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Vidyadhar Kamat
CG Today – Your News Channel

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
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Asia‟s biggest gathering of Indian media and entertainment industry, FICCI Frames 2011, was
held on 23, 24 and 25th of March in Mumbai at The Renaissance, Powai, was attended nearly by
2000 Indian and 800 foreign delegates. CG Today presents here a round-up of the three day
mega event.

DAY: ONE - 23.03.2011

PILOT Asks Industry to Unleash Creative Potential

FICCI FRAMES 2011 was opened 23rd March morning by Mr. Sachin Pilot, Union Minister of
State for Communications & IT in the presence of Indian and foreign media moguls and
industry professionals.

At the inauguration, Sachin Pilot asked the industry to make an effort to bring in technological
revolution in rural areas including tier III and IV towns and unleash the creative potential of
young Indians.

Pilot also expressed his views on piracy, he said, a speedy movement from analogue to digital
technology was imperative as it would allow choice of content to the 750 million mobile phone
users in the country as also help combat piracy which was proving to be the main disability to

The three day event covered the topics such as films, broadcast (television and radio), digital
entertainment, and animation, gaming and visual effects.

FICCI-KPMG Report Unveiled

The FICCI-KPMG Report on Indian Media & Entertainment for 2011 was released on the
occasion by Mr. Pilot and Mr. Rajesh Jain, KPMG Director. According to the annual report, the
industry is grew at 11 % to touch INR 652 billion and it expects the CAGR of 14 % in the
coming years. Indian film industry estimated to grow from Rs.83 billion to Rs.132 billion by

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

The report says, VFX and post production segments grew 42% and 17% in the total of INR 23.6
billion worth industry for 2011.Animation grew only 10% registering INR 10 billion in sales.
Lack of distribution partners is cited as the main reason behind lack of box office success to
Indian animation films.

One of the findings of the report was nine out of ten highest grossing movies worldwide relied
heavily on special effects. It further says in future filmmakers will use stereoscopic 3D where
VFX plays a crucial role in the film production.

The report also notes that companies such as DQE, Prime Focus, Pixion and Reliance Media
works have seen significant capacity expansion in 2010. However most of the investment as per
the FICCI‟s survey has been in the area of 3D content development services.

In the gaming segment the report states that console games to be the highest revenue earner with
companies earning INR 5.8billion in revenue for the last year. It is expected to add another 20%
by the year 2015.

Mobile gaming the report says is expected to grow 45% by the year 2015 reaching INR 175
billion. In 2010, Zynga, the creator of Farmville, set up their first and largest base outside US in
Bangalore. Many other foreign companies have evinced the interest to start operations in India,
report adds.

On line and Pc game users are also on rise, says the report. At present, INR 1.5 billion is
generated through this segment in India. It will reach INR 6.7 billion by 2015, adds the report.

Yash Chopra Blames Government

Welcoming the guests, Mr. Yash Chopra, Chairman, FICCI Entertainment Committee, criticized
the government for not addressing the problems faced by the $2 billion strong Indian film
industry, he said, Indian film industry is passing through great problems.

He further said, "The government has not taken the problems seriously enough. I want to use this
platform to spread awareness because it's a crucial time for us"‟. Chopra however expressed the
hope that the government will redress the long standing grievances soon.

Digitalization Will Unlock the Potential of Indian Creative Sector, Says James Murdoch

Describing, India as a slumbering creative giant, James Murdoch, Chairman and Chief
Executive, News Corporation, Europe & Asia, said, Digitization is the key to unlocking the
potential of the creative sector. With digitization, the Indian industry will finally have the

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

incentives to invest and create. Even more important, Indian customers will have the content and
choice worthy of their nation‟s rich diversity.

Asking the Indian film and television industry get ready for technological innovation to be a
front runner in the entertainment world, he said, in a digital environment, everything becomes

digital and the boundaries between our businesses film, TV, newspapers, books, even
communications slide all over the place.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Kamal Hassan thanked Mr. Murdoch for saying India can be
power house of next media revolution since it has the potential of generating business worth
$120 billion instead of $15 billion as suggested in the FICCI-KPMG report.

Mr. Kamal Hassan said, "The numbers by Mr. Murdoch are music to his ears as the Indian tiger
slumbered in 'analoguesque era' and thus missing on the digital days and the billions".

Creating Animated Content Needs More Ideas than Money, Says Mark Eyers

In the afternoon session on Challenges of Creating Animated Content from Asia Pacific for
Global Distribution at Powai Room, participants discussed the ways and means of developing
new story ideas and characters catering to the tastes of both domestic and global audiences
while maintaining a balanced approach.

Among other the discussion was participated by Colin Burrows, MD, Special treats Production
Company, Ms Clare Wise, Executive Vice President, International Production, Universal
Pictures International, Mr Vikram Malhotra, COO, Viacom 18 Motion Pictures,Mr Siddharth
Roy Kapur, CEO, Motion Pictures, UTV and Mr. Shailesh Rao, Head, Media & Platform, Japan
and Asia Pacific, Google.

