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The Martial Olympiad - 2002

Robinson DMM Headquarters, Le Blanc
Robinson PDZ, Draconis March, Federated Suns
7 April 3067

“Sergeant Major Jablonski, your conduct on the night of 12 March was deplorable,” stated Colonel
Jackson. “Your public display of drunkenness and use of demeaning language to a superior commissioned
officer will not be tolerated in this command.”
Sergeant Major Richard Jablonski, AFFS stood at stiff attention as his Commanding Officer regarded
him sternly. “Sergeant Major, you have been a member of this command for 6 months now, in that six months
you have been in hack three times, to Article 15 once, and now this,” said the Colonel. “Give me one reason
why I shouldn’t bust you to Corporal and send you to the stockade.” Sergeant Major Jablonski answered
immediately, “I admit the allegations, and am ready to accept whatever punishment the Colonel hands down.”
Colonel Jackson leaned back in his chair and eyed Jablonski, “I’m going to have to think long and
hard about this Sergeant Major. Right now my first instinct is to bust you right out of the service, but I’m going
to take some time to think about this,” said Colonel Jackson. “You’re restricted to quarters until further notice.
Master at Arms, escort the Sergeant Major to his barracks room and post a guard to ensure he stays there.”
Back in his office Colonel Darius Jackson poured himself and his XO a cup of coffee, “Well Mike, what
do you think?” Jackson asked.
“Have you seen this guys record?” Leftenant Colonel Mikhail Suvarov answered. “26 years of service,
WIA on Sudetan in 52, in on Operation Bird Dog, at Monte Diablo with Andy Giggens in 65. Boot pusher at
NAMA, qualified in tanks, mechs, and small unit infantry.”
“Yeah I read it too Mike,” said Jackson, “The guy’s good, but he’s an 800 pound gorilla every time he
gets liquored up. I just can’t have that crap here; things are dicey as it is. I can’t have my senior NCO’s
throwing up on officers. This Civil War has gotten to everybody; morale is bad enough. We’ve had what, three
desertions in the last month?”
“Five,” the battalion XO corrected, “Leftenant Walker went over the hill yesterday, took one of her
lance with her.” “Their Mech’s?” asked Jackson. “No, they left them behind. I guess they figure that they won’t
be needing them.” answered Suvarov.
Jackson shook his head, “We’re at eighty five percent strength, I’ve got a Sergeant Major who goes
berserk every time he goes on R&R and now this comes down from PDZ HQ.” Said Jackson, handing
Suvarov the message board. Jackson leaned back and stared at the ceiling while his XO read the message.
“The Martial Olympiad?” asked Suvarov.
“Yeah, what will they think of next?” said Jackson. “It appears that headquarters requires that we cut
loose a company of our best and brightest to go to Tukayyid and play war, like there’s not a real one to fight.
I’ve got beau-coup Snake movement right across the border and the Lyrans still skulking around looking for
trouble, but Headquarters thinks that this is more important and says I have to take a Company out of hide


and send them off to Tukayyid to represent the PDZ.” Jackson let out a long sigh, “Sometimes it just ain’t
worth getting out of bed in the morning.”
“Who are we going to send?” asked Suvarov. “Bart Walker is our best junior officer, but I’d damn sure
hate to lose him right now.”
“Not a chance Mike, I’m not sending my best shooters off to Tukayyid while this Civil War is still going
on, I just can’t do that.” stated Jackson
“So, we don’t send anybody?” asked the XO.
“That’s not an option either,” said Jackson. “The message said select and direct, we gotta send
“Then who?” asked the XO.
“Well, the message is pretty clear, they want a combined arms company. ‘Mechs, vehicles,
infantry…….” Colonel Jackson stopped in mid sentence. “Wait a second.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me Darius,” stated Suvarov. “A minute ago you were ready to kick him out of
the world.”
“I’m going to solve two problems at once,” laughed Jackson. “Where did you put those replacements
that came in last week?”
“They’re doing workups with Battalion Bravo, but they’re as green as grass.” said Suvarov.
“Get them back in, they’re going with him,” said Jackson. “The Star League wants to have an
Olympiad, well I’m going to send them exactly what they asked for. I’m going to send them Richard ‘Swingin’
Dick’ Jablonski.”

