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Chlorophyll Fluorescence:
A Probe of Photosynthesis
In Vivo
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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

Neil R. Baker
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, CO4 3SQ,
United Kingdom; email:

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008. 59:89–113 Key Words

The Annual Review of Plant Biology is online at carbon dioxide assimilation, electron transport, imaging,
metabolism, photosystem II photochemistry, stomata
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev.arplant.59.032607.092759 Abstract
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. The use of chlorophyll fluorescence to monitor photosynthetic per-
All rights reserved
formance in algae and plants is now widespread. This review exam-
1543-5008/08/0602-0089$20.00 ines how fluorescence parameters can be used to evaluate changes
in photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry, linear electron flux, and
CO2 assimilation in vivo, and outlines the theoretical bases for the
use of specific fluorescence parameters. Although fluorescence pa-
rameters can be measured easily, many potential problems may arise
when they are applied to predict changes in photosynthetic perfor-
mance. In particular, consideration is given to problems associated
with accurate estimation of the PSII operating efficiency measured
by fluorescence and its relationship with the rates of linear electron
flux and CO2 assimilation. The roles of photochemical and non-
photochemical quenching in the determination of changes in PSII
operating efficiency are examined. Finally, applications of fluores-
cence imaging to studies of photosynthetic heterogeneity and the
rapid screening of large numbers of plants for perturbations in pho-
tosynthesis and associated metabolism are considered.

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

cence changes in vivo are complex and cor-

Contents rect interpretation of changes in fluorescence
parameters can often be difficult. Considera-
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
tion is given to some problems associated with
BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
the measurement of these parameters and the
assumptions made when using these param-
PHOTOCHEMISTRY . . . . . . . . . . 91
eters to evaluate changes in photosynthetic
Dark-Adapted State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Light-Adapted State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Following the observation by Kautsky &
Hirsch (55) that changes in fluorescence in-
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duced by illumination of dark-adapted leaves
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from


are qualitatively correlated with changes in
CO2 assimilation, it became evident that un-
der some circumstances fluorescence emis-
Photochemical Quenching . . . . . . . . 99
sions in photosynthetic organisms could be
Nonphotochemical Quenching. . . . 101
correlated to their photosynthetic rates (54,
56, 77). Butler (21) developed a simple model
FLUORESCENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
for photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry in
which photochemistry competes with the pro-
cesses of fluorescence and heat loss for excita-
tion energy in the pigment antenna of PSII
INTRODUCTION (Figure 1). This model followed from the
Heat loss: occurs
The use of chlorophyll a fluorescence mea- proposal that electron transfer from the re-
when excitation
energy within surements to examine photosynthetic perfor- action center chlorophyll of PSII (P680) to
pigments is lost as mance and stress in algae and plants is now the primary quinone acceptor of PSII (QA )
heat; often termed widespread in physiological and ecophysio- quenches fluorescence (28), a process termed
nonradiative decay logical studies. This has come about owing photochemical quenching. Increases in the
or thermal
to the development of a sound understanding rate of heat loss result in nonphotochemical
of the relationships between fluorescence pa- quenching of fluorescence. The model pre-
Excitation energy:
rameters and photosynthetic electron trans- dicts that PSII fluorescence emission could
energy within a
pigment molecule port in vivo and the commercial availability of be used to monitor changes in photochem-
after a photon is a range of affordable, easy to use portable flu- istry, provided that the rate constants for flu-
absorbed and orimeters. Fluorescence can be a very power- orescence and heat loss do not change (21).
generates an excited ful tool to study photosynthetic performance, However, it is now well established that large
state of the molecule
especially when coupled with other noninva- changes can occur in the rate constant for heat
QA : primary sive measurements such as absorption spec- loss from the PSII antenna (61, 65). Con-
quinone electron
troscopy, gas analyses, and infrared thermom- sequently, to estimate PSII photochemistry
acceptor of PSII
etry. This review examines how some key from fluorescence, it is essential to determine
fluorescence parameters can be used to as- the fluorescence quenching that results from
quenching: results
from using excitation sess photosynthetic performance in vivo and both photochemical and nonphotochemical
energy within to identify possible causes of changes in pho- processes.
photosystem II tosynthesis and plant performance; it is aimed Separation of fluorescence quenching into
(PSII) to drive at plant biologists who seek to use fluores- photochemical and nonphotochemical com-
electron transport
cence as a tool in their research. However, ponents was first achieved by the addition
from P680 to QA
the underlying theoretical bases of fluores- of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea

90 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

(DCMU) to intact chloroplasts and Chlorella Light

cells at points throughout the fluorescence
induction curve (64, 66). DCMU inhibits
electron transfer from QA to the secondary
quinone acceptor of PSII (QB ), which results
in a rapid reduction of QA and an increase
Photosystem II
in fluorescence as photochemical quenching
is prevented. A slower increase in fluores-
cence follows, which is associated with the
decay of nonphotochemical quenching. Un- Photochemistry
fortunately, this DCMU technique is not suit- e–
P680 QA
able for analyzing fluorescence quenching in
leaves owing to the slow and uneven pen-
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etration of DCMU into leaf tissues. Also,

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Chlorophyll Heat
the irreversibility of the DCMU inhibition fluorescence
of electron transport makes the technique
Figure 1
unsuitable for continuous measurements on
Simple model of the possible fate of light energy absorbed by photosystem
individual leaves. However, maximal QA re- II (PSII). Light energy absorbed by chlorophylls associated with PSII can
duction in leaves in the light can be achieved be used to drive photochemistry in which an electron (e− ) is transferred
by rapidly exposing leaves to a very large in- from the reaction center chlorophyll, P680, to the primary quinone
crease in light (17). This light-addition tech- acceptor of PSII, QA . Alternatively, absorbed light energy can be lost from
PSII as chlorophyll fluorescence or heat. The processes of photochemistry,
nique is used to quantitatively determine the
chlorophyll fluorescence, and heat loss are in direct competition for
fraction of fluorescence quenching that is excitation energy. If the rate of one process increases the rates of the other
attributable to photochemical and nonphoto- two will decrease.
chemical quenching processes (18). The de-
lated to the quantum yield of CO2 assimilation
velopment of fluorimeters that use weak mod-
by the leaf, φ CO2 (37), thus allowing, under
ulated measuring beams in which phase and
certain conditions, the application of fluores- Nonphotochemical
frequency decoding are used to detect fluo- quenching: occurs
cence measurements to provide a rapid, non-
rescence yield changes enabled the routine, when there is an
destructive probe of CO2 assimilation. A list
nondestructive, quantitative determination of increase in the rate at
of the fluorescence parameters used in this re- which excitation
photochemical and nonphotochemical pro-
view, their definitions, and comments on their energy within
cesses in leaves by the application of a brief
physiological relevance are given in Table 1. photosystem II is lost
(less than 1 s) saturating flash of light suffi- as heat
ciently intense as to maximally reduce the QA
Quantum yield
pool in the sample (26, 102). The value of the PHOTOSYSTEM II
modulated technique is that it provides a con- PHOTOCHEMISTRY efficiency) of a
tinuous measure of the relative quantum yield process: number of
of fluorescence (101). This technique was used
Dark-Adapted State molecules
to demonstrate that the quantum yield of PSII When a leaf is kept in the dark, QA becomes undergoing the
process divided by
photochemistry of a leaf at a given actinic maximally oxidized and the PSII reaction cen- the number of
light intensity can be estimated from the mod- ters are referred to as being ‘open’, i.e., capa- photons absorbed by
ulated fluorescence yield prior to the appli- ble of performing photochemical reduction of the system
cation of the saturating flash and the maxi- QA . Exposure of a dark-adapted leaf to a weak Actinic light: light
mum modulated fluorescence yield during the modulated measuring beam [photosyntheti- that is absorbed by
flash (37). In the absence of photorespiration, cally active photon flux density (PPFD) of ca. the photosynthetic
which competes with CO2 assimilation for the 0.1 μmol m−2 s−1 ] results in the minimal level apparatus and will
drive electron
products of electron transport, the quantum of fluorescence, Fo (Figure 2). The intensity transport
yield of PSII photochemistry is directly re- of the measuring beam must be nonactinic • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 91

