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A good start

Course for self-employed persons

Versjon 1.1 – jan 2022


Today’s agenda
• and
• business
• advance tax
• accounting and book-keeping
• Income
• tax deductions
• reporting
• value added tax (VAT)

Social media

Business activity

What is business activity?

• own expence and responsibility
• duration and scope
• profit is the purpose
• activity

All criteria must be met.

Hobby or business?

Guide: «Am I self-employed?»

Starting a business
• Is it a tax-free hobby or is it taxable
business activity?
• What do you do during the start-up
• Check

Profit / loss
You are paying taxes from the profit.
There is no salary when you are self-employed.
You can use the profit as you like, this has no effect on the taxes.

Sales kr 1 150 000
Costs kr 350 000
Profit kr 800 000

Tax calculation 2022

Income Tax
Salary kr 200 000 gross income salary(8,0 %) 16 000
+ Pension kr 100 000 gross income pensjon (5,1 %) 5 100
+ profit (self-employed) kr 800 000 gross income profit(11,2 %) 89 600
Sum kr 1 100 000 1 100 000
Bracket tax
+ Interest kr 5 000 0,0 % on the first 190 350
+ profit (sale property) kr 30 000 1,7 % on the next 77 550 1 318
- Minimum std. ded. kr 109 950 4,0 % on the next 375 900 15 036
- Kindergarten kr 25 000 13,4 % on the next 325 400 43 603
16,4 % on the next 130 800 21 451
Interest (paid) kr 55 000
Sum kr - 154 950 - 154 950

Income after deductions (net income) 945 050

- Personal allowance - 58 250
= Basis for tax 886 800 22 % tax on net income 195 096
Total taxes 387 204
Advance tax

Advance tax
Will be calculated based on the expected profit.

Advance tax means that you are paying taxes

as a regular bill, either instead of, or in addtion
to, taxes deducted from salary or pension.

Advance tax
• Income from business and personal
income/decuctions should be stated.
• Persons who pays advance tax gets a bill four
times a year, with due dates March 15, Jun15,
September 15 and December 15

Accounting and book-keeping

Why do you need to keep accounts?

All businesses are required to keep


Accounts are the basis for:

• the business activity
• tax
• employers contribution (salary)
• external interest, e.g bank if you are
going to apply for a loan

What does book-keeping mean?

Registration of a purchase, a sale and other economic actions
into a system.

Accounting requirements:
• order and summary – Norsk Standard Kontoplan
• all transactions must be documented
• income must be recorded when earned

If you have more than 600 receipts / vouchers a year, you

need an electronic accounting system.

We recommend that you have a separate bank account for

the business.

Laws and regulations

Self-employed businesses with more than
600 receipts / vouchers a year must have:
• book-keeping specification
• accounting specification
• VAT specification
• customer and supplier specification
• a specification of private withdrawals

Who must keep staff register?

• hairdressers and beauty salons
• restaurants and cafes
• car repair shops and car care
• electronically or on paper
• must show which employees are at work at
all times
• not required if owner, spouse and children
under 16 are the only employees

Order a paper version free at

When to update
The accounting has to be done on a regular
• cash transactions: daily

• VAT-liable: updated every other month

• Accounts updated at least every fourth

• less than 600 receipts: once a year

Trenger du regnskapsfører? – Test deg selv


How to register purchases

(not VAT - liable)

Voucher Date Text 1900 Bank 2400 Supplier 6800 Supplies

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
52 02.07.2019 Supplies bought 1 250 1 250
60 16.07.2019 Payment supplier 1 250 1 250

How to register a sale

(Not VAT - liable)

Voucher Date Text 1510 Customer 1900 Bank 3000 Sale

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
53 12.07.2019 Sale 25 000 25 000
61 26.07.2019 Payment - 25 000 25 000

Accounts and receipts must be kept for 5 years
• electronically or on paper
• protected against destruction or accidential loss
• in an way that makes it possible to read/print the
material in the future
• must be kept even after ending the business
• filing abroad: separate rules


Standard format - accounts

• SAF-T Regnskap (Financial) is a standard format
for exchanging of data.
• SAF-T must be used only if you get an audit, or
when the tax authorities asks for it.
• The system used must be customized to the new

• Must be sent as soon as possible and
no later than one month after delivery.

• The number that is printed or pre-

printed must be impossible to change.

• Credit note / Correction invoice in case

of errors.

• Remember due date.

Seller Registrert i foretaksregisteret

Invoice no.
Date Invoice
Due date
Delivery place
Buyer / Adress



Cash sales
Are paid here and now by:
• cash
• bank accept
• credit card
• other electronic solutions

Strict rules for the registration of cash sales.


