Macmillan Education Macmillan Education 26377 26377: Unit Test

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1A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

1  Listen to four people talking about their reading
06 Every February and March, the city of Hong Kong
habits. Match speakers 1–4 with statements A–E. hosts the Hong Kong Arts Festival which started in
There is one extra statement. 1973 with the aim of promoting the cultural life
of the city. The HKAF Society, which is a non-profit

This speaker organisation, raises the funds necessary to hold
the festival through sponsorship from government,
reads things regularly because he/she has to
A charity organisation and corporate donations.
(rather than for pleasure).
Although the main focus of the festival is on
believes it is important to read some literary the performing arts, with a good number of world-
masterpieces. famous bands, theatre companies and performers
being on stage, every year, the organisers run the

E 7m7 relies on other people for his/her choice of

reading material.
likes to read stories that he/she already
has recently changed his/her reading habits.
‘Festival PLUS’, an educational programme, which
includes lectures, presentations, workshops and
meetings with artists to encourage audiences to
participate actively at the festival and to find new
Outside the festival period, The HKAF Society is
also involved in producing and putting on new
__ / 4 theatre plays and all kinds of music and dance

performances. Many of these productions go on to
Reading be performed at theatres, concert halls and opera
2  Read texts A–C and match them with questions 1–5. houses all over the world.
One of the questions refers to more than one text.

Which festival

1 runs classes for people interested in the arts?  

Since starting in 1973, the Ageas Salisbury
2 began as a protest against the discrimination International Arts Festival has attracted over
at a mainstream event? 
a million visitors. Besides amazing performances
3 earns a lot of money for local people?  of theatre, dance, film and all kinds of music, the
4 continues its activity after the event?  multi-arts festival also hosts literary events and
5 makes use of historic locations?  exhibitions of the visual arts, some of which are
free to attend. Although the 1973 event was held
in July, now the three-week event takes place from
mid-May to early June. A lot of the festival venues
A  ADELAIDE FRINGE FESTIVAL include well-known landmarks, both in the city
of Salisbury itself and the surrounding area, such
This festival started in 1960 when a group of artists,
as the ancient Stonehenge stone circles, Salisbury
who didn’t accept the fact that many of them were
Cathedral and Old Wardour Castle, to name but

not allowed to participate at the official Adelaide

a few.
Festival of Arts, decided to organise their own event.
From this small beginning, the festival has become The organisers of the festival put a lot of emphasis
the second largest annual festival in the world, with on the festival benefitting the local community.
a large budget to fund the event being provided Besides bringing large profits to the area, the event

by the government. Traditionally opened with encourages the pursuit of art-orientated career
a parade followed by a street party, it features development through including lots of lessons and
an unbelievable programme of over 900 events, workshops for young people. Not surprisingly, the
covering cabaret, comedy, circus, dance, film, event is valued by the public as one of the top arts
theatre, the visual arts and music. For four weeks festivals in the country, which is also highlighted by
from mid-February to mid-March, the audiences go the massive number of volunteers that are required
to both typical venues like theatres and galleries, each year to help to organise and run the events.
and unusual places like warehouses and abandoned
buildings. __ / 6
The Adelaide Fringe is open to all kinds of artists.
Most of the performances are free for the public
to watch, although people have to pay to watch
the main acts at the festival. Due to the festival’s
worldwide appeal, in 2012, the government
of South Australia decided to appoint an Adelaide
Fringe Ambassador, whose main role is to promote
the event both at home and overseas, who also
performs during the event.

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1A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

Language functions 6  Choose the correct prepositions.
3  Complete the sentences with appropriate words. 1 I read news websites every morning to keep on / up /
out with the latest news events.
1 ____________ my mind, the film was an excellent
adaptation of the book. 2 This TV station is strongly biased for / by / towards

the left-wing political parties.
2 All ____________ all, the book is a must-read for
anyone interested in science-fiction. 3 When he was about 20, he stopped painting and
3 As ____________ as classical music is concerned, turned to / for / with music instead.
my favourite composer is Bach. 4 Many people think that the mass media should be
4 One convincing argument in ____________ of such responsible on / by / for providing neutral
performances is that they attract big audiences. information.

