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I would like to thank everyone who helped me with this research paper; it would have
been impossible to do it without their assistance. Firstly, I would like to thank my parents
for their support. I am also thankful to my partner for inspiring me to work on this topic.
The primary research would have been impossible to conduct without the aid of the
people who did my survey. I specially have to thank my friend Iqram Zaman for giving
me ideas on this topic. Most importantly, I am grateful to my faculty Md. Mehedi Hasan
for teaching me to write a research paper. His guidance made it easier. He helped me to
see new perspective and fix my errors.


The research paper finds out the psychological development and changes that affect
anime fans preference in women due to watching anime. Is finds out if anime actually
have any affect on its viewers in shaping their preference. After the research was done it
is clear that anime indeed affect the viewers’ preference in women. In fact it influence
them into becoming racial discriminators. The research paper also shows that their
preference affect them in their lives, some of the anime fans like to live in their make
belief world. They are creating a delusion for them to live in. Looking through some
online sources it became clear that anime have negative affects on their viewers. From
my primary data collection it is also clear that anime affected the viewers into liking East
Asian women more.


Introduction…………………………………………………………… 5

Background…………………………………………………………… 6

Research Questions…………...………………………………………. 8

Hypothesis………………………………………………….…………. 8

Methodology…………………………………..………………………. 8

Data Presentation and Analysis………………..…..…………………... 9

Summary of Research Findings…………..………..…………………... 24

Recommendations……………………………………………………… 24

Limitations………………………...…………………………………… 24

Conclusions…………………………...………………………………... 25

References…………………………………...…………………………. 26
Appendix……………………………………………………………….. 27


Entertainment is a very important part of human lives and anime is doing a wonderful job
in keeping its viewers entertained. But problem arises when it starts affecting their
personality and preferences. Some anime even promotes unethical sexual behavior and
fetishizes child pornography as well as huge age gap relationships (Lent, 1999, p. 129).
Anime also influence viewers into fantasizing about East Asian women. They later with
time develop East Asian fetish. It is also known as yellow fever, a mental condition
where people prefer and desire East Asian women as companion. Their identity as East
Asians become more important to people with the fetish than other attributes as a human.
East Asian fetish objectifies East Asian women and puts a mental burden on them.
Japanese cartoons known as anime promotes East Asian culture and women to its
viewers. For this, anime fans become fascinated about their culture and women, which
creates an obsession. It’s mostly a physical attraction created by racial discrimination.
Though people with East Asian fetish usually try to disagree but actually their interest is
‘’purely superficial physical attraction’’ (Kim. 2011, Prasso. 2006, Cohen. 2002).
The focus of my research is how anime is influencing its viewers and creating East Asian
fetish among them. It is persuading them to become racial discriminators. The research
will find out how anime is affecting their mental state and their relationship with the
society. I wonder if their fetish is affecting their partner, if they are having problem
finding a partner and the impact of East Asian fetish on their lives. I hope to find answer
to these questions and know in detail about their lives through my research work.


The real origin of anime is difficult to trace but it is assumed that anime series were
created from before World War II. But after the war for a long period of time anime was
not created. Osamu Tezuka, known as the god of anime and manga, is considered the
Walt Disney of Japanese cartoon. He was inspired by Walt Disney to create animes in his
own style. One of his most notable work is Astro Boy (1963) was the first anime to be
dubbed in English (Nagata, 2010, para. 9). Hayao Miyazaki, the founder of studio Ghibli,
is also a very important figure helping anime to be famous worldwide (Nagata, 2010,
papa. 13). Hayao Miyazaki even won Oscar for his film ‘Spirited Away’ (Chambers,
2012, p. 94). From 1970’s the anime industry started diversification and created new
genres. They are creating content for people of all ages and attracting audience from all
over the world. There are over 45 genres of anime. For mature audience anime has hentai,
ecchi, yaoi, harem, yuri etc. These genres show a lot of unethical sexual things that can
mentally and emotionally affect a viewer. Now a day many kids are growing up watching
and learning from anime all over the world (Nagata, 2010, para. 34). Anime often shows
more than what a child should see. It can affect people into developing different sexual
fetishes as well (Lent, 1999, pp. 127-128). Anime fans believe that anime is helpful for
them; it can help to create new friends, learn new language, and expand their imagination
(I. Zaman, personal communication, November 20, 2018). Parents shouldn’t see anime as
a threat for their children but think of it as them seeking answers to life (Bennett, 2009, p.
4). But unfortunately, there is a much darker effect on the fans that the fans themselves
are not aware of. Some anime fans think of anime characters as their better halves and
call them ‘waifu’. Some of the most popular female characters are Asuna Yuuki (Sword
Art Online), Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail), Hinata (naruto), Rias Gremory (high school
DxD) etc. All of these characters have unrealistic physical features. Anime always shows
unrealistic features to make people more attracted and this creates different fetishes.
There are many genres of anime that only focuses on sexuality. Some ecchi animes are
watched by teens, also shows inappropriate sexual encounter. Due to pedophilic and other
fetishes shown in anime people are calling Japan as ‘weird Japan’ instead of ‘cool Japan’
(Galbraith, 2016, p. 127). Another popular part of anime fans lives is cosplays,

