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Biography about the

Peter F. Drucker.

Peter Ferdinand Drucker, (born November 19,

1909, Vienna, Austria—died November 11,
2005, Claremont, California, U.S.), Austrian-born
American management consultant, educator, and author, whose
writings contributed to the philosophical and practical
foundations of the modern business corporation. He was also a
leader in the development of management education, and he
invented the concept known as management by objectives.

Drucker, who received a doctoral degree in international and

public law at the University of Frankfurt (1931), worked as a
journalist in Germany but fled to England when Adolf Hitler rose
to power in 1933. He remained in England until 1937, when he
moved to the United States to work as an adviser to British banks
and as a foreign correspondent for several British newspapers;
he became a U.S. citizen in 1943. Drucker later taught at New
York University (1950–71) and at Claremont Graduate University

Although Drucker was known to shun the term consultant, it was

through consulting that he wielded the greatest influence,
starting with his 1943 invitation to analyze the organizational
structure of the General Motors Corporation. The resulting
book, Concept of the Corporation, offered the first
complete assessment of a large corporation as a social institution.
Drucker later served as a consultant to a number of corporations,
organizations, and governments.

Some observers divide Drucker’s numerous books and articles

into four categories. His early works—such as The End of
Economic Man (1939) and The New Society (1950)—discuss the
nature of industrial society. A second line of books—
including Concept of the Corporation (1946) and The Practice of
Management (1954)—explains general ideas about modern
business management. A third body of work—
including America’s Next Twenty Years (1957) and Technology,
Management and Society (1970)—offers speculation on the
future impact of such developments as technological change.
Finally, there are writings that address questions of practical
corporate management, notably Managing in Turbulent
Times (1980) and the essay collection The Changing World of the
Executive (1982). He vitalized the concept of
the entrepreneur with Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985).
Drucker also wrote two novels. In 1990 the Peter F. Drucker
Foundation for Nonprofit Management (renamed the Leader to
Leader Institute in 2003) was established in his honour.

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