Cash register
If you have cash sales, you

• Need to have a cash system with product statement

• Must be able to produce receipts,
electronic journal, x- and z-report.
spørsmål og svar om nye kassasystemer

You don’t need a cash register if

• cash sales per year is under kr 50 000 ex. VAT

• ambulatory cash sales under 3G, or
• random cash sales under 3G
(G = folketrygdens grunnbeløp)
In these cases cash sales are documented by

• Hard-cover book with pre-numbered pages or

• Copy of pre-numbered receipts or
• Print out of cash invoice
Butikken AS 31
Vareveien 10,
Name, adress and
0633 Oslo 999 888 777 MVA
Register of Business
Enterprises Receipt no.
Date and time

Salgskvittering Sales receipt



Tax deductions

• deduction guide • work wear
• cash payment • electronic communication
• cost of sales • food and beverage
• depriciations • gifts and advertising
• car • education
• home office • pension

Tax deductions
You can deduct the costs you have had to
obtain your income as self-employed.
You have a right to a deduction if the
• can be documented
• are connected to the business
• are correct according to the law

Cash payment
• No deduction for cash payments (tax and VAT)
over kr 10 000.
• If you split the payment it is still the total
amount that counts.
• Same rules for salary.
• Both businesses and private persons may be
responsible for evasions.

Cost of sales
Calculated like this:
stock per 1 Jan.
+ purchase throughout the year
- stock per 31 Dec.
= cost of sales

You can deduct the cost of the

goods you have sold.

Cost of sales - example

Knut runs a business which buys goods and sell them. The value of the stock
Jan 1, is 850 000 NOK. During the year Knut has bought goods for 1 600 000 NOK
The stock 31 Dec has av value of 700 000 NOK. What is cost of sales?

Stock Jan 1 kr 850 000

+ purchase kr 1 600 000
- Stock Des 31 kr 700 000
= Cost of sales kr 1 750 000

Knut puts 1 750 000 NOK as a cost in the accounts.



Yes No
Decrease in value when used?

Cost > 15 000?

Duration period > 3 år?


Deduction through depreciations 100 % deduction the first year No depreciations

Kr 15 000 is included VAT if you are not in the VAT system


Anna runs a business. She buys a machine for the business.
The price is kr 40 000. The machine is supposed to last more than 3 years.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Balance 01.01 0 28 000 19 600 13 720

Purchase 40 000 0 0 0
Depriciation 12 000 8 400 5 880 13 720
Balance 31.12 28 000 19 600 13 720 0

Depreciation groups and rates: Skatteloven § 14-43


If you sell this machine

Anna sells the machine in year 3 for kr 25 000
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Balance 01.01 0 28 000 19 600

Purchase 40 000
Sale 25 000
Depriciation 12 000 8 400
Balance 31.12
28 000 19 600 0

The sale leads to a profit of kr 5 400. This is an income that will be taxed for Anna.

You can deduct the cost you have when you
use your car for business purposes.

You can not deduct cost for travelling from

your home to where you run your business
(if this is a permanent work place) in your

Business or private car?

Yes No
Business driving ≥ 6 000 km?

Commercial car Private car that is used a little

bit in the business

Costs + depriciations

Standard rate per km kr 3,50

Reduction for + parking costs, road toll, ferry
private use

Car – private use - 2022

Car less than 3 years – list price as new kr 500 000

30% of list price (500 000) up to kr 329 6400 kr 98 880

+ 20 % over (500 000 – 325 400) kr 34 080
= Private benefit kr 132 960

• Car older than 3 years: 75% of list price.
• Random use: under 1000 km / under 10 days. No private benefit
• A typical business car (eg. plumber’s car): Reduction of list price with 50%,
max kr 150 000, before private benefit is calculated.
• Electric car: 80% of list price. Not for business car.
• Business driving over 40 000 km a year. 75% of list price even for new cars.
Must be documented with an electronic travel log (kjørebok).
• Private benefit must not exceed 75% of the total costs.

Home office
Separate room.
Two options:
• standard deduction kr 1 850 per year
• actual costs including part of joint costs

Profit on sale will be taxed.


Work wear
Expences for work wear are only
deductible if they are not suitable for
private use.
• protective clothing
• uniform
• special work wear for some businesses

Elektronic communication
Mobile phone, Internet
• subcription costs
• use
• set-up and installation costs

Private use
Income kr 4 392 regardless of the
number of services covered.

Food and beverage – long work days

Self-employed can not use fixed rates.