Mechwarriors, Tankers, Ground Pounders, and Chopper Pilots, Welcome to the 27th Martial
Olympiad. Originally created by the legendary Star League General Joseph Cameron as a way of
keeping the Star League Defense Forces in fighting trim, the Martial Olympiad was run for over a
century by the old Star League. The reborn Star League has brought back this tradition as a way to
foster respect and understanding throughout the Inner Sphere, Periphery, and the Clan worlds.
Each year we will run this competition to determine the best of the best. Those Classic Battletech
players that know the game inside and out, the players who are best at operating in all environments
and situations. To this end we’ve created a “Triathlon,” three scenarios designed to test your tactical
ability and battlefield savvy. The players who do well in this Triathlon will prove that no matter what
gets thrown their way, they can thrive in a dynamic situation and focus on completing the assigned
mission. In other words, they will have proven that they are the best there is.

Rule Number One: Read this entire document before registering on the website

The Hexathlon is designed to test the player’s ability to utilize combined arms and strategic
and tactical decision making to get the job done. Players will be required to choose forces before the
event begins and use combinations of those forces to accomplish the six events of the hexathlon.
Each event in the hexathlon will be scored according to three criteria. The players’ ability to inflict
the maximum amount of damage to the enemy, minimize the damage to their own forces, and
complete the assigned mission. The hexathlon will consist of the following:



6 events designed to determine the Best of the Best.

*1. None Shall Pass: A scenario slated at defending a static object.

(Associated with Scenario 2). Defender chooses one map, attacker chooses one map.

*2. Crunch Time: A scenario slated at destroying a static object.

(Associated with Scenario 1) Defender chooses one map, attacker chooses one map.

3. Smash and Grab: A scenario slated at securing an object and moving the object off your map
side. (Map Set 6, 3 Urban Maps)

4. Stand up Fight: Pound the other side to snail snot. (Both players choose one Map each)

5. King of the Hill: Take and hold the high ground. (Large Mountain 1)

6. Double Time!: Get your lance through the large city (Map Set 6 3 Urban Maps) as fast as
possible with as little unit and collateral damage as possible.
* Each player will be required to play these scenarios twice. Once as attacker and once as defender.
They need not play against the same opponent both times.
Unless otherwise noted, all level two rules from the Battletech Master rules- revised are in effect.

* Each player will be required to play these scenarios twice. Once as attacker and once as defender. They
need not play against the same opponent both times.

Unless otherwise noted, all level two rules from the Battletech Master rules- revised are in effect.

Martial Olympiad Events

The Hexathlon portion of the Martial Olympiad will run from 01 July 2002 to 31 August 2002.
Players must complete all 6 scenarios in order for their score to count. Locations where Martial
Olympiad game will be run can be found at Just click the venues
button to see a list of retail location nearest you and the Fanpro Commandos that will referee games
at that location. In addition to these locations, we will be running Martial Olympiad events at Origins,
Gencon, and other selected conventions that will be listed on the Commando site and as they become available.


The following rules apply to every scenario in the Hexathalon. Unless specifically stated
otherwise by the rules of the scenario, all scenarios will use the rules as presented in the BattleTech
Master Rules, Revised.

For each scenario players will field a force of four units. The force must consist of one
Battlemech or Omnimech, one vehicle, one Infantry/BattleArmor unit, and one unit of the players’
choice. If the player wishes to use a point of Protomechs, they occupy this fourth position.