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

Table 1 Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters frequently used in studies of photosystem II photochemistry

Parameter Definition Physiological relevance
F, F  Fluorescence emission from dark- or Provides little information on photosynthetic performance
light-adapted leaf, respectively. because these parameters are influenced by many factors. F  is
sometimes referred to as Fs  when at steady state
F o , Fo  Minimal fluorescence from dark- and Level of fluorescence when QA is maximally oxidized (PSII centers
light-adapted leaf, respectively open)
F m , Fm  Maximal fluorescence from dark- and Level of fluorescence when QA is maximally reduced (PSII centers
light-adapted leaf, respectively closed)
F v , Fv  Variable fluorescence from dark- and Demonstrates the ability of PSII to perform photochemistry
light-adapted leaves, respectively (QA reduction)
Fq  Difference in fluorescence between Fm  Photochemical quenching of fluorescence by open PSII centers.
and F 
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Fv /Fm Maximum quantum efficiency of PSII Maximum efficiency at which light absorbed by PSII is used for
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

photochemistry reduction of QA .
Fq  /Fm  PSII operating efficiency Estimates the efficiency at which light absorbed by PSII is used for
QA reduction. At a given photosynthetically active photon flux
density (PPFD) this parameter provides an estimate of the
quantum yield of linear electron flux through PSII. This
parameter has previously been termed F/Fm  and φ PSII in the
Fv  /Fm  PSII maximum efficiency Provides an estimate of the maximum efficiency of PSII
photochemistry at a given PPFD, which is the PSII operating
efficiency if all the PSII centers were ‘open’ (QA oxidized).
Fq  /Fv  PSII efficiency factor Relates the PSII maximum efficiency to the PSII operating
efficiency. Nonlinearly related to the proportion of PSII centers
that are ‘open’ (QA oxidized). Mathematically identical to the
coefficient of photochemical quenching, qP .
NPQ Nonphotochemical quenching Estimates the nonphotochemical quenching from Fm to Fm  .
Monitors the apparent rate constant for heat loss from PSII.
Calculated from (Fm /Fm  ) – 1.
qE Energy-dependent quenching Associated with light-induced proton transport into the thylakoid
lumen. Regulates the rate of excitation of PSII reaction centers.
qI Photoinhibitory quenching Results from photoinhibition of PSII photochemistry.
qL Fraction of PSII centers that are ‘open’ Estimates the fraction of ‘open’ PSII centers (with QA oxidized) on
the basis of a lake model for the PSII photosynthetic apparatus.
Given by (Fq  /Fv  )(Fo  /F  )
qT Quenching associated with a state transition Results from phosphorylation of light-harvesting complexes
associated with PSII
φF Quantum yield of fluorescence Number of fluorescent events for each photon absorbed

to ensure that QA remains maximally oxi- of Fo . In some leaves (32) and algae (10) sig-
dized. If the period used for dark adaptation nificant accumulation of reduced QA can oc-
is not long enough QA may not become max- cur in the dark owing to nonphotochemical
PPFD: imally oxidized. Then a pulse of weak far-red reduction of plastoquinone by chlororespira-
active photon flux
light, which preferentially excites photosys- tion; the reduced plastoquinone must be re-
density tem I (PSI) and removes electrons from QA , oxidized by a pulse of weak red light before
should be applied prior to the measurements measurement of Fo . If after reaching Fo the

92 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

Fm Measuring light alone

Fp Saturating pulse, PS II closed
Actinic light, PS II partially closed
Far-red PS I light, PS II open
Variable fluorescence
Quenched fluorescence


Fv' Fq'
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0 10 20 30
Time (min)

685 µmol photons m–2 s–1

0.1 µmol photons m–2 s–1 0.1 µmol photons m–2 s–1

Figure 2
Fluorescence quenching analysis using modulated fluorescence. A dark-adapted leaf is exposed to various
light treatments. The parameters denoted with a prime ( ) are from the leaf exposed to actinic light. The
parameters without a prime are obtained from the leaf in the dark-adapted state. The different colors of
the trace denote different light treatments. White: weak measuring light alone (0.1 μmol photons
m−2 s−1 ) that gives Fo . An important feature of this measuring beam is that its intensity must be low
enough so it does not drive significant PSII photochemistry. Yellow: saturating light pulse (≤1 s duration,
>6000 μmol photons m−2 s−1 ) that gives Fm in darkness and Fm  in light. Blue: actinic light (685 μmol
photons m−2 s−1 ) that drives photosynthesis and gives F  . Red: far-red light (30 μmol photons m−2 s−1
at 720–730 nm for 4 s) that excites photosystem I (PSI) preferentially, and thus oxidizes the
plastoquinone and QA pools associated with PSII and gives Fo . Orange: variable fluorescence calculated
as Fv = Fm – Fo from the dark-adapted leaf and Fv  = Fm  – Fo  from the illuminated leaf. Green:
fluorescence that is quenched from Fm  to F  by PSII photochemistry in the illuminated leaf, calculated
as Fq  = Fm  – F  . All parameters, except Fq  , Fv , and Fv  , are measured from the baseline. Figure
reproduced from Reference 8, with permission.

leaf is now exposed to a short actinic pulse of to estimate the maximum quantum yield of
high PPFD (typically less than 1 s at several QA reduction, i.e., PSII photochemistry, from Open center:
photosystem II
thousand μmol m−2 s−1 ), QA will be maxi- the simple model of Butler (21). The fluores-
(PSII) reaction
mally reduced and the maximal fluorescence cence emission from a leaf, F, is defined by center in which the
level, Fm , is observed (Figure 1). PSII re- I.Aleaf .fractionPSII .φ F , where I is the incident primary quinone
action centers with reduced QA are referred PPFD on the leaf, Aleaf is the proportion of acceptor of PSII,
to as being ‘closed’. The difference between incident PPFD that is absorbed by the leaf, QA , is oxidized and
capable of
Fm and Fo is defined as the variable fluores- fractionPSII is the fraction of absorbed PPFD
cence, Fv . The ratio of Fv /Fm can be used that is received by PSII and φ F is the quantum • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 93

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

yield of fluorescence. φ F is defined by kF / in decreases in Fv /Fm (1, 2). However,

