Anisa, Iga, Nafis, Siti - Textbook Kel 9 - Makalah Presentasi

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Member of Group 9

Anisa Ulmut Mainah : 1811040290

Iga Mawarni : 1811040353

Nafisatun Hasanah : 1811040289

Siti Ma’rifah : 1811040444

Lecturer :

Fini Widya Fransiska M.Pd





First at all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping us and
give us chance to finish this assignment timely and we would like to say thank you to Mrs. Fini
Widya Fransiska M.Pd. as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about
textbook Evaluation based on Activities.

This assignment is the one of English task that composed of Textbook Evaluation, we
realized this assignment is not perfect, but we hopes this paper can give a broader insight to the
readers. Although this paper has advantages and disadvantages, so that it is still needed advice
from all parties that are constructive in refining this paper. Thank you.

Lampung, May 2021

The writers



Evaluation plays a major part in education all around the world. Evaluation is the
systematic collection of evidence to determine whether in fact certain changes are taking place in
the learners as well as to determine the amount or degree of change in individual students. In
English language teaching, coursebooks usually serve multiple purposes, such as
(Cunningsworth, 1995, cited in Tsiplakides, 2011, p. 758) :

a. A resource for presentation material (spoken/written).

b. A source of activities for learner practice and communicative interaction
c. A reference source
d. A syllabus
e. A resource for self-directed learning or sel-access work
f. A support for less experienced teachers.

Many English textbooks are available out there selecting the most suitable one is the
problem. A textbook must be of an acceptable quality, useful, and appropriate for the context and
people with whom they are being used if a teacher is going to used it in language teaching (Tok,

The choice of langage teaching material can determine the quality of learning-teaching
procedure. The need to evaluate materials retrospectively takes on special importance.
Information which can be used to determine whether it is worthwhile usig the materials again,
which activities ‘work’ and which do not, and how to modify the materials to make them more
effective for future use can be provide from such an evaluation (Ellis, 1997).

Textbooks play a pivotal role in language classroom in all types of education institutions
state school,,sollages, language school, all over the world. Choosing an appropriate textbook is
important because classroom teachers spend much time using textbook in class.
A textbook can serve different purposes for teacher : as a core resource, as a source of
supplemental material, as an inspiration for classroom activities, even as the curriculum itself.
Textbook provide teacher and students wth a common framework, however, using them from
cover too cover, for meeting students’ needs, is not enough.

Demands for textbooks grow while publishing industry responds with new series. Selection
approach affected either by personal preferences or unrelated pedagogical factors (budget,
availability, etc.) A need for a practical and straightforward method that helps analyze options
according to program issues, from broad (e.g. goals and curriculum) to specific (e.g. exercises
and activities).

There are three ways to selecting the textbook, as follow :

1. Matching the textbook to the program/course

a. Examine program/course thoroughly.
b. Opt for a textbook series or individual texts = content and approach standardization..
c. Compare textbook objectives and program/course objectives.
d. Identify textbook appropriateness according to intended learners.

2. Reviewing the skills presemted in the textbook

a. Effectiveness to help learners acquire necessary skills. Coverage of other important
skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
b. Coverage of other important skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

3. Reviewing exercise and activities in the textbook

a. Real contribution to learners’ language acquisition (Practice and extended language
b. Balanced format with controlled and free practice.
c. Progression through the textbook (Reinforcement and complexity demand)
d. Variety and challenge (Stimulus for communication)

Textbook evaluation is basically a straightforward, analytical ‘matching process: matching

needs to available solutions’ (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987, p. 97, cited in Sheldon, 1988).
However, Sheldon (1988, p. 237) explains that course books, whether we like it or not,
representing for both students and teachers the visible heart of any ELT program.

Textbook evaluation is basically a straightforward, analytical ‘matching process: matching

needs to available solutions’ (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987, p. 97, cited in Sheldon, 1988).
However, Sheldon (1988, p. 237) explains that course books, whether we like it or not,
representing for both students and teachers the visible heart of any ELT program.assessment of
the value of materials in relation to their objectives and objectives of learners using them
(Hajar&Azizollah, 2012, p. 21).

Many teachers have had the responsibility of evaluating textbooks. Often, teachers have not
been confident about what to base their judgments on, how to qualify their decisions, and how to
report the results of their assessment. Teachers, students, and administers are all consumers of
textbooks. Every single one of them may have conflicting views about what a good/standard
textbook is (Ansary&Babaii, 2002, p. 3).