• Must have receipts

• Work more than 10 hours
• Cause must be indicated
• Max deductible amount kr 200

Accommodation, food and beverage

You will get deductions for cost of travelling,

accomodation, food and beverage.

You must be able to show documentation of

the connection between the cost and the

General rule: No deduction

Ex: Dinner, sport arrangments, etc.

One exception - some refreshments for clients etc:

• at or close to the office and within work hours
• max amount kr 511 per person, including yourself
• no hard liquor
• who and why

Advertising articles
• Must be an object
• Value less than kr 281 incl. VAT
• Intended as advertising
• With company logo/name
• Many copies

Education / courses
Main rule:
No decuction for basic education, higher
education or specialization.
Nevertheless; deduction for expenses to
maintain your education or to be updated
in the specific field.

Expenses for pension and insurance

Pension savings
• Pursuant to the Defined Contribution
Pension Act
• Up to 7 percent of calculated personal
income between 1 and 12 times the
National Insurance Scheme’s basic
amount (G)

Sickness benefit
• Insurance premium with the National
Insurance Scheme


Tax return for self-employed

• The tax return is pre-filled.
• Check and make the necessary changes.
• Give information about your business
• Self-employed must send the tax return
electronically by 31 May.
• To avoid underpaid tax (restskatt) you can
pay additional tax before 31 May. Then
there will be no interest to pay.

How to send in Tax Return with

specification of business

Systeminnsending Systeminnsending + Skattemelding Skattemelding

Tax return + 1.Specification through Tax return +

specification through accounting system specification through
accounting system 2. Tax Return through

Business together with spouse

Spouses can split the profit from joint business
between them.
You split according to effort.
One of the spouses must submit a tax return
with income statement. The other spouse sends
in without.

Check the web site:

Slik deler ektefeller inntekt fra felles virksomhet

• The Tax Administration has the right to change the
assessment up to 5 years back in time.
• Incorrect or incomplete information gives the tax
authorities right to determine the income by discretion.
• Tax penalty up to 60%.
• Penalty for late delivery.
• Prison penalty up to 6 years.

If you have questions, please contact us.


Appeal / changes
In most cases you can change the tax return
yourself, even if it is past the due date.
• You need to change it yourself if you discover
mistakes, or if you have received new information.
• You can make a an appeal if you have received
at notice from the tax authorities saying that we
have changed your tax return.

Check the guide:


You must remember

• Update your profile on Altinn.
• Give notice to Brønnøysundregisteret if there are
any changes, like adress, phone number, e-mail
account number etc.
• If you want to end the business, you have to notify

Check the guide: Avslutte bedrift if you want to end

the business.
Kontakt oss
Value Added Tax (VAT)

VAT is a tax to the state on the sale of goods
and services.
General rule:
All sales and withdrawals are subject to VAT.

BUT, according to the VAT Act, some goods and

services are sold without VAT.
The turnover is then either excepted from or
exempt from VAT.

Output and input VAT

Output VAT - sales or withdrawals
Input VAT - purchases
The business collects the VAT on behalf of
the state when selling, and can deduct
input VAT on business-related purchases.
In principle, it’s «the last buyer» that pays
the VAT.

Exceptions from VAT

Some services are except from VAT.
For example:
• Health care
• Art and culture
• Social services
• Education
• Real estate
• Financial services

No deduction for input VAT.


Exemptions from VAT (VAT free)

Some services and goods are exempt from VAT.
For example:
• Export
• Books from a book store
• Newspapers
• Used cars
Deduction for input VAT.

Different VAT rates

There are different VAT rates.

They are:
• 25 % general rate
• 15 % food and beverage
• 12 % transportation, hotels, cinema
tickets, etc.
• 11,11 % fish sold to approved fish

Several VAT rates in one company

The company might have sales with different
VAT rates.
E.g. a hotel:

• 25 % in the restaurant
• 15 % food bought in the lobby shop
• 12 % room rental
• excempt: newspaper

The income must be recorded on different

accounts, according to the VAT rate.

VAT Register
The company must never collect VAT before the
business is registred in the VAT Register.
Requirement for registration:
• Business activity
• Turnover exceeds kr 50 000 during a 12-month period

Registrering i mva-registeret

12 month period
– not calender year

Anne starts a company as a consultant in 2019.

Invoice review shows the following:

Date Text Amount
25.02.2019 001 AS Jensen & Sønn kr 12 000
20.09.2019 002 AS Hui og hast kr 35 000
24.02.2020 003 Bergersen, Hans kr 10 000

The company must register the business in the Value Added Tax Register
(Merverdiavgiftsregisteret) because it has exceeded the kr 50 000 limit.