(kF + kH + kP P), where kF , kH , and kP are identification of the intrinsic causes of such
the rate constants for the decay of excitation decreases can often be difficult. In many stress
Closed center:
PSII reaction center energy in PSII by fluorescence, heat loss, and situations increases in nonphotochemical
in which QA is photochemistry, respectively, and P is the frac- quenching can often be accompanied by
reduced and unable tion of PSII reaction centers that are open. At photoinactivation of PSII reaction centers,
to perform Fo , PSII reaction centers are maximally open, which then dissipate excitation energy as
P = 1, and the fluorescence quantum yield, heat rather than as photochemistry (79).
I: PPFD incident on φ Fo , is given by kF /(kF + kH + kP ). At Fm , the Photoinactivation can lead to oxidative
the leaf
PSII reaction centers are maximally closed, damage and loss of PSII reaction centers (4),
Aleaf : proportion of P = 0, and photochemistry cannot occur, thus both of which are associated with an increase
incident PPFD on
kP P = 0 and the fluorescence quantum yield, in Fo (19, 90). However, caution must be
the leaf that is
φ Fm , is given by kF /(kF + kH ). Thus, φ Fv /φ Fm exercised when attempting to interpret the
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absorbed by the leaf

is given by (φ Fm – φ Fo )/φ Fm = kP /(kF + kH + significance of decreases in Fm or increases in
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

fractionPSII : fraction
of absorbed PPFD kP ), which shows that this ratio estimates the Fo that occur as a result of a stress treatments.
that is received by maximum quantum yield of PSII photochem- These fluorescence levels are determined
PSII istry. Assuming that I, Aleaf , and fractionPSII are both by the physicochemical properties of
constant for measurements of Fo and Fm , then PSII and the optical properties of the leaf.
Fv /Fm can be used to estimate the maximum Unfortunately, during many stress treat-
quantum yield of PSII photochemistry. This ments, especially when changes in leaf water
simple model requires a number of other as- status occur, the optical properties of the
sumptions that are not necessarily correct for leaf can change markedly and modify Aleaf .
all situations (15). For example, fluorescence Changes in fractionPSII can occur owing to
at both Fo and Fm is assumed to be emitted changes in thylakoid membrane structure and
from a homogeneous system where all the ex- organization. Such modifications will result
cited states of the chlorophylls are the same. in changes in Fo and Fm that are independent
Clearly this is generally not the case; conse- of changes in φ Fo and φ Fm . In such situations,
quently, Fv /Fm should not be considered to absolute changes in Fo and Fm cannot be
provide a rigorous quantitative value of the used with confidence to indicate loss of PSII
quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (15). reaction centers or increases in nonphoto-
However, Fv /Fm does provide a very useful rel- chemical quenching. However, when ratios
ative measure of the maximum quantum yield of fluorescence parameters, such as Fv /Fm ,
of PSII primary photochemistry; Fv /Fm values are considered, the influence of changes in
for nonstressed leaves are remarkably consis- Aleaf and fractionPSII are canceled out and
tent at ca. 0.83 (14). changes in the ratio are indicative of changes
When plants are exposed to abiotic in the ratio of quantum yields of the two
and biotic stresses in the light, decreases parameters; for example Fv /Fm is defined by
in Fv /Fm are frequently observed. This is (I.Aleaf .fractionPSII .φ Fv )/(I.Aleaf .fractionPSII .φ Fm )
such a widespread phenomenon that Fv /Fm = (φ Fv /φ Fm ).
measurements provide a simple and rapid In many ecophysiological studies it is sug-
way of monitoring stress. Unfortunately, the gested that stress-induced decreases in Fv /Fm
reasons for stress-induced decreases in Fv /Fm imply that the photosynthetic efficiency of the
are often complex. Stressing photosynthetic leaves under ambient light conditions is com-
tissues in the light can result in increases promised. This is not necessarily the case, be-
in nonphotochemical quenching processes, cause the quantum yield of PSII photochem-
which decrease Fm . Such quenching may istry under ambient light may be considerably
not recover during a short period of dark below the observed Fv /Fm value, which esti-
adaptation, or even overnight, and results mates the maximum quantum yield of PSII

94 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

photochemistry, not the yield at which PSII istry all the measured fluorescence is assumed
is operating under the ambient light (see be- to originate from PSII. Although this is true
low). The maximum quantum yield of PSII for variable fluorescence, it is not the case for
LEF: linear electron
photochemistry is only achieved at very low Fo if fluorescence is monitored at wavelengths flux
ambient light levels. above 700 nm (70, 85). PSI is generally as-
sumed to make a negligible contribution to
fluorescence at wavelengths below 700 nm.
Light-Adapted State Unfortunately, most commercial instruments
A leaf in continuous actinic light has a flu- measure a significant amount of fluorescence
orescence level termed F  , which rises to the at wavelengths above 700 nm. The PSI con-
maximal fluorescence level, Fm  , when the leaf tribution to Fo at wavelengths above 700 nm
is exposed to a brief saturating light pulse that has been estimated at ca. 30% and 50% for
maximally reduces QA (Figure 2). A prime C3 and C4 leaves, respectively (41, 97). Con-
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notation ( ) used after a fluorescence param- sequently, decreases in Fq  /Fm  will occur and
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

eter indicates that the sample is exposed to therefore give estimates of PSII operating ef-
light that will drive photosynthesis, i.e., ac- ficiency that are lower than the true values. As
tinic light. The difference between Fm  and PPFD increases Fq  /Fm  decreases (Figure 3),
F  is designated Fq  and results from quench- but PSI fluorescence yield remains reasonably
ing of Fm  by PSII photochemistry. The ra- constant (25), thus the PSI contributions that
tio Fq  /Fm  is theoretically proportional to the result in depression of Fq  /Fm  and the con-
quantum yield of PSII photochemistry prior sequent errors that lead to underestimation
to application of the saturating light pulse of PSII operating efficiency become propor-
(37). Genty and coworkers empirically con- tionally greater. Measurement of fluorescence
firmed this theory from mass spectromet- at wavelengths below 700 nm minimizes such
ric measurements of oxygen evolution (38). errors by markedly reducing the PSI contri-
For leaves exposed to actinic light the quan- bution to the signals (41, 97). However, mea-
tum yield of PSII photochemistry is equiva- surements at these shorter wavelengths result
lent to the quantum yield of linear electron in an increase in the contribution of fluores-
flux (LEF) through PSII reaction centers, and cence from the upper regions of the leaf be-
hereafter is referred to as the PSII operating cause the probability of reabsorption of emis-
efficiency. Measurements of Fq  /Fm  provide a sions at the shorter wavelengths is greater than
rapid method to determine the PSII operat- for emissions above 700 nm (71).
ing efficiency under different light and other Another error can arise in estimations of
environmental conditions; Fq  /Fm  has previ- Fq  /Fm  via the use of saturating light pulses
ously been termed F/Fm  and φ PSII in the that induce multiple turnovers of PSII reac-
literature. tion centers, as is the case with most commer-
There are a number of potential sources cial instruments. Such saturating pulses can
of error associated with measurements of result not only in the reduction of QA , but also
Fq  /Fm  , which can be important when eval- in the reduction of plastoquinone to plasto-
uating changes in PSII operating efficiency. quinol. Plastoquinone, but not plastoquinol,
These sources of error can also be a problem is a quencher of chlorophyll fluorescence. A
when measuring dark-adapted Fv /Fm . The re- decrease in plastoquinone during the applica-
lationship between Fq  /Fm  and the true quan- tion of the saturating light pulse will result in a
tum yield of PSII photochemistry can be af- decrease in quenching and an overestimation
fected if PSI contributes significantly to the of Fm  that can be as large as 20% (62, 105).
measurements of the fluorescence parameters Such errors are significant only in leaves with
(41, 57, 97). When using Fq  /Fm  to deter- high plastoquinone/plastoquinol ratios prior
mine the quantum yield of PSII photochem- to application of the saturating light pulse, • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 95

