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Quarter 3- Module 4
Expressing one’s
beliefs/convictions based on a
material viewed

Quarter 3 - Module 4: Express one’s belief/conviction on a material viewed.
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Roan Mae G. Dulay

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos, Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Belen C. Aquino, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of English

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II


There is nothing wrong with a strong opinion. They are healthy in a

democracy- for the line goes, “We are always entitled to our own opinion”.

Convictions are about what matters to us. Most importantly they signify to
others what kind of person we take ourselves to be. These beliefs and convictions
reveal our self-identity.

It is okay to disagree with someone, but do so with consideration and

respect. Yes, we are entitled to our opinion and we have varying values and beliefs.
You’re not right and neither are they. It’s simply a different viewpoint. Rather than
trying to change someone, see what you can learn from them instead

Remember that we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t make mistakes or give

into what was easier once in a while, but learning from those mistakes and
standing for what we believe is what is most important.

Now, with open ears and wondering eyes, you may now explore this module
and experience great learning with fun and excitement.

This module provides discussion about the lesson with corresponding

examples and self-accomplishing activities for you to read and answer
appropriately. The activities are simplified to cater to your needs in improving
communication skills

Begin by becoming familiar with the MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING

COMPETENCIES. These will tell you what you should know and what you should
able to do at the end of every lesson.

Learning Competency:
EN7VC-IV-c16: Express one’s beliefs/convictions on a material viewed.
Learning Objectives:
a. Define beliefs and convictions.
b. Recognize the reasons to stand up for one’s belief.
c. Identify phrases that appropriately express our beliefs/convictions.
d. Distinguish fact, opinion, belief and conviction.
e. Organize one’s thought for a certain picture, topic, or idea

Take a look of the picture , what can you see? What is the first thing that goes
into your mind when you see the picture?

The questions below will help you. You may discuss your answer with your
parents or siblings.

1. What do sunny and rainy season symbolize?

2. How do these changes of season affect your daily life?

3. Which do you prefer, a sunny or rainy season? Why?

4. Do you like rainbow? Why or Why not?

5. What does the rainbow represent into your life?

6. Do you consider CHANGE as an access or danger to broaden your horizon?


Did you share answers with your parents or siblings? What have you noticed?
Do they have the same answers with yours? If you say yes, probably that is good
and if it is not, then don’t feel sad for it is normal to have different opinions
towards things and matters.

Belief is a mental attitude of acceptance toward a proposition without the full

intellectual knowledge required to guarantee it is truth. Conviction is something
certain, unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence.

When we stand up for what we belief, the benefits can have a tremendously
positive impact.

A. 5 Reasons to Stand up for your Beliefs

1. It builds Self-Confidence.
It takes guts unpopular viewpoints. It takes guts to say no when it is so much
easier to say yes. The more we stand up for ourselves, the more we build our self-

2. It helps you develop a strong Sense of Self

If we bow to others and their opinions and do things their way, whether right or
wrong, we start to lose our own identity. The less you allow yourself to think freely
and develop your own belief system, the more you become a follower to your own

3. It develops Self- Respect

If you continually give in to what others want and compromise your own value
in the process, you are going to lose respect for yourself.

4. It builds Integrity
Standing up for your beliefs may not be easy, but when you do, you know you
will be able to look yourself in the mirror and feel about yourself.

5. It helps you be Independent

The more you stand for your belief, the less ou rely on the others to validate
them. You will reinforce your independence and ability to stand in your own
feet with anyone else to support you.
Remember, don’t let anyone step on your toes. It is important to stand up
for yourself and what you believe in and to not let other people take advantage
of you or somehow push you around.

B. Common Phrases to appropriately Express our Beliefs or Convictions

Many phrases are suitable in everyday speech and some types of writing and
you have probably seen or used some of these phrases:
• I think…
• I believe…
• I feel…
• In my opinion… and
• I would say…
Example: In my opinion, Bangkok has the best street food.

When you wanted to make the statement stronger, you can do it by adding an
adverb or adjective. For example:
• I really think…
• I strongly believe…
• I truly feel… or
• In my honest opinion…
Example: In my honest opinion, Bangkok has the best street food for
everything I’ve tried has been so delicious!

Let’s look at a few phrases that are more common in formal situations, which
are usually found at a business meeting, conference, or in a formal paper.
• From my point of view…
• From my perspective…
• In my view… or
• It seems to me that…
Example: In my view, cruise ships should be banned. They produce
massive amounts of waste and use the dirtiest fuel in the world.
Imagine that you have expressed yourself, but what about the opinion of
others? It is a good idea to ask other people for theirs. Phrases like these help you
show desire to hear from others :
• What do you think of…?
• What are your thoughts on…?
• How do you feel about…?
• What’s your opinion on…?
Example: How do you feel about the new English teacher?

C. Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Conviction

When forming personal convictions, we often interpret factual evidence through
the filter of our values, feelings, tastes, and past experiences.

A fact is verifiable. We can determine whether it is true by researching the

evidence. This may involve numbers, dates, testimony, etc. (Ex.: "World War II
ended in 1945.")

