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Pa inceines E SCOTT FITZGERALD ab THE GREAT GATSBY ss for eGR LOIN paanieiel intone A Novel ~The Great Gatsby: Aficr achioving sucess and recognition with the publication of his first navel, This Sie of Paradise, in 1920, Scott Fitzgerald chose both (o remy his writing career wih the ebullience and optimism af the decade, act alg to be its kecn ert. Te hedonistic mood of the 1920 came te aca wth the Wall Sireet crash of 1929, which Was Toltowed bY & vga ef economic suffering ad misery for milions of Americans in the Fagen consumer society in the work, Fitzgerald identied his on etna reat wa, tis deleiraion. Ihe eat 19s, hese ‘anf t00 Fon dennwlabed [20m 4h as or living and ew what meant to beh ‘ol knowing that boca! yee, whom he had met ny, who was 0 b i A Farther fappy cosull was Tile he nas a fee the ere Haan ee ned asned. Fsen 80, for young coupe given 1 extravagant Tn the ees dot bringin enouel mone a fe cuckly found the cout command high prices for his thot stories, A recent bi fraplicr express the dilemma which, asx serous novelist, Fitzgerald Faced through the 19205. ‘As a writer Fitzgerald had to live by the pendufao because #8 2000 35 ne | aA AmG ara pu fx the gine an oad woserons wing Be Sar a nk offen ane, His inp was mented fo one he to produce each Yen Bt ip dependence Oo ae ote abies grew err bythe ea: the eration to ahs the Se Med bye apy sing ees commanded, esc fem Gre Saroay Escing POs) 1 ig significant thal good story Hke*A Diamond oo Big as the Rit? (ee the Penguin collection of stories published under cht ame) was ‘Siuse by this magazine because it was crite of Ameriean materia Only aphimistie stories were Se arnied for popular consumption. AS a oe eve to the times Ptzgerald wanted to be a serious etic of lr lived, and yee longed for commercial sures Ia alendy i 1922, whe he was twenty-five yeas old, theres evidence in sling of iamer tension. {bad year No work, Siow deteriorating depression with outbreak around he Qdvedirers (cs Cooked telde ce an (unpre cedrwded —yoctay: | Criviead pie ‘The Great ted eels bay happrneea Ree eerie ere aia ee rBAL worl Fitzgerald nas rexerded, however, by seaders of the Fost 38 she writer sulin best represented images ofthe new postavar gencratien of ambitious ticdle-class Americans wanting to exjoy the eam ff the 1920s. His stories seemed to express she «lsean fuertising was busily constructing: joc iho cat thir Hay smOKET AT Tank =n IRkawe alls Sharactors were EoANTATTS who spent Tavishly and ex Troengantly. As its most successful contributor of stories, Fitzgerald helped to create the rapid sucesss of the magazine f in their easly marred life the Fitrgeealds seemed to embody the new Jace Age, and Pitzgerald wrote both himself and bis wife imo some of his short storie as sell as it his next novel The Beoriful and Davmed income from the flan nigh of = hhave been a mutuslly destrnetive ofr York from. the obs child and where he could work in peace. They rented a bouse in Great Neck, Long Island, aerase the bay from where the oké-estabiished init Fonaire aries ofthe frst industrial boom in the Tate nineteenth century ind thee sumer horses, Thece a ensue of eoreespondence here 12 Titzgerak's Fetional locations of West Epg where Nick Carraway ves find East Ege where the Buchanans’ estate is, bot Fitzgerald st d his own T xq along the shores of the island, many being taken over in the Todds by theatee and iy personalities, sewspapermen, songwriters abd roses, akong witha fe tich bootleggers, One such figure was the financier Eawoned Puller, who achieved notoriety atthe time Fitzgerald ius planning, Gatsby's nancial actitis. The Fizzernks eherseives J e scale, heir parties sometimes going om for several Sige Le Vo" construc what be regards a8 &Hypicalseenaiio Tor she SEE fe they lea this time, though he dows not provide any sours ind one snus ead i as. biopraper’s dramatic Fiction with some bass perhaps in personal memoirs Eitegera, wih » bow of champs ete une hss, ot eet fee Per New he lr such Zeke and & friend, only to be chucked i Me rt for being ton eu; shoring the warm, ‘Bhurpae oath the thse ime in Use taxi taking sem to Great Nock, in The sreat Gatsby: ovel af the 19208 vupting nee t show out 2 woman adver hoffe Her ste he ae ee anpoyed act vek by Zea tele pulls ote able on ee pens cash (oe Ror, sirup the aes rtf he Fee ting sctenpanera se and waking ove ema enw bere the evening paocecds in the coves abit." Doe Civet or Mise Maedcker, gets at Gatsby's second party (PP. 102 Sy. soi hae Flt at home ‘easish consuraption and bedoni pg ona nea spiable setivities raged Anericas s crely an aspirations bul a seulement. Covrapacw wa widerprend, Menaers Cease vnnistration were implicated in scandals involving fraud and uinsge otter scandals had for some years involved ety politicians and King 0 the control over prosbtulion and oe im compton ra or gre wo eg oe ondersoxt vil bt a a Resty we i ets sone resent re Meher Munn in Je Great Gish. One of Rothstein's friends, Hetinan. Rosenthal, had betrayed bis police con- Bethe er Be toe pres 192, and as subsea nections NT of ihe Meopole Hotel, A pice feutenat murdered at he der ed wih cers for this eime, as Welsh Sa a ee he Gren Gasty. Rossin stems thus reine om ace mre actly tan Rosen, a ee dd ot aly pl of he grat coup of he is th ond Sees onc in 191 he ne of Pe Bom Ft poi from such expos ere a8 oth vl fet aco te presang =the manna al sale of resi th en raion Bil of 190. This il eeseted seal vr ales eae punta asin to egal 2 a jin, but way eve backed by eat moray om ee once te Fara goverment. An Bh i ce wba wa tend ntenly id people, Te Ha-TeBaNe. Wey acl achieved annge to acquire ee ne HR and traditional moraities the Hines of tetvecs Toa anal oral and ome ae ee and Wolfs bowaht up backatcet Uruesiores 0 aoe eT a of outets in New York and Chicago (p. 127), and ey seul undersiaiing with the police commisionet on 1 sear that Fitzgerald found ample materia co han i the years ee tanto for his nose. One of is aihbours m Gren ar am eee oer name Edvard Faller, who had sey spun B ‘Critical Sruting: The Great Gatsby tony prominsce in 1921 wdc te patronage of 3 aling ek broker, iat Perometarn owner af a encerack, casino, and 2 NNSA well oe rpajoity share in the New York Gas baseball ‘save Faller had aan te police and was one of eis residents of Seat Nexk inten wan plane He was charged with gambling vey MS to own an Jan oling non-existent ares by telephone, AU nls ort seandae soon the several als concerning Bisse aoa eng or Hasnain of wineses. Otc respecte aaa eaece implicated ina vat network of aft ond cine, T1% vr ra teesed in the case ad flowed a the neways ST Te ee amie called “Ecices of the Jazz Age’ Furscrald seuiet other pecianly American characteristics of the 19205 ‘We were the mon eer nason. Who coo els any Lom what wat techie an at 8 07 eet hd the ier treme af the sepa eng ir ree hes te genase generation whi hae ole War_cosaey shoal Sneed nt he ih, Tus wos He geen STS aa he Geeratien tht coma’ eles and aed elf ss Herons Tak of ras Thon thug if ieenbin the year 19221 That was Te De howe the 2522 A sc of tate My oe mar generation, for vi teas an aft of Feats tine BEC A tole race going Wedanintic, dviding on plessine ont nit ress wns expecta Ta mt SS het = lest icemtesy sone uncon TUE ee DS rete nats cw te Hu? ee non Mg aL BRS STS Meena ing aati of ened EO care wre appt fx zabon HE wh Se was bro tes nd te canes of ches “ihe metaphorical use of iting saions fa of ones’ and "Parone! re tie