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14 August 2019, ABT Office Conference Room

PRESENT: ABDM Presiding Officer


Due Date
The meeting was called to order at exactly 09:17 AM
1.1. Project Status Report
 IMA stated that the other party has not yet taken an action
regarding the Claim of Extended Prelims. IMA addressed FCC FCC
for a follow up letter for the claims.
 IMA reported that the Change Order No. 4 for Recon
(Php.507,809.18) shall offset in the Anticipated Deletion
(Php.353,104.19) as per Contract.
1.1.1. Status and Concerns on Balance of Works
 Offices
 IMA reported that turn over for this item shall be done after
installation of wooden baseboard, however the baseboard are
OSM and PMT is currently waiting for delivery. Due to the
need to vacate the premises by the end of August, PMT was
given permission to leave if the wooden baseboard doesn’t
come on time and other contractor would take over the
installation instead.
 Painting Works
 IMA reported the withdrawal of the subcon for painting works, RCL 16Aug’19
three of the subcon’s manpower stayed and PMT absorbed
them as admin and made their payment on daily basis. Due
to the withdrawal, the site is in need of painters as they have
a lot of remaining painting works. RCL agreed to look for
painters for the site.
 IMA raised the issue with peeling and bloating of paints along IMA 15Aug’19
the hallways. FGY suggested asking the supplier (BOYSEN)
to check it on site, to determine who’s at fault FODC or
 IMA reported the following briefly: done with Gate 1, Gate 2 is for
application of putty. Regarding reblocking of road, base course
was delivered yesterday but it’s not yet suitable to install due to
weather condition. Perimeter wall is ongoing, DLJ to transfer
location of their container van. Ponding near utility building is the
last remaining work and is on-going. Epoxy injection is done.
Leveling of soil, waiting for operation of MMIC.
 Plumbing materials IMA
 IMA reported that plumbing materials are needed by end of FE
August. ABDM clarified if these materials are available locally
and if so, can PMT take care of the procurement to expedite
the process. IMA told ABDM that some of it are not available
locally. ABDM instructed that for the materials that cannot be
sourced out in the area, HO will take care of those, but for the
rest, PMT is responsible to process its procurement and
 Issue with Sealant Application for Exterior Zocallo
 IMA reported that the BOSTICK sealant applied between the
PU Wall Panels and Zocallo failed. They also tried LANCO IMA 15Aug’19
and it failed too.
 RCL and FGY suggested that before applying sealant
between the gaps, they should fill it first with cement then
apply the sealant on top of cement. FGY instructed to look for
sealant used in car windshields for a cheaper alternative. IMA
 Meralco
 IMA reported that the inauguration is scheduled by end of CHM 19Aug’19
August, and will process the disconnection.
 IMA asked for a Secretary Certificate authorizing that they will
be the one to process the disconnection.
 Regarding the security deposit, ABDM cleared with IMA that
IMA 16Aug’19
as per contract, it is 100% refundable.
 IMA reported that JAKKA will use the temporary connection
for 1 to 2 months, they don’t intend to change account name
though they will be the one to pay it after FODC is done with
the project. ABDM instructed IMA to write JAKKA a letter
about this for documentation.
1.2. Other Matters
 ABDM informed IMA that she will be transferred to S-UMMO
project on the first week of September to assist ARVIN.
 Regarding office structure, ABDM instructed to leave the
structure behind by the end of August as it would cost more time,
effort, and money if we shoulder its dismantling. RCL added to
leave the aircon as well.
73.1. Project Status Report
73.1.1. Status and Concerns on Balance of Works
 Deductive – Wall at Stair 3 and Stair 4
 JAA informed that EELHI asked verbally for a deductive cost
for the wall at stair 3 and 4 because as per EELHI, PMT failed
to construct it. She discussed that it was reflected on the PMT
elevations on both construction and bid plans, but it doesn’t
have a marking, schedule, and details. FGY added that they 15Sep’19
assumed that it was just a drafting mistake. Furthermore, the
other party did not send out a formal letter regarding this.
 FOD and ABDM agreed to not construct it with the given
circumstances and instructed PMT that if ever EELHI send
out a letter, they should reply with conviction as to why FODC
should not comply with their request. JUN
 Site Development – Retaining Wall & Concrete Pavement
 JAA presented the site development plan and pointed out the
scope of FODC’s site development work. SLU verified that
the extent of this scope is all hardscapes only.
 ABDM questioned PMT when is the start of concreting for the
site development. FGY informed that they cannot move due LPA
to other contractors’ container vans occupying the work area, CHM
their schedule to vacate the area is this August and PMT will
start after they do so. PMT
 CAP reported that according to EELHI, the retaining wall in
Santol St. will be changed into curb stone in thickened slab.
CAP added that this would be recorded as additive/deductive. FERDIE
 FOD instructed to finish all site development works that can
be done, and for the items that cannot be done due to other
contractor’s liability PMT would file it as deductive.
73.1.2. Project Control Report
 Change Orders
 JAA presented the change orders

