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C. U., M. Sc. Sem.

1, 2021

M.Sc. Semester 1 Examination, 2021

Paper : PM1/01
(Group Theory and Ring Theory)

Full Marks : 50

All are multiple choice questions with single correct option.

Candidates are required to justify the correct choice only in their own words
as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

(Notations have usual meanings.)

Group - A
(Group Theory)
Marks - 25
Answer all questions

1. Let G be a commutative group and f : G −→ Z be a group epimorphism. Then which of the

following is true?

A. G ∼
= ker f ⊕ Z.
B. G/ ker f may not be a solvable group.
C. G/ ker f may not be a nilpotent group.
D. G/ ker f may not be a finitely generated free Abelian group.

Justify your choice. 1+4

2. Consider the general linear group GLn (Zp ), where p is a prime number. Then which of the
following is the order of the Sylow p-subgroup of GLn (Zp )?

A. pn .
B. p 2 .
C. p 2 .
D. p 2 .

Justify your choice. 1+4

3. Let G be the group of all permutations on a nonempty set A. Then A is a G-set. Let σ ∈ G
and a ∈ A. Then which of the following is true?

A. σGa σ −1 6= Gσ(a) .
B. σGa σ −1 = Gσ(a) .
C. Ga = Gσ(a) .
D. Gσ(a) = Gσ−1 (a) .

Justify your choice. 1+4

C. U., M. Sc. Sem. 1, 2021

4. Which of the following is true?

A. Every group of order 100 is commutative.

B. Every group of order 99 is cyclic.
C. There exists a non-cyclic commutative group of order 30.
D. Every commutative group of order 30 is cyclic.

Justify your choice. 1+4

5. Which of the following is FALSE?

A. There exist solvable groups G (6= {e}) for which Z(G) = {e}.
B. The dihedral group D32 is solvable.
C. Every finite group is isomorphic to a subgroup of An , for some positive integer n.
D. Let G be a finite solvable group of order n and d be a positive divisor of n. Then G has
a subgroup of order d.

Justify your choice. 1+4

Group - B
(Ring Theory)
Marks - 25

Answer all questions

6. For a commutative group (G, +), the set End(G, +) of all endomorphisms of (G, +) forms a
ring, where addition is pointwise addition and multiplication is usual mapping composition.
Then which of the following is true?

A. End(Z, +) is a noncommutative ring.

B. End(Z, +) contains divisor of zero.
C. End(Z, +) is a principal ideal domain.
D. End(Z, +) is an integral domain but not a principal ideal domain.

Justify your choice. 1+4

7. Which of the following is true?

A. gcd([6], [8]) and lcm([6], [8]) both exist in the ring (Z12 , +, ·).
B. gcd([6], [8]) exists but lcm([6], [8]) does not exist in the ring (Z12 , +, ·).
C. gcd([6], [8]) and lcm([6], [8]) both do not exist in the ring (Z12 , +, ·).
D. lcm([6], [8]) exists but gcd([6], [8]) does not exist in the ring (Z12 , +, ·).

Justify your choice. 1+4

8. Which of the following is true?

A. 2 is prime but 3 is not prime in the ring Z[ 3].

B. 3 is prime but 2 is not prime in the ring Z[ 3].
C. U., M. Sc. Sem. 1, 2021

C. 2 and 3 are both primes in the ring Z[ 3].

D. Neither 2 nor 3 is prime in the ring Z[ 3]. .

Justify your choice. 1+4

9. Which of the following is an irreducible polynomial over the indicated ring?

A. x4 + x2 + 1 over Z2 .
B. x5 − 3x4 + 2x2 − 5x + 7 over R.
C. 2x3 − 7x + 1 over Q.
D. x3 − 2x + 1 over Q.

Justify your choice. 1+4

10. Which of the following is FALSE?

A. The ring of all complex entire functions is Artinian.

B. Every ideal of Z[x] is finitely generated.
C. Every principal ideal domain is always Noetherian.
D. The ring Z[x, y]/hx2 + 1i is Noetherian.

Justify your choice. 1+4

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