An opinion is a judgment based on facts, an honest attempt to draw a

reasonable conclusion from factual evidence. An opinion is potentially changeable--
depending on how the evidence is interpreted. By themselves, opinions have little
power to convince. You must always let your reader know what your evidence is
and how it led you to arrive at your opinion.

Unlike an opinion, a belief is a conviction based on cultural or personal

faith, morality, or values. Statements such as "Capital punishment is legalized
murder" are often called "opinions" because they express viewpoints, but they are
not based on facts or other evidence. They cannot be disproved or even contested in
a rational or logical manner. Since beliefs are inarguable, they cannot serve as the
thesis of a formal argument.
(Adapted from: Fowler, H. Ramsey. The Little, Brown Handbook. Boston:
Little, Brown, 1986.)

A fact is a true statement that An opinion is something that a

can be proven or verified. A fact person thinks, feels or believes
doesn’t change no matter who and not necessarily supported
says it by proof or knowledge. Opinion
change from person to person

Look for Signal Words Look for Signal Words

Numbers General Truths Point of View Prefer

Research Statistics Guess Think/Feel
Try this: FACT or OPINION
Tell whether the statement is a Fact or an Opinion. Write your answer in a
sheet of paper and compare it to the key answer below.(Don’t cheat)

_______________________1. The medallion had a letter M on it.

_______________________2. I want sunny season than rainy season.

_______________________3. Wearing a jacket today is a good idea.

_______________________4. I think the hall is enough to accommodate thousand of


________________________5. Scare crows can scare crows.

________________________6. Math is the hardest subject.

________________________7. Flutes are woodwind instruments.

________________________8. Kids should not have facebook account.

________________________9. Running is a best form of exercise.

________________________10. Running is a form of exercise.

Please compare your answers here:


Did you honestly answer the activity? How many points did you get? If you got
perfect, it only means that you can now easily differentiate a Fact or Opinionated

Congratulation for an honest and excellent job! Keep it up!


YOUR TEXT: Read the text and answer the following questions.

The Parable of the Rainbow Colors

by:Juan M. Flavier

It all started as innocent statements by each of the colors. No attempt was

made by anyone to denigrate the others. There was even an element of restraint
and humility.

But as time went on, the colors declarations became stronger and haughty with
an overtone which tended to out down the other colors. Their claim became very
explicit as to who was the best color. . . It reached the point when the colors were
actually quarrelling! Said the color RED. . .I am the brightest ! for red is the most
striking. Why? Life-sustaining blood is colored red . I represent courage and
bravery. Even love symbols like the heart and the roses presented are red in color.

The color YELLOW retorted. . .What can be brighter than my yellow exemplified
by the sun? I am the color of gaiety and of warmth. Without me, only the eye-
glaring ones remain. What an outlandish claims !

Interposed the color ORANGE. . .Sunrise is orange, not yellow. I am more

important because I represent health and strength. Look at the ripened fruits and
vegetables, they are predominantly orange.

Well, if you are talking about vegetables and leaves, you are referring to my
color, declared the color GREEN. . . I Am the symbol of life. All that thrives in the
fields and the forests is the greenery I provide. I am the most important color.

The color BLUE could not help it anymore so it shouted. . What can be more
expansive than the skies and the seas? Do you forget that the farthest skies and
the deepest seas are blue? I represent patriotism. I stand for the depth of feelings
and extensive spaces.

The color INDIGO came out with a statement. . .You talk about wide areas. I
hope you realized the largest area in the world is silence and I represent that
dimension with my color. It means thoughtfulness. It is prayer expressed in the
deepest of feelings.

Aha! You forget the pomp of royalty and power is VIOLET, shouted the color. . .
I am wisdom and authority. What can be more overwhelming?

Suddenly, the rain interrupted the contentious exchange of arguments. Yes,

you all have your unique features. But all of you have a special role. And more
importantly, you need each other to give the mix of colors for beauty. Because of
your quarrelling. God has asked me to inform you of a decision. From now on, you
will not be seen separately. When it rains, a strip of colors will appear in the sky.
You will all appear together. You will be called a rainbow. You will then represent
cooperation and hope. The rainbow in the sky. With that, the rain disappeared.


Organize well your thought from a material viewed or read “The

Parable of a Rainbow Colors” by Juan M. Flavier then comprehensively
answer the questions below.

1. Why do you think rain emphasized the need of cooperation?

2. Why does the rainbow represent hope?

3. If you were one of the colors of the rainbow, what would you be? Why?

4. If you were to add another color of the rainbow, what color would it be? Why?

5. If you were to change the shape of the rainbow, what would it be? Why?

6. The elders say that we can see treasures at the end of a rainbow, but if you were
to choose treasure at the rainbow’s end, would it be a treasure of HEALTH or

This is an example of an editorial cartoon.

Using the knowledge you have about expressing one’s beliefs and conviction,
compose a paragraph expressing your understanding about the picture presented.
Feel free to express how do you feel and think about the picture. Write your
paragraph in the thinking balloon.

Answer Key
Answers may vary

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