pnemge poke wp key iene im Phe Great Gasby, BY REST, Otte the motes car was a newly that represented tinted fexane of amen We joy bas an tp offera new be ‘nparianl Pees th status symmbot and ‘agent. Tine, bat ea poyehological stale, is cent aT aid had the very svi sting of the noel BE aon err when veriting the aces ae is judgement that Gis a ea year ie rz Age izle to bis nove, but i ay cae Hae ee eg acute social brie. azz sell casein To 1 ae ea dare Hiv ofthe Work (p52, whch IS af Saat rey seers an jz isan outhosiative an suns woes 4 wWhay act “327 1ey he Great Gatshy: A Nove! of the 19208 ane period which no on hs uc sp trs but mourn a of the pees it Tes an esentlly Ameria oe eer Pau Whiteman was one of te aT APN ot ned Mtge an inersavonal antenees He wane’ tr res 12 ay by ete neat fom, sIMPBOTE HE Having achiewed pea Sayin 192, be wan encouraged iT a ee et mn saps all whe be a A Experiment ioe eon’ the major compestion Heine Gers “Rhapsody i Mode ser repeatedm ariege Hi, BY WA ae tne Bang of Jaz Among ler canes el wae le tay Tate areTivee O*Codk i the Mon rece pe end of Gatss's seond pty NOL The Love woe he ur sage Kipsengs ply white Gaby at D=T Shin ecstatic euion (P92) cele in bis wing Fitznsral old iradtonal values a im ATTIC, Wiel Te Toca rc ae Wash an spicata urban NE jon between he sinete pt Te uncnsitie of 1319 wore over =n seed He 0 svn as ole bopen = Arse sean on the A Hees apree history Bg pcos plenty tote bout THe oho ‘ene no ere Med gees a utages CO the nem cure Amersnin rein, ABH fate any eat ag ey intr en ~ the fv ERAS revels went 19 Head a nt mous 9 sort soles EW WM nici were 9S 2 and on dared as Tos Hardy's ase vitzgeral saw the ly, no he rral see #5 ese the setting for Fare cntaion of movin Ameri traumas 2 personal trugeties jm the post-war years New York ‘nein at ix novel, Fitzgerald comes it The Gren! Go7 8 keen eye eat details wth am intensely pessoal imngiees respanse (0 Fhace tn an ail cailed“My Lost CHS" 5" pulsed after his deat Pha itn ding the Depression Yeats oF te 2% he recalls eran of wonderment when esting NEw VOTE A boy and Me ma He, to, hike Nick Caveansy a8 «TS se dazzled URS By that took the style and tes oF Ne No above it yy Pen came fo Hive in New York 190) alter anny aa ead all he iescence tthe beginning of HE syd for at 3 aT (Cuteal Studies: The Great Gaisby innpoverished and unknown young man. Atler his success in 1920, a8 the spokesman of the emerging “young generation’, he noted and gave a place in his fiction to such new social phenomena as the eoektail pe fhe spoek-easy. the flapper {tiough she was passce by 1923). He and his \yife would drink 2 quart of Bushmills whisky aud then go ‘out into the jewitched city’, through strange teeshiy doors into strange apartments with Satevmittent ong long in tas Shemp se sot nights ‘They might find themselves summoned out to Giifith’s film stadio on Long Island, where ve embed inthe presence of the familiar face of the Sth of a Natio Inter ‘ealized that Daind mus of the entertainment thet she wy poured forth sta the nation there were oly lot of eather ost and lonely people. Such memories resemble Tom and Daisy's reaction to the star and her director a Gatsby's second party ¢p. 101), oF Nick's response to sammer evenings in the ety (p. 37), n,and 10 ofits boroughs, Queens and 9 the ity. The island covers ‘over 17,000 squate miles and today bas a population of over 7 milion people. The western end of the ishand fea densely suburban area with an Industrial concentration in Long Island City, The sorth shore, looking out over the Long Island Son, hss been called te “Gold Const because it attracted so many wealthy landowners who built great estates there along the coast, The south coast contains a number of fashionable re- sorts, such a8 Southampton, where Jordan Baker goes visiting (p. 147) The population oft badges and tunnels to Marl 2c} (p, 27, but as yet they have no-name (p. 138). From 191d onwards the Queenshoro Bridge (p. 67) and the Fast River tunnel of the Pennsylvania Railrond (p. 40) gave direct secess 19 Manhattan, During the 19205 the area known as Flushing Meadow (the name if a memento of thse Duteh— sailors wha frst camethere(p. 171), whieh had originally heen marshland along the Flushing River, became 2 city refuse dump ang open sewer. By 1920s traintoads of trash and gachage arrived daily from Brooklyn, and may well have given Pitzgersld his idea for the valley of ashes (9.26. Some of the eaiest American films were made out on Long Island at te Astoria Studios before Hollywood hecarse the centee for the new ‘The Great Gatsby, A Novel of te 1920s industry, these studios employing such international stars as Gloria Swanson, the Marx Brothers and Rudatph Valentin, In The Great Garshy Fitzgerald gives New York promines centre of American fashion, wealth, entertainment, crime (along wilt Chicago) and social cxelusiveness, using a wealth of detail which locates the city precisely in the ently 1920s. Yet his style always surprises and Helights the reader with the suggestion of a secret dimension of the city ‘hich is magical and mysterious, pacticutanly in the opening part of the novel when the time is early su ng there ia moa of Hope sd ‘optimism, For example, Nick finds Fifih Avenue warm and sof, almost pastoral’ tp. 30), A short while afterwards Gatsby's great limousin "sith Fenders spread fike wing... scattered light through hall Astoria” (). 66) before crossing the Queenshora Bridge © give @ view of ‘the ity rising up across the river ip white hes 1 as the ‘vith a wish out of on-olfactory money’. The Gnal phtase presumably scans that the wealth which busit che skyserapers was none fon savoury ints oviins, yet its iramediately followed by a set oF contrary implica~ “The ity seen from the Queensboro Ridge iahaays the iy seen for thes time, vite rt wld promise of all the mystery andthe beget in the world. (p67) ‘The ‘white heaps and sugar lumps’ are the skyserapers which pive New ‘York its unique skyline. No other city in the world ea compete with its vista of shoeetine and skyline, and Fitzgerald was justiied in presenting it as a source of excitement to Nick. fn the 1920s New York was be sinning to contiibute wuthentie American features to the images of the modern wwotld which ste now a common heritage-'* However, it would bea mistake to ead The Great Gatshy as primarily 1 sociat record, For one thing, the authentic background material is flere un selectively and given & symibatic o, psyco Sewn thenie of the novel, and in 2 letter written in 1937 Fitzgerald defined their fanetion thus: in Garshy sebiced the tn Ft Gt a given mend or hmintednes” or whatever Soon nigh call i releting in adwince in Gatehs, for istance, ll she oveinary trateril for Lans iand, hgeroks,alery theme pe alivays ststng from he taf focal points tha pressed me my own meeting with Arnold Rothstein for instance" 1 is worth bearing in ind that rather strange term *hauntedness’ when ing to define the qualifies of the noel, This will e considered in tater chapters, in particular Chapter 2. Jumps all built Sp. geri Critical Stutios: The Groat Gatsby only concern is its own material wealth and status. In order to maintain bis precarious foothold in this glamorons world of exreless power, Ie ventually plans to murder the foctory git who is pregnant by him and is demanding marriage, Whether he actually murdess her is not cles ‘though she certainly drowns. When Clyde is charged with murder the moral outrage of the nation is unleashed against him as violator of traditional