Cosplaying means dressing up like characters and doing fantasy role play (Lin, 2008, pp.
12-13). Japan even has some cosply cafés where anime fans can interact with these
people dressed up and acting like characters (Lin, 2008, pp. 14-15). Cosplay has become
very popular in Bangladesh as well. But when people see Japanese people doing cosplays
they get very excited because they can do it more accurately. This is one of the main
causes why male anime fans become attracted to Japanese women. Some fans might
argue why them having a preference is considered a negative affect but their preference
goes to a stage where they create a racial stereotype (Gattig, 1015, para. 6). Japanese
women are shown as fragile, dependent, hyper sexual, and exotic in the films and media
(Shimizu, 2007). When humans view something for a long time it has mental affect on
them. These stereotypes become the truth true them and they find keen attraction towards
East Asian women. Japanese and Hentai porn was on the top ten list of most viewed porn
in 2017. Even in online dating sites Japanese or East Asian women has a different
demand. Here for East Asian women their race becomes more important than other
personality. This racial discrimination has a very negative effect on East Asian women
(Zheng, 2016, para. 23). They face different types of harassment and awkward situations
with people with East Asian fetish. Some East Asian women claimed they can feel that a
person has East Asian fetish by the way they interact with them (Gattig, 1015, para. 10).
Making someone feel uncomfortable due to their race is unfair and should be changed.
When anime is promoting these bizarre fetishes it is also promoting a lot of different kind
of crimes. In this globalizing world no one should feel uncomfortable due to his or her
race. Racial stereotypes should be abolished so everyone can feel equal and have
themselves judged as a person and not a race. If anime is creating or affecting it then
something should be done about it.

In my research I plan to conduct research on NSU boys who watch anime regarding their
preference of women. My research will address the following research questions:
• What is East Asian fetish?
• What is anime?
• Do people who watch anime prefer East Asian to other women? If yes, why?
• Do boys in NSU watch anime?
• Do NSU students who watch anime prefer East Asian women?
• Why do NSU students who watch anime prefer East Asian women?
• What are the psychological effects of East Asian fetish?
• What are the social effects of East Asian fetish?

Boys in NSU who watch anime are mostly obsessed in the imaginary world and anime
creates a delusion for them regarding women. Since anime is Japanese cartoons, anime
promotes Japanese and East Asian women to its viewers and creates an illusion about
these women. So anime fans spend a lot of time fantasizing about East Asian women,
which turns into a fetish. Overtime, they start longing for an East Asian partner. They
prefer East Asian women to other countries’ women for marriage or relationship. I expect
to find that the boys in NSU who have been watching anime for a long time will fancy
East Asian women to any other countries’ women because anime is creating a fantasy
regarding East Asian women.

For my primary research, I conducted a survey among students of NSU who watch anime
and interview them to know more about how anime influenced them into liking East
Asian women, which with time turned into a fetish. For this purpose I designed a

questionnaire with various types of questions that helped me get different useful
information, which helped me to answer my research questions.
For my secondary research, I used online resources like articles, journals, and other
researches about this issue. Reliable search engines like Google were also used. Goggle
Scholar also was very helpful.

