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~ 7}A1 ~oll .2-~ --87cl ~ Mq, ~%o}q

to be immersed in

%~:l(£~6) %if- ~ ~ focus, emphasis

-~ A~OIOiI during
A} 71 s=. .2- 2711 of itself, by itself
<fd~(1f~) A}717} W,<: ~, iJR°): W ~ a duty
-c117.11.s, -c11-¥-{E:- generally, on the whole, mostly

Jl 2 ~ ~ selection, choice

~(~~) width

011 2.1( 'ftX) i5H(Ai) depending on

A} 717} o}Jl 4J.0Vl A} 71 ~.Q..s for oneself
~ ~ oll -c11iJRAl 'Lf Ef \:t -%-,<: ~ J1} a fruit, a benefit, fruits of

one's labors
;g}-'<: ~ a (single) word, one word

~ g a step

H~(ii~) industry

-¥-4-7lY- TJR u: ~ A-(~ 4- 'ili 111~ ~ q to destroy

~j:il(~) .2- ¥, q the whole

'11.q' ~ II1 %~ to be turned off, to be put off
.2. oJ=o1 o:j C-1 7}A1 o 1q to be various, to be diverse
LH~(~~) content

~ J::.%ol '.V.g necessity
~Oi pi- l

~IQ.j"( ~]g) 7}AJ- Y-~ the worst

AWm~~) 7-}<i19.1 ~%JI} °F'J-~ )..}.:iZ. calamity, disaster

7~:;~(OJti~ti) possibility
~l2ln(.§f..8~rell) ':f{~.£ <?ilu} cj- 7})..-j sooner or later

~EH5!HJ)5~q Ai]Jll ;qq, ~ E}~ ~ ~q to strike

~I~(~*JT) 7}AJ- AB.£..g.}! the newest

;z}cjl~ y-E}LJ1~ Ell M~ W
~Jl(.~)5~q s.{j il}2}.:iZ. <?d-2-1q to warn
~ :i!H /f5.@.) only, merely
~(f~) 100, 000, 000 a hundred million
;,.~ t2J a life

~~(1¥tJ) 01 rll
-ri -n :-1-.
~ ~~ power, majesty
'=!"j::j2.q O1lfi ~ °1 i.] )..1{}- °1 7} 7l}0 1 y q to come round, to impend

~(1~)5~q ~~ ~ <?d-2-1q to convey, to report

£l~AH~~1~) O1lfi ~.£ ~ il}CJi ~~ )..}~ a victim
,§(iI)5~q O1lfi 92J= . Aj £7} 5:1 q to amount to, to come to
gAil(cpt!t) 5~ 15 Ai171 ~ the Middle Ages
~ic5lq ii:- t2J il} Jll ]I!. 0] q to make clear, to declare
~-Z:l(~.) ::Q-7-} 7] ?£j~ -tL~ ~ an attack

~~(A$) A}~9.1 ;,.~~ human life

<f:J8( - B) ~~, -'i'-~ once
~~(~~)5~q AB.£ ;,.~7] q to occur

~(~) .2.. := aU, whole

~HO';~)£lq ~ 01A=J It1 7-] q to be scattered, to spread, to permeate

OjI~(Jt~jj) .¥<:: ~ °1 ~ oj Y-7] ~ oj] 1]]2-1 ~ g prevention
4-A~Q{(51~t~) an injection
7H~(mJ~)5~q AB.£..g.}! ~ ~ ~ 01 1i%~il}q,~~)..]7'] q to develop

~~(pJTffl)~q ~.R ~ q to be unnecessary

~2(m~)5~C~ ~ 2-1 1:l}2}q]I!.q to look out on, to observe

~Ail(fiE~) ~~.£ y- Ej- y- ~ ~ AJ- symptoms

~2.lq (~~) ~ ~ TI9 A-j ~ q to open (one's mouth)

