment method will you prefer for the purchase of Honda Scooty?
a) Bank loan
b) Full payment
c) EMI

17. What do you think about the lock speciality?

a) Very good c) Good
b) Excellent d) Poor

18. What do you think about the after sale services provided by the Honda showroom?
a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Poor

19. Rank the best features in Honda Scooter.

S.NO Features Rank

1 Design

2 Riding Comfort

3 Pickup

4 Power

5 Weightless

20. Suggestion if any:

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