Faction Specific Lists

Each player will be required to choose a faction. The choice of faction will determine what specific
unit types are available to the player. The following is a list of the factions that a player can choose.
Draconis Combine, Federated Suns, Capellan Confederation, Free Worlds League, Lyran Alliance, Free
Rasalhague Republic, ComStar, Word of Blake, Magistracy of Canopus, Taurian Concordat, Marian
Hegemony, Outworlds Alliance, Circinus Federation, Periphery Independent, Mercenary, Ghost Bear, Nova
Cat, Jade Falcon, Wolf, Wolf (in-Exile), Blood Spirit, Fire Mandrill, Ice Hellion, Hell's Horses, Star Adder,
Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Snow Raven, Diamond Shark, Steel Viper and Goliath Scorpion.
Prior to participating in the Martial Olympiad, the player will be required to register. Once the
player registers, they will select 12 units from their faction specific listing. A player may select any
combination of unit types. Duplications are allowed. These 12 units will be the force from which they
will select their units for each scenario. The following is an example of how it works.
Note: If a player chooses an Inner Sphere faction, including Mercenaries, they may also
select from the Inner Sphere General Listing. If a player chooses a Clan faction, they may also
select from the units from the Clan General Listing.

Players will not be allowed to choose multiple factions. One Faction Only! Choose wisely.

Example: Steve is a long time supporter of the Draconis Combine, so he chooses the Combine to be his
faction. Once he selects a faction, he is allowed to choose 12 units to make up his force for the Olympiad.
Steve has the option of choosing units from the Inner Sphere General listing, and the Draconis Combine
specific listing. Steve consults the listing on the registration site and chooses the following units.
From the Inner Sphere General Listing: From the Draconis Combine Specific List:
1. Heavy Hover APC (SRM Variant) 5. Kage Light Battle Armor Squad (Sm. Laser)
2. Schrek PPC Carrier 6. Kanazuchi Battle Armor Squad
3. Scorpion SCP-12C 7. Akuma AKU-1XJ
4. Warhammer WHM-7M 8. Tokugawa Heavy Tank
9. BattleMaster BLR-K3
10. Daikyu DAI-02
11. Grand Dragon DRG-C
12. Panther PNT-C
Steve now has his force pool of 12 units, for each scenario he can choose four units. One
Battlemech/Omnimech, one Vehicle, one Infantry/Battlearmor/Protomech, and one unit of his choice from this
list. Each unit in his force pool is available for all the scenarios, and damage does not carry over from one
scenario to the next.


Once a player has registered, the website will send them an e-mail which will have their
player number, player information, and their force pool. The player must print this e-mail out and
bring it, along with a picture I.D. to any events that they take part in. The player should also have
official Record Sheets and miniatures for his units. Record sheets from any FASA or FanPro
published record sheets book are legal for play in the Martial Olympiad. Record sheets printed from
the Heavy Metal software series are also legal, but will be verified by the referee prior to play to
ensure that they conform to the officially published stats. Proxy miniatures are allowed. The referee
will provide dice and mapsheets.

A unit is considered crippled if it has suffered any of the following damage. Note that crippled
units continue to take part in the game as usual. The designation of crippled is only used to
determine the winner and the score, and has no other impact on game play.
• All weapons are either destroyed or out of ammunition *
• Destruction of 3 or 4 limbs (BattleMech only)
• Destruction of 1 leg and 1 or more Gyro hits (BattleMech only)
• Destruction of 1 arm and the Gyro (BattleMech only)
• Two sensor critical hits (BattleMech only) **
• The pilot has suffered 5 hits (BattleMech only)
• Destruction of the legs (ProtoMech only)
• The unit has suffered a critical Engine Hit (vehicles only)
• The unit has lost more than half of its starting troopers (Infantry/BattleArmor and ProtoMechs only)

*The fact that a unit can perform physical attacks does not mean it has functional weapons (keep in
mind that a hatchet/sword is a weapon, however). Also, items of equipment that cannot directly
inflict damage, such as anti-missile systems and Narc (unless it is carrying explosive pods), are not
“weapons” for consideration of whether a unit is crippled.
Also, if one or more of the unit’s weapons have been destroyed, and the remaining weapons
can inflict a combined maximum of less than 5 points of damage in a single turn, the unit is
considered to be crippled as though it had lost all of its weapons.