;:C~ 1[01 -¥-~01 y2q tosweU(up)
- j:1 - ~ a portion, a share
j:-j ~(~15) 5~q ~ 9.1 ~ Ailojl u:}2} ~ ~ ~ ~ q to prescribe

AI&(~~)5~q {j-olq to be severe

o~~ \3fol, ;iJll deeply, soundly
~~q ~~ 'lfO}t:} to be amazing
~§~(/C' heart disease
{,'-~(~*~JD e>l ~ ~ ~ J rrl1.9-l .2.~ 01Lf ~ ~ a situation, conditions

~£1(1~~)<5tq o1~ ~ ~*~ 77W~-jl T1 Jf-.7.1 '1 to regret

.5f.~ (.6Zj~) Zl~ A}ol~ 7-j friendship
7-j ~ol ~ ~ ~ .2. oJ precisely, exactly
~2.lq (lil.£7r)
:1&P;:-jI(5j!f1t~J) a digestive
~~(~fiE) ot ~ ~ All an ache, a pain
{!~A-jI(~~~J) o t ~ ~ ~ ~ 711 o}~ Q..j= pain reliever, analgesic
<2.!"Qj=(~~) ~0l1 1:§ ~ Q..j= medicine for the eyes

f5H ~A-jI(jg~~~J) ~ ~ ~ ~ Y 2i ~ 1:11 M. ~ Q..j= a fever remedy, an antifebrile



2.1~(~~t±l)5rq ~oj]47~q to go out !
~OH~(~~~A) ~~1]-3:j 3:.~ 7-]-3:j~.£ s:.%o] ~Jl~ A~W i

the handicapped
A A.£ 7-]-%! o~q to volunteer 1
*A~(~1±) ~7~" A~:§:j ~ i'-j"6H ~~-3:j~.£ ~~ service
8j11([jl~) .2..<Ed organization ,"
g::rr( >'::"0]) i}.9.1.:r-~ a phrase
= power, effort
g;~j7IA~(~!!tt±) ..g.~o~~A~W a driver, a chauffeur
QlW(19:~iJ) .:r-{i, 'il ¥- a role
olj:lq (*OlD 0] 2 r] to reach, to attain
~~ 71tt( 0*~1Ul) A~:§:j.9.1 o:j 21 A~W~ 0] W7Jl] o]%ol-~ 7]{:l-
public institution
~j:I~(~9:Ii!¥) ~ 7-]~ 1:l] % the rate of facilities
AlqAI Uq ~Irj-o~q to be nothing but
7=1~ oj if!~] ~ ~ o:j with (much) difficulty
.:~1.-:\ :r
*7~Bf::' o:j 21 A~W public
~2.r.5:!711 ()1'
..1:2..:L[.s:.~~ o~7-] *%} Aj s:..£ to fail to recognize
=r2.1 (-AI ~q) -=:l ~~] (- 7-] ?}q), -=:l Aj s:..£ (- 7-] ?}q) to be not so ~
-§j:~EI (-AI EJ"q) rarely, hardly
Ar) oj 1fl ~ oj] g 7~~
LJ1~ D~ posture, attitude
~~(ZP.fL)5rq !fi Oi 471 4 ~ ~ o} 7-]?}q to be common
~ ».}% dispute
~.6J°]4 B-~l]oj] ~oJ7}q
to join (an association), to become a member (of)
~':!1(~~~) tlJ"6H 7} £]~ 1i an obstacle
~~(~jfj) ~ 7}7-] -&-3:j~.£~ M. ~ 1i exclusive use
VOcabulary I

~~(:giiJ) ~*~'iJ. ~ A}~ 7-1Ll-l~ :; ~"B \:t a seasonalfestival

I ~~(Jil1fr)
y c{1 ~ ¥ E1 Ll-lC;j y ~ J-~ ~.g-~011 ~"B A}:§:1~ ~~
q ~ ~:i1} :; ~ il1 q 2. q to be unique
'\1 'if '" ( l!ii'il;) "f q
g ~ 1-%1 January according to the lunar calendar