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

NPQ 2.0


Fq'/Fm', Fq'/Fv', Fv'/Fm', qL 1.5


Fv'/Fm' 1.0
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0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

PPFD (µmol m–2 s–1)

Figure 3
The responses of photosystem II (PSII) operating efficiency (Fq  /Fm  ), maximum PSII quantum
efficiency (Fv  /Fm  ), the fraction of the maximum PSII efficiency that is realized in the light (Fq  /Fv  ), the
fraction of PSII reaction centers that are open (qL ), and nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) in a tobacco
leaf to increasing photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD). The leaf was kept in an
atmosphere containing 100 μmol mol−1 CO2 and 2% O2 to reduce CO2 assimilation and eliminate
photorespiration, respectively. Data taken from Reference 63 with permission.

which is the case at very low light levels, and usual pigment or plastoquinone contents and
even then overestimates of Fq  /Fm  will be less caution should be exercised in such situations.
than 10% (6).
Fortunately, errors in the measurement of
Fq  /Fm  due to PSI fluorescence and plasto- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN
quinone quenching are small in many cases. PHOTOSYSTEM II OPERATING
The frequently observed linear relationship EFFICIENCY, LINEAR
between Fq  /Fm  and the quantum yield of ELECTRON FLUX, AND
CO2 assimilation with increasing light in CO2 ASSIMILATION
leaves from a wide range of species in which The operation of linear electron flux (LEF)
photorespiration was absent or suppressed from water through PSII and PSI to elec-
(e.g., 23, 24, 27, 29, 37, 39, 40, 51, 58, 59, 60) tron acceptors requires similar electron fluxes
matches what is theoretically predicted (see through the reaction centers of both PSII and
below). Also, the yield of oxygen evolution PSI. When the quantum yield of PSI pho-
from PSII determined by mass spectrometry tochemistry and PSII operating efficiency are
is linearly related to Fq  /Fm  (38). If large er- measured simultaneously over a range of light
rors in the measurement of Fq  /Fm  existed, intensities, linear relationships between the
then such linear relationships would not be two parameters are observed frequently (34,
observed. However, it is possible that errors 35, 39, 43, 44, 45, 57). In mature C4 leaves,
could be more significant in leaves with un- where CO2 assimilation is the main sink for

96 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

the products of LEF (i.e., ATP and NADPH) ify not only Aleaf but also fractionPSII ; this is
(29), the PSII operating efficiency should be often the case when leaves experience envi-
directly related to the quantum yield of CO2 ronmental stresses during development. Un-
ETR: electron
assimilation, φ CO2 (37). Such linear relation- fortunately, commercial modulated fluorom- transport rate
ships between the PSII operating efficiency eters automatically calculate values of ETR by through
and φ CO2 have been observed over a range assuming that leaves have values of Aleaf and photosystem II
of light intensities (37, 58, 59, 60, 103), over fractionPSII of 0.84 and 0.5, respectively, often
a range of atmospheric CO2 concentrations leading to substantial errors in calculations of
(37, 103), and during induction of photosyn- ETR. ETR values calculated by such instru-
thesis when dark-adapted leaves are exposed ments should not be used unless the assumed
to actinic light (37). When photorespiration values of Aleaf and fractionPSII have been vali-
is inhibited in mature C3 leaves by reduc- dated for the leaves being measured. In cases
tion of the atmospheric oxygen from 21% to where such validations have not been made,
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2% and CO2 assimilation is the only major changes in Fq  /Fm  should be used only to de-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

sink for ATP and NADPH, a linear relation- termine changes in the relative quantum yield
ship is also observed between PSII operating of LEF and not used to estimate differences
efficiency and φ CO2 (23, 24, 27, 39, 40, 51). in ETR.
These observations demonstrate that PSII op- If the allocation of the ATP and electrons
erating efficiency is a very good monitor of that result from LEF to sinks other than CO2
LEF. assimilation is negligible or constant, then
In principle, the linear relationship be- PSII operating efficiency also provides a good
tween PSII operating efficiency and LEF relative measure of the quantum yield of CO2
allows the use of Fq  /Fm  to estimate the assimilation. The relationship between the
noncyclic electron transport rate through PSII operating efficiency and the quantum
PSII (ETR), where ETR = I.Aleaf .fractionPSII . yield of CO2 assimilation (φ CO2 ) is defined by
(Fq  /Fm  ). As discussed above, care should φ CO2 = (Fq  /Fm  ).fractionPSII . (1/k), where k is
be taken when determining and interpreting the number of electron equivalents produced
Fq  /Fm  , but often difficulties arise in the ac- by LEF required to reduce one molecule of
curate determination of the other parameters CO2 . For C3 leaves in which photorespiration
involved in the estimation of ETR. Aleaf is is inhibited and other electron sinks are neg-
frequently assumed to be 0.84, i.e., 84% of ligible k is assumed to be 4. If k and fractionPSII
incident PPFD is assumed to be absorbed by are constant then Fq  /Fm  is a good indica-
leaves. This assumption may be reasonable for tor of changes in φ CO2 . In many cases k and
many mature green leaves, but is not always fractionPSII will not remain constant between
the case and large deviations from this value treatments and Fq  /Fm  should not be used to
can frequently occur (30, 47, 53). Aleaf should monitor changes in φ CO2 . The value of k is
be measured using a integrating sphere with a dependent upon the proportion of reductants
light source similar to that used to drive pho- produced by LEF used for CO2 assimilation.
tosynthesis and a spectroradiometer or quan- k will change when other sinks for these re-
tum sensor. Similarly, fractionPSII for leaves is ductants change relative to CO2 assimilation.
frequently assumed to be 0.5, which is unlikely Differences in k occur in leaves at different
to be the case in many situations. Although stages of growth and in response to environ-
fractionPSII has been estimated for leaves, the mental stresses. In C3 leaves large changes in
procedure is not straightforward and involves k occur with changes in intracellular CO2 and
numerous assumptions (67, 68, 83). Another O2 concentrations, which modify the relative
problem is that leaves of many species ac- rates of CO2 assimilation and photorespira-
cumulate nonphotosynthetic pigments, such tion. The difficulties in the accurate determi-
as anthocyanins, which can markedly mod- nation of k and fractionPSII preclude the use of • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 97

