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Being pregnant is not a simple cup of tea. You take a emotional rolar coaster ride.
Click here to check out the funniest and most memorable stories shared by
40+ Hilarious Times Pregnancy Wasn’t a Walk in the Park

Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful experiences of our lives.

However, what we do not seem to consider most often is the battle of hormones
and the baby brain the mother has to go through in these nine months. Some
make hilarious memories over time, while some remain embarrassed for the rest
of their life for the hardship they go through. We bring you a number of hilarious
stories shared by expecting moms on social media that will crack you up.

1. The One with the Panic

Pregnancy is equally overwhelming for both a mother and a father. Sharing the
experience together really brings them close. The woman shares her special story
with her husband during their first child. Apparently, they did the online birthing
class through their hospital. These classes usually include showing birthing videos.
Halfway through the class, her husband became so flustered and overwhelmed
that he needed his inhaler. This is completely normal yet hysterical. Is that how
Leonard would have felt if Penny were expecting? We can only assume.
2. Happy Mum with Happy Pups
We love how husbands are super supportive during the pregnancy. This woman
shared her story with her husband when they were expecting their first child. Her
husband used to crack her up with silly questions during pregnancy. He thought
they should have the baby on a Monday so they can “have it figured out by the
weekend.” And there was nothing she could do to make him understand that it
did not matter. So, dealing with a big baby husband during pregnancy is quite a
challenge as well.
3. The Perks Moms Love
Surprising your partners is something we all love. However, if your partner is
pregnant, you might want to reconsider. This woman shares her husband thought
it would be funny to come up behind her to surprise and tickle her while she was
brushing her teeth. When he did, she screamed, choked on the toothpaste, and
peed herself like a frightened chihuahua. We are sure it is needless to say he
regretted his actions. Apparently, he had to clean up the entire bathroom after
that—what a poor thing.
4. The Mood Swings Hitting Boundaries
Pregnancy is a sensitive time. Both the mind and the body seems to be extra
sensitive during the time. So, this woman shared her dog’s ear brushed across her
arm, and it startled her very badly. She thought it was an insect of some kind
crawling on her. It even caused her to spill her freshly poured cup of sprite and
ice. She cried and got mad at the dog. Then her husband made me a new cup of
sprite, but she was still upset because it wasn’t the original cup.
5. Stains that Stay Behind
Pregnancy is a complicated phase of a person’s life. They experience all sorts of
weird emotions during this time. The funniest part is, some of these emotions
actually stay back. This woman shares she spilt a glass of ginger ale all over herself
right before her first prenatal appointment. Her immediate reaction to the
situation was crying for 5 minutes and cleaning up afterwards. The hilarious part
is apparently, she has had a ginger ale aversion since that day.
6. The Bold Type
Do you know what is the most hilarious about pregnancy? The fathers are
completely terrified all the time. This woman shares at 38 weeks pregnant, she
got salty about men not having to experience the female things like - periods,
washing and drying super long hair, and of course, the joy of pregnancy. She told
her husband she was leaving him and becoming a lesbian. We can only imagine
the look on the poor husbands face. We got to admit the mood swings are
absolutely crazy during pregnancy.
7. Demand is an Order
Treat the pregnant woman like highness. This is a piece of friendly advice we are
giving out to everyone. This woman got mad because her husband took a bite of
her PB&J sandwich, which is the food she had been craving for a while.
Apparently, she even hates PB&J sandwiches, to begin with, but since she ordered
one, it surely was a demand that should not have been defiled in any way. We
pray for the soul of this husband, who forgot the proper way to act around his
baby mommy, the royal highness.
8. Where is My Mind
Hormones suck during pregnancy. Most of the mothers go through an extra bit of a hard time due to
the constant shift of hormones. This woman shares her story of watching a Disney movie during her
pregnancy. She laughed in a moment. The next, she was crying. This bipolar emotional wreckage is
something pretty much all pregnant woman has to go through. They can complain all they want, but
the next moment they will be telling you how amazing the experience was. Yes, they even feel
bipolar about how they feel about pregnancy.

9. No Meal Producer
Mothers who are expecting the second time really makes some hilarious memories with the older
child. This woman shared during her second pregnancy, she was bathing with her four years he
looked up and said, “Mommy, what are those big red things?” So she explains that her body was
getting ready to make milk to feed the new baby. The little one looks were shocked and cried, “I
don’t like milk anymore”. We are sorry for both the mom and the kid. We hope she has a good time

10. Double the Energy, Captain.

The hormonal rush during pregnancy is not always crying and screeching. It is also about
unstoppable energy. This woman is a crazy egg love. During her pregnancy, she was crossing a
store that was fully stocked with eggs. She ran past about 50 people in Naruto style to get herself
the eggs. Luckily her husband was there with her when she finally was stuffed with egg cases and
could not move. So if you see a thrilled pregnant woman running around, that is probably because of
the hormones.

