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Nombres: Álvarez Anguiano Leonardo Alexander 2103603

Benítez González José Pablo 2103417
Castro García Jesús Eduardo 2104853
Chacón Sepúlveda Carlo Mauricio 2104667
Carranza Montemayor Diego Alejandro 2104671
Coronado Rojas Elsa Anyelinn 2103531
Hernández Tristán Erik Darío 2105088

Maestro: Katia González Fuentes

Grupo: 124

Monterrey, N L a 09 de marzo 2022

One of the seemingly unlikely solutions to these pressing problems may indeed be
atomic power, though not in its current form. The key principles of nuclear power
generation are based on the force that holds the particles of an atom together. If an
atom is unstable, it will try to reach a more stable state by disintegrating. The atom
may be naturally unstable or it may be destabilized when new neutrons are added
to the nucleus.
When an atom becomes more stable and releases particles, it also releases huge
amounts of energy that can be harnessed to generate enough heat in a closed
system to power a turbine. Radiation, often misunderstood, is primarily a natural
process. There are several types of radiation and they all have different effects and
The variety of applied uses that molten salt reactors allow is perhaps the most
important reason for developing this technology, capable of providing electricity,
water, medical isotopes and energy for food production, as well as for the reduction
of current deposits. of nuclear waste and the supply of electricity to remote
locations, among other uses.
The applied uses of this technology can be extended beyond planet Earth. Molten
salt reactors could become a strong option for a power system capable of
supporting human life or robotic missions in space. Power supply, heat and water
purification systems could be upgraded, allowing the reactor to operate for several
years without human intervention. Wastewater could be processed and sterilized,
allowing it to be harnessed through a sustainable system to support life beyond
The most ancient origin in the study of mater comes from the ideas developed by
the Hindu philosopher Charvaka (before 500 B.C.)
John Dalton gave birth to the idea of the "atom” and thus take up again what
Democritus had exposed, developing the anatomic-molecular hypothesis in 1808.
In 1897 Joseph John Thomson was conducting experiments in the analysis of the
behavior of gases, he used a sealed tube with two electrodes connected to a high
voltage source, he observed that rays came out of the negatively charged
electrodeleathode) to the positively charged electrode, he called cathode rays
Rutherford in 1909 he observed that when used rays emitted by radioactive.
Suggesting that atoms were practically hollow and that they were not a
homogeneous positive mass. He concluded that Is the atom had electrons to
neutralize the negative charge, there must posilevely chargedparticules, he called
atomic nucleus
In 1913, Bohr proposee hIs model of atomic structure,taking into account the
planetary model, the theory of quantization of energy. Proposed by Max Planck
and the photoelectric effect proposed by Einstein.

Schrö dingers formula, developed by the Austrian physicist Erwing Schrödin-ger

in1925 describes the time evolution of a non-relativistic massive particle
Subatomic particles are basically characterized by their mass and their charge:

Subatomic particles include electrons, the nearly massless, negatively charged

particles that nevertheless account for most of the size of the atom, and include the
heaviest building blocks of the atom's small but very dense nucleus, the positively
charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons. But these basic atomic building
blocks are by no means the only known subatomic particles.
Each atom is made up of:
• A nucleus made up of protons and neutrons. It contains almost all of its
mass and has a positive charge.
• A shell, made up of electrons with a negative electrical charge and zero
Atomic energy is that which is released spontaneously or artificially in nuclear
reactions. However, this term encompasses another meaning that is the use of
said energy for other purposes, such as obtaining electrical, thermal and
mechanical energy from atomic reactions. This energy can be obtained in two
ways: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. In nuclear fusion, energy is released
when the nuclei of atoms combine or fuse together to form a larger nucleus. This is
how the sun produces energy.
Positive: It does not generate gas emissions. Get a lot of energy with little fuel. It Is
Negative: Accidents have serious consequences. Nuclear waste management.
Installations with expiration dates.
The color of the flame depends mainly on 3 fundamental aspects: the temperature
of the flame, the air-fuel ratio and the type of fuel. The first due to the emitted
radiation that generates wavelengths within the visible light spectrum interpreted by
the human eye as specific colors. Vapors of certain elements impart a
characteristic color to the flame. This property is used in the identification of
various metallic elements such as sodium, calcium, etc.

Knowledge of the structure of the atom is essential, since in it lies the essence of
the chemical behavior of all matter. In the atom we can find two zones: The
nucleus: region whose main characteristic is that it has a positive electric charge.
It consists of graphically representing matter in its atomic dimension. The
importance of these models is that the study of this material level is easier thanks
to abstracting the logic of the atom and transferring it to a scheme.


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