**If the ’Mech has a hatchet/sword that does more than 4 points of damage it is not considered

All Scenarios will be fought using mapsheets as found in BattleTech Map Sets 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
BattlePack: Fourth Succession War or BattleForce 2.
Note: Because they are designed to be used in pairs and have unique elevation levels that do not match
other maps, the Large Mountain and Deep Canyon maps included in BattleTech Map Set 5 cannot be used
unless specifically called for by scenario rules.


All specialized ammunition (both Autocannon and Missile) that is Level 2 is allowed for use in
the Martial Olympiad at the player’s discretion. All applicable rules apply and the specialized
ammunition critical slots must be clearly noted on the players Record Sheets prior to the start of
Specialized ammunition can be used with the following Faction Restrictions:
1. Specialized Autocannon Ammunition: Federated Suns and Lyran Alliance only
2. I-Narc Ammunition: Comstar, Word of Blake and Draconis Combine only
3. Specialized Missile Ammunition: Inner Sphere Units Only (Exception: Inferno SRM’s can
be used by any faction)


The following units cannot be used in theses scenarios.
• Artillery weapons are not allowed.
• VTOL’s are not allowed.
• Naval craft

Infantry/Battlearmor can begin play mounted on a OmniMech or in a vehicle per the standard rules.

A units Gunnery and Piloting skill is dependent on that units Battle Value. After choosing
units, determine the units Battle Value and consult the Gunnery/Piloting Table. Note: Units
equipped with a C3 or C3i master or slave use the C3 Battle Value whether or not the unit is part of
a C3 or C3i lance.

ProtoMechs can be used by any Clan faction. Protomechs function according to the rules in
the Battletech Master Rules (Revised) with the following restrictions.
Protomechs deploy in points of five.
All five units in a ProtoMech point must be the same type of ProtoMech.
A ProtoMech point counts as a Clan players “unit of the players choice.” That means that a
Clan players force could consist of one Battlemech/Omnimech, one vehicle, one point of
BattleArmor or platoon of Infantry, and one point of Protomechs.
To determine a ProtoMech Points Gunnery Skill, take the base Battle Value of one of the
Protomechs and multiply by 5.
Example: Sandra chooses to use a point of ROC Protomechs. All five units in the point must be Rocs. The
Roc ProtoMech has a Battle Value of 284. Sandra multiplies 284 times 5 and comes up with 1420. Sandra
then consults the Gunnery/Piloting table and finds that 1420 gives her point of Rocs a final gunnery of 3. All
Rocs in her point will have a Gunnery of 3.


Battle Value Gunnery Piloting
1–300 0 0
301–400 0 1
401–700 1 1
701–800 1 2
801–1,100 2 2
1,101–1,200 2 3
1,201–1,500 3 3
1,501–1,600 3 4
1,601–1,900 4 4
1,901–2,000 4 5
2,001–2,300 5 5
2,301–2,400 5 6
2,401–2,700 6 6
2,701–2,800 6 7
2,801+ 7 7

Note: For determining Infantry/BattleArmor/ProtoMech skills multiply the unit’s Battle Value by five
consult the above table. This applies only to determining Gunnery skill, if an Infantry/Battlearmor unit
is destroyed or crippled it only counts as the actual Battle Value for scoring purposes.

The overall winner of the Martial Olympiad Hexathlon will receive the following:
A Certificate from the Star League proclaiming their victory.
The Shandra Noruff Ribbon.
The winner will also have their name included in an upcoming Classic Battletech product. The
winners name will be immortalized and will become a permanent part of the Battletech Universe


These details should be released to the players as they begin the Scenarios. These
scenarios should be played in order if at all possible.

To determine which player is Player One have both players roll 2D6. The player with the
highest roll is Player One. Re-roll all ties. This only applies to Scenarios One and Two if the player
has not played either one before. If a player has played as Attacker, they will automatically play as
defender, and vice-versa.

Dealing with an odd number of players: If you have an odd number of players show up for your
event, one of them is going to have to play one scenario twice. The best scenario choice for this is
Scenario 4, as it is pretty straightforward. The player who volunteers to play this scenario twice has
a choice, if they are satisfied with their first score on Scenario 4, they can play for no score. If they


would like to, they can play Scenario 4 a second time for score, but the lowest score between the
two times that they play Scenario 4 is the one that they get. The players that volunteer to play twice
are doing us a favor, so I thought it was fair to give them this option.