-"; 1::l1
20 "
1i \:toll Cj ~ AB "*
Al~2.1 "B~~ %l¥~~"*
~~DPI ~~w U11
o:j c-j
**~~ ~011 "* Cj ~ Zl
I stripes of many colors
5:-7-} ~ Ai1q
.:27}t2f.2..~ to count numbers with fingers

-";~2 Co" g ~ 12-%1 December according to the lunar calendar

=z.~~ "B ~~ u}7-1"Q{\:t the last day of the month

AH.5f. q (12:t ~) ~ ~ 7-}7-1 @.=LL7-1Ll-lq to sit up all night
I ~~q to make a dress
~q (§?:~)
AiltlH(~n) ~w01L} ~~011 il}~ 'iJ.A}
Ail~§(~n-) Ai11:lB~ il}.Jl e>l~ 011711~ ~ ~
~{j(ff,~J:J wo} ~ 7-1 ° 1.J-J~ %l~ e>l~ ancestors
~ ~ 01L} 5::.J-J~ J-~ '?J ~ ~o} 5::.J-J7l11%~ ~ Ai1A}
LH ~ C~ (:; ~ ~)
7}7-1.=LL9l~ ~~ Ll-l9-q to offer, to serve
:£I~(~~) ~ ~ ~:i1}~ 71 ~ il}~ u} g hope, wish

j:~q 7}~ il}q to be full

1i\:t01L} ~~ U11 .J-J~~ °1 ~5:i71 ~ l:l}C-}~ ~~ w01
L} 'iJ.A}
L}C-}011Al Ail% to be government-established, to be national
tii-t:! "B~011 {l~ O}w:i1} :Q~ ~
~AH- j
, Ct hl
L -I

9{CH71 a stick
~~( zp.zp.)3~q ~ jl ~ g °1 ~ jl l(ll(l il}q to be flat
to be round I
to toss, to throw I

the floor
-& ~ 1?lA~ I§ I§~ ~ °1 ~ 7H %-2- ~ °1 Ai1 7H7} 4.2..;:
I§ I§~ ~ °1 ¥- 7H %-2- ~ °1 ¥- 7H7} 4 .2..';: 7Cl~
I§ I§ ~ ~ ° 1 Ai17H %-2- ~ ° 1 ~ 7H7} 4.2.. ';: 7Cl~
I§ I§ ~ ~ ° 1 1;]17H7} 4.2.. ';: 7Cl~
£ %-2- ~ ° 1 1;]17H7} 4.2.. ';: 7Cl~
T~(~~1J)3~q *-W-oJ1 u:}2} 4To-j ~~o}q to distinguish

DH7lq (~*~) I§7}o}Oi AjO}q to evaluate

~(t&) a board

~({') a team
-&J8- -'f-1 oJ1Al ~ 4- L:ij.£ %71 ';: ~
~CH~(f§f.jh) Al.£ AJL:ij7} 5:1 ';: ~ an opponent

L~q (~i!}7}) Y- .2..q,~y-q to finish

a side
~ -r:!(J1itt)3~q % 7~ y- ~ ti il}q to cheer, to support
<c!(:i;) a kite
~2.lq ~ 7-11il}q to fly
CHQEf- bamboo
El1 a frame

~AI(U*lt) ~~~ {i%~ ~ *°1

Ail£ {[Z{~ a triangle

A}Z{~ a square
a diamond shape
I <i:!ii ~ ~714 -¥- ';: 71.::r- a reel, a spool

;":7:j o}q to control, to adjust, to modify
.!gA}31 ';: A}~ ~ ° 1 .2.. 01 A}';: A1~
g ~ 7:j~ 1591
Dr ~ a rural
sweet potato

c chestnut
C> C> peanut
III~(&:Jt) skin
~q (~A~~) ~~ ~ 7}f-l -'g-A}~ <5}t:} to do farm work

-?-(~)o~q <>1c:j%~ 1)!<>1Y-711 ole} to save (one's life)

