Digital Marketing Unit II: Social Media Advertising Platforms

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Digital Marketing Unit II

Social Media Advertising Platforms

Why Advertise on Social Media
• Other channels require significant lead
time to yield an ROI.
• Some channels yield quick results but not
as consistently.
• Some channels are consistent but time
consuming to dial in.
• With social media advertising, you can
have consistent sales coming in from the
first day your website is live.
• For modern ecommerce sites, the ability to
immediately and consistently bring in new
customers is a HUGE deal.
Social media platform categories




Definition: Social Media
Any medium whereby content (including,
but not limited to images, videos,
messages and sound files) is broadcast to,
or capable of being broadcast to, the
general public or a significant section of
the general public.

For the sake of clarity, and by way of

example, Social Media Platforms include
(but are not limited to) Youtube,
Facebook, Twitter and also any “blog” or
other type of web journal.
Social Networking Platforms

• New social media networks come out every week, most of

which will never gain any sort of traction

• It is therefore best to start with the most popular platforms,

then once you have profitable systems running, you can look
at allocating a percentage of your budget toward more
experimental campaigns

• In 2020, there were 6 major social media channels where you

could follow proven ad strategies and generate consistent
Benefits Of Advertising Through Social Media Include:

• Grow your fanbase and thus your

• Use customer generated content for
ads (which perform better, too!)
• Better targeting for new and
returning customers (so you waste
less money)
• A/B test while LIVE, using platform
analytics to determine winners
Picking the right platform

Which social media network you choose will

depend on 3 VERY important factors:
1.Where your target customers are most
concentrated (usage, groups, etc.)
2.Where your target customers are most
accessible (preferred media, ad targeting,
3.Where your target customers most actively
engage with ads (testing required)
Finding success on social media requires you
to thread a number of needles together
somewhat seamlessly.
Social Networking
Platforms - Facebook
• Facebook is THE universal
social media network.
• With more than 2 billion
monthly users, Facebook
hosts over a quarter of the
world’s population, providing
advertisers with an
unparalleled opportunity to
reach virtually anyone and
Most popular social
networks worldwide as
of April 2021, ranked
by number of active
users (in millions)
Why Facebook?

• When it comes to ecommerce, Facebook excels at lead

• If you want email addresses, Facebook is the place to go, with
many advertisers reporting costs below Rs 50 per lead.
• The most common model used is to run a Facebook ad directly
into a high-converting landing page offering some variety of a free
lead magnet or bundle product.
Why Facebook?

• Common examples of content for social media advertising campaigns include:

• Whitepapers
• Ebooks
• Product coupons
• Sitewide discounts
• Limited-time offers
• Giveaways
• Free shipping
• These leads can then be nurtured with a targeted autoresponder that introduces
them to your brand and products
How Facebook Advertising is Priced

• Pricing varies widely based on several factors, including the audience you’re
trying to target and the budget you set for your ads.
• As a general rule, the more money you spend, the more efficient Facebook’s
algorithm becomes at spending your money, increasing your ad performance
over time.
• According to an extensive study done by AdEspresso, the average cost per click
(CPC) of Facebook ads as of 2016 was roughly .28 cents and the cost per 1,000
impressions (CPM) was $7.19.
• The study went on to break it down by age and gender as well. The 65+ age
grouped showed the most continuous trend of lower CPC costs over time.
Females cost on average 4 cents greater CPC than targeting males.
Facebook Ads Dos and Don’ts

• Don’t run the same exact ad(s) to all of your

audiences. Your prospecting and retargeting ads
should be unique, and your ads for each audience
“interest” segment should be tailored to that

• Use prospecting ads to build brand awareness and

teach people about your product, and then use
retargeting ads to seal the deal with users who have
already signaled interest. Retargeting ads are ideal for
an aggressive pitch and close.
Facebook Ads Dos and Don’ts

• The use of emojis in ads has been spreading like wildfire, even among larger, more
established brands. They can be very effective at driving higher CTRs, but as with all
strategies, you should A/B test for yourself to be sure.

• Always be testing! Ad fatigue is an ever-present challenge on Facebook, and it’s best

to rotate in and test new ads every 2 weeks.

• Lookalike audiences are a staple for many advertisers… and rightly so. They tend to
work very well for prospecting. That said, you should take care not to layer
additional targeting on top of the lookalikes if you can avoid it. You run the risk of
shrinking your potential reach and missing out on valuable customers.
Class Question:
Using lookalikes what shows would you
target for this show:
>> Silicon Valley is a drama comedy about
a bunch of "geeks" that invent a
revolutionary software and make a
company to combat the existing tech
giants. What other shows on T.V. have an
audience that looks like the audience of
this show?
Facebook Advertising in Action
Facebook Advertising in Action
Reach: How many people were served
your post/ ad
Frequency: How many times the same
person saw your post/ ad
Impressions: Reach x Frequency

Which is bigger Reach or Frequency?