Scenario for #1 and #2.

Opposing players face off, one charged with defending, the other attacking. The attacker
chooses the defenders home mapsheet, and the defender chooses the attackers home mapsheet.
Defender sets up first. The objective will be a C/F 100 Level 1 Command Center that the defending
player will place anywhere on their home map using the Hidden Units rules (Page 83 BMR-R). The
Command Center can be placed in any hex except a water hex. The hidden Command Center will
remain hidden until an enemy unit moves into its hex, attempts to move into its hex, moves into an
adjacent hex, or ends its movement adjacent to the Command Centers hex. Immediately after the
Command Center is discovered, it is placed in the hex and the unit can continue its movement as
normal. When placing the Command Center, the defending player must secretly write down the hex
number in which the Command Center is located on a card, and give this card to the event referee.
When the Command Center is located, the referee will place the card into the noted hex, and the
card will mark the Command Centers position for the remainder of the game. Note: Active Probes
can locate the hidden Command Center per the standard rules.

Play continues until one of the following is accomplished. All defending units crippled or
destroyed. All attacking units crippled or destroyed, or the Command Center is destroyed.

• Enemy Unit Destroyed + Battle Value X 2
• Enemy Unit Crippled + Battle Value
• Friendly Unit Destroyed - Battle Value X 2
• Friendly Unit Crippled - Battle Value
• Command Center Damaged + 10 per point (Attacker only)
(Scoring note: The award of points for crippling/destroying a unit is an either/or thing. If a crippled unit is later
destroyed, the destroying player is awarded points ONLY for destroying the unit, not both. The same applies
to points deducted for crippled/destroyed units.)

Scenario #3
Using Map Set 6 lay out the following maps left to right, City Suburbs, City Downtown, City
Residential. Both players start from opposite mapsides and enter on turn one. Player One enters on
the City Residential Map at Hex 0105. Player Two enters on the City Suburbs Map at Hex 1514. In a
building on the center Mapsheet there is an experimental Oscillation Overthruster. The Oscillation
Overthruster is located in Hex 0514 of the City Downtown Map. The opposing sides must rush to the
building, get the Oscillation Overthruster, and remove the Oscillation Overthruster to their map side.
Only BattleArmor or conventional

Infantry can enter the building and locate the Oscillation Overthruster. Infantry/BattleArmor
can enter the building from any adjacent hex. No other unit type, including Protomechs can safely
enter the building. If the Infantry are destroyed or are unable to reach the building, a Battlemech can
crack the building open and get the Oscillation Overthruster, but this will be at a cost in points. If the


unit transporting the Oscillation Overthruster is destroyed, the Oscillation Overthruster remains in
the hex until another unit picks it up. Only Battlemechs, BattleArmor, Protomechs, or Infantry can
transport the Oscillation Overthruster. A Battlemech must have a functioning Hand in order to
transport the Oscillation Overthruster. Vehicles cannot transport the Oscillation Overthruster.
Infantry or BattleArmor mounted on a Mech or in a vehicle cannot transport the Oscillation
Overthruster. The Oscillation Overthruster cannot be destroyed.

• Enemy Unit Destroyed + Battle Value X 2
• Enemy Unit Crippled + Battle Value
• Friendly Unit Destroyed - Battle Value X 2
• Friendly Unit Crippled - Battle Value
• Oscillation Overthruster Moved off Home Edge +1500 Points
• Building Damaged to get Overthruster -1000 Points (If both players damage the building, both
players lose 1000 points.)
(Scoring note: The award of points for crippling/destroying a unit is an either/or thing. If a crippled unit is later
destroyed, the destroying player is awarded points ONLY for destroying the unit, not both. The same applies
to points deducted for crippled/destroyed units.)