values of Family and wwemankood, though the real motivation is political. Clyde is usod and exploited by a number of eonficting interested partis, Dreiser's narrative deploys the accumulation of details, scenes, characters and conversations to achieve a reafistic effect. His prinoary eonesra isthe relationship between character ant environment, ‘and he neods to create a web of institutional an social interaction by ineans of rnuiplicity of incident and realistic detail in order 10 show that the mocally naive Clyde is betrayed by socity.?? Fitzgerald shared some of Dreiser's iteresls. Mencken misjudged the novel when he termed it trivial, For it is a biter, savage satire on the moral failure of the Jaze Age which is placed within a perspective of ‘American images of success and American history. His techniques of selection and his narrative structure enable Fitzgerald to move easly between the elements of social realism and the symbolic landscapes to define the moral chaos of a society which has rejected nny values but wealth, Despite the iridescent gaiety and colour pervading the easlier part of the novel, the overall effect offers a bleak affirmation of the titicultes of attaining a mature moral vision anvil the hedonism and limitless, almost fabulous, wealth of modern Avserica lc ny tae whe Fremaes jabornallg a . ie toe Cresson, ele watt Br > atin Aline Goksbu A Novel of intricate Patierus Ua ana do an Ws anh Tseth nary and beautiful rl single and neicately sovething new someting persed! id shaped the surface action of the novel by means of social mi, Iuach ad Lew BIT oe dgong wa ccaunkerare, 004) ‘Gate al ervit vewes |, | ae et ins ere poiaal oF tonic sooty and, | CCA in imrtiulne, a aroup of people bent only on the grlification of theie town desires, The gatherings ae given significance through the centre ¢ fresence of Nick Carraway’s discriminating judgement, througl the | “harp contrast beiseen the landscapes and through the poetic power of the language, The profusion of socal gatherings in itself constitutes.2 wweani a ipwtant acti. Oly Gav hfe bute baad on adieam. Uwe week cherishes ani The organization of The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald creates uncertainty for the reader abont how to judge Gataby by means of the narrative organization, and this unecttinty rmitrors Nick's own fecings and dilemma, The charismatic and arnbi- ‘alent figure of Gatsby is the contre of interest (o Nick and to all the puests who gossip about him as they enjoy his lavish hospitality. His interest for Nick changes constarly as new aspects of his personality fire reveal tho reader being prevent at the uaravelling of the threads ‘Sf information or illumination by whieh Nick is finally enabled 10 Construct a coherent image of hina, The story of Gatsby's past emerges piecemeal for Nick, allowing bitn finaly to recoga‘ze parallek sn his own impulses and desires. The chain of events i slight wnt the three violent deaths of Myrtle and George Wilson and Ganishy bring them toa chimas. The main focus ie psychological, as Nick ponders on aspects of Gotshy’s personality and invihe proves confronts his own ethical Wlemity too, Fitzgerald fie 1p quely fractures time in dhe novel by drawing on eocallestionsby Giisy, Daisy, Jovan, Michaels, Wolfshiem or Mr Gat2, Time thus becomes amajorfeatuze ofthe narrativs: i ahe.cvsnts of thal sunnraet of 1922. the ma ed n-sne detail, vet events in the past wenp exec fie anlerrupts.the nese, just AS Gi, waht. damneh ? feb Bem A Novel of ltricate Patterns ieause ofthat mome ant el whic be neds in wore Gatsby and Daisy have an 9.reeiaion affair, and he experienees ‘Can't repeat the post he ered inetedulowsy. “Why of course you ean! ‘ransfiguring moment as he to. 105) kisses ber VI, pp, 106-7 “The actual events of the novel cover a period from roughly 1907 to 1924. Gatsby rises to the rank of (Gatsby is ‘a year or twa over thirty’ (p. 49) in 1922, and it would major and is decorated for _f Ch. 1V, pp. 64-5 therefore have been nboot 1907 when, as a seventeen-yearokd, Be had bravery in battle {Ch VIE, p. 143 his momentous meeting with Dan Cosy. Niek is recalling the events of Februaty 1919 Daisy marries Tom Bucha 192 sone one/twa yenrs later as narrator.) A chronologies! account na of Chicago. & letter ‘woul! have required Fitzgerald 10 make a systematic representation of from Gatsby, who is sit in nearly twenty years of Gatsby's life. Instead, he concentrates very pre- Europe, arrives just before Cisely on four months from enrly summer to sutum in 1922, inserting at her wedding, and moment Various points details of Gatsby's past, Suck neturing of time heightens arity makes her change her the inlersity of emotion experienced by both Gatsby and Niek, creating rnin ch. 1, p74 {nthe novela poignant sense of what i ost or unataiible, a eal ole dey am ideal sF February 1919 Gatsby is at Oxford for five Ch. IVs. 65 ‘which would be no longer a the mercy of powerful conteadictory desires. pM JHE CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS PRECEDING 1822 IN The Great ie Gatsby Summer) 1919 Gatsby revs Louisville These emerge through various personal reminiscences which are some after Daisy’s marvinge and VILL, p14 tines given dicetly 40 the text, sometimes reported by Nick, ssioves over his loss 12 September 1996 Young James Gatz of North Semmer(?) 1919 As @ penniless young man Dakota (aged about 16) just demobted, — Gatsby vwttes his ambitions into a imeets Wolfshiem in Wine schedule and set of resolu- atau tions Ch, AN, pt ontythirdStecct, New ‘otk, and asks fora jo ChAK,p. 162 1907-12 Jay Gatsby is bom’ shen Ne eee Me James Gatz, aged seventeen, August 1919 After the honeymoon, Tom ets Dan Cody and is thas an affair with » hotel invited aboard his hss togid in Sane Barbara, yacht Tuolomee: he stays California, and both are thers ios vague personal involved im a ar crash. ChAV. p75 enpcity for five years, until April 1920 Daisy's daughter Pamimy is Cody diet and Gatsby is Ch. VE, pp. 94-5 born. (eh. bpp. 212 tricked out of his inheritance Ch AV p15 of $25,000 ay Bla Kaye Owtober IT During the war Jordan te suststen OF 1922: EVENTS 1-THE MAIN NARRATIVE Baker mects Daisy Fay in Ch, EY, pp. 723 ‘There ate many precise details concerning time curing the period June— Louisville, Kentuck Et James Gatsby with November. 1 Early June: in two weeks il be the longest day of the Critical Studies: The Great Gatsby year (p. 17) when Nick dines with Tom and Daisy Buchanan, A few days before 4 July (p. 29) Nick spends the even ing in Tom and Myrtle’s flat in New York. 5 uly 1922 (p. 60}: Nick writes out hislist oF the guests that summer at Gatsby's parties on an old time-table ‘One morning late ia July" (p- 62) Niek funches in New ‘York with Gatsby and Wollshiem. Tivo days later (the day after tomorrow (p. 89)) Daisy comes to tea with Nick and meets Gatsby sgain after sear live years, “For severat weeks’ (p. 98) Nick does not see Gats tonifhe calls one Sunday and Tom happens to drop, \with Mr and Mrs Sloane, “Fhe following Saturday” (p, 100) Daisy aad Tom come tw Gaishy’s party ‘One Saturday nigh!" (p, 108) the Hights fil to g0 08 in Gatsby's house. “Next day’ (p. 108) Gatsby telephones with an inv tion from Daisy For lunch “tomorrow “The nent day’ is broiling! Ep. 109). This is the day of the New Yark trip and their drive buek ‘towaed death theongh the eoaling wilight (p. 129) "Teas this night (p. I. efter Myrtle Wilson's death, that Gntsby recalls io Nick is meeting with Dan C and his love affair with Daisy. It is Nick's thieth birthday (p- 129, “Hevas nine oelock when we finished breaklas® (p. 146) the next day and Nick goes to his office in New York, ‘That same day Micheotis keeps Wilson company until six o'clock before going home to get some sleep {p. 152 “tour hours later’ Wilson has gone (p. 152), for three hours he disappears from view, "By halb-past ovo he ins in West Egg’ (P- 152). “AL wa'elack Gashy pacow his hathing suit (p. 159), ch cy. on ch ou ch ch ch. os a 1v NI vin vu vit van viut vit vii 4 Novel af frvicute Possorns HA The butler suits for a telephoue message “unit four o'clock Up. 152) con cle dacides to take “the thece-tifty than’ (p. 148) from Ch. VT iw York. He rushes ansiously up the front steps of Ch, VITE shy dead in the pool Gatsby's house to find € 16. ‘On the vind day" (p. 158) aftr this telegram artives Ch 1X Mr Henry Gatz from a tovin in Minnesota. 