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Broward College- Spring 2022

SPC 1608 (687790) – Public Speaking

In-person: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00am-12:30pm

"At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you
made them feel." – Maya Angelou

Instructor: Hannah Moody

Class Location: Building 47, Room 202 (North Campus)
Virtual Office Hours: Monday & Wednesdays 11:00-12:30 pm or by appt (Zoom video call
may be scheduled in advance with me during office hours)

Required Text: Gamble, Teri Kwal, and Michael Gamble. The Public Speaking Playbook. 3rd
Edition SAGE.

*This course will be delivered traditionally; meaning, students are required to be physically
present and follow safety protocols. *

Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with fundamental training and
practical experience for speaking in public, business, and professional situations. Topics include:
audience analysis, speech anxiety, critical listening, and preparation and delivery of speeches in
various cultural contexts. Students will also learn to effectively incorporate audio and visual aids/
technologies for effective speeches. SPC1608 meets the International/Intercultural competency
requirement. Upon completion, this course will arm students with the necessary skills to…
- Conduct effective research to support and build arguments and claims
- Prepare a well-organized speech that is clear and effectively introduces, informs,
persuades, or celebrates a specific subject
- Learn about different rhetorical styles and their importance within speech
- Confidently deliver a speech in an academic setting or related professional

COVID Statement: Broward College’s safety policies regarding face coverings have been
updated according to changes in both Florida law and guidance from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Effective immediately, wearing a face covering over your nose
and mouth is strongly recommended while indoors, regardless of vaccine status. Students
experiencing flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) or students who have come in
contact with confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 should make the health and safety of
themselves, classmates, and instructors a priority. In classes with face-to-face components,
quarantined students should notify me immediately as you will not be able to attend class. I will
not be able to offer an online version of the class but will make reasonable efforts to assist
students in making up the work. Employees, as well as students, must continue to report positive
COVID-19 test results. Information on how to report, what happens after a report is
submitted, and weekly statistics can be found on Broward College’s COVID-19 web page.  
Course Policies
Attendance: Class attendance has a major role in the teaching/learning process and, therefore,
students are expected to attend classes regularly and on-time as scheduled. Attendance will be
taken each day class is scheduled as indicated by course calendar. You are allowed two-
unexcused absences; absences cannot occur on speech days, even if you are not presenting.
Failure to attend class on your assigned speech day will result in a 10-point deduction from your
grade for that speech. More than two unexcused absences throughout the semester will result in a
20-point deduction from overall attendance/participation grade and will drop by 5 points each
additional absence. See Broward College Policy 6Hx2-4.18 for clarification of excused absences.

Religious Observances: Broward College values the right and freedom of religious choice by all
individuals. Accordingly, the College will see not to schedule major college events, such as
major class assignments, major examinations and official ceremonies, on major religious holy
days, whenever possible. The student is responsible for making up missed classwork as quickly
as possible. Reasonable alternatives shall be provided for students to carry out their
responsibilities as students when their religious observance, practice and belief interfere with
admission, registration, class attendance, examinations, class work assignments and participation
in official ceremonies. See Broward College policy 6Hx2-4.20 for more information.

Late Work: Late work will only receive potential full credit if the assignment coincides with a
college-approved reason. If unexcused, assignments will not be accepted late, and will receive a
zero. As best as possible, communicate any conflicts to me sooner rather than later.

Make Up Speeches: – for excused absences only – students will be responsible for
communicating with me to arrange a time to make up their speech.
Conduct: Students are expected to be respectful of one another during speeches and class
discussion. Talking while the instructor or another student is speaking, insulting other students
and/or their presentations, and complete lack of participation will not be tolerated. Disrespect of
this nature will result in a deduction of points from that student’s speech and/or participation
grades. Any student who does not demonstrate respectful behavior may be asked to leave class
for that day and will not be counted as present. For more information, see Broward College
policy 6Hx2-5.02.

Plagiarism & Academic Misconduct: All work (oral and written) turned in is expected to be
your own. Be sure to recognize any sources you consult. Work found to be plagiarized will
automatically result in a failing grade for the course. Academic misconduct includes abusive
conduct, bribery, bullying, dishonesty, plagiarism, disorderly conduct, and more. If you have any
questions about the propriety of the academic behavior you are considering, see me for advice.