11. The Mind Wants What It Wants

Pregnancy brain makes you do all sorts of crazy stuff. This woman shares she went to the store for
cat food. Just to get cat food. However, she walked out with everything to make a strawberry
rhubarb pie. She went home, baked it. She ate half the pie, and that is when she realized she still did
not have the cat food. Poor pregnancy brain made her go all the way back to the store. This is
something that happens on numerous occasions when you are pregnant.

12.The Simple Cry

Disappointing a pregnant woman is presumably the easiest thing ever. However, what you did not
know is how frequently they disappoint themselves. This woman shares she went to the shop to get
things to make just a simple bacon sandwich. When she got home, she was all proud of herself,
switched the oven and realized she had forgotten the bacon. She broke down on the floor then and
there, crying. We can only imagine how terrible she felt, more importantly, how hilarious it seemed to
cry over bacon.

13.Best friends forever

Pregnant wives just know their ways to make their husbands a teensy bit difficult
during the pregnancy. Most husbands end up tiptoeing around the wifey. This
woman shared when she was pregnant; she asked her husband if he ever
watched Charmed. As he said no, she immediately began crying and sobbing,
telling him that they had absolutely nothing in common and that they would
never make it as a couple. Gosh! That must have been quite a trauma for the poor
husband there. Apparently, they are BFFs.

14. What is this way?

Sharing the right information with the right person is important, but delivering
the information the right way is crucial. This woman shares one time she went to
the doctor because she thought she had the flu. The doctors did some tests and
came back out to tell her that she had six months. That is not something
affirmative to hear in a hospital. She was completely shaken and she thought she
was dying. That is when the doctor corrected themselves that she was pregnant.

15. The kind people of the world

Like we mentioned before, pregnancy is a sensitive time. It is like how small things
make great impacts. This woman shares she went on a trip with her husband
while she was pregnant. On the aeroplane, the pilot greeted the passengers in
both Korean and English, and she ended up crying just because she thought it was
so touching. She was overwhelmed as the pilot wanted everyone on the plane to
feel accepted and safe—what a sweet little heart she had.

16. Always at the ready

Sometimes pregnancy hormones make people agitated. This woman got admitted
to the hospital for labour pain in the morning. However, she saw a lady arrive in
the same condition to deliver and within a short span of time, she delivered her
child. So, she lost my mind and started fighting with the nurses asking why she
was not attended to first. The poor pregnant brain of hers must have forgotten
about the process of dilation. We hope the nurses managed to calm her down.

17. Baby brain effect

Pregnant mommies are difficult to deal with. This woman turned up at a midwife
appointment and sat in the waiting room. As time passed and the time of her
appointment went by, she started to get angry and asked what was going on! The
receptionist humbly apologized and told her she was a month early for her
appointment. It surely is needless to say. She was very embarrassed. Well, she
can always blame it on the baby brain and getaway.

18. The narrow tunnels

Managing a toddler during pregnancy is the most deadly challenge everrr. This
woman was expecting twins. One day she had taken her 16-month-old to
McDonald’s. The baby climbed to the very top of the playground and promptly
freaked out. So she managed to climb up and reach the baby but realized her
bulk, and the poor woman got stuck in a bend. Finally, a kind dad had to pull her
out. That must have been quite a story to tell.

19. The Heavyweight Champion

When you are pregnant, obviously, you put on a lot of weight. This is something
almost no one can control. This woman shared when she was pregnant with her
first baby, she sat on her grandmother’s bed and broke it. We are talking about a
bed where almost 100 people must have sat on over the years, but she was the
only one to break the masterpiece. The grandma is not bringing a Christmas gift
this year, we are sure.
20. The Shameless Donut War

When you are pregnant, it is really difficult to stop fighting for things that you
want. This woman shared when she was pregnant with her first child; she went to
buy Krispy Kremes with her husband. On their way back, her husband ate one of
her doughnuts. So, she completely bawled out and started crying and screeching.
She did all of that because she wanted to have all of her doughnuts alone. That is
how strong pregnancy cravings can get. Those you are soon to be expecting to
take notes.
21. The Pregnancy Jaunt

Travelling while you are pregnant is somewhat of an adventure too. This poor
woman was travelling in Costco and had to throw up immediately. She ran to the
nearest garbage can, which happened to be close to a lady giving out samples.
She ended up being surrounded by tons of people. She was trying to tell people
that she was just pregnant. However, she just vomited in front of a ton of
strangers. This just does not get any worse, does it? She is cursing Costco left and

22. The Laughter Track

Pregnancy takes you through all sorts of weird shifts of moods. Sometimes the
moods are so bipolar and so quick that it can be super confusing if we minus the
fact it being annoying. This woman shared when she was 33 months pregnant;
she would start laughing hysterically whenever something funny happended. As it
happens, she did not know how to stop laughing and would end up crying about it
while laughing. Yes, that is about how confusing it gets in the brain of a bipolar
pregnant woman.
23.The Poor Pooper
A lot of people face constipation during pregnancy. That is the worse. This poor
woman shares during her last pregnancy, they were living with her BIL. She was so
constipated that she only pooped once a week. And when that day came every
week, it was bad. The poop would literally get clogged in the toilet badly. Her
husband and his brother made her go outside in the yard to retrieve a poop stick
that she would keep in the bathroom to break up the no. 2.