Speaking on the need to make Indian animation relevant to the global audience Frank Foster,
senior director COO said, "Film making is a collaborative medium, no matter what country you
are in IP is a luxury. We have to sustain our business with various verticals".

There were some disagreements about the means to be adopted to infuse capital in the Asia –
Pacific. While Mark Eyers COO of Turner wanted the film makers to tie with broadcasters,
Mr.Panicker rejected the idea saying it does not work.

However, Mark argued that one needs to keep developing and developing and have more ideas
than money.

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

At the panel discussion the participants spoke about the demands of global distributors regarding
content produced in the Asia-Pacific region.

VFX Changing the Way Films Are Made, Says Michel Fink

At the first day evening session, Oscar winner and VFX guru, Michael Fink, enthralled the
audience with his audio-visual presentation of the mysteries behind modern 3D VFX shots. He
showed to the audience the transitions and growth in the VFX and visual arts space in the last
2000 years.

Further explaining the changes that have come about in VFX technology, he told the audience
that if the movie Brave Heart which had 36 VFX shots is to be made today, it will have 1200
VFX shots.

During the course of his key note address on the subject of production of VFX shots, Michael
Fink said, "If you understand what has happened in the past, you have easier time dealing with
the future."

India Is AT Forefront of Global VFX Work, Says Darby

Mr. Charles Darby of EyeQube Studios made his mesmerizing presentation on Global Film
Making- How the VFX Industry is changing how we make films. He explained the need to
coordinate and create films across multiple locations, outsourcing, creative challenges and the
fast changing faces of VFX industry.

Mr. Darby who began his career as a matte painter 17 years ago also pointed out how VFX
houses and film studios are reacting to the change in the way of making films which is propelled
by public demand for more of VFX types of shots. Indian money is funding international films
and there is good quality of VFX work coming out of the country, Mr. Darby informed.

As long as story is the heart of the film, VFX will continue to embellish and stylize films and
make impossible possible in films and there is an enviable chance every time that we might do
something new, he remarked.

The events on the inaugural day focused on aspects such as news television and how it can stay
ahead in the competition with web pages, digital cinema and innovative film marketing

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

India and China Can Collaborate As Partners in Creative Pursuits, Says Lee

Media and entertainment potential of China and India was the focus of the concluding session of
the day. It was perhaps for the first time a serious effort was made by the entertainment industry
to know each other since the two emerging nations grew in to an economic power houses ready
to take on the world.

Mr. Brendan Harkin, Founder, X Media Lab explained the purpose behind the session aptly
called as China – India: Connecting Our Creative Industries. He said, it is the beginning of the
long-term and important task of assessing the possibilities of mutually beneficial opportunities,
co-operation, and understanding.

Speaking at the session Johnchill Lee said, "Indian Animation is more International and modern
and hence we are here and looking for partners to work together".

Professor Qi Yong Feng, Senior researcher, NDRC, Mr Johnchill Lee, Executive Director,
ASIFA, Professor Yang Jun and other participated in the session which also gave the both sides
an opportunity to make personal acquaintances with leading figures in the industry. Yong‟s
university is reportedly working in close partnership with various Asian and European academies
to know more about Indian culture.

Charles Wang spoke about a Film Making System Based on Next Generation Computer
Architecture which he has developed and promised to share the system with Indian companies.

DAY: TWO - 24.03.2011

Bankers say, Lack of Government Support Is Hampering the Entertainment Industry

The proceedings of second day began with Innovative Ways to Fund the Entertainment Business.
Attended among others, Jane Corden, CEO, Money penny Australia, Mr Sunil Sanghai, Head of
Global Banking, HSBC – India, Mr Karan Ahluwalia, Executive VP, Media & Entertainment,
Yes Bank,Mr Ranu Vohra, Managing Director & CEO, Avendus Capital Private Limited and
Mr Nirvaer Sidhu, VP, Media & Entertainment, GoldmanSachs, India.

Lack of government support and coproduction treaties among the media and entertainment
companies were cited as the main reasons for underutilization of sector potential in India by the
majority of participants in the session moderated by Mr Ashok Wadhwa, Group CEO, Ambit.

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

“What we need is simpler models and intermediaries managing the interests of both the
filmmakers and investors", informed Mr.Sindhu explaining the reasons behind change in investor
profile who is looking for more risk mitigation.

Family office and special-purpose vehicle were the other investment related issues which came
up for the discussion. Mr Karan Ahluwalia stressed upon the need to for Securitization of IPR,
which is an established practice in west but not known in India. Mr.Bobby Bedi asked the film
makers to be transparent in their accounting procedures. He said that the illusion should be built
on screen and not on balance sheets.