1s 17, *Oue afternoon late i Oerober* (p. 169) Nick chix, Tom: Buchanan on Fifth Avenue 18, L spent ory Saturday tights in New York’ ¢p. 170). Ch AX 19, ‘On the lastnight” (p. 171) Nick visits Gatsby's house, Ch. 1X. Hy now it must be November, and the summer resi ceaces on Long Island are closed. 1o2d-f APTER THE MADE NARHATIVE ‘Nick is "writing the story be speaks of returning {ror the Enst last autunnn’ ¢p, 8) and lates says “Alec 160 eats J rericinber the fst of tat day" (p. 155). (There (Ch. t Eprears 1a tem slight diserepancy ahout the actual time when Nick is iting) Lena tine nacrative is ocganized in sacial occasions, some of which parallel others of create 2 contenst with them, For instance, Daisy's luncheon arty in Chapter VII ercates echoes of her dinner party for Nik iu Chapter L Marie's activities as hostess it Chapter 11 are a conirast 0 Daig's sophivicauion ta te previous chapter, Gatsby's toe partion an Chapter L1] ana Capter V Lave perceived aifferently by Nick because bl Daisy's presence at the second. The weather, too, moving from the oft brecaes of early simmer throwgh the intense heal of fate summer £0 conteibutes to the different mnonds of the various oceasions Ch. Hepp. 7 Nick introduces himscIf as wartator, referring 0 his return ta the Middle West from the Bast ast stmnn’, at is, the autumn of $922, He comments on Gatshy, “the man who gives is rname 10 this book’, a8 possessing "some height ened sensitivity to the promises of lie’ ancl thus sby the focus af inerest! He also 2 rakes Ga Crivical Sindies: The Great Getshy initiates one of the time shifts im the novel by recalling how be went East ip the spring of 1922 to make a career (or fortune} in stockbroking, and came to be living in a shabby bungalow at West Exg on Long Island. Tbe action begins herein ently une 1922. Nick is invited to dinner at the elegant home at East Fg of his distant ‘cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom, “hwo old Friends whom I scarcely fnew at all, and there he meets their guest Jordan Baker: ‘The visit reveals havely concealed tensions between Tom and Daisy, and gives Nick 9 limpre ofa tusurious but fivelous ard Uiviel jing way of life, On returning 10 West Ez [Nick sees his unknown neighbour Mr Gatsby standing alone, gazing inently across the water st a distent green light Ch. 11 (pp. 26-40) On the way to New York one Stnday afternoon fa few days later, Nick is compelled by Tom Buchanan t0 visit & garage on the edge of & desolate area Nick calls the valley of ashes, Here be meets Tons ‘gir? Myrtle Wilson, the po: prietor’s wife, and is pressured into accom ppanying them to the fat Tom reats in a Tower Imidale-class area of New York. Myrtle is deter tnined to act the grand hostess. and the patty she gives parodies Daisy's enterta Violently wien Ton sa. nose beense she insists om neng, Wends ly Inenhs: Myetle's rating his wife's ppame, They have all been dritking heasily Ch. TLE (pp. 51-59) At West Eag Nick is invited to Gatsby's party fone warm summer night. He fistens (0 2 Yeriety of whispered qumours about his hast before actually making lis acquaintauce: Gatsby invites fordan Baker inside the hese fora private conversation, and when she returns sine says she has just “heard the most amazing thing”. In the following weeks Nick begins 10 hike New York, and he embarks on a closer relationship with Jordan We has herpened. All us one the Int characters 1 Novel of fnttcate Patterns neen introduced into, the narrative, Meyer Wolfshiem is yet (© serra so nolhong is kon of Gass husiness actives, CoA et ann adodemeath the entertaining ad party-eving wich consi dove three chapters have been established. Much ofthe maeratis® xs conversations among s¥aigeis of neg Save dei hey gossip oF PAS ON eRIEHSAREN most of hein add ther own, Nick's tl pserver as they Fantasi Fimmouts aout Gatabs, ane me bat of unabinnive but ironic ODSEVEr then “ftis# mark of nat be migsins the interest oft ine alates of rate hicrus, drucken arangers and atthe ste the ei Cconveretion contribute to the sgnieant tone of the Lis nuajr themes. There isan nesing seme of wokence frdeceotion op uneafity in the Hives of t to deceive ns well a8 te pean agune orale patysione. Qa Cha pty Ch. LV tgp. 60-18) —_Dasinga drive to New York wth Nick, Gatsby Yo falls him "God's truth’ by fing im detats of is childhood “Wke you hn... collecting ™! Sehete ciety ris, bunting big game and guf saree as # young officer in wartime Service 14 fr reance and at Oxford, Nick remains sceptica) var Gatsby prodaces a medal for gallantry and Wpbotegraph of himself at Oxford in nristo crate company, As aerator of Bis early past Gatsby is clearly somanticizing, Dut ete 18 teath in the rest, Over hunch he introduces Nick tora business acquaintance, Moser Wolfshien es peed the World's Series fa maine hasshall Teague) in 1919" ane played with “the fa of fifty milion people ‘Ache point Jordan Baker becomes narrator of cone which took place in October 1917 whic She mother friend Daisy Fay with x youn ofl fox named Jay Gatsby in their Rome Lown of Touigili, Kentucky. She tells Nick of Daisy's subsequent marriage to Tom Brchanan and of isearly inidehity. She explains that Gatsby bas ought his house ‘so thot Daisy would be just vores te bay", She isacting as intermedi For Gatsby, who wanis fe meet Daisy st Nick's cottage » Critical Stes: The Great Gatsby Ch. V(pp.79-93) This chapter is placed at the contre of the organization of the novel. Nick's teacparty for Daisy begins az comedy in the rain and ends with Gatsby's ecstatic reunion with hes. Already, however, Nick wonders whether the real Daisy — whove frivolity has already been eveeled to the reader ~ can live up to Gatsby's ream of her CU VE ipp. 96-107) Toterlude: AL this point Nick narrates what Gatsby tells him ‘very much Tater about his sel transformatina from the penniless young drifter James Gatz, aged seventeen, into Jay Gatsby He bad seized his destiny when he warned am Tionaire Dan Cody that his yact twas anchored iin a dangerous spot on Lake Superior and charmed his way into a position on board. The factual conversation takes place on the night before Gatsby’sdeath, snd sein fact Nick knows nothing of Gaishy's past until then. As far as the actual participants are concerned Gatsby's past is unknown, but the reader is placed in a privileged position Gatsby's second party is Attended by the Buckanons, andl Nick senses ‘a pervading harshness that tadn't been there before”. Nick reconnts what Gatsby tells him after the party, walking "up and down on a ecaliate path ffi nds nr geared Faves dard crushed flowers’, of his ine affair in 1911 ith wealthy