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CATERPILLAR’ oe Systems Operation Connection Diagrams: SR4 and SR4B Generators, Voltage Regulators, Options Important Safety Information ation, maintenance and repair ace caused by failure to observe basic safety rules oF pr "offen be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous sitvations before an ac ‘ person must be alert to potential hazards, This person should also have the necessary training, skills end tools (o perform these functions properly Improper operation, lub 1, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in injury or death. Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information. Satety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons. The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol’ and followed by @ “Signal Word” such as DANGER”, "WARNING" ot “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert "WARNING" label is Shawn below. TOS The meaning of this safely alert symbol is as follows: Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved. Tr pi Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTIC this publication Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might invoive a potential hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Caterpillar is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or Fepair procedures that you choose. Mosi accidents that involve product .ad can be other written or message that appears under the warning explains the hazard lotially presented labels on the product and in hat tions in thig publication are on the basis of informatio was available al the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at ary time, These changes c affect the service thal is given fo the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you start any job. Caterpillar dealers have the most current information available. WARNING When replacement parts are required for this product Caterpillar recommends using Caterpil- lar replacement parts or parts with equivalent specifications including, but not limited to, phys- ical dimensions, type, strength and material The information, specitications, and illus Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema- ture failures, product damage, personal injury or death, 3 Table of Contents Table of Contents Systems Operation Section 3R4 and SR4B Generators for All Engines Except SRB for 3500 Engines eneral Information (All Except SR4B for 3500 ENGINES) a nsnnnnnnnnnnnn 4 Main Stator and Voliage Sensing Lead ‘Connections (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) Main Revolving Feld Connections Gar Except SAAB for 3500 Engines) 9 Selection Guide for Voltage Regulator (All Except SRUB for 3500 Engines) 4 ¥R3 Voltage Regulator Connections (All Except ‘SR4B for 3500 Engines) 12 VRF Voltage Regulator Connections (All Except - SR4B for 3500 Engines) 18 ¥R4 Voltage Regulator Connections (All Except ‘SR4B for 3500 Engines) at Digital Volage Regulator Connections (All Except ‘SR4B for 3500 Engines) soe 28 Dptions (All Except SRAB for 3800 Engines)... 27 Bil Field Generator Connections (SRA) 39 3R4B Generators for 3500 Engines 3eneral information (SR4B for 3500 Engines) ..... 