Data analysis and presentation

Primary Data:

To collect primary data for my research I conducted a survey among 34 participants. All
of them were male anime fans in North South University. The survey provided me with
some interesting information that opened up new dimensions to my research.
Q1.    When  did  you  start  watching  anime  from?    


44%   Preteen  




Figure 1: The age group fans started watching anime

Analysis: The graph shows that most anime fans watched anime from a very young age
when their personality is being built. Moreover, only 12% of the participants started

watching anime after reaching adulthood, when their preference was already created. The
bigger population grew up watching anime and that is why anime had a very big affect in
shaping their personality.

Q2.    How  often  do  you  watch  anime?  

Frequency  of  watching  anime  

Everyday   Weekly   Rarely   Do  not  watch  it  

Frequency  of  watching  anime  


Figure 2: Frequency of watching anime

Analysis: The graph shows that the biggest group among the participants, watch anime in
a weekly basis, 8 people among the 34 participants watch anime in a daily basis and only
7 people watch it rarely. This shows anime takes a major time from the participants lives
and no one said they don’t watch it.

Q3.    How  much  do  you  like  anime?

Importance  of  anime  in  viewers'  lives  

Do  not  like  it  

Anime  is  just  another  form  of  

Importance  of  anime  in  
viewers'  lives  
I  like  anime  

Anime  is  life  

0   5   10   15   20   25  
Figure 3: Importance of anime in the viewers’ lives
Analysis: The graph shows that some of the participants are obsessed with anime and
most of the participants enjoy anime more than other sources of entertainment. A smaller
portion of the contributors think of anime as just a source of entertainment and aren’t
very serious about it.
Q4.    Do  you  like  East  Asian  women?  

Liking  East  Asian  women  

Yes,  a  lot   Yes   Not  so  much   no  
Liking  East  Asian  women   8   17   9   0  
                             Figure  4:  Liking  East  Asian  women  
Analysis: None of the participants said no to the fact of liking East Asian women. Some
of the boys think of them as the same as other women but the majority of anime fans like
East Asian women. This shows that they have a special view on East Asian women.

Q5.    Did  you  like  East  Asian  women  before  watching  anime?  

Affect  of  anime  into  liking  East  Asian  


6%   Yes  

24%   No  

Did  not  Xind  them  attractive  

They  are  not  attractive  

                       Figure 5: Affect of anime into liking East Asian women
Analysis: In the previous graph no one said they didn’t like East Asian women but this
graph shows that 29% people said they did not find them attractive before watching
anime but now they do. Only 6% claims to be not attracted. It clearly shows that Anime
promotes East Asian women to the viewers and strengthens my hypothesis.
Q6.    Why  do  you  like  East  Asian  women?  

Reason  of  liking  East  Asian  women  

They  are  cute  

20%   59%   They  resemble  anime  girls  

they  behave  like  anime  girls  
They  are  not  special  

Figure 6: Reason of liking East Asian women

Analysis: Only 12% of the participants said East Asian women aren’t special, for 29% of
the participants the cause of liking East Asian women is related to anime. Here even
though the majority said that they like East Asian women because they are cute, doesn’t
necessarily means that anime doesn’t affect it. A lot of boys claimed that after watching
anime they are more interested in cute girls.

Q7.    Did  you  start  liking  East  Asian  women  more  after  watching  anime?  


22%   26%  

Maybe  yes  
Maybe  no  


Figure 7: Tendency of liking East Asian women more after watching anime

Analysis: the majority of the contributors said maybe yes to this question and the 2nd
largest group said yes. This clearly shows that anime affected them in shaping their
preference. Only 4% said that they didn’t like East Asian women more after watching
anime, they are the group that started watching anime in adulthood when their preference
was already created. 22% of the participants think that their probably did not like East
Asian women more after watching anime. This Graph proves my hypothesis.

Q8.    If  you  had  the  chance  to  marry  any  country’s  woman  in  the  world,  would  
you  marry  an  East  Asian?  

24%   21%  

Maybe  yes  
I  don't  have  a  preference  

Figure 8: Tendency of wanting to marry an East Asian woman

Analysis: A bigger group wants to marry East Asian women but this question got a mixed
result. But only 24% of the people said they don’t have a preference that shows that they
are not only choosing life partners based on their race. 23% of the participants said they
would not marry an East Asian woman probably because they already found someone
they want to get married to. But this entire graph shows that racial discrimination is
present among anime fans.