Daisy Fay which culminated in his committing himsel 10 her as if be were following "a grail ACs significant hat Gatsby is never the narrator o story, other thir His Fettious childhood. or a Sts about his.wwastime sersice. Nick, always anrvates shat Gatsby has told him, thus synthesizing and giving Colierence t0 emotions that Gatsby would probably never have been ble 1 exptess This has the effect of Keeping Gatsby as the central focus of the. narrative giving Pio a love story which might dtherwvise seem over-sentimental, The langage deserhing the sean party comvess @ change of mood" in the morretive: words such as ‘harshness’, ‘septic’, ‘desolate’ and “discarded” introduce @ new note \whiel is sustained uit the end, 0 A Nove of Ivete Patras cca VIN gp. 108-39) Daisy and Gatsby re overs agin ME is Dae aaed ani index by Gay's hss Fuse to guests Pizza cms an = coun of thi aa. eons ho dass the laste Ge wanes of the nummer Day ivi Shahn vad Nek to # Tineeon erty. Ths Sey ea Tompuessestheteth Idee sero af escapism tey dive inlet 10 Noa Wonk bok ce at the Pach Hote Sanayi determine to fore a showdown aed Ge Dik bute detested by Tom's bral sees petogee and Daisy nol of te os tome wort. Gatsby amd Das eave Wecge se cat an the es fll "on resned att Nick's naeative nes the 30> tect esac of cl things 10 was ok what pene a Te el egies Wise rushed oUt FleseP the specding yellow et. Wen esimes sown sor af tee a6 be orga wre Myre rend dead a srepped in blanket Teka ae Boron howe, Rick sees Gatsby vet lowe fora prearranged sia) Dre guess hat Daisy hod Been ink et Mane was kill, He oo into the ove aoe Tom and Daisy ai in an at of may" aver a pate of ck fod and Fe ncEtaat sy sang nein" ing vernon (Ch. VINI (pp, 140-54) Nick recounts more of what Gatsby tells him that night of his wartime love affair with Daisy tray. Thisis the third reference toi in the novel, fan it completes the image of Gatsby's "roman Tre readiness’ mentioned at the bepinuing. Daisy twas the ealy ‘nice! ied Gnisby had known til then, Afier the war, demobbed an without prospects, he was effectively shut out of her Dputent and exclusive world, ick denws rte fon the evidence given by Michaelis at the a Critical Studies: The thus keeps the th effect in this chapter is to concentrate attention on Nick ni earael- a Tlecis a significant. contrast with. all_the earlier gossip. Mr Gatz from Minnesota artis Great Gatsby subsequent inquest to recount what happened at Wilson's garage, He recomsircs i his ime agination Gatsby's last moment of desolation follossing the destruction oF his dream, ashe lay inhis swimming pool ynaware that, ikea spectre in the bitter new world of reality, “that ashen, fantastic figure [was] gliding towards him through the amorphous trees ‘owing’ the story with the words “After two years | remember the tet ofthat day, and that night and next day, ony at an endss Arillofpotce ard photograpers ad newspaper men sa and out of Gatsby's font door (155) & his despaur. Hneresied in Gatsby after his death, but the old man’s in comprehension only serves to isolate Gatsby further, At the funeral ‘nobody came" until Owtey Nick's last act isto vist Gatsby's deserted mansion. Afier erasing an blscemity serawies on the white steps, he wand ssdown to the shore and there in his sofitude, he experiences the momtent of vision which draws together his own and continwows Bow of An find a transcendent beauty in fife. He recognizes that ‘reality’ for compares hoth a canta beyhisiory (tht ig materiel img) and th indivi ort of total division of these Gass aets of imaginative perception into ericam history and all such individia! attempts to “imagination, Dy respon MAINA TS the ‘wo aspecis of experience in Gatsby’s life, Nick ives his own ‘realy’ a moral dimension which was wissing in Gatsby. THE SELECTIVE USE OF TIM AS A NARRATIVE DEVICE Gu 2 By handling time in this complex way, Fitzgerald pac Le yet hs Nick's narrative returns to the present of bis ee \ 4 ple She Was Ge adday eninge than Fitzgerald feduces events in th same reason, and is thus able to draw Nick gradually into Gatsby's aaleedive pretend: nt, the past emerges less a # ara within Galsby"< iuapination. Pagan, A Novel of Extvieate Potions By ch aie interior world. A good example ofthe very selective presentation of tra ‘occurs at the heginning of Chapier LV when Nick gives ist o ‘Quests thal sumer. p00 Once fweote down on the empty spaces aa ie table the names of those oho cui to Gatsby's hove thay some Isai ol testa ts olds nnd ens Ths sched in effect Say St, 1922 om siintegroing Tha ean si read fhe ere names, and they wil give you a beter impression Hhan my genesaitis of those ato accepted Gatsby" hospitality and paid ios the subtle bute of knowing nothing shaieeec mut hin Nick's irony at the expense oF Gaisby’s guests is deliberate, for his referance 10 their hick of interest in the host who is lavishing. such fenerosity upon them gets as an indictment of their moral indifference, 5, Nick's eemark also. hihi Hitea Singte gone juin in which his social enity exists, Hes N hhece (p. 123), Nick's summary compresses a sequence oF rages the ‘grey names this_ Gatsby's iso lation and the ely vecorded ot paper already turning grey with age, they are morally ‘grey’, as Nick's Zecount oftheir activites leading in some cases co violent derths, makes lew. Th table ordering, a past which Gatsby to repeat the past ist inevitably Be frustrated by ti. Just as time in sbe pave i care ue pattern time, despite the fact thal rea cinforces the idea of the inexorable pravides, & brief examination of them witl make this clear The relarionship betwreon the fon locations af action ‘To take a very limited perspective, West E ts ote 1¢_mecaning._the restriction of. the locations serves a imetion ‘The fo setings ae ot iotosignieant rlaionships ther through the pesspectives which Nick, a8 narrator ‘can be seen as representing ‘vlgarity and Formlessness, as opposed to the formality and style of East Tig. New York acts as a magnet to both thos wealth and those eagerly in pursuit of it NU thfee locations 2 mou mrad the Bask ‘identity wn he historical context vs. wat possessing established he B | | Critical Studies: The Great Gatsby ki 19205 alone would Hint thst ole and do no justice a Fizgerak bundling of them, nthe novel they ae amnvatet locations which by she processes of Nick's imagination attain thie own particlar radiance, for fis tcltionship with them constantly changes. They therefore exist the ‘ove! assymibolic places tepresenting he suhjoctive moods at momenta {ine in Nick's oF Gatsby's experienee. Products of wealth themectna some,at leat of their appeal to the observing eye of Nick or Gatete ara in that wealth, Just as Gatsby's imagination timsfigures bis henge ink place of enchantment, so Nick, a young man seting Ditto make he PelumesPeresives them with the ees, optimistic eyes of youthfut bore Yetio bis ole of narrator after the events of 1922 ate over he addea onay ‘of mora} awareness which marks him as receptive to the resities neice he lusting surface. Nick's dual role of participant and subsequent renter 's au ineportant factor in the representation af these locstene Gest tog) ‘The tea" dominmied in the novel by Galsty’s mapiicen, bet seracow ale, bao mansion Dang hs pres ipa tesla ombiece which assves ch shomtunse Been Ee Boadway sn theworkt of fms. The ts of soon we oe Gatsby's hoe that sue. D6) con ora ame otic sud yet spgestive ton. Tre are hese connected ey es ‘ ne ay oF another” (p, 61), and “Wa Re accompanied bya whol array