Unidad 3 Tarea 1

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Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK

Inglés VI – IMK

a. What are the three indicators which a Marketing Plan ought to have?
1. Your short- and long-term marketing goals
2. A description of your target audience and their persona
3. One or more high-level marketing strategies and tactics
b. How should an executive summary be done? This shouldn't be very long, the summary
can include past achievements and the future direction of the company, the details are
concise, it's a quick introduction before you get into the meat of your plan.
c. Why do the mission, vision and values need to be highlighted from the beginning? It'll
provide clarity and answer any questions as to why your marketing plan is the way
that it is it'll show viewers you had this in mind throughout your entire planning
process. It'll educate or remind your viewers how your company got to the point
they're currently at and where you're looking to be in the future.
d. Explain the importance of SWOT Analysis. A SWOT analysis is a great way to
present your research you can visualize the company's path identify opportunities set
goals and so much more.
e. According to this video, is it important for a company to elaborate an analysis to
competitors? Can be eye-opening but take a hard look at the competition will allow
you to create more informed and tailored marketing strategies
f. Describe the steps to identify Target Customers. Must identify your target customer
this will allow you to create more informed and tailored marketing strategies. Putting
the person, you've built on paper and explaining him or her to your audience during a
presentation or during a meeting. You must include basic information, a photograph,
personality traits, a bio, goals, frustrations.
g. Why is it necessary to set concrete goals? It is necessary to achieve the objectives.
h. What are the best ways to present a Marketing Strategy to people? In a meeting with a
video, a PDF or a infographics.
i. Why is it important to be clear with the Marketing Budget? It's important to be clear
with this upfront at least as best as you can, because marketing can be costly and there
are often a lot of hidden expenses.
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

2. Which of the following points do you discuss when drawing up a marketing plan?
Put a check with the ones you agree. Are there any factors you can add?
 Current Position:

 Marketing activities (past and present):

 Results from last year:

 Sales projections and costs:

 Analysis of competitors:

 Marketing tactics:

 Objectives:

 Marketing strategy:

 Problems and opportunities:

 Benchmarking:

 Implementation:

3. Which words in the box are used to talk about which P? Sort them into the correct

advertising appearance channels of distribution discount

financing list price location logistics
media public relations quality service
Product: Price:
- appearance - financing
- quality - financing
- service - list price
- -
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

Placement: Promotion:
- channels of distribution - advertising
- location - discount
- logistics - media
- - public relations
- -

4. Think about your company or one you would like to work for. Use the following
chart to make notes on the four Ps of one of the products or services.

Product It has a confidence service and an excellent

What are the important aspects of your product? customer service
Why do people want to buy your product?
Price We offer a premium service.
What factors affect your price?
When and where is your product available to Every day, 24 hours, 7 days of week.
Promotion On social media, the official web page, on call
List the ways in which you reach customers. center and stores.
What are your contact points?
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

5. Martin is organizing a meeting to discuss the prices for the cable Intenet package.
Put the following sentences in the correct order to complete the email.
a. Could you have a look and let me know if there’s anything you’d like to add or
b. As you probably know, we need to think about scheduling a meeting to discuss our
c. Hope you all had a nice weekend.
d. Please let me know if you can attend by the end of the day.
e. How about next Tuesday at 9 a.m.?
f. I’m also attaching an outline of what I’d like to talk about.

Hi team,
1. Hope you all had a nice weekend.
2. As you probably know, we need to think about scheduling a
meeting to discuss our pricing.
3. How about next Tuesday at 9 a.m.?

4. I’m also attaching an outline of what I’d like to talk about.

5. Could you have a look and let me know if there’s anything
you’d like to add or change?
6. Please let me know if you can attend by the end of the day.

Thanks for your help.

Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

6. Look at three replies to Martin’s email. Use the words in the box to complete them.

attachment attend best cheers hope input mind postpone see

Just wanted to let
you know that I
can ATTEND the
meeting. I’ve Hello Martin
looked at your I’m stil at the conference in
outline and can’t Darmstadt and won’t be back in town
think of anything until Wednesday. Would it be
to add. SEE you possible to POSTPONE the meeting?
on Tuesday. I’m back in the office on Thursday
and free all day. If not, I’ll send you
my ideas by email. By the way, I
couldn’t open the ATTACHMENT.
Could you send it again in a different
Hi Martin
Tuesday morning is fine for me. I
noticed that you didn’t send your
message to Laura. Would you
INPUT if I invited her to join us? It
might be useful to have her MIND.
I’ll have a look at the the
attachment and will get in touch if
there’s anything missing.
BEST you had a nice weekend too.
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

All the CHEERS.


7. Now read the attachment that Martin sent to his team and find words or phrases
that mean the following:
a. When a customer pays the same fee each month / year / etc.: MONTHLY FLAT FEE
b. To sell a group of things (like products or services) as a package: BUNDLE
c. Reduced price: DISCOUNT
d. Another word for product launch: INTRODUCING
e. Enhanced features or services that customers have to pay money for: EXTRAS

8. Match these different pricing models to the definitions.

 Captive product pricing: F
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

 Economy pricing: A
 Geographical pricing: E
 Penetration pricing: D
 Premium pricing: C
 Price skimming: B

a. Pricing goods/services as cheaply as possible.

b. Charging a high price for an item where you have a competitive advantage.
c. Charging a high price for a unique high-quality item.
d. Pricing goods at a very low price to encourage people to buy them – often the prices
are later raised.
e. Pricing according to area where goods are sold.
f. Pricing one item very low and its complement very high.

9. Read the article quickly. After that, make word combinations using a word from
each box. Two words can be used twice.

Social Marketing
Social marketing is the use of marketing techniques to convince people to
change their behavior for their own good or for the benefit of society.
Encouraging smokers to stop smoking or persuading people to eat more
fresh fruit and vegetables are examples. The aim of social marketing is to
minimize social problems such as crime or poverty.

Responsible Responsible
Social Sustainability
socially Testing
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

10. Look at these terms used to talk about pricing. Can you add more? After finishing
that, use those words to complete the sentences below.

 “Looking at the competition, €25/month seems to be the going rate. It’s what most
people are charging”
 “We can sell the modems for €100 each. They only cost €20 in total to produce and
distribute, so we would have a healthy profit margin of €80.”
 “€59.99 is a good, recommended retail price. We can suggest that stores sell it for that
much, but if they want to use it as a loss leader and sell it for less, then that’s fine too.”
 “What I’m afraid of is an all-out price war, when our company and the competition are
all fighting for the same customers. We don’t want to cut our prices so low that we go
out of business.”
 “We need to establish our overheads. When does the amount we’re earning cover our
 “Luckily, we have low break-even point. Our rent is very low, and we got a great deal
on our office equipment.”
Universidad Nacional de Asunción - FP- Departamento de Gestión INGLES VI-IMK
Inglés VI – IMK

11. Other than price, what factors are important for your product differentiation?
Think about a product you know and write about it in terms of these factors.

The hamburger of Burger`s Club have an incomparable flavor.

The delivery is agil and fast.
All the products have an image, which makes you want their burgers, And appearance is like
they show on the photograph.
The people how attended on customer service department are very gentil.

12. Make word combinations with Market and Marketing using words from the box.
Then match the word combinations with the definitions below.

methods mix plan segments strategy target

 Market segments
 Target market

 Marketing strategy
MARKETING  Marketing plan
 Marketing methods
 Marketing mix

a. Groups of customers with similar needs or purchasing desires:

b. The consumers, clients, or customers you want to attract:
c. A definition of the company, the product / service, and the competition:
d. Detailed information about how to fulfil the marketing strategy:
e. The techniques you can use to communicate with your consumers:
f. The combination of different elements used to market a product or service:

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