%s(rfJ*J the Middle East

O~II 2.17'~ Africa
~O~(£-ff) a field, one's area of knowledge / 5I"H;o,\i~J
812..!(HR) ~ A~ 01 Y- :zBB~.£ {l ~ 'iJ,c:. l-)-V refugees
2.grq Rwanda
'f:t!;:! cl 0 ~ Cambodia
~t!"(;f§Im) ~ 7-11 relation
812..!~(HRH) B~~o] £O:j l-)-~ o)-~ refugee camp 1-,

~)..I{!(~BMell) 011 ~~noj], 0)-9- ~,c:.%~ojl in a moment

tt!;X:lq J 7-)-c] oj] ~ 7-] U s: Ii- ~ *~.£%0)- 7)-Ii- to spread
[Ei~q o=j 7] 7-17] ~o)-Ii-Y Ii- to wander
~EH(~~~) 7-]~.2i .2..oJo] Y- AJiJ- a state, a condition

-71:::7',~ on the contrary, far from

.g7'lq g .61 ~ -& 0~.£ "67]Ii- to swallow
~j:~ 77)- 7-] s:. even

1IIoH;x:Hf1t~~) TI1""8"B
~ ~,c:.l-)-V a sufferer, a victim
j:~;X:Ic5~q (97-] ~) o]f-Ii- torank
2r-.:r- <il 7-1 ~ .2.. '27-] 'll- <>1'ti l-)-V somebody

±~(~) Soviet Union

[H~(f.J5~) l--j.£ ~ l--j ~ ~ confrontation

:=/::: ~)..H~i5tt)o~~ setting aside, let alone

1:tl'o1 ""8"]-" 01 ~O;::::I MO].:'::::- tr}
as long as, as far as
-::: ~(~N) oTl, ~....:c..~ A-..I.. - 1- 2.

)"~2.r;X:lq 'iii <>17-1 Ii- to disappear

)..i)..i(1;1<1;1<)01 -., -., =]
~ ~ 0,
A-1 A-1
0 0 gradually
~71(~*'-) ~~ 7]-& vitality
-g(~) per, each
7~~ ~JI} only, just

;x:1~~O~*leg) 7-114;o-~ to be continuous

-'T-i?:I)..i ~ i2:pl 0)-=
Tl-;:::C 2.
01 a piece of cake, to be easy
~~(mgf3)o~q to guess
~ -?it, ~ 0)-7-] ~ the last, the bottom

~(im) ~:§:}Y- ~7-]~ -"il ~ B-'fi

±~(pJf1~) ~ ~ o-)-o=j ~~ ~ income
~q (-§-~) .2..~ c} to gather

~~(m¥) <>1'ti ~.£ 7-)-~~ ~ g a shock


(19~ a~E! ~.£~ ~~~ ~1t * ~Oi£ I lei)


;Q- ~ -"l ;Q- ~
-3?:-oj1 ~ ~ t-}~ -"}w a colleague

~2.1 W words

z,J~~?[Jl C;U~ -"}W, z,JAJoj1qy~ -"}W a worker

z,JAJ-oj1-"l ~ ~ a} 7-.1Jl Y-..2-q to go home from work
~A~2.1 ~ ~ a}-"l Jl ~ ~ 7-}c.j

7-11~ succession, a sequence
q:J t.1 ~ -&~~s:.. 9Jl~q, -,,}Jl ~q to do business
7-\~H( ,**)"5~q

{jra(.t§~) -"ls:.. ~ ~ W consultation

~[[-(~~)"5~q ~7.117} 'iliJl-23::~q to be harmonious
[H~ ~~I(f.tA~1*)
q~ -"}wJl} -"}~7-lY- .AJ--cRt-}~~7-11
~q -"ls:.. <j ~ ~ ~ q to tie
~1:il(~r'§J) 7FJ- ~ g the best
~ ~ ~ ~s:..7}q to leave for, to be in the direction of
{jA~<-.1:6]) z,JAJ-~ %!-,,}~ one's superior
~ ~ =f:t(~l~~) 7}7{t Jl {l~ ~7fl close relationship
a}g~~s:.., q~ -"}w01 Y~711 3::%t-1 inwardly, secretly
if, :::2(~i@)"51
7~:g %% occasionally