Q9. On a scale of 1 to 5 how special are anime girls to you? (1 is lowest and 5 is


14   15  




6   7  

2   3   3  

1   2   3   4   5  

Figure 9: Importance of anime girls

Analysis: Got a very mixed result from this questions answer. To some people Anime
girls are very special and to some they aren’t, over all it shows a balanced answer that
doesn’t contribute much to my hypothesis. But it shows that to some anime fans, female
characters from anime are more special than real girls.

           Q10.    Is  your  preference  of  East  Asian  women  affecting  your  life  in  any  way?  

Yes,  a  lot  
62%   Somewhat  
It  doesn't  have  any  effect  

Figure 10: Affect of East Asian women in viewers lives

Analysis: 76% of the participants claimed their preferences don’t have any affect on their
lives but I think they are unaware of the effects. Only a small group thinks that their
preference has a lot of negative affects and 12% think that it has small affects. But

Q11.      Are  you  in  a  relationship?  



In  a  relationship  with  anime  



Figure 11: Relationship status of anime fans

Analysis: 53% of the participants said they aren’t in any relationship, which shows that
they cant find women that matches their expectation. A small part of the fans reported
that they are in a relationship with anime characters. It shows they are living in a
imaginary world and that they are delusional.

                       Q12.    Does  your  preference  of  East  Asian  women  hurt  your  relationship?  

35%   A  lot  
She  isn't  bothered  
12%   I  am  with  an  anime  girl  
I  couldn't  Xind  a  girl  I  like  

Figure 12: Affect of East Asian fetish on Anime fans relationships

Analysis: 35% people said they couldn’t find a girl they liked. Their expectation didn’t
match with the women as anime is creating unrealistic expectations. 12% of the
population said they are with anime girls, which shows they are living in an imaginary
world. The smallest group said it’s creating a lot of trouble for them and 12% of the
participants said sometimes it affects their relationship in a negative way. But a very
large group of the participants claimed that their partners aren’t bothered. It could be that
their partners also watch anime and like guys from anime, it could be that the boys aren’t
very aware of their partners’ thoughts. But some of the guys aren’t affected by anime and
are mature enough to know the difference, so their partners aren’t bothered.

Q13.    Is  your  family  bothered  with  your  preference?  





5   7  

They  do  not  know   They  support  me   They  want  me  to   They  will  disown   They  know  but  
marry  a   me  if  they  Xind  out   are  not  happy  
Bangladeshi  girl   with  it  

Figure 13: Affect of East Asian fetish on their family

Analysis: 59% of the participants said their families don’t know about their preference.
Only 3 out of the 34 participants have supportive parents, due to them not wanting East
Asian women. This shows that the parents in Bangladesh aren’t supportive of inter racial
marriage and this should affect their lives.
Q14.    Do  you  think  it  is  a  healthy  preference?  

Yes   Maybe  yes   No   Maybe  no  





Figure 14: Awareness about East Asian fetish among anime fans

Analysis: Only 30% of the people think that it might not be a healthy preference. 70% of
the viewers are unaware of the fact that their preference created by anime is making
social problems. It shows that they are unaware of the racial discrimination they are
doing as well.
Secondary Data:

Nagata, K. (2010, September 7). ‘Anime’ makes Japan superpower. The Japan Times.
Retrieved from

The article tells the readers about the reason for anime to become successful in the global
world. It also tells about the reasons behind the popularity of anime and what makes it
different to the viewers worldwide.

Bennett, J. H. (2009). A Preliminary History of American Anime Fandom.

This highlights the anime fandom and the types of changes a person have after they start
watching anime. It also highlighted some of the social effects.

Shigematsu, S. (1999). Dimensions of desire: Sex, fantasy, and fetish in Japanese

comics. Themes and issues in Asian cartooning: Cute, cheap, mad, and sexy, 127-

This book voices the negative fetishes and fantasy anime creates for the viewers. It talks
about some very negative social effects as well.

Chambers, S. N. I. (2012). Anime: From cult following to Pop culture phenomenon. Elon
Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 3(2).