5 The book is well ____________ reading because it’s
an all-time classic.

4  Read the definitions and write the correct words.
__ / 5 Grammar
__ / 4

7  Underline and correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 I have written this essay all afternoon but I haven’t
1 a painting that an artist paints of himself/herself finished it yet.
____________ _____________________________________________

2 a silly action intended to make others laugh 2 This is the first time we see him in such a bad mood.
____________ _____________________________________________
3 based on facts ____________ 3 You have to hurry up, the train is leaving at 5.15.

4 an artist who creates a piece of art by carving wood,
stone or other materials ____________ 4 When we were children, my brother and I would be

very sad whenever our dad had to go away for a few

5 a synonym for talented ____________
6 feeling a strong dislike towards someone _____________________________________________
or something without a logical explanation
5 Mike was walking quickly along the street when,
suddenly, he had heard steps behind him.
__ / 6 _____________________________________________
__ / 5
5  Complete the sentences with the missing words.
The first letters have been given.
8  Choose the correct answers to complete the text.
1 The documentary I saw last night was really
t____________-p____________. It made me think Last year, Tim decided to spend his summer holidays
deeply about some serious social problems. in Andalucía. Although he had been visiting Spain

regularly for several years, he 1 ________ very excited

2 They s____________ a lot of cultural events in
because this was the first time he was going to visit
the new concert hall, including concerts, plays and
the south of the country. On the day of his flight he left
other kinds of performances.
home early. He 2 ________ for his plane in the airport
3 The programme is broadcast during p____________ café, sipping a cup of coffee when, all of a sudden,

v____________ times, so it is watched by millions somebody hit him on his back with something heavy.
of people. He was just going to shout something at the person
4 I never miss my favourite series, even if I’m back late who had made him spill his coffee but when he
from work, I can watch the episode o____________ 3
________ around, he was speechless. He had never
c____________-u____________ T____________ as my seen such a beautiful girl! Her name was Lucia, and she
TV is connected to the Internet. was from Granada. They sat next to each other on
5 I like this newspaper because it presents an honest the plane. Lucia and Tim 4 ________ a couple ever
and i____________ view of the current political since. This year, they are planning to go on holiday
situation. together. They 5 ________ about where to go for
__ / 5 a long time but will probably spend two weeks
somewhere colder, maybe in Scandinavia.
1 a was b has been c had been
2 a has waited b was waiting c waited
3 a was looking b looked c had looked
4 a have been b had been c are
5 a are thinking b were thinking c have been
__ / 5
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1A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

English in use Writing
9  Choose the answer that means the same as 10  Read the instructions and do the writing task.
the underlined phrase or sentence. Niedawno wziąłeś/wzięłaś udział w przedstawieniu
1 I was really fed up with my guitar lessons, although przygotowanym przez szkolne kółko teatralne.

all my family and friends told me not to stop them. Zredaguj wpis (100–150 słów) do zamieszczenia na
a addicted to blogu i:
b bored with • podaj podstawowe informacje o tym przedstawieniu;
c keen on • wyjaśnij, na czym polegała Twoja rola w tym
2 This film gave me a good laugh. spektaklu;
a was entertaining • napisz, jak oceniasz występ swój i swoich kolegów/
b was monotonous koleżanek;

c was awful
3 My mum would read a lot to my brother and me
when we were kids.
a didn’t like to read
b used to read
c had to read
• wyraź swoją opinię na temat angażowania się
młodzieży w wydarzenia artystyczne.

Hi everyone! I’d like to tell you about a recent

performance put on by a drama group at our school.

4 She wasn’t aware of the risk she was taking by
deciding to travel there alone.

a didn’t worry about ________________________________________________
b wasn’t afraid of
c didn’t know about ________________________________________________
5 I found the plot so amusing that I decided to read

the book again.

a engaging
b hilarious
c original ________________________________________________
__ / 5


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