Vasquez Learning Styles Educ 359

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Part One

 __B__ 1. I would prefer to follow a set of

:a. oral directions

b. written directions

 __B__ 2. I would prefer to:

a. attend a lecture given by a famous psychologist

b. read an article written by the psychologist

__B__ 3. When I am introduced to someone, it is easier for me to remember the

a. name

b. face 

___A_ 4. I find it easier to learn new information using:

a. language (words)

b. images (pictures) 

___A_ 5. I prefer classes in which the instructor:

a. lectures and answers questions

b. uses films and videos

 __A__ 6. To follow current events, I would prefer to:

a. listen to the news on the radio

b. read the paper

 __B__ 7. To learn how to operate a fax machine, I would prefer to:

a. listen to a friend’s explanation

b. watch a demonstration

Part Two

 __A__ 8. I would prefer to:

a. work with facts and details

b. construct theories and ideas 

__A__ 9. I would prefer a job involving:

a. following specific instructions

b. reading, writing, analyzing

 __A__ 10. I prefer to:

a. solve math problems using a formula

b. discover why the formula works 

__B__ 11. I would prefer to write a term paper explaining:

a. how a process works

b. a theory
__A__ 12. I prefer tasks that require me to:
a. follow careful, detailed instructions

b. use reasoning and critical analysis

 __A__ 13. For a criminal justice course, I would prefer to:

a. discover how and when a law can be used

b. learn how and why it became law

 __A__ 14. To learn more about the operation of a high-speed computer printer, I would
prefer to:
a. work with several types of printers

b. understand the principles on which they operate

Part Three

 __B__ 15. To solve a math problem, I would prefer to:

a. draw or visualize the problem

b. study a sample problem and use it as a model

 __B__ 16. To best remember something, I:

a. create a mental picture

b. write it down 

__A__ 17. Assembling a bicycle from a diagram would be:

a. easy
b. challenging

 __B__ 18. I prefer classes in which I:

a. handle equipment or work with models

b. participate in a class discussion

 __B__ 19. To understand and remember how a machine works, I would:

a. draw a diagram

b. write notes 

__B__ 20. I enjoy:

a. drawing or working with my hands

b. speaking, writing, listening 

__A__ 21. If I were trying to locate an office on an unfamiliar campus, I would prefer
:a. a map

b. written directions

Part Four

 __B__ 22. For a grade in a biology lab, I would prefer to:

a. work with a partner

b. work alone

 __B__ 23. When faced with a difficult personal problem, I prefer to:
a. discuss it with others

b. resolve it myself

 __A__ 24. Many instructors could improve their classes by:

 a. Including more discussion and group activities

b. Allowing students to work on their own more frequently

 __B_ 25. When listening to a lecturer or speaker, I respond more to the:

a. person presenting the ideas

b. ideas themselves 

__B__ 26. When on a team project, I prefer to:

a. work with several team members

b. divide the tasks and complete those assigned to me

 __B_ 27. I prefer to shop and do errands:

a. with friends

b. by myself

 __B__ 28. A job in a busy office is:

a. more appealing than working alone

b. less appealing than working alone

Part Five
 __B__ 29. To make decisions, I rely on:
a. my experiences and gut feelings

b. facts and objective data

 __A__ 30. To complete a task, I:

a. can use whatever is available to get the job done

b. must have everything I need at hand 

__B__ 31. I prefer to express my ideas and feelings through:

a. music, songs, or poetry

b. direct, concise language

 __B__ 32. I prefer instructors who:

a. allow students to be guided by their own interests

b. make their expectations clear and explicit 

__A__33. I tend to:

a. challenge and question what I hear and read

b. accept what I hear and read

 __B__ 34. I prefer

:a. essay exams

b. objective exams
 ___B_ 35. In completing an assignment, I prefer to:
a. figure out my own approach

b. be told exactly what to do

For part one, the majority of my answers were A answers, meaning that for that category

I fell into the auditory learning style. Auditory learners learn best by hearing things. They tend to

understand instructions better when they are spoken aloud. Auditory learners like to talk and

will often talk to themselves. However, this is also a drawback because it means that they can

easily lose their concentration and find it difficult to concentrate when it is noisy. For auditory

learners, they prefer verbal praise from their instructors and prefer lectures and discussions.

In order to best reach auditory learners, a teacher can record their lectures for the

students, use read aloud strategies, discuss the material as a class, talk through new

ideas/concepts, talk through diagrams/text. Teachers should also ask questions during the class

and allow for the students to engage in a verbal response. If possible, small group discussions are

also extremely helpful for auditory learners. At the end of the class, verbal summaries of what

was covered that day will benefit auditory learners.

The majority of my answers for part two were A answers. In this section, this meant that I

fell into the category of being an applied learner. Applied learners learn by engaging in direct

application of theories, skills, and models. These students prefer practical and real life examples

as compared to abstract hypotheticals. To teach applied learners, teachers should use a variety of

methods that really gets the students involved in what they are learning. Mock versions of

concepts (for example, a mock election to simulate the voting process) helps applied learners

really well. Videos and demonstrations of real world concepts are also beneficial to applied

For part three, most of my answers were B. This meant that I was a verbal learner. Verbal

learners learn best through verbal and language skills. Verbal learners tend to learn new words

and new languages easily and are fascinated with words. They tend to possess a rich vocabulary

and tend to flourish in reading and writing activities. Oftentimes, verbal leaners have difficulty

visualizing or positioning things in space.

Giving instruction to verbal learners in writing and verbally rather than visually best

benefits verbal learners. Teachers should refrain from using a monotone voice, as this will cause

the verbal learners to have difficulty retaining the information. Giving students writing or

reading activities also helps verbal learners.

For part four, the majority of my answers were B, meaning that I was an independent

learner. Independent learners tend to prefer working alone, are likely self-directed and self-

motivated. Independent learners are critical thinkers, they examine a situation and often come up

with multiple solutions. They also tend to comprehend well with little to no instruction.

Independent learners do not really like to work in groups, so when placing them in groups, the

group pairings should be strategic.

For part five, I got mainly B answers which means that I am a pragmatic learner.

Pragmatic learners are practical, logical and systemic. They like to follow a set of directions or

guide when completing tasks. Pragmatic learners tend to struggle with abstract or creative

concepts, so giving them explicit and clear directions and guides on how to do things best benefit

them. Teaching them in a routine and systemic way is also to their benefit.

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