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

estimations of φ CO2 from Fq  /Fm  to calculate estimates the maximum quantum yield of PSII
actual rates of CO2 assimilation from (I. Aleaf . photochemistry (hereafter termed maximum
φ CO2 ). However, relative changes in rates of PSII efficiency) that can be achieved in the
CO2 assimilation can be evaluated from esti- light-adapted leaf when QA is maximally ox-
mations of φ CO2 provided that k and fractionPSII idized. Consequently, this parameter can be
are constant. used to assess the contributions of nonphoto-
A linear relationship between PSII operat- chemical quenching to changes in the PSII
ing efficiency and φ CO2 is not found in many operating efficiency of leaves in the light.
situations. Linearity is lost if the proportion Fq  /Fv  provides an estimate of the fraction
of electrons consumed by CO2 assimilation of the maximum PSII efficiency that is ac-
relative to other metabolic processes changes. tually realized in the leaf under the environ-
In such cases Fq  /Fm  should not be used to mental conditions during the measurement,
estimate changes in φ CO2 unless the relation- and is hereafter termed the PSII efficiency
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ship between Fq  /Fm  and φ CO2 has been de- factor. The PSII efficiency factor is nonlin-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

termined for the particular system under in- early related to the fraction of PSII reaction
vestigation. This is the case for C3 leaves centers with QA oxidized, i.e., the fraction of
when photorespiration is operating; the ratio PSII centers that are open, and is mathemat-
of PSII operating efficiency to φ CO2 increases ically identical to the frequently used coeffi-
with increasing photorespiratory activity rel- cient of photochemical quenching, qP . Fq  /Fv 
ative to carbon assimilation (39, 42, 45). Envi- is determined by the ability of the photosyn-
ronmental stresses can induce large increases thetic apparatus to maintain QA in the oxi-
in the PSII operating efficiency:φ CO2 ratio. dized state, which is a function of the relative
For example, when the leaves of some C4 rates of QA reduction and oxidation. Determi-
species develop at suboptimal growth temper- nation of Fv  /Fm  and Fq  /Fv  makes it possible
atures, PSII operating efficiency:φ CO2 is in- to assess whether changes in PSII operating
creased significantly (31, 36). These increases efficiency are attributable to changes in non-
are accompanied by increases in the levels photochemical quenching or the ability of an
of antioxidants and activities of enzymes in- excited PSII reaction center to drive electron
volved in scavenging reactive oxygen species, transport.
which suggests that an increased electron flux Calculation of Fv  /Fm  and Fq  /Fv  requires
to oxygen, relative to CO2 assimilation, is oc- determination of Fo  , which can often be dif-
curring via the Mehler reaction (31, 36). Simi- ficult. Fo  is usually measured by exposing the
lar increases in PSII operating efficiency:φ CO2 leaf to a pulse of weak far-red light, after re-
were observed in leaves of mangrove, a C3 moving the actinic light, to maximally oxi-
species, growing at high temperatures in trop- dize QA (101). However, in many situations
ical Australia (22). maximal oxidation of QA may not be achieved
during the far-red pulse and also nonphoto-
chemical quenching can partially relax, thus
FACTORS THAT DETERMINE resulting in an overestimation of Fo  (6). This
PHOTOSYSTEM II OPERATING problem can be overcome by calculating Fo 
EFFICIENCY from values of Fm  at the point of measure-
PSII operating efficiency, Fq  /Fm  , is given by ment and dark-adapted values of Fo and Fm
the product of two important fluorescence pa- using Fo  = Fo /[(Fv /Fm ) + (Fo /Fm  )] (92).
rameters, Fv  /Fm  and Fq  /Fv  (37), where Fv  is Maxwell & Johnson (78) suggested that this
equal to Fm  − Fo  and is the variable fluores- calculation should not be used if leaves are
cence of the light-adapted leaf and Fo  is the stressed and significant photoinhibition has
minimal fluorescence level in the light when occurred. However, a problem exists only
QA is maximally oxidized (Figure 2). Fv  /Fm  if Fm is measured after Fm  and recovery

98 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

from photoinhibition occurs during the dark creases in NADPH and ATP decrease LEF
adaptation period prior to measurement of and the rate of QA oxidation, which can be
Fm (6). monitored by decreases in Fq  /Fv  . However,
The PSII operating efficiency of a leaf de- acidification of the thylakoid lumen as ATP
creases as PPFD increases owing to decreases levels increase also results in an increase in
in both Fv  /Fm  and Fq  /Fv  (Figure 3). How- nonphotochemical quenching and a decrease
ever, the relative contributions of these two in Fv  /Fm  (see section on Nonphotochemical
parameters can change markedly with increas- Quenching, below).
ing PPFD. Generally, increases in nonpho-
tochemical quenching, indicated by decreases
in Fv  /Fm  , saturate at much lower light levels
than decreases in Fq  /Fv  , which demonstrates Photochemical Quenching
that a decrease in the ability to oxidize QA , not An important factor in determining the prob-
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an increase in nonphotochemical quenching, ability of PSII photochemistry is the redox

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

is the major factor that determines the large state of QA , i.e., the fraction of PSII reaction
changes in PSII operating efficiency at high centers that are open and capable of pho-
light intensities. Also, increases in the PSII tochemistry. Frequently, the PSII efficiency
operating efficiency during induction of pho- factor (or the mathematically equivalent qP ) is
tosynthesis when a dark-adapted maize leaf is used to estimate the redox state of QA . Unfor-
exposed to actinic light are primarily associ- tunately, in most situations the relationship
ated with increases in Fq  /Fv  and not changes between the PSII efficiency factor and the
in Fv  /Fm  (92). This finding demonstrates that fraction of PSII centers in the open state is
the ability of processes downstream of PSII to not linear and consequently changes in Fq  /Fv 
utilize the products of LEF, rather than non- (or qP ) cannot simply be used to estimate the
photochemical quenching, is most important redox state of QA . The relationship between
in the regulation of the induction of photo- the PSII efficiency factor and the fraction of
synthesis in this leaf. open PSII centers is only linear if there is
The rate of consumption of NADPH and negligible excitation energy transfer among
ATP are major factors that determine PSII op- individual PSII complexes and associated
erating efficiency in many situations. Changes antennae. This is the ‘puddle model’ in which
in carboxylation efficiency, the rate of re- each PSII reaction center and its associated
generation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, the antenna cannot transfer excitation energy to
supply of CO2 from the atmosphere to the the antennae of other PSII reaction centers. It
sites of carboxylation via the stomata, pho- is widely accepted that this is not the case and
torespiration, and the rate of transport of excitation in PSII antennae can be competed
carbohydrates out of the cell can all influ- for by a number of reaction centers (21,
ence the rate of NADPH and ATP utilization 69, 72). If all the PSII reaction centers are
(Figure 4), and consequently the PSII oper- considered to be embedded within a single
ating efficiency. Many environmental stresses antennae matrix and are capable of receiving
impact on CO2 assimilation, although the excitation energy from antenna pigments
sites of photosynthesis limitation during these throughout the matrix (‘lake model’), then the
stresses can be quite varied. Stress-induced relationship between Fq  /Fv  and the redox
decreases in stomatal conductance, carbon state of QA is curvilinear (7, 52). However,
metabolism, and transport processes can all the degree of curvilinearity is dependent not
decrease PSII efficiency. The specific mech- only upon the fraction of PSII centers that are
anisms by which a restriction in metabolic open but also on the amount of light-induced
turnover can result in decreases in PSII oper- nonphotochemical quenching that is occur-
ating efficiency are not fully understood. In- ring; for a fixed oxidation state of QA increases • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 99