VAT on invoice
VAT must not be included on the invoices
before registration in the VAT Register

After registration
• «MVA» after the organisation number.
• VAT must be calculated and specified on the
invoices, unless it is except or exempt from

Kontorutstyr G. Nordly 987 432 000 MVA Org. no.

Seller / Place
Grusetveien 13 Registrert i foretaksregisteret
8501 Narvik Faktura Kundenr. 122 Fakturanr. 534 Invoice no.
Telefon 99 99 99 99 Fakturadato 2. juli 2015 Date Invoice
Forfallsdato 26. juli 2015 Due date
Leveringssted Hentet Delivery Place
Bankkontonr. 1234.10.45896
Maja Østvik ENK
Langrennsveien 261 Buyer / Place
8514 Narvik

Varetekst Antall Stk.pris MVA-sats Pris

Konvolutter 93245 10 80,00 25% 800,00
Kvitteringsblokk 22693 10 30,00 25% 300,00

Porto og eksp.gebyr 25% 100,00

Sum 1 200,00
MVA 300,00 VAT

Totalsum 1 500,00 Total


In some cases, the company may apply for
registration in the VAT Register
(Merverdiavgiftsregisteret) before the limit is
• If the expected turnover will exceed
kr 50 000 within 3 weeks.
• If significant investments/purchases have
been made, they exceed kr 250 000
including VAT, and turnover limit will not be
reached within 4 months after the
application is submitted.

Recording the VAT

After registration in the VAT Register
(Merverdiavgiftsregisteret), all turnover and
deductions must be recorded without VAT in the
VAT must be recorded on 3 different accounts,
to keep them apart.
• Output VAT (sale).
• Input VAT (purchase).
• Settlement account for VAT, which shows VAT to
pay and refund VAT.

Example - sale
The company «Løp & kjøp» sells on credit in Norway for kr 5 000 + VAT.
The sale is recorded like this:

Vou. Dat3 Text 1500 Customer 3000 Sale 2700 output vat
Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
53 01.03.2019 Sale 6 250 5 000 1 250

Example - purchase
«Løp & kjøp» buys office supplies on credit in Norway for kr 1 000 + VAT.
It is recorded like this:

Vou. Date Text 2400 Supplier 6800 Office supply 2710 Input VAT
Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
64 15.03.2019 Office supplies 1 250 1 000 250

Settlement VAT
Term 2 is over and the company has to make a settlement.
It looks like this:

Vou Date Text 2700 Output VAT 2710 Input VAT 2740 settlem. VAT
Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
53 01.03.2019 Sale 1 250

64 15.03.2019 Purchase 250

30.04.2019 Sum 1 250 250

30.04.2019 Settlem. Term 2 1 250 250 250 1 250

Vou Date Text 1900 Bank 2740 settlement VAT

75 10.06.2019 VAT to be paid 1 000 1 000

Example VAT
- input and output
Anna runs a company. She buys materials for kr 15 000 + VAT. She makes
mailbox stands, and sells them for kr 25 000 + VAT.

It will look like this

Text 1920 Bank 3000 Sale 4200 Buy 2700 Output VAT 2710 Input VAT

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Purchase 18 750 15 000 3 750
Sale 31 250 25 000 6 250

After this, she has to pay kr 2 500 to the state. This is the VAT on the value that
has been added (25 000 – 15 000 = 10 000).

Turnover with and without VAT

Turid is a physical therapist. She sells a health care
service, and this is a service except VAT.
Turid also sells shoes and training gear. This is to be sold
with VAT.
When Turid has sold shoes and training gear for kr 50 000
in a 12-month period, she has to register this part of the
business in the VAT Register (Merverdiavgiftsregisteret).
The income from physical therapy and from e.g. shoe
sale, must be recorded on different accounts.
An example is attached.

Retrospective VAT settlement

After registration in the VAT Register
( Merverdiavgiftsregisteret) the company can get a
refund for input VAT on purchases made before the
Will be sent as an additional tax return for VAT for term
1 after the registration.
The purchases must have been made for use in the
business. They still have to be in the business
(not sold).
The purchases must have been made within 3 years
before registration.

VAT on import
For businesses inside the VAT system
VAT in import must be reported on the tax return
for VAT. There will be nothing to pay here, if the
entire business is VAT liable.
For businesses outside the VAT system
• Special fees and input VAT must, as earlier, be
paid when crossing the border.
• Payment and information goes to the Tax
Administration (Skatteetaten), which has the
responsibility to handle this.

Deduction for input VAT

Purchase of VAT-liable goods or services gives the
right to deduction for input VAT:
• Full deduction if the purchase in only used in
VAT-liable business.
• Partial deduction if the purchase is used both
inside and outside the VAT area.