of girks whore est names wore arher ee melosions names of Rowers or months or the sterner ones ofthe ee ‘American capitalists whose cousins if pressed, hey wl conor (ee ‘sees 0 be" (p62). Thay ane described al Galsby'ssecontpocigns any short-cut feom nothing to nothing” (p. 103) and the tans hed sauseallysuesestve For evample the nuts 0 the Stone Nee Abrams of Georgia avd Nive Lilvstes Swell reste CRI WaF Feracs but mpi the de cated in violence: for instance Tis Snell who these days before he went to ne penitentiey hy ee area onthe grave hat Mrs wets car an ave his isht pan Arvorg the ‘movie moguls i °G, Eat Maldon, brother to that Mutfoen whe fhe fine strangled his wie fom New York came Hemy L: Palmer nig Kile himself by jumping i font of «subway tren ia Times Soon apt het is Young Brewer "who hd hs ose shot ot in the mar they allsepresentan energetic, careless aid callous society which a tnce shay Vom pas a ial este onS When seated party, Daisy is appalled and offeaded bi Their noisy sulgarity aad she fails to understand ther vitality, ae easteoe — c {he rules of formality aud traltion, at {he suface of We) The Buchanais” world is exclusive, opie “regarding Ie represonts the status of inherited wealth and power ‘© stich the inhabitants of West Egg ate denied acces, ‘The lite pales iter along the shortine, ut there isan implication that they ate Falher tke whied seputchres inhabited by people who are ost tarelss and socially indifferent as the ones who come to Gatsby's partie but iis inhabitants ive with more style. Nick eiiciesthemvat Ine cod oF the novel they ae setcoss people, Toman Palsy. they smashed op things ane dhe feared back nto thei money or tr vas coves, Wteteveril easter ep tery sother, a et other people seam uptine mess they had male fp Mi sew york V4 —e WE—* €£ Keep Movty New York lures ale characters, js aint drew Nuk fom the & «fe Midwest with “Midhis and Morgan snd Maecenas (p. 10) in mind as 4 exemplars ofthe suocess he wants 1 achieve in stekbraking. Midas was a legendary Bing who turned everything he touched into gold; Maecenas was a very wealthy Roman J. P. Morgan was a millionaire American Financier in the nineteenth century. When Nick hursies own the white chasms [the skyscrapers] of lower New York to the Probity ‘Trust! (PP. 96-7) he is in pursuit of such Fabwslows wealth as theirs, Yes New ork also appeals to Nick inal its social vatiety and vitality. He enjoys fe fay, adventurous feel of iat ght. and the stsfcton thatthe constant Hicker of mew and women and machines gives tothe tealiess tse ep. 99) responds to the sense of romance iy ie ot eight o'clock, when the dat lanes ofthe Portis wet fi fve deep with Uobbing taxinhs, bond for the theatre dstet. ip 57) Nick's New York pulses with hfe. The citi filled with tight ani colour for example on that “almost pastoral’ Sunway gfternoow in Chapter tf ‘whet ‘the Inte afiernoon sky bloomed in the window for a moment ike the ‘blue honey of the Mediterranean’ (p. 36) o¢ when the sunlight Sickered upon the ears erossing the Queensborg Bridge (p. 67). Nick Joves the Soft susimer twitights, and when he deives through Central ork wath Jordan alter she has told him of Gatsby’s alfir with Daisy, he is particularly awaze of the beauty Tire sum tad gone down behind the tll apoetinens ef the movie stars in the West Fifties, ad the clear voices oF eiklen, already gathered ie ithe nthe 015, rose theoagh the hot tli 6 Critical Studies: The Great G To the Shot ef Ary. Your love betas 10 me. Ae night when yore asleep Inu you tent Fi rep." 78) “The clear voices of the children suggest innocence, though the popular hit song of 1921 is morally ambwalent Wher cutis Rae : wana A au ‘i ianiipe 0 4 erlesque symbel, he aly of aes tepretoie the run underside of he ciher get er pur St ala skem. The name given to it by Nick is reminiscent of the Psalmist’s “alle ofthe shadow of death and the luuage desehinston p26 charsceis it san chur perversion of fers rr nda The toa an ay chink away vom the ares em where sh grow Wtesteat nto rigor an lean potest Themen worn Oni rte "an impenetrable coed which seen The operons for Your sight. Win’ age stands on the edge ofthis watland ad Contgious ke ubeofey othing (p21) ems of the wat “tng dn itn of the nod ‘nobody’. Every diiferent ways the) oth sims of soc ad hey ate dens “Allfour loeslions-até laler broshl tngeihr, of Superimposed upon each other, in he two nightmare ga he end af te ni ‘wala eroesuve thing rose I asl how ra the suaight wasup the sore Greate gra i. 158), erp wt) and second in Nick's om hauotsd vision, ‘clistorted beyond my eyes? power of correction’ (p, 167), These landscapes are all linked through ingers,& Feature of Fitaperal'smarative representation which Usa | conse ext : ‘An examination of the recuctent images in The Great Gan lear the impos lating any Particular one. they p of ais nis_Which_coniribille ihe jaisients and fnsubstaniainy of Gatsby's dream, a world transfigured by imagination. The dream and the bope that goes into Her voice sang: W's romantic sti Toon? (p20) es suggestion ha the bird ins come over ftom England on a xy liner introducer am nizoetsference to another nightingale ia a summer, ower-illed garden, and the cadence of her voi is used to stress that association. Daisy ix bei 7 x Daisy is hring ghting in Keats's ‘Oi nga ‘it of the bira's song in gcxatie moment that Seine To ianéend pain, death and line, such a-trabsigring-miomen. cannot Ws, and. the song fades, ieaving the_poet to face the seaity of harsh experense, In this way Gaisby's romani vision of Daisy is given universal validity as am at of the creative imagination, When Nick fist glipses the distant gore of his neighbour gazing esos atthe green light its ‘aloud, right night, with wings heating inthe (02s (p. 25), ard thus Gatsby too drawn igo this veferetial patern of images Moonlight. Gatshy ind his honse,are region ated with moonlight orstar- light. In Chapter [ Nick's fist view of him is as. pure in the moonlight “rewarding the siher pepper of the stars’ (p. 25) anal at his Hirst party bis uesis ‘came and sett like mioths among the whisperings and the thampagne and the stars’ (p. 41), His enormous gardan becomes a Christmas ttee with coloured lights where he “eispensed stfipht (© cual maths" (p. 76), When Nick first spenks to the polite stranger who tens oui to be his host at the party, ‘the moon badd visen higher, and eating in the Sound was a triangle of sitver scales, trembling a Wile fa the stiff, tinny drip of the banjocs on the lawn’ (7 48). After the comic interlade of the ossteyed man’s drunken accident, Nick glances back st the house Nick glances back 1 war of nooo was shining aver Gata se, mkng he wih fe before a soting he uge nal the send of hl hong earn, A Zhsus emptiness seemed to\flow ww fw te window and The es ry how wih wpe ao ego nthe hss whe send om he owe enon up ina tovmal poste fare p36) Moonlight is tragitionally associated with the romantic imagination, ‘with an intense snbjective experience of solitude, with reverie and desite For the unattainable ideal. Even in the heat and tension of Daiss'slun- ccheow party in Chapter V IL there ia silver curve of the moon [kovering] 44 A Novel of htricate Patterns aikeady in the western sky’ (p, TEM), Just before this, at the end of Chapter VI, in Niek’s account of Gatsby's tranaiguring emotion as be ned Daisy five years earlier, the sidewalk was white with moons {p. 106), When Gatshy keeps his futile vig outside Daisy's window after tee turn frown New York, Nick leaves him ‘standing therein the moon Tight watching over nothing’ (p- 139). uk The golden sunt = DONA “Ailahe itpagery Of birdsong, starlight end moonlight conveys & par Ticulaly soft and rauted radiance that is associated with a romantic oF motion. Daisy, on the other hand, as the object of Gatsby's jatenee feeling, He associated more often with galden sunlight. but.the. however, suggests inrd, waluable metal too. Daisy and Jordan ore wet ierdislanced front the world of Dan Cody, who made his Fortune through precious metals, as might a first seem tobe the case, In Chapter | Tom's house plows "with reflected gol" (p. 12) in Nick's eyes, and the dresing-racrm im which Nick finds Daisy is a ‘rosy-coloured space Gp FI) AS they sit outside at dinner, Daisy winks ‘ferociously toward (Ne fervent sum? (p- 18) in mockery of Tom, atl [ater “the fast sunshine then the glow fell with romantic affection upon her glowing Face” faded each light deserting ber with lingering regret” (p19). When she nes at Nick's bungalow for tea, "we roxs of brass buttons on ber drew pleared inthe sunlight’ (p. 87) Later, dusing her lunchoon party in Chapter VIL, when Gatshy defines the particular quality of Daisy's vive that constitutes her sexual charm he says, “Her voice is full of vanes tp. 115) and Nick searches for an imaginative ieage that suns ciois companion’s worship of her ‘the eymbal's song of it. High in @ White palace the King’s daughter, the golden git." ¢p. 115), In this Fage Daisy becomes the princess, costed and protected by wealth, lisoeing her allure [rom it and piven value by her distance from oxdivary thovtals, Immediately after this, Daisy and Jordan, sho, im s soni isniscent of thet first appearance in Chapter f, at first lay stretched on neh lige silver idols weighing dowen their own white dresses (p. 110) fuer appear dreseed for town, wearing sina ight hats of metalic cloth p113) When Gatsby oconnts to Nick his passion for Patsy in 1917 his Tove fer hee is inextsicably links! with her wealth (p. 142), and he was ‘verwhelmingly awace of the yourh and mystery that wealth imprisons dad preserves, ofthe freshness of many clothes, and of Daisy, gleaming Fhe ulver and proud above the hot siruggles of the poor” (p. 142). Daisy’scharm and beauty are naturnl, but they are also the product of her Mipbringing and environment of great wealth, By his language Fitzgerald uegests a range of meanings which i turn create echoes of other 5 fecwelwes once! her Critica! Stutier: The Great Gatsby rieanings: for instance, ia the same section of the narrative, Daisy's _itThood in Louisville, Kentucky, i evoked in a very rhythmical sentence nding with the word ‘dust All sight the soxophores wailed the hopeles comment of the “Beale Stet [logs while a hundred pairs of golden snd siver sippers shulled the shining ds. (pp. 3-4) ‘ego an ser ipers arth emblem oftheir wealth, bt dst here acts asa semiee ofthe passing of tine andthe ansiene of youth thas ang mn lege qual in necrd wih bls sie whi Is tevsel ty iepamspvose cance z ae NEUE why? srl vets colour to convey characterise quale toto, Diaiy, be her lower aains, 1 always linked with hits as well as gold, ‘Govt hee always a dual axon of frncence awa a8 weal > ‘Daisy is Hol tonooedt, But Gespi ieee the" Fespode to ati’ onan imagination an the lou Whe crates con tothe implestions of go, On both ocesions syhen Nik vil het Nowe he ant Joan see att foot ory or bloc in the site dress inthe acorns in the room pp 3110), Wen Sodan teil erst mesting th Linton! Jey ata, se describes Daisy ese in white and ving her itl white aster (p73). Days looks a never described. tm impressionist effet is ecicved lrg through the ve of colar to suggest tempat of her beau aid teruaity on men. In Chapier IV when Nich ives his te-paty she ier We Daisy fe, ped eoways beneath thee cornered lavender hat foaked out Al me with aright estate stile. A damp streak of hey ke dh Bae Pala axoss ber chee, and her hand a wet sith pistening dope. (yp. 82-3) ‘The use of colour, the deinils of the streak of hair out of place and the SISTENT Taina gHve Day sear VLAUTG, Ae SOT a mae ‘of beauty when sie Tonks atthe sunset ereating a pink and golden billows (of foaming clouds ubove the sea and whispers to Gatsby, “Ya ihe jut ogo one of hese pink ows and pot you on nd ps yon around (p ) leis a eather inappropriate and bana smack, but at feast i conveys shared sense of the occasion Gash 109 is associated with fours, notably the gen fet which eames to symbolize the distant and unattainable Daisy of his vison, 46 sa Green is associated with life and growth. As he shows Daisy over his Inowse he refers (o the green light, andl Nick notes: A Novel of Invicare Patterns ‘ne sero absorb! in what he had jst Sid. Possibly thal occured 9 in vat the coisa significance ofthat ight had nove vanished forever. Compared tate grea distance that ha separated bi from Daity ith sesmed very ner to het, limos touching her had seemed as clase asa sta to the toon Nw it veosagnin a zien il ona dock, Hiseount of enchnotedt objects ha ciinishes by one 9.90) = inspection shensely tnoving: Gal tensions, but its also a way of proving power which he can command. The se ‘materials is matched by: the richness of the. colouts of the 4 ge shire sith sspes and evs ad phd in coral and appl-green and lavender Sn fin nrange, wih monograms of ina Be. (P89) lkewhere, Gatshy’s taste in eotowrs denotes the vulgarity ofthe parvem’, at least in Tom's eyes An Orford man! Hewas insedons "Like ale He wears pink it". 16) Yet te coouts of issuis ave made to sharacttiz is maton, When heme ove to REFS hugs ari, bgcolor shore Cher Daisy states of white, ser an god feral saver shirt and gol-clowed fe, bored (p 81)On the thy of teat tp to Nes York in Chapter VY he wears the pink Sa Kha Ton object, bt ate is ong vig outside ays aes Nick notes day 8 is eorecos ink eas ofa seit made a bright spot of colour gait the wie set) When Gatsby’s boy is discovered by Nick and the servants, “the teen mattress moved ieguiarly clown the pool -.(p. 154). Fitzgerald t tonbines images of ntval or eyeical death and Nlood through the refer~ tence 10 the leaves which encircle i “The touch of a eluster of Ives reveled it slowly, tracing, like she fey of trast thin od crt in the water (p. 15 “The passage is given solemnity by the use of Ue image in place of direct reference to Gatsby's body. old ff mo Memd ease anaes 4 4) Yoo’ \Cho-sey of a —Pilindness and soeing operate by Cisdeat Gries: The Great nes is linked with death in a number of ways. Even the ‘cist wio setup the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eokleburg ~ his own name? 838.4 publicity stuat has now himself sunk into ‘eternal blindness’ (p. 26) Ihe phrase ‘Solemn dumping ground? suggests @ graveyard. However, it ‘Wika’ garage on the Way to New Vork in Chapter VIL the gaat eyes of Doctor TJ. Eekleburg kept heir vig (p. 118} afer hs wif's death ‘Wilson tells Michaelis how he had warned is wife tat she cat Fool God and Michaelis realizes with a shock that, the God who ‘ses everything’ Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Thats an advertisment? Mies assneed hi. (p. 152) as motifs in the navel, denoting the ability or the fatlure to perceive lie in moral terms. The oculist who set the hind eyes osce the dastheaps should have been engaged in correcting vision instead of ing commercial advantage by means of @giznmick which is self an invage of materialism “Aiter Gatsby's death Nick is unable to perceive objectively, and dream hind reality seem equally menacing