73.2. Other Matters

 Time Extension
 JAA reported that there’s still no final verdict on the time
extension, they haven’t received an initial response yet.
 ABDM instructed to not follow up, and to take it as good as JUN
approved. FOD added to use in the letter “we consider it as it
is, and approved”.
 Notice of work stoppage letter.
 JAA presented the re-drafted letter as per FOD’s comment to
tone it down.









SONNY 17Aug’19



196. S-UMMO Project

196.1. Critical Items
196.1.1. Roofing
 Wall Rib Type, Insulation, Trims, & Flashing
 RICK informed that the supposed delivery date is on August
9, but until now there’s no delivery made.
 ABDM mentioned that the Insulation, Trims, Flashing, and
Wall Rib Type would be coming from Vietnam care of BMB
Steel. While the rest of the materials would be locally sourced
out. On Tuesday there would be a meeting with BMB Steel
and will finalize the shipment schedule for the items coming
from Vietnam. RICK
 RCL advised RICK to create PRFs for the equipment as early
as now.
 Stainless Steel Gutter PMT
 This will be done by DN STEEL. ABDM asked to prepare PO
and to settle amounts to be paid. FOD added to expedite
Gutter and Gutter Supports. CORPO
 Regarding gutter support materials, ABDM informed CHITO
that Corporate Office will handle procurement and delivery,
while PMT is in charge of fabrication and installation.
 Downspout
 ABDM clarified if the location for downspout is already
prepared and if the materials are already prepared for this
item. RCL confirmed this.
 Issue with BMB Steel
 ABDM mentioned that they want to back out and if they back
out now, it’s going to be a bigger problem for FODC. As
measures, ABDM tasked Corporate to settle the down
payment so that even if they did back out, we complied with
the commitment; comply with the down payment as per PO, PMT
so we could push them for shipping of trims and flashings.
 ABDM asked for measures if BMB Steel really backed out.
FOD told the body to look for a local contractor who has a
seaming machine as a backup plan. CHITO
 Issues with fabrication of Gutter Supports
 RICK reported that the subcon operates only from 10am to
4pm and has an inconsistent number of manpower every day
which makes the fabrication quite slow. FOD tasked CHITO
to learn how to operate the machine so that if BMB is not CHITO 10Aug’19
around, FODC can take over their works to expedite
 FOD ordered to source out and buy local materials today, and
take over fabrication as soon as possible. RCL suggested JB LPA
Steel in Calamba.
196.1.2. Catwalk
 Regarding status of catwalk materials, FE advised that it is CORPO
already ordered and for issuance of check (Regal). ABDM tasked
LPA to take care of PDC from Regal so they could issue a check.
 CHITO raised that for the installation of Catwalk they would need
Scissor Leaf.
196.1.3. Slab on Grade
 RICK raised the issue with Filipino Metals – remaining delivery of
steel. FCC advised that they would take care of the check
196.1.4. Doors, Windows, & Louvers
 Regarding Aluminium Frame, RICK relayed that as per the
structural engineer (signed), the exterior windows can be carried
by the aluminium frame.
196.1.5. Insulated Panels FCC
 RICK informed that the schedule of the delivery of materials is LPA
August 16. It was delayed due to Port of Manila.
196.1.6. MEPF
 ABDM asked LPA and FCC for Long Lead Items and instructed
them to coordinate it with FOD.
 FCC mentioned that Fujihaya needs check to be issued.

No other matters discussed. Meeting ended at 11:11 AM.

Prepared by: BOS Checked by:

Approved by:


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