Oral & Bibliographic Citations: You are required to cite all sources used for your speeches. A
Works Cited list and in-text citations must be included in every speech outline using MLA style.
Any work found to be lacking correct MLA-style citations will receive a point deduction or may
not be excepted at all. In addition, oral citations must be included in every speech for which you
used sources. This is associated with academic dishonesty

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: If you are requesting academic
accommodations, you must first register with Accessibility Resources (contact information is
provided below). Accessibility Resources will evaluate your request and determine eligibility. If
approved, you will be provided with an Accommodation Plan that you must deliver to me either
electronically or in person. Once received, we will discuss which accommodations you are
requesting for this class, and in accordance with Broward College policy 6Hx2-5.09 you will be
provided with the appropriate accommodations. Please note that accommodations are not
retroactive; students who wait until after completing the course, or an activity, to request
accommodations should not expect any grade to be changed, or to be able to retake the course or
 Accessibility Resources Office: 954-201-6527
 Website (college-wide):
 Email:

Social Justice Statement: This course recognizes and celebrates the vast array of individual and
group differences in our community. To that end, this course ensures a curriculum rich with
course reading materials, instructional content, and learning experiences from communities that
have historically been marginalized or ignored. Prejudices and discrimination create challenges
and hurdles that continue to negatively impact the lives of our students. Faculty and students
condemn racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ableism, ageism, religious
intolerance and other forms of oppression. We are committed to ending the systemic privileges
and injustices embedded in our institutions, culture and everyday life. Any behaviors that
threaten, harass, or discriminate against another person will not be tolerated and may be subject
to disciplinary actions. Together, we will cultivate a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

Assignments and Grading

Introduction Speech (2-3 minutes): In this speech you will introduce yourself to the class by
sharing something interesting about your life. This can be anything from explaining what your
major is, something surprising about yourself, your favorite place, etc.
Informative Speech (4-5 minutes): For this speech, you will inform the class about a subject of
your choice. Minimum of three sources.
Persuasive Speech (5-6 minutes): For this speech, you will need to choose a topic or issue that
has more than one viewpoint and logically argue the side of your choice. The goal of this speech
is to persuade the class to believe your argument. Minimum of five sources.

Special Occasion Speech (3-4 minutes): Special Occasion speeches are those speeches that do
not fit into the realm of informative or persuasive speaking. For this speech, you will be required
to present either a wedding toast, an award, or a eulogy. Creativity with this speech is highly

In-Class Peer Speech Feedback: Students will complete anonymous speech feedback
worksheets for one of their peers for each of the 4 assigned speeches. Feedback should be
thoughtfully completed and constructive. These will be a part of class participation.

Outlines: A typed, full-sentence outline will be required for the introduction, informative, and
persuasive. We will discuss what is expected for each speech during class. Your outline must be
turned in on D2L as indicated by the course calendar. Late outlines will receive a 5-point
deduction every day they are late. Students are expected to use MLA format and include a
works cited page for any sources used.
Speech Critiques: There will be two speech critiques conducted throughout the semester.
(Informative and Persuasive). For this assignment, students will write a 2-page doubled spaced
review/critique of a speech watched in class. Students will evaluate the selected speech for its
content & structure, delivery, and overall level of speech competence.
Quizzes: There will be 4 quizzes (worth 50 points each) taken on D2L throughout the semester.
Quizzes are intended to ensure 1) you are reading the material, 2) understanding the material,
and 3) create a space for conversations that allow students to engage with material.
Participation: As this is a speaking class, you will need to participate in class beyond simply
giving speeches. I will be looking for you to answer questions, participate in speaking exercises,
present your opinions, and take an interest in your classmates’ work and ideas. Tardiness to
lectures and leaving early will either result in a point deduction from your participation grade.