as he “tossed Nalfsick between gro: esque realty and savage, Irightening dreams (p. 140); the East bacomes, f source of nightmare for him even though he knows that the nightmare fand the deeam ave equally @ distortion of the truth, the Bast wns haunted for me lke tha, sstorted beyond my eyes" power of oneation, tp. 161) Significantly, OwLeyes makes a reappearance in the narrative as the fonly other mourner at Gatshy’s funeral. As the comically drunk be- “peotacied guest atthe bret party fe Was noted fo" his sense OF surprise and wonder and his total oblivion to danger after the car crash. In {Gatehy’s library he made his insistent and triumphant clscovery that the hooks. ‘probaly transported somplete From soste ruin’ (p. 6) averseas, were real: ele cried tinmphantly. It'sa bons fe pice of printed ratte. fait io. Thiefel's regalay Holsco. I'S 4 tumph, What thoreuchress! Wh tealsm (9.4) David Belasco was a Broadway producer who created sets that fonked real, and in his drunken awe the owheyed man puts bis ner ow the truth: Gatshy’s way of fe is a fantastic creation that be exsharked upon to impress Daisy, but it i no more real than a stage prestuetion. In 4 Novel of buricate Pastors eyes stancls in the tain after Gatsby's fancr te esses the ny com. Chapter 1X. when Ow eoupeises te nature of Gatsby's Failuce aid exp passion in the novel Wy, mip Gd! they use to go there bythe bonded? He took off his plows and sped ther agnosie ond i ‘The aor soa-eka-ttc,’ he suid. ¢p. 166 He sees « motel snath without optical ad ‘Tine fan important Feature of Gatsby's story and, ao Ht has ely ‘een suggested, the structure of the novel gives t significance Galsby is sci againsl a perspective of inexorable tite by references (0 clocks 2¢ Seveval points, During Nicks te2-party in Chapter V, Gatsby is comical distraught and gauche at fist: he ls bis bead so far back that be tips» iJatunet clock” on the mantelpiece and just manages to catch it, Nick adds, 'L hin we all believed for @ moment that it had smashed in pieces oor” (p. 8). Gatsby only seems to have pushed time backwards ond desirayed its power. Daring the afternoon he is described #8 running down tike an oversrund clock (p. 89). tn Chapter VT when Nick re ceunts Chaisby's hfe as a soventeen-year-old drifter, he says, ‘his heart sons sha constant turbulent rial, and while he constructed dreams of Tantastic neath in his imagination “the clock ticked on the washstand rat the moon soaked with wet light his tangled clothes upon the floor tp. 08) The reality of'elosk’ mes placed in opposition tothe waonkight lo Tomantic posstities very deliberately in qhis passage ~ fantastic d is ust suocunnb 10 it for Gime 8 History: ie sea, “One of ihe most pervasive images in the novel concerns the sea, A source efiifes tse by tradition often linked metaphorically with the wage a9 nem of emotional experience lading to maturity and moral awareness for racognitign of one’s te identity. There are many sucl voyages i Tterature. in The Great Gurshy a cister of sea images inoply perspectives of mtoral experience, In the opening section Nick spenks of What peeved on Gass what fn dust Monte in the wake of his asp. thas opposing dust, with its concomitant sssociatinn of death or cor huplion, 1p Gatsby's act of efealive inagination. Nick's final vison of the Duteh sailors inks the sea-voyage of bape with the reality of history hat before this he applies the oppositional relationship of sex and refuse fe his pwn motal position. Before leaving New York be feels morally Critical Studies: ‘The Great Gatsby bound to end his affair with Jordan Baker rather than just going without a word: it isan swkivard, unpleasant thing ta bave to do: But 1 wanted to leave things i order and not just trust chat obliging and snore a to sen my ztuse say. (p. 168) The reference is presumably to the purifying or clenosing function of time, After the harrorsof the day in New York and Mytie Wilson's death, as Nick les tossing i tormented sleep, "A fog-horm was groaning in tessantly on the Sound” (p. (40); the Fog repr and isi fs his own confused fed state of mind, AC the beginning of that occasion, just ‘eave they have lunch, Fitzgerald uses the inoage of a sailing boat as & deliberate comirast to the mounting tension which they are all aware of ‘0m the green Sound stagant inthe hest, one sma sail erased slowly toward te fester sen ‘Our eyelid over the rose-beds ad the ho ave and the weedy reise ofthe iopedaynnlongshere, Sol te wie wings ofthe boat moved agaist she Be fol imit ofthe sky. Ahead lay the sloped ocean andl the abounding Diese isles (pp 2-13) Wis on extended image, Firs the colours green, bine and white amplify the idea ofa “Iresher’ world beyond the reluse on the shor ‘of “ope small sai! conveys an escape (0 isolation and ps feontrasts with the suppres averhsted by the oppressive bi The solinude ce, an i tensions within the group already ex 1. The language and shyt of the last sentence complete the sense af escape: ‘scalloped’ suggests the mysterins| boauty of shells and also giv ‘certain unreafily to the ene by likening the waves to the embroidered curves of scallop stitehing.* All of thent are investing the scene with tho intensity of their own desire to escape the ‘unpleasantness of their situation by discovering the abounding blessed isles of peace andl thus tn attain the ness sorld of ever The image porhopo voyaper’s quest. igurce Gotehy"s lonely death Saating on bis pool metiress the blesed isles are also often death, the final release. ives the novel its particular tone. It allows Fitzgerald co move between sharp social observation and comedy of manners on the tne hand and symbolic fandsenpe on the other without any sense of Brain or a break in the narrative. The novel is concerned with the ingividva'seapacity to construc ‘an idealizing vision i blindly callous society given over to materialism, By means ofthe intricate patierning of images Fitzgerald ie able to keep both these perspectives in a slate of | teosion by Scusing them on the personalities of Gaishy and Nick CMe Bachan! sald hag sometimes been the glamour theives of the ich and giving them Theda oe ee SEeThe Rich Soy’ a short story dating frou rweh ihe Cone The rear Gurl that Thee ae ier fom ¥04 san ey purest and enjoy carly nd does someting t then > tepveses the source of Fit vrale's own interest J isnot the seb them oi thy fashion, by the senstousiess and cotoar of seen are. glamorized in his fiction so much as their spend power: they are det ; aon savnas, by ahe opelence of their homes and their ears ang the Jane scare Knee the, ot entertain Eto of yr ie moa ens whi he Sicenlowed te sob sere et aby the Manns ee ee aa sting in whe 10 res jus a ori tint ate asin of wou Gash Late he ge man ost tose mutes who ible waar oe a me tite of ning bg To ny Taegan sary criss weet nt i ener, not on thong the eave between ne et be sping the gl berver he Buchan wats Fan a rte pen ea abo trou he pain psn a ge pent These 100 DOES, 8 ol Lange ey cdf ot 18th Suet whe Me “ruly of the house, are a means by which Fitzgerald represents their A tA sagen, ation ke he vale of ates 8 en sity nts caper Isl Bio ines gy engage aa mage i mands! of cei tr ways hie ad the Nowses which enPes xe framed by their luxucions ittering white palace wi Th "Georgian Clow sso ofthe mansion ase fe ce in American history: the style is imitation it puts them baa ln tn, te exis wo otunes ere sevang ihe lie rao, The dsepion ofthe gardens cones si hana’

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