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

in nonphotochemical quenching decrease the qP ), should be used. When the PSII operat-
curvilinearity (7). ing efficiency is modified by exposing leaves
Assuming a lake model for PSII, the redox to a range of PPFDs, although the patterns of
state of QA is linearly related to the fluores- change of Fq  /Fv  and qL with increasing PPFD
cence parameter (Fq  /Fv  )(Fo  /F  ), which has are similar, values of qL are always lower than
been termed qL (63). Consequently, if an ac- for Fq  /Fv  (or qP ), and at high PPFDs qL values
curate assessment of the redox state of the QA can be almost half of Fq  /Fv  (63) (Figure 3).
pool is required then qL , and not Fq  /Fv  (or Consequently, large errors can occur when


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CO2 Translocation

Mesophyll cell
CO2 Carbon metabolites Sugars

CO2 Carbon metabolites

Photosynthesis Starch

Other chloroplast
Photorespiration metabolism


2H+ NADP + H+

Cyt bf PSI


2H2O O2+ 4H 2H

100 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

estimating changes in the redox state of QA quenching, qI , and state transition quenching,
using Fq  /Fv  , rather than qL , especially at high qT (65). Researchers have resolved nonpho-
light intensities. tochemical quenching into qE , qI , and qT
from analyses of the relaxation kinetics of
these quenching components in the dark (49,
Nonphotochemical Quenching 98, 106). However, care must be taken when
Although Fv  /Fm  can be used to evaluate the attempting to quantify the contributions of
contribution of changes in nonphotochemical these components because the characteristics
quenching to changes in PSII operating effi- of their relaxation kinetics can vary as a
ciency, levels of nonphotochemical quench- result of changing environmental conditions
ing are often assessed by the parameter NPQ. imposed on leaves. Generally, in nonstressed
NPQ is calculated from (Fm /Fm  ) − 1 (13) and leaves under moderate to saturating light
estimates changes in the apparent rate con- qE is the major component, and qI becomes
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stant for excitation decay by heat loss induced prominent at light levels well in excess of that
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

by light relative to this rate constant in the required to saturate photosynthesis or when
dark (65). Because NPQ compares nonphoto- stresses severely restrict the consumption
chemical quenching from a dark-adapted leaf of reductants produced by photosynthetic
at Fm to that at Fm  for the leaf exposed to ac- electron transport. Quenching associated
tinic light, NPQ values can only be compared with state transitions, qT , is important only at
for leaves that have similar nonphotochemical low light levels, but can be very significant in
quenching characteristics in the dark-adapted algae (3, 33). Development of qE is associated
state, e.g., leaves with similar Fv /Fm values. with quenching in the PSII antennae owing
Changes in NPQ are nonlinearly related to to the acidification of the thylakoid lumen
and rise to higher values than Fv  /Fm  for a resulting from electron transport (66). This
given change in nonphotochemical quench- acidification results in activation of violaxan-
ing (Figure 3). Consequently, changes in thin de-epoxidase (109) and protonation of
NPQ do not allow evaluation of the propor- some carboxylic acid residues of the PsbS,
tion of changes in PSII operating efficiency a protein associated with the PSII antennae
that are attributable to changes in nonphoto- (74, 75) (Figure 5). Protonation of PsbS
chemical quenching. and binding of zeaxanthin to PSII produces
Nonphotochemical quenching in leaves conformational changes in the antennae
can consist of three components: energy- that result in increases in the quantum
dependent quenching, qE , photoinhibitory yield of thermal dissipation of excitation

Figure 4
Relationships between photosynthetic electron transport, carbon metabolism and transport, and CO2
supply. Electron transport, driven by the excitation of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII),
results in the reduction of NADP to NADPH and the accumulation of protons in the thylakoid lumen.
The resulting proton motive force is used to make ATP by driving protons back across the membrane
through ATP synthase (ATPase). Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) catalyzes
the assimilation of CO2 with ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) in the carboxylation reaction of the
photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle in the chloroplast stroma. Stomata regulate the diffusion of CO2
from the atmosphere to the sites of carboxylation. Other reactions of the photosynthetic carbon
reduction cycle utilize NADPH and ATP to produce triose phosphates, which are required for the
synthesis of carbohydrates. NADPH and ATP are also used in a range of other chloroplast metabolic
activities, e.g., nitrogen and sulfur metabolism and lipid and pigment synthesis. Rubisco can also catalyze
the oxygenation of RuBP in the process of photorespiration, which also involves consumption of
NADPH and ATP by the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle. Abbreviations: Cyt bf, cytochrome b6 f
complex; Fd, ferredoxin; PC, plastocyanin; PQ, plastoquinone; PQH2 , plastoquinol. • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 101

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

Low light PsbS


O Increasing light

Low rate of heat loss

Zeaxanthin Violaxanthin Activation Acidification of Protonation Low qE
epoxidase de-epoxidase thylakoid lumen


High light H+ Z PSII


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High rate of heat loss

High qE

Figure 5
Mechanism of light-induced energy-dependent quenching of excitation energy in photosystem II (PSII).
At low light that is limiting for photosynthesis a xanthophyll pigment, violaxanthin (V), is associated with
the PSII antenna and PSII has a low rate of heat loss and consequently a low level of energy-dependent
quenching, qE , which is an important component of nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ). At higher
light intensities increased electron transport results in acidification of the thylakoid lumen. When the
lumen pH drops below ca. 6 violaxanthin de-epoxidase is activated and converts violaxanthin to
zeaxanthin (Z) and PsbS becomes protonated. The zeaxanthin associated with PSII is an efficient
quencher of excitation energy in the PSII antenna and the rate of heat loss from PSII increases, which
increases qE . When light intensity decreases deprotonation of PsbS occurs and zeaxanthin epoxidase
converts zeaxanthin back to violaxanthin, which decreases qE .

energy (50, 65, 95). Photoinactivation of More detailed analyses of nonphotochem-

PSII and zeaxanthin-related quenching ical quenching can resolve the excitation
can be involved in the development of qI energy fluxes into light-induced quenching
(65). processes and non–light-induced quenching

