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Generalitat de Catalunya

Departament d’Educació
Institut Pla Marcell

Name and surnames: Laura Martínez Serrà

Group: 4th C Date : Monday, 14th March 2011

The Beatles

1.- Read the complete lyrics of this song from The Beatles

Is there anybody going' to listen to my story

All about the girl who came to stay?
She's a kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry;
Still, you don't regret a single day.
Ah, girl!
When I think of all the times I've tried so hard to leave her,
She will turn to me and start to cry.
And the promises the earth to me and I believe her,
After all this time I don't know why.
Ah, girl!
She's a kind of girl who puts you down when friends are there,
You feel a fool.
When you say she's looking good she acts as if it's understood,
She's cool, cool, cool, cool.
Ah, girl!
Was she told when she was young that pain would lead to pleasure.
Did she understand it when they said
That a man must break his back to earn his day of leisure?
Will she still believe it when he's dead?
Ah, girl!

2.- Highlight all the irregular verbs from the song.

Is there anybody going' to listen to my story

All about the girl who came to stay?
She's a kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry;
Still, you don't regret a single day.
Ah, girl!

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d’Educació
Institut Pla Marcell

When I think of all the times I've tried so hard to leave her,
She will turn to me and start to cry.
And the promises the earth to me and I believe her,
After all this time I don't know why.
Ah, girl!
She's a kind of girl who puts you down when friends are there,
You feel a fool.
When you say she's looking good she acts as if it's understood,
She's cool, cool, cool, cool.
Ah, girl!
Was she told when she was young that pain would lead to pleasure.
Did she understand it when they said
That a man must break his back to earn his day of leisure?
Will she still believe it when he's dead?
Ah, girl!

3.- Make a list of the irregular verbs that you have found in
the lyrics.


Be Was / were Been Ser / estar
Go Went Been / gone Anar
Come Came Come Venir
Make Made Made Fer
Think Thought Thought Pensar
Have Had Had Tenir
Leave Left Left Deixar
Know Knew Known Saber
Put Put Put Posar
Feel Felt Felt Sentir
Say Said Said Di
Lead Led Led Guiar
Do Did Done Fer

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d’Educació
Institut Pla Marcell

Understand Understood Understood Entendre

Tell Told Told Dir
Break Broke Broken Trencar
Say Said Said Dir

4.- Choose 5 words and give the definition. Cite the

dictionary you use.

Earth The planet on which we live, the third planet of
the solar system in order of distance from the sun.
Girl A female child.
Time The indefinite continued progress of existence and
events in the past, present, and future, regarded
as a whole.
Man An adult human male.
Cry Shout or scream loudly.


“earth.” Wordreference Online Dictionary. 2010. Wordreference Online. 28

November 2010 <>

“girl” Wordreference Online Dictionary. 2010. Wordreference Online. 28 November

2010 <>

“time.” Wordreference Online Dictionary. 2010. Wordreference Online. 28

November 2010 < >

“man.” Wordreference Online Dictionary. 2010. Wordreference Online. 28

November 2010 < >

“cry” Wordreference Online Dictionary. 2010. Wordreference Online. 15 November

2010 <>

5.- Pronunciation

Earth ərθ

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d’Educació
Institut Pla Marcell

Girl gərl
Time tajm
Man mæn
Cry kraj
Source: Turn your text into phonetics (

6.- Linguistic Pictionary


Earth La terra La tierra

Girl Noia Chica

Time Temps Tiempo

Man Home Hombre

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d’Educació
Institut Pla Marcell

Cry Plorar Llorar

7.- Find a link where you can listen to the song online and/or
watch a video with it.


Watch: I didn't find any video.

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