Facebook Advertising in Action
Paid Vs Organic reach
Organic Reach are the people who see
your post/ ad naturally

Paid Reach means they saw your post/ ad

because Facebook says they fall into your
specified target
Facebook Advertising in Action
Facebook Advertising in Action
Methods of launching Facebook Ads:
Boosted Post: A normal post that is given
a paid boost

Ads Manager: It’s not a normal post, it

runs only as an advertisement.
Facebook Advertising in Action
Advertising Objectives:
How they are priced:
Cost per Click
Cost per Engagement
Cost per View
Cost per Impression
Cost per Lead
Cost per Conversion
Cost per Page Like
Facebook Advertising in Action
Instagram Advertising

While Facebook’s mind-boggling user numbers make it the undisputed

king of social media, the company’s hottest acquisition is beginning to
look like the king of social advertising.

Instagram now boasts more than 500 million monthly active users and
commands one of the highest audience engagement rates in social
media, 58% higher than Facebook and 2000% higher than Twitter.
Instagram Advertising

Instagram’s engagement rates are 58% higher than Facebook’s

and 2,000% higher than Twitter’s.
Where Instagram Advertising Shines

• Instagram is, of course, very image and video heavy.

• It is also worth noting that Instagram’s user base skews heavily to the
18-29 range.
• If any or all of those characteristics are in alignment with your target
audience or buyer persona, than odds are, Instagram will be the best
ad choice for your business.
• Unlike organic posts, Instagram ads can be made to link directly to a
product page or other landing page, allowing for direct engagement
with your products.
How Instagram Advertising is Priced

On average, Instagram advertising costs are in

the same ballpark as Facebook ads at a cost of
$5 per thousand impressions (CPM). While the
price may be similar, most current statistics
show that Instagram gets much more
engagement on their posts and ads than
Facebook does.
Steps to Advertising on Instagram

1.Select an editor and create your campaign.

2.Determine an objective.
3.Choose your audience.
4.Set your placement.
5.Make your budget and schedule.
6.Curate your ad creative.
7.Build your page & links.
8.Report on the performance.
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
1. Select an editor and create your campaign.
You can create Instagram ads using a few different tools:
• Ads Manager
Basic controls for campaigns used by most marketeers
• Power Editor
If you're managing a large number of campaigns, or you're looking for really precise control over your
campaigns, you might want to lean towards the Power Editor.
• Facebook Ads API:
• Automate Ad Management
• Leverage Dynamic Creative
• Create Data-Based Audiences
• Optimize in Real Time
• Build Custom Dashboards
Steps to Advertising on Instagram

2. Determine an objective
Steps to Advertising on Instagram

3. Choose your audience

During this step, you'll find that the platform’s built-in targeting
can be as simple or as extensive as you need it to be, with options
such as:
• Location • Financial Status • Interests
• Age • Home • Behaviours
• Gender • Ethnic Affinity • Connections
• Language • Generation
• Relationship • Parents
• Education • Politics (U.S. only)
• Work • Life Events
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
4. Set your placement
This step is the biggest
differentiator between
setting up Facebook ads vs.
Instagram ads. To move
forward with the Instagram
ad, you’ll want to uncheck
all the boxes except for
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
5. Budget and Schedule
Daily budget sets your ad up to run continuously throughout the day,
meaning that the algorithm will automatically pace your spending per day.
Keep in mind that there is a minimum daily budget depending on different
factors in your campaign, usually around Rs 500

