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Tuesday, April 14, 1992 THE STARS AND STRIPES Page 3

Danes, Americans find fun in sports

Even losers ore winners
during Mini-Olympics week
By KEN CLAUSON us feel welcome here. This is my first
Bremerhaven bureau (military) tour in Germany, and my first
SONDERBORG, Denmark - A time to visit another country. And it's my
seven-sport Danish-American Mini- first time to play internationally."
Olympics brought 160 American compet- As could well be expected, each coun-
itors from Bremerhaven and Garlstedt to try was strong in some sports and weaker
Denmark for a week of sports, tours and in others. The American basketball
friendship that concluded Saturday. squads, men and women, trounced the
The American contingent was mostly Danish club teams, and the Danes domi-
soldiers, but also included family mem- nated the soccer and shooting matches.
bers and civilians competing against But most players enjoyed the games de-
nearly 200 members of eight Sonderborg spite sometimes lopsided scores.
sports clubs. "It was quite fun, but also interesting
Events included bowling, soccer, vol- to see how much we have to learn," said
leyball, basketball, shooting, Greco- Susanne Nielsen after her club played a
Roman and freestyle wrestling, and stronger American team. About 100 peo-
American football. Women's competi- ple lined three sides of a tiny basketball
tions included basketball, volleyball and gym to watch a game Wednesday night.
bowling. The audience included American ath-
The emphasis was on friendly competi- letes, family members and numerous
tion rather than "winning is everything," Danish teen-agers, a larger crowd than
according to Rick Hester, sports coordi- the Danish team was used to, she said.
nator for the greater Bremerhaven mili- "We've never had that many specta-
tary community. tors," Nielsen said. "If we've got 10 peo-
"Of course, there's good old American ple watching, that's good here."
pride, but the main thing is just to play Sgt. 1st Class John Cruz, from the 2nd
the games and have a good time," he Base Support Bn in Garlstedt, commend- SAS: Ken Clauson
said. ed the event organizers for including Americans, in dark jerseys, find themselves outclassed by a Danish soccer team.
On Wednesday, a "fan bus" of 35 sol- family members in the teams. He and his
diers and family members took a one-day wife, Helen, both made the trip to play athletes planned to get involved as well Christcnscn, director of the tourist office.
trip from the Bremerhaven and Garlstedt volleyball and do some sightseeing on the — by showing the Danes how to throw a "It's simple, really. They like Ameri-
area to Denmark to cheer on the Ameri- free daytime tours for the Americans. genuine American football tailgate party. cans and like to compete with other na-
cans. The trip, which cost each person $5, "We've never been up here before, so The Mini-Olympics week was organ- tions," he said. But the town of about
included a tour of Sonderborg and stops it's been very enjoyable for us," he said. ized by the greater Bremerhaven military 30,000 people on an island just north of
at several athletic events. "During the day all the players have a community recreation division and the the German border gets quite a few
To maintain the spirit of only playing chance to go on tours because they don't Sonderborg Tourist Office. Hester said American military visitors, he said.
for fun, no awards were given for perfor- play until night. And it's very good he thinks the event is the largest of its "Many Americans come to Sonderborg
mance, but all participants were to re- they've allowed the families to be in- type that has ever been organized by any for weddings — about 700 per year," he
ceive medallions with the event logo on volved." U.S. Army Europe community. said. For American serviccmembers, get-
one side and the sport they participated A couple of members of the wrestling "I think it's safe to say this is the first ting married in Denmark is often much
team were students from Osterholz High time something of this magnitude has quicker and easier than in Germany, and
in on the other. been done — seven different sports, Sonderborg's proximity to the border
For some of the Americans, it was School on spring break, he said. men's and women's teams, and bringing makes it a popular stop.
their first opportunity to visit a European The last competition was an American- them all to another country," he said Danish basketball player Mikkel Carl-
country other than Germany. style football game Saturday afternoon Wednesday. The Saturday night closing sen said the sports week was long over-
"It's a really nice break," said Pfc. pitting a Danish club team against the ceremony had to be moved to a larger fa- due.
Anika Might, a basketball player from Bremen Buccaneers, a semipro team that cility than originally planned because so "I think it's fun and it's a shame they
Bremenhaven's llth Postal Co. "It's includes four American players. The rest many people wanted to attend, he said. didn't do it before the drawdown began,"
small and quiet, and the people here are of the team is German. The Danish community's response was he said. "I would like this every year or
really nice and friendly. They really make But Hester said the other American not really surprising, according to Per so."

Army agency needs RAF Alconbury finishes second

recreational specialists
for short Saudi duty
in base excellence competition
By WALTER JAHNCKE for resources at RAF Alconbury, cited some examples of
WASHINGTON (S&S) - The Army Com- Staff writer the award-winning base management. The club systems
munity and Family Support Center is seeking RAF Alconbury, England, has been named runner- for officers and non-commissioned officers were com-
recreation specialists to serve four-month tempo- up for the Air Force's 1991 Commander-in-Chiefs In- bined to reduce employees and help the clubs operate
rary duty tours in Saudi Arabia, officials said stallation Excellence Award. The award recogni/es the within their budgets. Another cost saver was having a
Thursday. base where facilities are best managed. local farmer cut grass around the airfield, with the farmer
These personnel work at various locations Altus AFB, Okla., came in first, earning $200,000 for entitled to keep the mowed hay as payment. The new ar-
within the desert kingdom, developing diverse quality-of-life improvements — the only cash award in rangement replaced a $10,000-per-cut contract.
recreation programs, activities, tournaments and the competition. Henges said the base's new phone system saves
facilities for soldiers stationed there. RAF Alconbury won the U.S. Air Forces in Europe $100,000 a year, and money from RAF Alconbury's a l u -
competition, allowing it to compete with Air Force minum recycling program goes into the base's morale,
To be considered, personnel must be em- bases worldwide. A USAFE base, Bitburg AB in Ger- welfare and recreation fund.
ployed by the Army as recreation specialists. many, won the 1990 worldwide competition. Construction projects on base included a miniature
People with background in planning, administer- A four-member inspection team visited Alconbury golf course and a sports bar, where Henges said young
ing and marketing Army recreation programs are from Feb. 18 through 21 and gave high praise to the people can go to watch a large-screen television, play
encouraged to apply, officials said. base for its appearance and increased productivity. video games and have a beer or soda. Also, nearly 15,(XMJ
Interested people can contact the Community Lt. Col. Charles Henges, assistant deputy commander evergreen seedlings were planted on the base.
and Family Support Center by calling DSN 221-
2523 or commercial (703) 325-2523, or by fax at
DSN 221-2519 or commercial (703) 325-2519 for
details on how to apply. Applications must be re-
Mandela says he, wife agree to separation
ceived by April 24. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - Black "In view of the tensions that have arisen owing to
leader Nelson Mandela said Monday he was separating differences between ourselves on a number of issues in
This fifth group of volunteers, part of an Army from his wife Winnie, but denied it was linked to new recent months, we have mutually agreed that a separa-
effort launched in January 1991 to have civilian charges about her role in a kidnapping case. tion would be best for each of us," Mandela told a news
specialists develop morale, welfare and recrea- The African National Congress president denied he conference.
tion programs in Southwest Asia, will depart for was leaving his wife in response to new allegations of There was no immediate response from Winnie
Saudi Arabia on or around May 20, officials said. her involvement in the kidnapping and assault of black Mandela, 57. ANC officials could not say if she would
youths in 1988 and 1989. retain her positions in the movement.

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