Proportionate deduction
Trond runs a company where he sells education and consulting services.
He buys a computer he will use in both parts of the business.
He has a right to demand partial deduction for VAT:
Purchase kr 10 000
+ 25 % mva kr 2 500
Total kr 12 500
Estimated use: Consulting 80 % / Education 20 %
Deduction for input VAT kr 2 500 x 80 % = kr 2 000
The rest kr 500 is a deduction in the accounts. (10 000 + 500 = 10 500)

Some costs will not give the company the right to deduct
input VAT.
• Dining and entertainment.
• Payments to owner, management, employees.
• Gifts and advertising articles over kr 100.
• Car: purchase, use, maintenance.

Tax return - VAT

General rule: 2-months / 6 times a year
Annual term:
• The first year in the VAT Register
(Merverdiavgiftsregisteret) the company has to
report every other month.
After the first year the company may apply for an
annual tax return for VAT, if turnover is under
kr 1 000 000 per year.
• Agriculture and fishing must have annual terms.

Periods / deadlines
1. term (Jan/Feb) 10 April
2. term (Mar/Apr) 10 June
3. term (May/June) 31 August
4. term (Jul/Aug) 10 October
5. term (Sept/Oct) 10 December
6. term (Nov/Dec) 10 Februar

Annual 10 March
Agriculture 10 April

Delayed tax return for VAT

• A reminder will be send.
• VAT will be determined by the tax authorities.
• Delivery after this will be considered as a
• Late delivery fee, 1/2 court fee (rettsgebyr).

Tax return - VAT

The tax return for VAT will be created
while you are doing it. You have to add
codes for the items you have in the

Tax return - VAT

The tax retur for VAT will be made when
you are adding information.

Tax return - VAT

Sales education 35 000
Output VAT (sales)
Sales in Norway (25 %) 250 000
Export (excempt 0 %) 60 000
Goods from abroad (25 %) 50 000
Paid VAT in Noway: 22 500
VAT to pay 40 000

Receipt – Tax return - VAT

When the tax return for VAT is
signed at send in, you will get a
receipt on screen.
This receipt will also be send with
payment information to Altinn.

Term without sales

If you are registred in the VAT register
(Merverdiavgiftsregisteret) you have to
send in a tax return for VAT for each
If you have to sales and no purchases in
a tem, you have to submit 0 (zero).

Delivery deadline = payment deadline

If payment is overdue:
• interest
• reminder

After 14 days:
• enforcement
• payment record
• demand for bankruptcy
NB: Not possible to get a postponement.

If there are any problems, contact the tax office!


If the business has an annual turnover
under kr 50 000 for 2 consecutive years,
we will consider to delete it from the VAT
Register (Merverdiavgiftsregisteret).
Skatteetaten will notify the company
before doing this
If the turnover exceeds kr 50 000 within
a 12-month period, after deregistration,
then the company has to register in the
VAT Register (Merverdiavgiftsregisteret)

Skatteetaten wishes
you good luck as a
business owner!
Web sites
• sending inn
• Custom services 22 86 30 12 – Brønnøysundregistrene
• registration – deleting
• changes
• Laws and regulations
Private benefit - car
«75 % rule»

The private benefit shall not exceed

75 % of the total costs (including
depriciation). 15 000
10 500
11 000
Is calculated on the form «use of car,
RF-1125». 36 500 36 500

68 000
104 500
78 375
Counting goods - list
• Pre-numbered Firma:________________ Varetelling per: _______
• Product number Varenr Beskrivelse Antall Måleenhet Pris Samlet Nedskr.
/art (stk/kg/etc) per verdi verdi
• quantity enhet (ukurans)

• Value for each item

• sum
• Date and signature
• filing Sum

Opptalt den ________ av ___________________

Stock is countet Dec 31.
Att.: __________________
Side ___ av ___
Reconcilliation – cash register
Change advance tax
Change advance tax

Gå til Skattemeldingen på Gå til tema «Næring»

Klikk på «Fyll ut

Kvalifiseringsspørsmål Fylle ut næringsspesifikasjon
Turids’s accounts
Combination of VAT-liable turnover and turnover except VAT:
Vou. Date Text 1900 Bank 3000 sales, 3220 Sals 2700 output VAT
equipment physical therapy
Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
86 15.09.2019 Sale (both) 3 500 2 000 1 000 500

87 16.09.2019 Ph. therapy 1 500 1 500

88 17.09.2019 Sale shoes 2 000 1 600 400

30.09.2019 Sum 7 000 0 0 3 600 0 2 500 0 900

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