Lifetime budget sets your ad up to run for a specified length of time, meaning
the ads algorithm paces your spending over that entire time period.
Steps to Advertising
on Instagram
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
5. Budget and Schedule
You have three options that will influence who sees your ads.
• Link Clicks: Your ads will be delivered accordingly to get the most clicks to your website at the lowest cost. This is
all based on the platform's algorithm.
• Impressions: Your ads will be delivered to people as many times as possible. Ever see the same ad on your
newsfeed all day long? That company is most likely using this option.
• Daily Unique Reach: Your ad will be delivered to people up to once a day. People may see your ad multiple times,
but at least not multiple times a day.
After you choose your delivery method, you will have to figure out your bid amount.
• This determines how effectively your ad is delivered. When you look "behind the scenes," you’re competing with
other advertisers trying to reach a similar audience in a constant auction.
• You can choose either Manual or Automatic. Automatic leaves it up to Facebook’s algorithm to deliver your ad —
ideally getting you the most clicks for the lowest cost. Manual allows you to set a price for link clicks. If a link click
is worth a lot to you, try setting a higher than suggested bid, and your ad will be displayed over a competitor with
a lower bid.
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
5. Budget and Schedule
You can choose to pay based on impressions or link clicks. This is up to you.
After that, you can schedule your ads. Here are the options you have for delivery:
• Standard: shows your ads throughout the day.
• Accelerated: helps you reach an audience quickly for time-sensitive ads.
(Note: the accelerated delivery option requires manual bid pricing.)
Finally, you'll have to name your ad set so you can identify it in Ads Manager later.
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
6. Curate your ad creative
This is where your creativity comes in. Here you'll decide what you want your ad to look like,
which will depend on your original objective, of course.
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
6. Curate your ad creative
Some requirements for Instagram ad imagery:
• File Type: .jpeg / .png
• Text/Caption
Recommended: 125 characters, Maximum: 2,200 characters
• Square Image or Video ad
Recommended Image Size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Minimum Resolution Accepted: 600 x 600 pixels
Image Aspect Ratio: 1:1
• Landscape Image or Video ad (General rule but on Instagram use stories and vertical content instead)
Recommended Image Size: 1200 x 628 pixels
Minimum Resolution Accepted: 600 x 600 pixels
Image Aspect Ratio: 1:1
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
7. Build your Page and Links
Instagram and Facebook Pages need to be linked
Ad copy requirements:
Caption within 125-2000 characters
Select a Call to Action
Steps to Advertising on Instagram
8. Report on the performance
Once your ads are up and running on Instagram, it’s
important to keep an eye on how they’re doing. You can
go back in and tweak most aspects of the ad, so if you
catch a mistake you made or your image isn’t doing as
well as you’d like it to, you can go in and alter these
Instagram Ads Dos and Don’ts
1.Focus first on custom audiences. This could be audiences created through an email
list, a followers list or some other method. Lists of users who have engaged with you
in the past perform best.
2.When you are ready to expand past custom audiences, lookalike audiences should
be your next stop. Facebook/Instagram’s algorithm is very good at finding similar
audiences that will respond well to your ads.
3.Use custom images of real people. Stock photos do NOT work on Instagram.
4.Make your offers irresistible. Instagram’s visual nature takes impulse buying to the
next level, but you won’t tap into that if you aren’t offering something compelling.
5.Take hashtags seriously. They are kind of a joke everywhere else, but Instagram is
driven by hashtags, and they are a great way to connect with niche audiences.
Discussion Prompt: There’s no such thing as organic reach
>> Most Digital marketers are guilty of saying this
>> What they mean that platforms such as Facebook and Instagram that used to once
support organic burst of zero to 2000 followers in 3 days on organic content alone, no
longer exist.
>> However, one platform still allows for large amounts of pure organic growth:
>> Some correctly attribute that this is because of the hashtag visibility (which
Instagram also supports, but not in a manner that facilitates organic growth)
Next Lecture:
Twitter (Microblogging)
• Twitter has revolutionized breaking
news and provided unparalleled
access for users to connect with both
niche and mainstream influencers.

• With 328 million monthly active

users, it remains one of the most
popular social media platforms.
Advantages of Twitter
• Unlike Facebook, Twitter is still a viable network for
organic engagement. Brands don’t need to pay in
order to reach their followers, which enhances the
platform’s value even when running paid ads.
• On average, Twitter users shop online 6.9x a month,
while non-users shop online just 4.3x a month. And
there’s particularly good news for smaller
businesses: Twitter reports that 60% of users
purchase from an SMB.
• Ecommerce stores today use Twitter ads primarily
to drive brand awareness and promote specific
products for direct conversions. The most common
model is Twitter website cards hosting under 100
characters and displaying some variety of rich
How Twitter Advertising is Priced

Twitter ad costs have been steadily increasing over the last 2 years due to
more marketers slowly taking advantage of the platform, but overall, the
platform is considered to be relatively underutilized for advertising.
Advertising on Twitter
• Promoted Accounts

• Promoted Tweets

• Promoted Trends
Advertising on Twitter
• Promoted Accounts

• Promoted Tweets

• Promoted Trends

• Website Cards
Twitter Dos and Don’ts
• Use a relevant, compelling image that gives context to the
viewer, fits your brand and draws attention. Rich media is a
non-negotiable on Twitter.
• Be very targeted with the products or lead magnets you
choose to promote. Twitter requires a more focused
• Use a “Shop now” CTA to direct warmer leads back to an
ecommerce site. Be sure this is taking them to the
specifically advertised product page.
• Build user engagement directly into the ad. Twitter excels at
direct connection between brands and consumers.
• Prioritize brevity: in the ad, landing page, offer copy, etc.,
Twitter is all about brevity.
Next Lecture:

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