In a situation where there is considerable professional, financial and even political

investment, the selection of a particular core volume signals an executive educational decision.
The definition and application of systematic criteria for assessing course books are vital, as
shown by this high profile (Sheldon, 1988).

a. Framework for Textbook Evaluation

Williams (1983) shows how criteria can be developed for evaluating English language
textbooks. The study presents a scheme for evaluation which can be used to draw up a
checklist of items relevant to second (or foreign) language teaching. Instructions for
using the checklist are given as a way of suggesting how teachers can evolve their own
criteria for different situations. He proposed an evaluative scheme which relates
assumptions about teaching a second evaluation language to a set of linguistic,
pedagogical, general, and technical criteria. The scheme was made based on four
assumptions, such as up-todate methodology of L2 teaching, guidance for non-native
speakers of English, needs of learners, and relevance to socio-cultural environment
Criteria for coursebook assessment were proposed by Ur (1996). According to the
criteria, a textbook should contain:
a) Objectives explicitly laid out in an introduction and implemented in the material.
b) Approach educationally and socially acceptable to target community
c) Clear attractive layout, print easy to read
d) Interesting topics and tasks.
e) Varied topics and tasks, so as to provide for different learner levels, learning styles,
interests, etc
f) Clear instructions
g) Systematic coverage of syllabus.
h) Content clearly organized and graded (sequenced by difficulty)
i) Periodic review and test sections.
j) Plenty of authentic language
k) Good pronunciation explanation and practice
l) Good vocabulary explanation and practice
m) Good grammar presentation and practice
n) Fluency practice in all four skills.
o) Encourage learners to develop own learning strategies and to become independent in
their learning.
p) Adequate guidance for the teacher, not too heavy preparation load.
q) Audio cassettes
r) Readily available locally.

b. Textbook Evaluation According to BadanStandarNasionalPendidikan Framework

for Textbook Evaluation
Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) published an instrument to evaluate
textbooks in 2014, which was a revised version of the previous ones published in
2007 and 2011. A checklist adapted from BSNP framework for textbook evaluation
was made. This study was focused on the content area of the textbooks. The content
area was divided into three aspects, which was divided into several areas, and finally
leads to twenty three items of the checklist.

Materials which must be covered in eleventh grade, according to the 2013 curriculum, are
how to give and respond to advices, how to express and respond to opinion, how to express and
respond to hope and wishes, simple formal invitation, simple personal letter, procedure text,
passive voice, conditional sentence, factual report, analytical exposition texts, biography, and

c. The procedure consists of six steps as follows

- identification of the product,
- collection of the voices of the internal and external customers
- documentation of customer requirement
- the house of quality of course planning, the house of quality of textbook
evaluation planning.
- identification of the finalized items for the evaluation of textbooks,
- and finally the evaluation of several textbooks is conducted

or we can use the other of procedures of textbook evaluation, such as :

 On page evaluation / Impressionistic approach

- What the textbook looks like.

- Identify strengths and weaknesses.

- Note significant features.

- Used for making shortlists or considering adopting a textbook a later date.

- No actual use in the classroom

 Material in use evaluation / In-depth approach

- Examine how it works in the classroom.

- Detect any problems that may occur

- Analyze specific aspects or sections

- Study whether the textbook relates to Ss’ needs, syllabus requirements, curriculum
philosophy, etc
According to McDonough, Shaw, and Mashuhara (2003:73), adaptation means
matching materials to the need of students, teachers and administration's purpose. Thus,
the textbook should be suitable for them.Adapting textbooks may involve making
changes to the text itself, supplementing the text, or giving students strategies to learn the
material in some other way. The ability to adapt common classroom materials such as
commercial textbooks is an essential for teaching in a diverse, inclusive classroom.
Alibakhshi (2007) describes textbook adaptation, reasons for adaptation,
objectives of adaptation and techniques for adaptation. He claims that the teacher or
instructor is not obliged to cover all the content of the textbook .Sometimes some parts
of the textbook are not appropriate for the teaching situation. He adds that now a day, the
process of textbook adaptation is left for language teachers. He mentioned some
objectives for material adaptation:
1.To eliminate the unnecessary content,
2.To consider individual differences,
3. To provide the content based on learning strategies and cognitive styles of
the learners.
4. To justify the content based on the learners‘ culture and values,
5. To establish challenges for the talent learners,
6. To accomplish the learners‘ interests and goals,
7. To maximize the learners‘ involvementin teaching process,
8. To reduce stress and anxiety on the part of the learners,

He further explains five useful techniques under the headline of techniques for
adaptation. They are:
1. Adding: It means to add necessary materials by expanding or extending to
contextualize the pattern.
2. Simplifying: It is rewording or paraphrasing the text with out damaging its
3. Deleting: Deleting refers to omission of some exercises quantitatively by
answering a proportion of it or qualitatively by omitting a tedious and boring exercise.
4. Reordering:It is the change in the order or sequence of materials, so that they are
more tangible and learnable for the learners.
5. Replacing: In this technique, the teacher replace some activities and exercises
in textbook with more appropriate ones.

Improve materials to suit the particular situation, and gve added life and impact.
Textbook adaptation leaving out some parts, like omitting a section. And then adding
materials like icluding other type of texts. Replacing material like substituting exercises.
And changing materials, reordering, reducing, or re-writing

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