{l-*t-}Oi ~ 01 {l-*~ 711t-}q to make a mistake
~01 3::~ \:to} C;U~ ~~oj1 ~~ q ut~
7-}c.j, ~ 7-.1 status
A I~I(iiP:ilI)
7-}715!-q Y-01Y- ~it-°1 ~~ -"}w
%01Y- ~ ~ ~ ~oj1 *q topour
7-}715!-q y-01Y- 7-1~7} .AJ-~t-1~~ -"}w
- (£) L j:H(£) I -cR s:.. just as it is
'E:!"j:lq to hold up

Oi~2.lq ~r11 -4101q, -,,}~q to join

- !:r.2.~~ -q Y~, 7-11~ -~q~
~ ~ a}-"l ~:;). drinking
~ ~ %~oj1 ~ C1 tti frequently

~71(A~) popularity

7ilAI ~O~~*J.YJ ~ '%l ~ a bulletin board

Y7-}e} ~ :;).~ "(.1 t-}~ ~ q to fill up

~~(I~) a factory
~ c.j lIi Y-~ -"}W ~ ~.£ t-}~ y'fl a farewell party
(~~1~) -%~ W politeness

S ,., ·?
.'-~ J

/ ,-" ~:.AH
, - J
Ct Ol
L -I

~ ~~ 8( -:&-~R)
~E(t~~) a vote

~~(~$fW(~) Mq % A1 Ail{J a} 711 A~ztts} 7~ Lf ~ A,:l a} q. to pay attention

l)! 91711 .£ ° 1 Ci.Jl .x..~ a} q. to spruce up
-717 ~ .!?-{~P11 -A}OP,} immediately after

-o~/Oi [Hq A,:l s:. Q.] {J ~ ~ Lf E\-Li1;: ~

-:: tl~EtOII - 71 rrB.g. oll because

~ 2.12tA~(JL'I1~~)
O} g Q.] %~ ~ ~ ~ -=r- a};: A}'¥:[ a psychologist

::; ~ (ll~JJ) e>iTf:l. ~ ~ ~ 9 91;: ~ °1 Lf 71"* ability

~IOiqq C9~ %oljJ'l ~ Jcl:;tq. to be excellent
oR! A}1l ~ts}A} ~ for that matter
.!t:!~(%g)o~q ~ ~ a} q. to be perfect

~:;~o~q uR ~ '?:l g 'i1a} q. to be reliable, to be trustworthy

A}WQ.] -1:f-0 1Lf o} g ~ II;: ~ to be attractive
~j:lq ~ °1 ~ *~
711 'i1 ~ q. to ruin, to spoil
~~-f:t(~~~) ~<j-~ ~~ uneasiness

.g.(ol) Q{olc~ o} g 01 1:fflffa}q. to be suffocated, to be choked

~.2.. ~ an outward appearance, an external aspect
~(ol) :Ulq %oll1[0l W-o}Alq., %%t>RAlq. to get fat
~91e>i .£C9Al Q:j.Jl-}iq;:: A~ztg ts}711ts}q. to look