40 Main Stator and Voltage Sensing Lead Connections (SRAB for 3500 Engines) 40 viain Revolving Field Connections (SR4B tor 3500 Engines) 42 Selection Guide for Voltage Regulator (SAAB for 3500 Engines) 43, JAG Voltage Regulator Connections (SA4B for 3500 Engines) 44 JASE Voliage Regulator Connections (SA4B for 3500 Engines) 46 Digital Voltage Regulator Connections (SR4B for 3500 Engines) 50 Dptions (SAAB for 3500 Engines) .... 82 Senerater Wiring Diagrams (SRB for ‘3500 Engines) ss OS index Section index . eae ee 4 Systems Operation Section Systems Operation Section SR4 and SR4B Generators for All Engines Except SR4B for 3500 Engines sororsaz General Information (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) SWICS Code: 4450 Introduction ‘The diagrams that follow apply to the SRa Generators and the SR4B Generators (except for the SR4B used with 3500 Engines). Note: Dia Engines is for the SRAB used with 3500 peat later in this manual ioroecst Main Stator and Voltage Sensing Lead Connections (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) SMCS Code: 4453, 12 Lead, Wye and Delta Connection 5 Systems Operation Section "% a4. 7 10 WTB TS 12 13¢ (oo Wye CONNECTION 1 OE CaaS 16 + eo 15 a 7 "4 ‘7 \.. [oe a Tm «tet T2 “ge yooR oP [ae vooenee felaat tea ‘ow [tum Gata) tim) GRR: oa ae [W Gon | oan) en) gem | [ee eT ‘asa ea Cay WaT iusvation + ‘oraT308 6 Systems Operation Section 10 Lead Wye Connection WYE CONNECTION REGULATOR SENSING LEADS uw EEE : “ " Eroctapet Seat et wet w He eee eH Tae ee vow [crut7)_(ra.ta)_(3.19) | _( ack | 18 (aT) C518) 16.79) ibusraton 2 aro 6 Lead Wye Connection " \\ REGULATOR A, SSENSING LEADS ty note: WE CONNECTION REGULATOR SENSING — a LEADS MAY NOT BE ue w INSTALLED. ON. MeDTUM voy w VOLTAGE GENERATORS po a tistraon 3 acy 7 Systems Operation Section 6 Lead Delta Connection oe SensIne iex0s [a an / See REGULATOR SenSine wore - ———_ctuaron seasine TERS UY u we us DISTALLED. on uEOIUM u v " 20 2 0 WOLTABE GENERATORS oe eee ee eee eee ee crus) (rare) (13.18) | Bon ustration 4 oTon8es 4 Lead Wye Connection "1 \ \ ) "he / “~\—{20_ GEN et VOLTAGE GENERATORS w + lestration 5 (oranges 8 Systems Operation Section 12 Lead, Single Phase Connection 19 % i In 13 1“ n % Ye 18 6 ee 110 W — l 1 GENERATOR CONNECTION Reg sense LEADS u 2 N CONNECT u v W Fooe THER (72,78) (17) (14,6.110.112) asrsram fm 7 NOTE: FOR PARRALLEL OPERATION, TB LEAD GOES THROUGH WINDOW OF DROGP TRANSFORWER WITH VR—S VOLTAGE REGULATOR, CONNECT JUMPER WIRE BETWEEN VOLTAGE REGULATOR TERMINALS 20 AND 28. WITH VR-4 VOLTAGE REGULATOR, JUMPER WIRE IS NOT REQUIRED. ‘Musteaion o70035% Systems Operation Section sso Main Revolving Field Connections (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) “smcs Code: 4457 Diode Block L3 REVOLVING FIELD cRI~§ RECTIFIERS UZ EXCITER ARMATURE ‘ORT SURGE SUPPRESSOR hstration 7 Diode Block and Surge Suppressor L3 REVOLVING FIELD CRI-6 RECTIFIERS L2 EXCITER ARMATURE RIB SURGE SUPPRESSOR tustration 8 apora3882 10 Systems Operation Section Two Diode Biocks and Surge Suppressor LO EXITER ARMATURE cRI-6. RECTIFIERS. U3 REVOLVING FIELD CRE SURGE SUPPRESSOR Ri STATIC DISCKARGE RESISTOR Mlustration @ ves! Three Diode Blocks and Surge Suppressor ohI-~8, neeTrieas Ls REVOLVING ratio SRF" Sunce Sub Presson U2 EXCITER ARMATURE RI STATIC DISCHARGE. RESISTOR ~~ gooro03e ustration 10 4 Systems Operation Section Six Diodes and Two Surge Suppressors fe ont-6 REcTIFLERS UD EROrTeR aeATuRe CAT. SURGE SUPPRESSOR Rt STATIC DISCHARGE RESISTOR Iustraton 11 eonre3888 ‘orean26e Selection Guide for Voltage Regulator (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) SMCS Code: 4467 See SERIES ing \,_sar ent sot wast gy, EERE oa a a Vv 4 | e 4 a peor) 7a wa ear “gee | re soon sue ‘ge si ar OTE: VoUTAGES SHON ARE GO Ne EoUEVALENTS eT lusration 12 12 Systems Operation Section cssecess VR3 Voltage Regulator Connections (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) SMCS Code: 4467 Self Excited with to Generator irect Connection 1B oR 12 on Ra. 410K nw REMOTE LEVEL TE INSTALLED (REMOVE LIN 4-7) FRoW GENERATOR 20-+— 20 20 56 7 (22 seven cain | VRS_REGULATOR 20 22 24 26 28 30 FI FZ oo0¢ REGULATOR SENSING itkos eH fi u & note: rz DROOP TRANSFORMER CTY AND. D309 RAEOSTAT RI WAY OR MAY NOT PPLIED Ly excrteR neu ROOP RHEOSTAT Ap Reuore LeveL Racostat CTE OROOP TRANSFORMER © TERMINAL NUMBERS. WIRE NUMBERS. WE Povaniry systration 13 ‘00703000 Self Excited with Power Transformer 4/6 Lead Generator 13 ‘Systems Operation Section 18 oR 12 anf caw Ra Se j10e on REMOTE LEVEL FROM GENERATOR REGULATOR SENSING LeRDS (REMOVE Linke 4-7) | TE INSTALLED LEVEL GAIN / ae YRS REGULATOR 2 Rp FUSES 28K 20 22 26 26 28 30 f1 £2 O06 NOTE OROOP TRANSFORMER CT! AND. DROOP AHEOSTAT RI MAY OR MAY NOT Lt EXCITER FIELD i DROOP RHEOSTAL 2 REMOTE LEVEL RHEOSTAT CTI DROOP TRANSFORMER 8 SUPPLIED PI2 POWER TRANSFORMER © TERMINAL NUMBERS G wine, NuwBERS wm POLARITY usration 14 (0070508, 14 Systems Operation Section Self Excited with Power and Sensing Isolation Transformer Iustraton 16 18 OR 12 om FROM GENERATOR REGULATOR ‘SENSING EADS tol | REWOTE LeveL [TF INSTALLED OOO 378 LEVEL GAIN ) VRS REGULATOR Dae Tce pT 2m 2 20 22 24 26 28 30 FI F2 _ 89 0S8 9 Nore: DROP TRANSFORNER CT1 AND OROOP RHEOSTAT RI MAY OR MAY HOT ‘BE SUPPLIED Li EXCITER FIELD RY DROP RAEOSTAT R2 REMOTE. LEVEL RHEDSTAT TSOL ISOLATION TRANSFORNER CT! DROOP. TRANSFORMER P12 POWER TRANSFORMER BT3,PT¢. SENSING TRANSFORMER © TERMINAL NUMBERS ware Nuwaers m POLARITY Lf (mewowe: LINK «-7) Permanent Magnet Excitation with Direct Connection to Generator 18 oR 12 cn {5} —— a, 1S) 8 OW e—(ea} "S41 FRow GENERATOR REGULATOR SENSING) <= LEADS. u § note: 3 15 Systems Operation Section (peMove LINK oo 38 f oOU 158 - Jo @@ LEVEL GAIN — VRS REGULATOR 20 WR FUSES a Ea 20 22 24 26 28 30 FI F2 00000 GS % a DROOP TRANSORWER CTT ANB_DROQE AHEOSTAT RI MAY OR MAY NOT Li EXCITER FIELD Ls P.M EXCITER STATOR RI DROOP_RHEOSTAT R2 REMOTE LEVEL RHEOSTAT iustraton 16 GT1_DROOP TRANSFORMER Q TERMINAL “NUMBERS © WIRE_NUWBERS POLARITY 10K OHM REMOTE LeveL TF INSTALLED 4-7) OTOION 16 Systems Operation Section Permanent Magnet Excitation with Connections to Metering Potential Transformers 2 LR Sty OK on | 13st ; on = Ris) 8 OHM EMOTE LEVEL € sti} TE INSTALLED {REMOVE LINK 4-7) FROM GENERATOR REGULATOR sensinc connect 10,120 voLt i SECDWARY METERING POTENTAIL TRANSFORMER 7 CONNECT 22 TO PT OM CEN TH OIE Gonmecl 24 10 8 ON GEN 12 GOWNEET 20°19 PF OW GEN TD paprnirefevievieranrert PHASE RELATION WITH 856 OnoGrTeanromMet Cl Pag etp ret rs tbo ao i oe aao- 0} I | ee ¢ ND se ee} —__ Fy Note: 7 DROOP TRANSFORUER CTI AND DROOP RHEOSTAT RI MAY OR MAY NOT BE SUPPLIED cuer setae Tl T (CUSTOMER) METERING POTENTAL (PEE PAE Rs aron ‘ans omuce noo autostaN 11 OROOP ‘TRANSFORMER fe twore EVEL Rucostar (© TERMINAL, NyMBERS Swine Wcees a Poveatty ustraven 17 ‘po07O1O5S Permanent Magnet Excitation with