24. The Busy Bee

Again travelling while you are pregnant will add all sorts of bizarre memories. This
woman was travelling during her pregnancy and lived in this communal housing
where she had to share a bath. She kept waking up too late and leaving a urine
trail from her room to the bathroom. So, to solve the issue, she decided to get a
bunch of plastic Tupperware bowls and urinate in there. Apparently, she got
more hours of sleep, not having to race to the bathroom four times a night.
Makes sense.

25. The Monster in the Dark

Here is another hilarious story when the husband was terrified by the pregnant
wife. This woman shares she was around 25 weeks pregnant, and she did not
know how to get comfortable in bed. She failed to get comfy and burst into tears.
Her husband tried to help but failed. So, her husband declared the snoogle no
longer useful and threw it on the ground. Their dog pukes on the snoogle
immediately. That is when she started hysterically laughing while also sobbing.
The poor husband started moving away from him quietly.

26. The fighters

Did you know pregnant women are actually fighters? They fight their stupid
bipolar emotion and come out strong in front of others. This woman shared when
she was pregnant; her fiancé had made a baked potato for her. Apparently, he cut
it wrong. So, she made me not cry because she realized it was stupid, and he was
trying hard. Funnily enough, she was taking each bite of the fry while trying to
hold her tears back. This is the real struggle.

27. Love for the wildlife

Emotions get magnified while dealing with pregnancy. The girl ran over a snake
and cried over the incident for two hours. She perceived the matter emotionally
and forgot the fact that she hates snakes and they do not live with their families.
She started to think that the snake’s family, especially its babies will be waiting for
it to return home, but the snake would never show up. Her husband was shocked
was questioning her weird behaviour. This made her emotions rage up even