Figure 6
Imaging the heterogeneity of photosynthetic activities of leaves, individual cells, and chloroplasts.
(a) Image of Fq  /Fm  for a mildly water-stressed leaf of a Japanese anemone (Anemone × hybrida)
collected from a local park on a warm and windy day and exposed to an actinic photosynthetically active
photon flux density (PPFD) of 200 μmol m−2 s−1 . This image demonstrates the large heterogeneity in
photosynthetic activity across the leaf. The colored bar indicates the range of Fq  /Fm  values. (b) Image of
Fq  /Fm  of chloroplasts in pair of stomatal guard cells of an attached leaf of Tradescantia albiflora exposed
to a PPFD of 250 μmol m−2 s−1 . Values of Fq  /Fm  , Fv  /Fm  , and Fq  /Fv  shown for two individual
chloroplasts demonstrate the heterogeneity of photosynthetic activity between chloroplasts in similar
cells; this is primarily attributable to differences in Fq  /Fv  . (c--h) Images taken from a pair of guard cells
of an attached leaf of Commelina communis with the stomate open (c–e) and after closure by decreasing the
relative humidity ( f–h). (c, f ) are reflected light images; (d, g) are images of Fm  . (e, h) Images of Fq  /Fm 
at a PPFD of 150 μmol m−2 s−1 showing the large decrease in PSII operating efficiency that occurs on
closure of the stomata. ( j ) Reflected light image from an intertidal benthic biofilm collected from a salt
marsh mud flat at Colne Point, Essex, UK and (k) image of Fq  /Fm  from these cells demonstrating the
very large differences in the PSII operating efficiency between species. A number of different species can
be identified in the biofilm: Gyrosigma limosum (1); Euglena sp. (2); Plagiotropis vitrea (3); Pleurosigma
angulatum (4); and Navicula sp. (5). Images in (b–h) are taken from Reference 7, with permission; images
in ( j ) and (k) are taken from Reference 94 with permission of copyright holder, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography.
102 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

a b Fq'/Fm' = 0.40
Fv'/Fm' = 0.54
Fq'/Fv' = 0.73

Fq'/Fm' = 0.31
Fv'/Fm' = 0.59
Fq'/Fv' = 0.53
0.3 0.5

c d e
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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

25 µm
0.2 0.5
f g h

j k

20 µm
0.3 0.6 • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 103

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

processes (46, 63). The quantum yield of For C3 leaves in which photorespiration is
quenching due to light-induced processes, inhibited, the mean PSII operating efficiency
φ NPQ , can be calculated (63): (determined from images of Fq  /Fm  ) is lin-
early related to φ CO2 (determined from gas
Fq exchange), which allows quantitative visual-
φNPQ = 1 − ization of the spatial distribution of photo-
1 synthesis (40). From gas exchange measure-
−   (1) ments made in conjunction with fluorescence
Fm −Fm Fq 
 +1+ Fv
. FFo . Fm
Fm Fo imaging, Meyer & Genty (81) determined
Because the sum of the quantum yields of the relationship between PSII operating ef-
PSII photochemistry (φ PSII ), light-induced ficiency and intercellular CO2 concentration
quenching processes, and non–light-induced (Ci ) and constructed images of Ci from images
quenching processes is assumed to equal 1, the of Fq  /Fm  . This approach has made it possi-
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ble to map the two-dimensional distribution

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

quantum yield of non–light-induced quench-

ing processes, φ NO , can be estimated from of Ci across leaves to study the lateral diffu-
φ NO = 1 – (Fq  /Fm  ) – φ NPQ (63). sion of CO2 in leaf tissues (84). However, this
procedure requires the assumption of spatially
homogenous light absorption across the leaf
area under study, which may not be the case in
IMAGING OF FLUORESCENCE many leaves, such as when leaves have devel-
The development of instruments capable of oped under stress or have been infected with
imaging chlorophyll fluorescence has pro- pathogens.
vided a powerful tool to resolve spatial hetero- High-resolution imaging has been used to
geneity of leaf photosynthetic performance examine the photosynthetic activities of sin-
(86, 91). Photosynthetic heterogeneity has gle cells and even individual chloroplasts (93).
been identified in many situations, e.g., dur- The responses of electron transport in indi-
ing induction of photosynthesis (20, 92), with vidual stomatal guard cells and adjacent mes-
changes in carbohydrate translocation (80), ophyll cells in intact leaves to changes in light,
at the onset of senescence (108), in response atmospheric CO2 concentration, and humid-
to changes in leaf water status (82, 87, 107) ity have been studied by imaging Fq  /Fm  (71)
(Figure 6a), chilling (48) and ozone (73) (Figure 6c–h). The isolation of individual
stresses, wounding (99), and infection with chloroplasts from images of the guard cells
bacteria (12, 16) and fungi (100, 104). Non- of Tradescantia albiflora exposed to a PPFD of
imaging fluorescence measurements would 250 μmol m−2 s−1 indicates that they show
often not detect such heterogeneity. Imaging a wide range of mean Fq  /Fm  values, rang-
of appropriate fluorescence parameters can ing from 0.27 to 0.43 (7). Such differences
provide information about the causes of the in the PSII operating efficiencies of individ-
heterogeneity. During induction of photosyn- ual chloroplasts are primarily attributed to
thesis in a maize leaf, large changes in the de- differences in the ability to utilize ATP and
gree of heterogeneity of the PSII operating reductants, not to differences in nonphoto-
efficiency occur (7). Similar patterns of het- chemical quenching, because differences in
erogeneity are found in the images of Fq  /Fm  Fq  /Fv  are considerably greater than those for
and Fq  /Fv  , which are not seen in the Fv  /Fm  Fv  /Fm  (7) (Figure 6b). Imaging has also re-
images. Consequently, the heterogeneity is at- solved large differences in photosynthetic per-
tributable to differences in the ability of cells formance among benthic diatom species in
to oxidize QA , which results from an inabil- biofilms (94) (Figure 6j,k). One problem in
ity to consume NADPH and ATP in CO2 the production of images of Fq  /Fm  of such
assimilation. biofilms is that some of the cells can move

104 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

between the time that the images of F  and Fm  instruments that can image areas greater than
are captured, and therefore these cells must 100 cm2 allows the screening of large numbers
be moved within one image to allow them of plants simultaneously. High-throughput
to be superimposed before calculation of the screening of metabolic perturbations in Ara-
Fq  /Fm  image (91, 94). bidopsis seedlings can be achieved by grow-
Fluorescence imaging can be used in ing plants in the wells of 96-well microtiter
screening procedures to identify organisms plates (9) (Figure 7). Fluorescence imaging
with modified photosynthetic performance, as can also be used to estimate leaf area and
has been done for algae (11, 88) and Arabidopsis consequently estimate growth; one applica-
(89) mutants. Perturbations of metabolic pro- tion is the early growth of seedlings that
cesses not directly involved in photosynthetic have planophile, nonoverlapping leaves, such
metabolism often induce changes in fluores- as Arabidopsis, from images of Fm . The total
cence parameters (9, 96), which can be used area from which the fluorescence is emitted
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to screen for such perturbations. The devel- is directly related to the leaf area that con-
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

opment of commercial fluorescence imaging tains chlorophyll (9). However, for plants in

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0.27 0.97

Figure 7
High-throughput screening for metabolic perturbations in Arabidopsis. (a) Five-day-old Arabidopsis plants
in a 96-well plate 24 h after being treated with 0.4 (rows 5 and 11), 0.8 (rows 4 and 10), 4 (rows 3 and 9),
and 8 (rows 2 and 8) mM Imazapyr, a herbicide that inhibits acetolactase synthase and consequently the
synthesis of branched chain amino acids. Untreated controls are in rows 1, 6, 7, and 12. (b) Images of
Fv /Fm for these plants. (c,d ) Enlargements of the plants and images outlined by the yellow boxes in
(a) and (b) respectively. Although differences in growth cannot be detected by visual observation, there
are very large differences in the images of Fv /Fm between the control and herbicide-treated plants. Taken
from Reference 9 with permission of copyright holder, American Society of Plant Biologists. • Chlorophyll Fluorescence 105

ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

which the leaves overlap significantly or the lationship between the area of fluorescence
leaves cannot be positioned normal to the and leaf growth is required before the use
camera this relationship does not necessar- of fluorescence to screen for differences in
ily hold. In such cases examination of the re- growth.