Connections to an Isolation 17 Systems Operation Section Transformer 16 on 12 ra Say on ong Ri Sse onm 1 pewore vevew fe oN yee Le AP INSTALLED {oR FLA cio Ti tr FROM GENERATOR REGULATOR SENSING LEADS ( Level oar \ NY VRS. REGULATOR 20 22 24 26 28 30 FY FR O ey +t OROOP TRANSFORMER CT} AND OROOP RHEOSTAT RI MAY OR MAY NOT BE SUPPLIED LI EXCITER FIELD LS PM. EXCITER STATOR RY DROP. RHEOSTAT R2 REMOTE LEVEL RREOSTAT iustration 18, (CTY DROOP_TRANSFORWER PTZ.3 SENSING TRANSFORMER TSOL ISOLATION TRANSFORMER © TERMINAL NUMBERS. © wiRe nuwseRs WW POLARITY (0703988, 18 Systems Operation Section vores VR3F Voltage Regulator Connections (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) SMCS Code: 4487 Knee Frequency and Underfrequency Selection <==} iustaton 19 sonn8e ‘The physical differences between the VRB and the In order to determine the undertrequency siope \VRGF are minor. The hole for Gain adjustment is selection, install a jumper from terminal 6 to eliminated and another terminal is added to the terminal 8 on the regulator if a 1:1 VoltstHertz upper row (terminal 10) on the VRGF. underfrequency slope is desired. remove the jumper Ifa 2:1 VoltsiHertz underfrequency slope All VRSF connections to the generator or external is needed, options are identical to the VR3. The additional wiring for the VRSF is shown In the previous diagrarn, The following information is applicable to both VRGF designs: Self-Excited and Permanent Magnet Excited. ® In order to determine the knee frequency, install a jumper from terminal 6 to terminal 10 on the regulator if the generator is operating at 60 Hz. if the generator is operating at 50 Hz, remove the jumper. 19 Systems Operation Section Typical Permanent Magnet Excited /R3F NOTE DROP TRANSFORMER AN. OROOP, RHEOSTAT WAY OR MAY NOT BE SUPPLIED Rae 10K OHM REMOTE LEVEL eae rie 5 wewore “Ue 4-7) SO \ | REMOVE Link i ‘Ba10 FOR 29 g$| 50H 2343 6 7 8 5 io) optration VRSF Pu oN. REGULATOR \ REWOVE LINK 6-8 FOR 2k vit SLOPE “hs oRI-G ROTATING RECTIFIERS CRIB SURGE SUPPAESSTON OTODES E1 POSITIVE, HEAT) SINK ED NEGATIVE HEAT SINK Ui exctTER FIELD (StaToR) L2 EXCITER ARMATURE. (ROTOR) U3 ROTATING FIELO (MATH ROTOR) (4 STATOR (MAIN. STATOR) BE POLARITY WARKING LS PM EXCITER STATOR MOROTATING PERMANENT MAGNET RI VOLTAGE OROOP RHEOSTAT (SEE NOTE 1) R2 REMOTE LEVEL RHEOSTAT R5 SUPPRESSION RESISTOR RFA REVOLVING FIELD ASS"Y TI VOLTAGE DROOP TRANSFORMER (SEE NOTE 1) PT2 POWER TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY TERMINAL BOARD NUMBER O_ WIRE NuwBER SR-4 GENERATOR SCHEMATIC (4/5 LEAD. PERWANENT MAGNET EXCITED W/ 2 PM FUSES NOTE: GENERATOR STATOR LEADS TERMINALS 14, TS, AND 16 CAN BE CONNECTED TO FORM THE NEUTRAL LEAD (TO) ‘ON SIK LEAD GENERATORS. Note: lustration 20 oo7anta 20 Systems Operation Section Typical Self Excited VR3F NOTE DROOP TRANSFORMER AND, DROOP RWEOSTAT MAYOR MAY NOT 8E SUPPLIED RD it 10K OHM Berne \ REMOVE LINK oe} 50 HZ Pes kl ott j | i 20 22 24 26 28 30 F1 F2 | | 7 L sete 7 peor {Fif u eet 3} SHEESH EEE See EeEE Eo ec mee ie ae aire ER am oat ae CONNECTED TO FORM THE NEUTRAL LEAD (TO) ON FOUR LEAD GENERATORS. = stration 24 orsceaee VR4 Voltage Regulator Connections (All Except SR4B for 3500 Engines) SMCS Code: 4467 Self Excited with Direct Connection to Generator at Systems Operation Section 20 12 24 4 serine”

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