tl~Et~o~q tl}W 1i:l-~7} 5.17} 91 q. to be desirable

~:2:~(~1U a change

ol{J"~(ilm~) ideal type

~ s:. Lf Cd ~ ~ 01 A,:l Ad A ij:].Jl {[ ~ q. to be sincere, to be

"*~ ~ ~ .2..oJ attire
';;-7}Q.] ~~ WOr a};:: A}'¥:[ publicservicepersonnel,a

civil servant

~~Wftt) ::; ~ ~ Ad ~ characteristics

~~(:&~6) i= ~ ~ merits, a good point

8~(~R~6) Lf ~ ~ demerits, a defect


-¥- '3!. 01] ~ ~ ~ Aj z::j aptitude

A};:~, A~~, A~(1:=.) life, living

Ai]AJ011J'l -i-~-o}q.Jl ~7Zj ~;: o]~ 0] Y- ;<.}2J- honor

(£)£ 8(1!I)f>HAl trl1.g.01] because of

2.!?-(iJJ~) ~ <fl3:j ~ ~ work, duty, service

o}-¥- Ci - o} /01.5:. even though
-O~/O1 ~:q
.:I. '2..!""5~q
J -qj.£ ~ ~-o} q, I 7Zj.5:.0] q to be in the same condition,

to be neither better nor worse, to be as much as

.5tl-~-0] completely, entirely

~AI<C,Pil not to be less (than)

, Q:j ;<'].£. unwillingly
OIl ·~-:ilH~i§)"5~q - 01] ;<.]Y-;<.]?i"q to be nothing but

7~5 y til 1:l]7} Y;<.] ?i" g drought

~~(.tiMiJJ) a plant
%7]7} 'ilio-j 7<j}.1 ~q to wither, to dry up

o~OjI :7.1 g -¥-E1 from the beginning

.:I.Al ~~~ 3::.;zl 'ili0] merely, just

{}~.Jl ;z.] ~ 0] 'ili;: D} g sincerity
!2.gj (f*l5ft) insurance

~~171(~1II~) atmosphere
-o}o:j -;: anyway
Tf2(*JHi) a scale

[H71~(*:l£~) ~ :§:l}.} a large enterprise

%~71~(cpJJ~:l£~) a small and medium-sized enterprise

o:j % }.]n leisure, leisure time
.2.;<.}<g ~ .5:.Q}% support, help, aid
~ .;:;-01 ~ l:l~Jf-;: ~ language study and training
~~(:r+ii) ~ 7ZJ01]}.l ;<.] ~ 7} %cf~ promotion

!2.~(f*~~) guarantee, security

71~(~~~) ~~W married

~I~ 8(;?,t~B) ~ <fl ~ ~t7] o-j 24 % the difficulty of getting a job

.!?-~(~~) ~ <fl 0] ~ g unemployed

Vocabulary i

<2JEi ~ internet

~~O~*I)o~q 'i1~ il}q to connect

A~E(~H) materials, data

f:j 6!l (fft~) ~g search

~%(~~) electrical transmission

~A~ .5f-~(~T~1!) e-mail
.!i!12.A.i(¥IH~~ ) ?O-J ~ ?Al1oJl Ii1 c'5R ~A}~ ~ ~ -;: i} a report, a paper

7 ~{J"(1~i~) ~ 11 oJl ~ ~ ~ ~ 'V, q.:Jl ).~zril} ~ ~ to be virtual

s~OIL?:) ~~~ *s=. Tokyo

home shopping
.§.t:lH71 home banking

AI~(~I±l) .,§- ~ -:;; expenditure, expenses

LH ~(i*J~~) A}'zil ~ ~ % an itemized list, detailed

CIA~<z..! design, designing
:::J.r.H~ graphic

~ljl(~~~t) a plan
~/~ ~(~)5H.A.i· through, via
~.!i!(m¥~J information
~~il}o:j iE~ c'5Ril}q to be restless, to be nervous

2.\-e( 1t\ff)o~q ~ A] il}q to depend

~.A.HS$) agriculture, farming

rr~E\ a party

A\~(~D~~) knowledge

~~(~1§) correspondence, communication

{J"~Ojt~) ~ 1ft A}TEt -'2..£Al 7}Ai 0]: W ~ 1ft~ <{l A] ~, 0] c'5R~,

.Jt!-B~ common sense
.A.\~AHffJl.~~) ~ ell Bl ~ ~ £ ~ A}TEt the TV audience

'=W"CB) stay

\ i

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