1. Dark-adapted Fv /Fm is a useful relative measure of the maximum quantum yield of
photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry, but does not provide an accurate quantitative
value of this quantum yield.
2. Fq  /Fm  is a useful relative measure of the quantum yields of PSII photochemistry and
linear electron flux through PSII.
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3. Fq  /Fm  can be used to estimate the rate of linear electron transport. This requires
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

accurate determination of the photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD)

incident on the leaf, the proportion of incident PPFD that is absorbed by the leaf,
and the fraction of absorbed PPFD that is received by PSII.
4. In certain circumstances Fq  /Fm  is a good indicator of changes in the quantum yield
of CO2 assimilation by the leaf, φ CO2 , but it should not be used to estimate absolute
rates of CO2 assimilation.
5. Many metabolic and physiological factors influence Fq  /Fm  by determining the rate
of consumption of ATP and NADPH.
6. Fluorescence imaging can identify spatial heterogeneity of photosynthetic perfor-
mance and offers new possibilities for understanding the operation and regulation of
photosynthesis. Fluorescence imaging can also be used to image other physiological
phenomena indirectly if they interfere with the operation of photosynthesis and its
associated metabolism, e.g., herbicide effects and stomatal heterogeneity.

1. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters can now be easily measured and provide useful
probes of photosynthetic performance in vivo and the extent to which performance
is limited by photochemical and nonphotochemical processes.
2. Coupling of appropriate fluorescence measurements with other noninvasive tech-
niques, such as absorption spectroscopy (5), gas exchange (76), and thermal imaging
(107), can provide insights into the limitations to photosynthesis under given condi-
3. Fluorescence imaging has great potential in future plant screening programs and
other areas of applied plant physiology. The selection of appropriate fluorescence
parameters and careful calibration of their changes with key plant performance indi-
cators is important. Once a satisfactory calibration has been achieved, fluorescence
can offer rapid, high-throughput screening. The use of automated sampling devices
in conjunction with increases in the areas than can be imaged will enhance the rates
of screening procedures even further.

106 Baker
ANRV342-PP59-05 ARI 27 March 2008 1:28

The author is not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of
this review.

I would to thank the many colleagues with whom I have had discussions during the preparation
of this review, in particular Steven Driever, Jeremy Harbinson, David Kramer, Tracy Lawson,
James Morison, Phil Mullineaux, and Don Ort. Many of my studies using chlorophyll fluo-
rescence have been supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Research Council and the
Natural Environment Research Council in the UK.
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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2008.59:89-113. Downloaded from

1. Adams WW III, Demmig-Adams B. 2004. Chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool to monitor

plant response to the environment. In Chlorophyll a Fluorescence: A Signature of Photosyn-
thesis, ed. GC Papageorgiou, Govindjee, pp. 583–604. Dordrecht: Springer
2. Adams WW III, Demmig-Adams B. 2006. Energy dissipation and photoinhibition: a
continuum of photoprotection. In Photoprotection, Photoinhibition, Gene Regulation and
Environment, ed. B Demmig-Adams, WW Adams III, AK Mattoo, pp. 49–64. Dordrecht:
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Annual Review of
Plant Biology

Contents Volume 59, 2008

Our Work with Cyanogenic Plants

Eric E. Conn p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
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New Insights into Nitric Oxide Signaling in Plants

Angélique Besson-Bard, Alain Pugin, and David Wendehenne p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 21
Plant Immunity to Insect Herbivores
Gregg A. Howe and Georg Jander p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 41
Patterning and Polarity in Seed Plant Shoots
John L. Bowman and Sandra K. Floyd p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 67
Chlorophyll Fluorescence: A Probe of Photosynthesis In Vivo
Neil R. Baker p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 89
Seed Storage Oil Mobilization
Ian A. Graham p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p115
The Role of Glutathione in Photosynthetic Organisms:
Emerging Functions for Glutaredoxins and Glutathionylation
Nicolas Rouhier, Stéphane D. Lemaire, and Jean-Pierre Jacquot p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p143
Algal Sensory Photoreceptors
Peter Hegemann p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p167
Plant Proteases: From Phenotypes to Molecular Mechanisms
Renier A.L. van der Hoorn p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p191
Gibberellin Metabolism and its Regulation
Shinjiro Yamaguchi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p225
Molecular Basis of Plant Architecture
Yonghong Wang and Jiayang Li p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p253
Decoding of Light Signals by Plant Phytochromes
and Their Interacting Proteins
Gabyong Bae and Giltsu Choi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p281
Flooding Stress: Acclimations and Genetic Diversity
J. Bailey-Serres and L.A.C.J. Voesenek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p313

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Roots, Nitrogen Transformations, and Ecosystem Services

Louise E. Jackson, Martin Burger, and Timothy R. Cavagnaro p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p341
A Genetic Regulatory Network in the Development of Trichomes
and Root Hairs
Tetsuya Ishida, Tetsuya Kurata, Kiyotaka Okada, and Takuji Wada p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p365
Molecular Aspects of Seed Dormancy
Ruth Finkelstein, Wendy Reeves, Tohru Ariizumi, and Camille Steber p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p387
Trehalose Metabolism and Signaling
Matthew J. Paul, Lucia F. Primavesi, Deveraj Jhurreea, and Yuhua Zhang p p p p p p p p417
Auxin: The Looping Star in Plant Development
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Regulation of Cullin RING Ligases

Sara K. Hotton and Judy Callis p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p467
Plastid Evolution
Sven B. Gould, Ross F. Waller, and Geoffrey I. McFadden p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p491
Coordinating Nodule Morphogenesis with Rhizobial Infection
in Legumes
Giles E.D. Oldroyd and J. Allan Downie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p519
Structural and Signaling Networks for the Polar Cell Growth
Machinery in Pollen Tubes
Alice Y. Cheung and Hen-ming Wu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p547
Regulation and Identity of Florigen: FLOWERING LOCUS T Moves
Center Stage
Franziska Turck, Fabio Fornara, and George Coupland p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p573
Plant Aquaporins: Membrane Channels with Multiple Integrated
Christophe Maurel, Lionel Verdoucq, Doan-Trung Luu, and Véronique Santoni p p p p595
Metabolic Flux Analysis in Plants: From Intelligent Design
to Rational Engineering
Igor G.L. Libourel and Yair Shachar-Hill p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p625
Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance
Rana Munns and Mark Tester p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p651
Sealing Plant Surfaces: Cuticular Wax Formation by Epidermal Cells
Lacey Samuels, Ljerka Kunst, and Reinhard Jetter p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p683
Ionomics and the Study of the Plant Ionome
David E. Salt, Ivan Baxter, and Brett Lahner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p709

vi Contents
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Alkaloid Biosynthesis: Metabolism and Trafficking

Jörg Ziegler and Peter J. Facchini p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p735
Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist’s Analysis
of the Issues (Part I)
Peggy G. Lemaux p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p771


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 49–59 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p813

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 49–59 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p818
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