Scenario #4: Stand Up Fight

Each player chooses one map. The players then both enter on their respective home edges
on turn one. The players then proceed to pound each other back to the Stone Age. This scenario
ends in the end phase of the turn where one side has had all of its units destroyed or crippled. If
both sides have all their forces destroyed or crippled in the same turn the scenario ends and is
scored normally.

• Enemy Unit Destroyed + Battle Value X 2
• Enemy Unit Crippled + Battle Value
• Friendly Unit Destroyed - Battle Value X 2
• Friendly Unit Crippled - Battle Value
(Scoring note: The award of points for crippling/destroying a unit is an either/or thing. If a crippled unit is later
destroyed, the destroying player is awarded points ONLY for destroying the unit, not both. The same applies
to points deducted for crippled/destroyed units.)

Scenario #5: King of the Hill

Using Large Mountain Map #1, the opposing sides are tasked with taking and holding the
peak hex, hex number 0808. Lay the mapsheet out with the narrow end up and the logo at the
bottom right. Player One starts at the top end, Player Two at the bottom end. This game will run until
all units on one side or the other are crippled or destroyed. Every End Phase that a unit occupies
the peak hex, that unit’s side receives 50 points to their overall score to a max of 500 points. Once
the peak hex has been occupied, the occupying unit can only be moved out of the hex by destroying
it, crippling it, or displacing it by charging, ramming, pushing, or death from above attacks. A
crippled unit must vacate the peak hex in the movement phase immediately after being crippled. If
the crippled unit has been rendered immobile and cannot vacate the hex it will remain in the hex


until moved by the opposing player, (Charged, pushed, etc.) An immobile unit in the peak hex no
longer gains points for its owning player.

• Hex #0808 Occupied in the end phase + 50 Points (Max 500 Points)
• Enemy Unit Destroyed + Battle Value X 2
• Enemy Unit Crippled + Battle Value
• Friendly Unit Destroyed - Battle Value X 2
• Friendly Unit Crippled - Battle Value
(Scoring note: The award of points for crippling/destroying a unit is an either/or thing. If a crippled unit is later
destroyed, the destroying player is awarded points ONLY for destroying the unit, not both. The same applies
to points deducted for crippled/destroyed units.)

Scenario #6: Double Time

Using Map Set 6, lay out the following maps from right to left, City Suburbs, City Residential,
City Downtown. This Scenario is a measure of Piloting Prowess. Both players’ forces enter on the
edge of the City Suburbs map on Turn 1. Player One enters at Hex 1504/1505. Player Two enters at
Hex 1513/1514. Both Players should move as quickly as possible to the opposite end of the City
Downtown map. The following hexes should be marked:
City Suburbs: Hexes 0701, 0703, 0705, 0708, 0713, 0715, 0717.
City Residential: 0701, 0704, 0707, 0711, 0714, 0717.
City Downtown: Hexes 1102, 1107, 1111, 1115, 0303, 0306, 0312, 0315.
When a player establishes line-of-sight of these hexes, the player rolls one die. The die roll
determines what type of hazard is in the hex.
Rolling 1D6:
1- Clear 4- Fire
2- Rough 5- 20 Point Minefield
3- Level 3 Rubble 6- Impassable

Once the hazard in the hex has been determined it remains the same for the duration of the
game. Fires in hexes will not spread, but will create smoke. The scenario ends when the last unit
exits the opposite end of the City Downtown Map.
Scoring is based on: The number of turns it takes to make it from one end to the other. The
amount of damage each element of the unit takes due to enemy fire, falls, skids, mines, etc. And the
amount of collateral damage the unit inflicts on the city and its environs. An organization as noble as
the Star League frowns on collateral damage.

• Each player begins this scenario with 2500 points.
(This scenario can result in an overall negative score.)
• Every turn that a player has a functional
(not destroyed or immobile) unit on the board. -100 Points
• Every point of damage to a players unit. -10 Points
• Every Point of Damage to a Building. -20 Points
• Every Unit that does not finish. (Destroyed or Immobile) - Unit Battle Value



Project Development: R. Scott Taylor

Scenarios: R. Scott Taylor

Website Development: George Blouin

Playtestors: The FanPro Commandos


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