The article talks about stereotypical anime fans and their thought process.

Galbraith, P. W. (2016). “The lolicon guy”: Some observations on researching unpopular

topics in Japan. In The End of Cool Japan (pp. 125-149). Routledge.

This is about how Japanese anime promotes child pornography. Also it talks about the
changes on peoples’ views on young girls.

Otmazgin, N. (2013). Meta-narratives of Japanese popular culture and of Japan in

different regional contexts: perspectives from East Asia, Western Europe, and the
Middle East. Regioninės studijos. 2013,[No.] 7, Representation of Japanese
contemporary popular culture in Europe, p. 83-94.

This article shows the affects of Japanese culture spreading to the world through anime
and manga. Also how it is promoting the value of East Asian women.


This research paper shows how Japanese idols are dressing up like anime women to
attract anime fans.

Lent, J. A. (Ed.). (1999). Themes and issues in Asian cartooning: cute, cheap, mad, and
sexy. Popular Press.
The book shows the negative types of fetishes anime promotes. Also describes how
people are being affected by it.
Gattig, N. (2013, June 25). ‘Yellow fever’ and the fantasy of the Asian female. The Japan
Times. Retrieved from

The newspaper article talks about East Asian fetish and how people view them as. Also
how East Asian women see the issue as.

Zheng, R. (2016). Why Yellow Fever Isn't Flattering: A Case Against Racial
Fetishes. Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 2(3), 400-419.

The article debates about the racial stereotypes and sexual racism East Asian women
have to face.

Shimizu, C. P. (2007). The hypersexuality of race: Performing Asian/American women

on screen and scene. Duke University Press.

The writer of the book discusses the image of East Asian women that is being created by

Cohen, R. (2003). The Good, the Bad & the Difference: How to Tell Right from Wrong in
Everyday Situations. Harmony.
The writer talked about the bad effects of East Asian fetish and its impact on East Asian

Kim, B. (2011). Asian female and Caucasian male couples: Exploring the
attraction. Pastoral Psychology, 60(2), 233-244.
This shows how East Asian women are viewed as in the eyes of American men.

Prasso, S. (2009). The Asian mystique: Dragon ladies, geisha girls, and our fantasies of
the exotic Orient. PublicAffair
The book describes how East Asian women are shown to the world as exotic and


From my research I found out some interesting information that opened up new
dimensions for my research. The affect of anime on male North South University
students are more prominent than expected.
v The effect of anime on their preference is more prominent as they watched anime from a
younger age.
v They develop an unrealistic expectation of women.
v The anime fans are not very aware of their mental change and perception.
v Some of them live in an imaginary world.
v None of the anime fans dislike East Asian women.
v The anime fans developed unrealistic expectations regarding women.
v They have biasness towards East Asian women.
v Anime influenced the viewers to like East Asian women more.

My finding prove that my hypothesis was correct and watching anime does influence
NSU boys to find East Asian women more attractive over time.

My research shows that anime has mostly negative affect on north south university
students, especially among the students who started watching anime from a really young
age. Parents should be more cautious about what their children view and have an eye on
the age rating. The students should also try to raise awareness among them about this

There were a lot of obstacles that prevented this research to be more accurate and
detailed. Time was a major factor here. Due to time constrains I had to conduct survey
only among 34 students. If there was more time it could have been a more informative

research paper with more findings. There is not much research done on anime fan base of
Bangladesh, let alone North South University. So collecting secondary data based on this
country was impossible. A lot of books online were not free, so it was difficult to collect


Undoubtedly anime is a great source of entertainment, but if entertainment causes people

to become racial discriminators then that entertainment is not healthy. East Asian fetish is
a serious issue now days that is causing insecurity among East Asian women. Anime is
giving its viewers and fans different and weird ideas about East Asian culture and women
and creating different types of fetishes. These are a type of obsession and mental
sickness. The research proved the effect of anime on North South University students. It
is a matter of great sorrow that even in Bangladesh people are being affected. These fans
are facing social problems; their families are not very accepting about their preference.
Many anime fans cannot find any suitable partner because their expectation became too
unrealistic due to watching anime. These social problems are increasing day by day. The
anime fans are isolating themselves due to not being able to adjust with non-anime fans.
They try to find similar qualities in women as anime girls and since East Asian women
resemble them the most they become biased towards East Asian women. Over time it
turns into a serious fetish. My researched proved that the male anime fans in North South
University also fancy East Asian women. Even though everyone is not biased towards
them but majority are, so my hypothesis was proven right. Anime indeed influence male
anime fans in North South University to create a preference towards East Asian women.

