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-- By
Premanshu Pandey(2K20/ME/195)
Prince Sharma(2K20/ME/196)
Prithvi Choudhary(2K20/ME/197)
Priyanka Verma(2K20/ME/198)
AIM: To Determine the metacentric height of a floating body.
Metacentre is the theoretical point at which an imaginary vertical
line passing through the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity
intersects the imaginary vertical line through a new centre of
buoyancy created when the body is displaced, or tipped, in the
water, however little.
When a body is completely submerged in a fluid, or it is floating or
partially submerged, the resultant fluid force acting on the body is
called the buoyant force. It is also known as the net upward vertical
force acting on the body. A net upward vertical force results because
pressure increases with depth and the pressure forces acting from
below are larger than the pressure forces acting above.
The Center of buoyancy is the center of gravity of the displaced
water. It lies at the geometric center of volume of the displaced

For the investigation of stability of floating body, it is necessary to
determine the position of its metacentre with respect to its centre of
gravity. Consider a floating ship model, the weight of the ship acts
through its centre of gravity and is balanced by an equal and
opposite buoyant force acting upwards through the centre of
buoyancy i.e. the centre of gravity of liquid displaced by the floating
A small angular displacement shifts the centre of buoyancy and the
intersection of the line of action of the buoyant force passing
through the new centre of buoyancy and the extended line would
give the metacentre.

The distance between centre of gravity (G) and metacentre (M) is

known as Metacentric height (GM).
There are three conditions of equilibrium of a floating body.
Stable Equilibrium - it may be stated that a floating body is said to be in a state of stable
equilibrium which, when subjected to turning moments, leads to regaining its original
position and that M lies above C
Unstable Equilibrium- Metacentre lies below the centre of gravity. The vertical upward
buoyant force FB passing through B1 will intersect the inclines central line at the point M
below C.

The couple thus formed by W and F will be clockwise; further helping the turning moment of
tilt over the ship further.

Neutral Equilibrium - it may be stated that “a floating body is said to be in a state of neutral
equilibrium which, when subjected to turning moment, neither tends to regain its original position,
nor tend to heel over further but instead keeps on in the tilted position, and that M coincides with C

Calculation of formula to find Metacentric Height

The Metacentric height (GM) is given by GM = (W1 * X) / ((W+W1) *
tan θ)
W1 = weight of the floating body
W = movable weight
X = distance through which the movable load is shifted
θ = Angle of Heel
Apparatus Required: Metacentric Apparatus, boat with protractor
attached, weights

1. Fill the SS tank to about 2/3 levels.
2. Place the floating body in the tank.
3. Apply momentum to the floating body by moving one of the
adjustable weights (m) through a known distance
4. Note down the angle of heel corresponding to this shift of
weight with the help of protractor and pointer.
5. Take about 4-5 such readings by changing the position of the
adjustable weight and find out centre of gravity in each case.
Calculation & Observation
Weight of movable mass, W1=0.356 Kg
Weight of boat + movable mass, W+W1= 1.5 Kg

S.No. Displacement of Angle of Tilt Metacentric

small weight Height
(in mm) (W1 * X) /
((W+W1) * tan θ)
Displace 10 1.5 91.282
20 3.0 90.585
Left side
30 4.5 90.47
Displace 10 1.5 91.282
20 2.9 93.464
30 4.5 90.47

Mean Metacentric height = 91.258mm

Metacentric Height of the body= 91.258mm

Precautions and Safety Measures

1) Apparatus should be in levelled condition.
2) Reading must be taken in steady condition of water.
3) Reading of tilt should be taken when pendulum is steady and
not fluctuating.
4) Water disturbance should be minimum.


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