3D As an Interesting Business

In the afternoon session held on 24th March, the participants explored the role of three
dimensional tunnel and the changes it is bringing in Movies, Television and Games.

Mr Steve Santamaria, Director, Visual Computing DevRel , Intel Corporation, Mr Vikram Bhatt,
Film-Maker, Mr Martin Mulligan , Sales Director, Quantel,Mr Michael Fink, VFX Supervisor
Hollywood and Dr Paul Salvini, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Canadian
Operations, Side Effects Software Inc participated in the discussion which focused on
opportunities and challenges.

Explaining the reason why everyone in Hollywood want to make a 3D movie, Mr. Fink said, one
of the key challenges in 3D is that it is subjective for a viewer. Because it can have varied
responses from the audience he further added that 3D is an interesting business.

“3D offers the heightened user experience and it may also degrade the piracy level, as piraters
certainly cannot give the same quality experience. In 2010, more than one person in three
watched a 3D Film in USA/ Canada" said Mr.Salvani explaining how Avatar became a catalyst
to increase the demand for 3 D content all over the world.

Mr. Mulligan said, the sports providers are showing in stereoscopic 3D as this will mean that you
can watch cricket at home in a 3D experience. He further stated that availability of content and
growth in consumer options to watch the 3D will give fillip to the industry.

Bollywood Can Use 3D to Push Up The Cash Registers

Michel Fink who was star attraction at the seminar was optimistic about using 3D in a typical
Bollywood movie. He said, 3D looks good in a dialogue scene. While testing films to be
converted to 3D I ask for a dialogue scene because an action scene will not look that different. In
a close-up dialogue scene you get to see depth and its effects on the entire experience is obvious.

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

“You can change the Z depth to either pull the audience in your content for immersive
experience or you can pull out your content to make audiences duck. It is a film maker„s choice
and it also depends on the type of content you have", Mr. Fink informed when asked about the
different styles and types of 3D content and how the distance between the left eye and right eye
of camera can affect the 3D presentation in the films.

Entertaining Pixar Films’ Workshop

In the afternoon session, David Freeman, a Pixar eminent screenwriter and development teacher
held a workshop on Decoding the Magic: The 11 Techniques that Make Pixar Films So
Successful. The session was based on the 11 'concealed' techniques used by Pixar which churns
out successful Hollywood films. Freeman spoke about the subtle use of lighting and shapes in
film making to the more intuitive and subconscious levels of perception.

David elaborated on 11 techniques which makes the Pixer films so successful: High concept
story, Visual storytelling, Feature real underdogs, Artful use of empathy technique, Set and tasks,
Sophisticated psychological insight, Let it get ugly, Echo the central issue, Poignant and funny
aspects, Group working technique and Brad Bird variation.

"Toss in something unexpected, for the unexpected gives birth to delight."In the end a Pixar
made French film 'Nuit Blanche' made by Arev Monoukian, literally left the audiences walking
"two feet above the ground" say the reports.

Animator Need To Become a Filmmaker

The last session of the second day focused on Animation Co-Production with International
markets & emerging opportunities. K. Madhavan, A. P. Pargi, Laura Dohrmann and Johnchill
Lee amongst others participated in the discussion.

As of now many of Indian animators have helped to execute creative content for the international
companies as a part of outsourcing of coproduction opportunities. However the reason behind the
coproduction opportunities coming to India is cheaper labour cost, said Mr.Madhavan. He also
regretted the tendency of giving no „credit‟ to the Indian animators involved in the process of
making visual content.

The participants also felt this has happened because of Indian emphasis on Mythological content
and hence they argued to give room to other types of creative content. The pros of the Indian
industry are in demand because of their ability to embrace new technology promptly, a flexible
work culture and delivery of quality, they said. However most of the people present felt Indians
must think like a film maker and less like an animator to succeed in the international market.

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

DAY: THREE - 25.03.2011

Kids Are Driving Growth of Gaming Industry in India

On the concluding day, FICCI and game developers came together under the aegis of
NASSCOM to organize the first ever FICCI - NASSCOM Game Developers Conference.

Art Pipeline of Bruce Lee Dragon Warrior, a session was held was participated by Prakash
Baing, Art Director, India games ltd and Arijit Goon.

The participants felt that the Animation and Gaming industry is evolving in India. There is a
strong need for collaboration amongst the industry players was the conclusion drawn during the

The Coming together of Creativity & the Gaming Industry, Video Games for Kids and
Curriculum-based Games were three other sessions held during the concluding day of the FICCI
Frames organized by the Indian media and entertainment industry.

Require announcing any news to CG community, just remember “CG Today – Your News Channel”

A Division of Cinimatiq Filmserves Pvt. Ltd.

# 4/1, 2nd Main, SRK.Garden, Bannerghatta Main Road, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560041, India
T: + | F: +91.80.302 85499 | E: | W:

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