Nagata, K. (2010, September 7). ‘Anime’ makes Japan superpower. The Japan Times.
Retrieved from

Bennett, J. H. (2009). A Preliminary History of American Anime Fandom.

Shigematsu, S. (1999). Dimensions of desire: Sex, fantasy, and fetish in Japanese

comics. Themes and issues in Asian cartooning: Cute, cheap, mad, and sexy, 127-

Chambers, S. N. I. (2012). Anime: From cult following to Pop culture phenomenon. Elon
Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 3(2).

Galbraith, P. W. (2016). “The lolicon guy”: Some observations on researching unpopular

topics in Japan. In The End of Cool Japan (pp. 125-149). Routledge.

Otmazgin, N. (2013). Meta-narratives of Japanese popular culture and of Japan in

different regional contexts: perspectives from East Asia, Western Europe, and the
Middle East. Regioninės studijos. 2013,[No.] 7, Representation of Japanese
contemporary popular culture in Europe, p. 83-94.

Lent, J. A. (Ed.). (1999). Themes and issues in Asian cartooning: cute, cheap, mad, and
sexy. Popular Press.

Gattig, N. (2013, June 25). ‘Yellow fever’ and the fantasy of the Asian female. The Japan
Times. Retrieved from

Zheng, R. (2016). Why Yellow Fever Isn't Flattering: A Case Against Racial
Fetishes. Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 2(3), 400-419.

Cohen, R. (2003). The Good, the Bad & the Difference: How to Tell Right from Wrong in
Everyday Situations. Harmony.

Kim, B. (2011). Asian female and Caucasian male couples: Exploring the
attraction. Pastoral Psychology, 60(2), 233-244.

Prasso, S. (2009). The Asian mystique: Dragon ladies, geisha girls, and our fantasies of
the exotic Orient. PublicAffairs.

Shimizu, C. P. (2007). The hypersexuality of race: Performing Asian/American women

on screen and scene. Duke University Press.


Primary Information:
Please circle the chosen option

1. When did you start watching anime from?

a) Childhood
b) Preteen
c) Teen
d) Adulthood
2. How often do you watch anime?
a) Everyday
b) Weekly
c) Rarely
d) Do not watch it
3. How much do you like anime?

a) Anime is life
b) I like anime
c) Anime is just another form of entertainment
d) Do not like it
4. Do you like East Asian women?
a) Yes, a lot
b) Yes
c) Not so much
d) No
5. Did you like East Asian women before watching anime?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Did not find them attractive before
d) They are not attractive
6. Why do you like East Asian women?
a) They are cute
b) They resemble anime girls
c) They behave like anime girls
d) They are not special
7. Did you start liking East Asian women more after watching anime?
a) Yes
b) Maybe yes
c) Maybe no
d) No
8. If you had the chance to marry any country’s woman in the world, would you
marry an East Asian?
a) Definitely
b) Maybe yes
c) No
d) I don’t have a preference
9. On a scale of 1 to 5 how special are anime girls to you?

1 2 3 4 5
10. Is your preference of East Asian women affecting your life in any way?
a) Yes, a lot
b) Somewhat
c) No
d) It doesn’t have any effect
11. Are you in a relationship?
a) Yes
b) No
c) In a relationship with anime girls
12. Does your preference of East Asian women hurt your relationship?
a) A lot
b) Sometimes
c) She isn’t bothered
d) I couldn’t find a girl I like
e) I am with an anime girl
13. Is your family bothered with your preference?
a) They do not know
b) They support me
c) They want me to marry a Bangladeshi girl
d) They will disown me if they find out
e) They know but are not happy with it
14. How do you think anime affected in shaping your preference?

15. Do you think it is a healthy preference?

a) Yes
b) Maybe yes
c) No
d) Maybe no

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