28. The shadow con

Women can misapprehend when they are expecting. The couple went to the
aquarium once when she was pregnant. They left one of those shark tunnels, and
there was another one straight ahead. She started walking towards it and noticed
a woman wearing the same shirt as her. As she walked towards the tunnel, she
walked right into her. Then her husband came up to her and said, “Honey, that’s a
mirror.” She misunderstood the whole reflection thing and thought the word on
her shirt was written backwards on the other girl’s shirt.
29. The violent crucifix
Overthinking is a regular phenomenon in pregnancy. The girl’s boyfriend wanted
to make macaroni and cheese for her. She accused him of thinking that she was
incompetent and too stupid to make it by herself. She was clearly overthinking,
and then she threw a fork at him and went upstairs. Later she realized her
mistake and cried over the incident.
30. Poor puppy
The woman body works in mysterious ways when she is pregnant. She was 26
weeks then, and one day with the change of the seasons starting, her allergies
flared up. So on that evening, she was simply sitting on her husband’s lap, and a
sneeze came out of nowhere. Unfortunately, she experienced a sneeze and fart at
the same time. She wasn’t even ready for the fart, and to top that off. She peed
on her husband’s lap too.
31. Another big brain situation
Forgetting stuff as usual during pregnancy. She locked herself and her toddler
outside on her 95th day of pregnancy. That was a horrible accident. The baby
brain was not remembering the simple four-digit code to the lockbox on the side
of the house, which would get them back inside. Failing to remember eventually,
she ended up having to feed her tot through a window and wait anxiously that he
would unlock the door for his idiot mother.
32. The real struggle
Remember Rachel having a crazy blader when she was pregnant with Ema in
FRIENDS? Well, yes, that is some true story. The baby is always squeezing on the
bladder. This woman here shares during her last pregnancy, she was suffering
from sickness and had a super weak bladder. So, in a public washroom, someone
walked in on her, head in the toilet and noticed a puddle of pee underneath.
These surely are the lowest points of pregnancy that people have to go through.
33. Crying in cereal
Husbands witness the hilarious moments that pregnant women go through. This
woman shares she was starving in the middle of the night and was excited to eat
the Lucky Charms cereal. However, she discovered there was no milk. So, she sat
on the kitchen floor and sobbed while clutching a bowl of dry cereal.
Unfortunately or fortunately, her husband found her in that position and decided
to save her. We just hope he did not have to go to the shop in the middle of the
night to get milk.
34. Dead Husband at the Ready
This is one of the hilarious ones we have on the list. While she was pregnant, this
woman went to see the doctor. After being induced in the hospital. She and her
husband were walking down the hallway when a nurse came running up behind
them, holding up a hospital gown. It turns out her husband neglected to tell her
that the back of her hospital gown was open, and her backside was out there for
all to see! What a bummer.
35. Myyy Sandwich
Craving food can get weird at the times of pregnancy. During her third trimester,
she made a really good turkey bacon ranch sandwich on a croissant. It was
mouth-watering good. When she got down to the last bite, the sandwich fell out
of her hand. It went all over the floor, and she burst into tears. Her husband
quietly picked all of the sandwiches and handed them to her. Surprisingly, she ate
that sandwich afterwards. A bit of sprinkle of dust must have tasted nice.
36. The poor seahorse
The husbands have to keep up with all the mood swings of the mother during the
pregnancy. This guy here got slapped for taking a bite from his pregnant wife. She
would get lost in the baby corner of the walmat and sob on baby shoes. She
would even envy him for no good reason. We bet this guy wants to be a seahorse
so that he can carry the child and take his revenge. Then and only then she would
know what he had been through.
37. The Heart Warmer
A woman, especially in the days of pregnancy, feeds on validation. While 13
weeks pregnant, she had to go to the paediatrician with her older kid. She
thought the doctor was amazing and had been doing a great job with her child.
She even promised to bring her future kid to him as well. She even thought of
proposing to the doctor right there. After getting back to the car, she was crying
and wanting to know if her husband was as pleased as she was with the doctor.
38. The Phobic Mommy
This lady had a trigger to throw up, and worst of all, it was the words “chicken
nuggets”. Yes, you heard it right, she was throwing up left and right just by
hearing these two words, “CHICKEN” “NUGGETS”. She could eat it if it was called
tiny poultry. It was not even like she did not like chicken nuggets before getting
pregnant, but just after getting pregnant, she could not stand hearing these
words. It seems like getting pregnant made her a volatile weapon of mass
39. Into the Wild
Being pregnant can make you want to eat The Thing from the Fantastic Four. This
woman wanted to eat soil, and nothing her doctor gave her could stop her lust for
soil. Her next best option was the ice that froze inside her freezer. This was her
well-guarded secret for a long time. Until, one weary day, when she was scraping
the bottom of her freezer and eating ice like a goblin, her friend caught her red-
handed. Certainly, this was embarrassing, but at least she was not caught eating
soil like a pregnant chimpanzee.
40. The Poor Mama
Nothing like the rush of stealing something from the store without stealing
anything. This lady threw up in the aisle of a department store. She was
understandably embarrassed and was rushing to get out of the store. But since
rushing out of the store is a fishy attitude, she gets stopped by the guards and
gets checked. Since she was running so fast, it was normal for the security guards
to think so. It is like catching all the fish and not even dipping her toes in the
41. The Strong Gut
Dreams do come true, at least the nightmares do, and it surely causes the
husband to get slapped in the middle of the night. This lady was eight months
pregnant, and she saw her husband being very mean to her in her dreams. She
got so angry in her dream that she slapped her husband while still being asleep.
Talk about having a vivid dream. Though she did feel guilty after waking up. But
how is she going to un-slap the husband now?
42. Wild Wind Blows
Marilyn Monroe is going to be so disappointed at this lady. While everyone loves
the picture of Marilyn’s dress blowing in the wind while she tries to hold it down.
This lady could not hold her dress down when the wind blew, and to her
nightmare, it did actually blow her dress up and gave the people at the parking lot
a view of her big belly and polka-dot panties. So much for being the Twenty-
second century Marilyn Monroe!
43. A footballer coming
If someone kicks a bottle of soy sauce from inside the womb and knocks it down,
then we can safely say this baby will not be a fan of soy sauce. Yes, it happened.
This lady had a huge belly, and her baby, from inside of the womb, kicked a bottle
of soy sauce and knocked it down just to drop on the metal parts and breaks the
bottle just to spill it all over the place. If this kid doesn’t become a footballer, it
will be a waste of talent.
44. Unhappy Teacher’s Day
If you fart in front of high-schoolers, they will surely make you pay for it. This
teacher was teaching in her class one day and accidentally dropped her dry-erase
marker. When she bent over to pick it up, she could not stop herself from letting
out a huge fart. She embarrassed herself in front of a whole class of high-
schoolers. And understandably, they laughed, and who can blame them!
45. Way to Express Thing
Use deodorant when you use public transport, or else! Find out at your own peril.
This lady was riding the subway in Manhattan when she came across a stranger
who went for a run and did not use deodorant. Being so sensitive, she could not
help herself from puking all over the stranger. It is advised by the subway gods to
use deodorants all the time. If you are not wearing deodorants, you might just get
puked on.

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