Grading Scale

Introduction Speech 100 Points 900-1000 A

Informative Speech 200 Points 800-900 B
Persuasive Speech 200 Points 700-800 C
Special Occasion Speech 100 Points 600-700 D
Speech Critiques (2) 100 Points 599 & below F
In Class Quizzes (4) 200 Points
Participation 100 Points
Total 1000 Points

*Course Calendar located on next page.

Course Calendar
Week/ Topic Readings Assignments
Week 1:
Tues 01/11 1st Day of Class: Syllabus
overview and icebreaker N/A

Thurs 01/13 Chapter 1: Building Confidence Pg.3-15 The Public

and Your First Speech Speaking Playbook

Week 2:  
Tues 01/18 Chapter 12: Delivery Modes and Pg. 246-282 The Public
Practice Speaking Playbook
Chapter 13: Delivering Your N/A

Thurs 01/20 Pg. 202-220 The Public

Chapter 10: Beginning and
Ending Your Speech Speaking Playbook
Assign Introduction Speech

Week 3:    
Tues 01/25 Chapter 9: Outlining Your Pg. 182-199 The Public
Speeches Speaking Playbook Quiz #1 due on
D2L by Midnight
Thurs 01/27 Out of Class Workday! Quiz #1 N/A on Thurs

Week 4:
Tues 02/01 Chapter 14: Using Presentation Pg. 286-308 The Public Speech Outline
Aids Speaking Playbook Due on D2L by
Midnight Sunday
Thurs 02/03 N/A
No Class- Workday

Week 5:    
Tues 02/08 Introduction Speeches
(Mandatory Attendance) In-Class Speech
N/A Presentation
Thurs 02/10 Introduction Speeches Due
(Mandatory Attendance)

Week 6:  
Course Calendar
Week/ Topic Readings Assignments
Tues 02/15 Chapter 5: Selecting a Topic Pg. 96-103 The Public
In-Class Speech Critique #1 Speaking Playbook Speech Critique
#1 due on D2L
by Midnight on
Pg. 314- 325 The Public Thursday
Thurs 02/17 Chapter 15: Speak to Inform
Speaking Playbook
Assign Informative Speech

Week 7:    
Tues 02/22 Chapter 6: Finding and Pg.118-161 The Public
Evaluating Research Speaking Playbook Quiz #2 due on
Chapter 7: Integrating Support D2L by Midnight
on Thurs
Out of Class Workday! Quiz #2 N/A
Thurs 02/24

Week 8:    
Tues 03/01 Speech Outline
Spring Break! N/A Due on D2L by
Thurs 03/03 Midnight Sunday

Week 9:
Tues 03/08 Informative Speeches
(Mandatory Attendance) In-Class Speech
N/A Presentation
Thurs 03/10 Informative Speeches
(Mandatory Attendance)

Week 10:
Tues 03/15 Chapter 16: Prepare to Persuade Pg.360-376 The Public
Speaking Playbook
Chapter 17: Methods of
Speech Critique
#2 due on D2L
In-Class Speech Critique #2 by Midnight on
Thurs 03/17 Chapter 16: Prepare to Persuade Pg.360-376 The Public
Speaking Playbook
Chapter 17: Methods of
Course Calendar
Week/ Topic Readings Assignments

Week 11:
Tues 03/22 Persuasive Speech Workshop Quiz #3 due on
D2L by Midnight
N/A on Thurs

Thurs 03/24 Out of Class Workday! Quiz #3 Speech Outline

Due on D2L by
Midnight Sunday

Week 12:
Tues 03/29 Persuasive Speeches In-Class Speech
N/A Presentation
Thurs 03/31 Persuasive Speeches

Week 13:
Tues 04/05 Persuasive Speeches In-Class Speech
N/A Presentation
Thurs 04/07 Persuasive Speeches Due

Week 14:
Tues 04/12 Chapter 19: Special Occasion Pg.435-448 The Public Quiz #4 due on
Speeches Speaking Playbook D2L by Midnight
Assign Special Occasion Speech on Thurs

Thurs 04/14 Out of Class Workday! Quiz #4

Week 15:
Tues 04/19 Special Occasion Speeches
In-Class Speech
N/A Presentation
Thurs 04/21 Last Day of Class: Special
Occasion Speeches

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