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Hanging ripe from a branch, William picked the apple.

What type of error is in

this sentence?
(1 Point)
Dangling Modifier
Misplaced Modifier
Comma Splice
Run-on Sentence

Cheering wildly at the game, James made his last free throw in the PBA finals.
What type of error is in the sentence?
(1 Point)
Dangling modifier
Misplaced Modifier
Comma Splice
Run-on Sentence

Joseph is going to have a trip ___________.

(1 Point)
to Europe in Italy in June next year.
in June next year to Italy in Europe
to Europe next year to Italy in June
to Italy in Europe in June next year

Among the ladies of the party, Nancy was the_________.

(1 Point)
better dressed and the most admired.
best dressed and the most admired
well dressed and well admired
best dressed and well admired
Robert Frost wrote the poem Acquainted with the Night from which the stanza is
I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain-back in rain.
I have out walked the farthest city light
The poet in the stanza talks of?
(1 Point)
isolation and loneliness
joy getting out of the house
youthful delight playing in the rain
happiness in having been acquainted with the night

IF the case would be solved, then the family would have justice. What part of
speech is the underlined word?
(1 Point)

Who _____ this portrait on the wall?

(1 Point)
had hanged

Which of the following statements follows the correct order of adverbs?

(1 Point)
Father briskly walks every afternoon to the park to wind up his day before dinner.
Father walks briskly every afternoon before dinner to the park to wind up his day.
Father to wind up his day walks briskly to the park every afternoon before dinner.
Father walks briskly to the park every afternoon before dinner to wind up his day.

Which of the following is the correct use of the reflexive pronoun?

(1 Point)
If you will hurt myself, I will never forgive you.
I myself knew it would happen to them in time.
I helped myself through college and succeeded
Lita and myself did that project together last night.

I thought she already _______ that issue to rest.

(1 Point)

One of the _____ of many relationship___ is unfaithfulness.

(1 Point)

Which of the statements follows the complex sentence structure?

(1 Point)
Shout out for help when you are attacked.
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Will, Frank and Carl fought in war and died together.
The richest businessmen supported the politicians.

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