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ALJABAR LINIER 2 18H01120403 Matakuliah Umum 3 3 10-Nov-18
Dosen Pengembang RPS Koordinator RMK Ketua Program studi
Dra. Nur Erawaty, M. Si Prof. Dr. Amir Kamal Amir, M.Sc. Prof. Dr. Amir Kamal Amir, M.Sc.
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Prodi/CPL-Prodi (Intended Learning Outcomes/ILO of Undergraduate Program in Mathematics/UPiM )
Knowledge (K):

ILO-1 Students have relatively deep understanding in basic pure mathematics and simple applied mathematics. (Mathematical Understanding )

ILO-2 Students are able to identify objects, techniques and theorems in fundamental mathematics, and making a connection for solving problems.
(Mathematical Procedure )
Ability (A):

ILO-3 Students are able to analyse mathematical problems in a logical manner, analytical, and systematically structure. (Mathematical Logic )

ILO-4 Students are able to use their sufficiently mathematical critical thinking for abstraction and generalization of a mathematical problem. (Mathematical
Abstraction )
Competence (C):

ILO-5 Students are able to construct mathematical modelling with relatively new ideas and present the results clearly orally and in writing. (Mathematical
Creativity )
ILO-6 Students are able to apply mathematical method for solving a mathematical related-problem with or without the aid of computer and software.
(Mathematical Skill )
ILO-7 Students are able to demonstrate mathematical skills including connecting problem, solving problems, interpretation, and communicating individually or
Capaian by teamwork. (Mathematical Communication )
Pembelajaran Mata Social (S):
Kuliah (Course
Outcomes) ILO-8 Students have integrity that highly values the supreme divinity, social responsibility, and professional ethics. (Profesional Attitude )

ILO-9 Students are able to adapt and develop self-abilities, both in mathematics and other relevant areas of science in their professional life. (Self-
Development and Long Life Learning )
CPL-Prodi yang dibebankan pada Mata Kuliah ini (ILO of UPiM for this Course )
ILO-3 Students are able to analyse mathematical problems in a logical manner, analytical, and systematically structure. (Mathematical Logic )

ILO-4 Students are able to use their sufficiently mathematical critical thinking for abstraction and generalization of a mathematical problem. (Mathematical
Abstraction )
ILO-9 Students are able to adapt and develop self-abilities, both in mathematics and other relevant areas of science in their professional life. (Self-
Development and Long Life Learning )
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah/CP-MK (Course Outcomes/CO )

CO 1
Students will be able to use concept diagonalizable and linear transformation in solve linear algebra problem.

CO 2 Students will be able to apply theorem to prove statements in linear algebra.

CO 3 Students will be able to communicate linear algebra ideas in both orally and in writing with group.

Deskripsi Menilai Sistem Persamaan Linear (termasuk matriks dan determinan), Ruang Vektor (termasuk basis, dimensi, nullity,rank), nilai dan vektor Eigen, hasil kali dalam,
Matakuliah solusi kuadratik terkecil, diagonisasi ortogonal dan Transformasi Linier termasuk invers dan isomorfisma.
Assessing Linear Equation Systems (including matrices and determinants), Vector Spaces (including bases, dimensions, nullity, rank), Eigenvalue and
Course Descriptions vectors, Inner product results, Smallest quadratic solutions, orthogonal diagonalisation and Linear Transformation including inverses and
1. Ruang hasil kali dalam ( Inner product space)
2. Komplemen Orthogonal (orthogonal complement)
3. Proses Gram-Schmidt (Gram-Schmidt Process)
4. Kuadrat Terkecil (Least Square)
5. Perubahan Basis (Change of Basis )
Materi 6. Diagonalisasi secara Orthogonal(Orthogonal Diagonalization)
Pembelajaran 7. Multiplisitas Geometri dan Aljabar (Geometri and Algebra Multiplicity)
/Pokok Bahasan
(Contents ) 8. Transformasi Linier Linear Transformation)
9. Kernel dan Range (Kernel and Range)
10. Invers Transformasi Linier (Invers Linear Transformations)
11. Matriks Transformasi Linier (Matrices of Linear Transformation)
12. Similaritas (Similarity)
13. Isomorfisma (Isomorfism)


(References )
1. Karim M. Abadir, Jan R. Magnus, 2005. Matrix Algebra, Cambridge University Press.

2. Horward Anton, Chris Rorres, 2005. Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version, Edisi 9, John Wiley & Sons.
(References ) 3. Seymour Lipschutz, Marc L. Lipson, 2004. Schaum’s Outline of Linear Algebra, Edisi 3, McGraw-Hill.


Bahan ajar di SikolaUNHAS

Media Perangkat Lunak: Perangkat Keras:
(Media employed ) LMS LCD Projector, Whiteboard

Tim Pengajaran
Prof. Dr. Amir Kamal Amir, M.Sc., Jusmawati, S. Si., DR. Nurdin, M. Si., Dra. Nur Erawaty, M. Si.

Mata kuliah syarat

(Recommended Aljabar Linier 1
prerequisites )
Mi Metode Pembelajaran
Sub CP-MK Penilaian t
ngg [estimasi waktu]
Materi Pembelajaran [sub materi] Penil
u (Kemampuan akhir yang Kriteria dan Bentuk
Indikator Luring Daring aian
ke- diharapkan) Penilaian
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Kejelasan capaian pembelajaran atau

Mahasiswa memahami Kontrak
kompetensi yang diinginkan. Bahan
perkuliahan. Mhs mampu memilih Kriteria : Lecturing [TM:
vektor-vektor basis satuan di dalam Ketepatan menjelaskan beberapa Ajar di
aksioma hasil kali dalam dan mampu Ketepatan pemahaman 2x2x50] Kontrak Kuliah, Strategi rencana
RHKD yang saling Sikola
membedakan hasil kali dalam atau yang pembelajaran. Definisi dan sifat hasil kali
ortogonal,merumuskan jarak
1 bukan. dalam, panjang /norm, jarak, besar sudut -
antara dua vektor dan proyeksi
antara dua vektor dan sifat orthogonal
suatu vektor ke suatu subruang,
dalam RH-KD,
baik secara geometri(di ruang Rn)
atau pun berdasarkan definisi [TM: 1x50]
aksiomatik di ruang vektor umum
Students understand the lecture
contract. Students are able to
Lecturing [TM:
choose unit base vectors in inner Lecture Contracts, Learning Plan
Clarity of learning outcomes or desired 2x2x50] Instructi
product space that are orthogonal, Strategies. Definition and nature of the
competencies. Criteria: onal
formulating the distance between results in, length / norm, distance,
Accuracy explains some of the results of Accuracy of Material
two vectors and projecting a vector magnitude between two vectors and
deep axioms and is able to differentiate understanding s at
to a subspace, either geometrically orthogonal properties in inner product
results in or not. Sikola
(in Rn space) or based on axiomatic [TM: 1x50] space.
definitions in the common vector

Mampu menerapkan ketaksamaan Kriteria:

Keakuratan menghitung panjang vector, Ketepatan contoh dan Lecturing, CL Pertaksamaan Cauchy-Schwarz, sifat-sifat
Cauchy Schwarz, menghitung
jarak dan sudut antara dua vector, pembuktian panjang dan jarak, sudut antara 2 vektor,
panjang vektor, menghitung jarak
menentukan komplemen orthogonal generalisasi dalil Pythagoras, vector yang
dan sudut antara dua vector,
subruang Wdan aplikasi konsep ortogonal terhadap subruang W, ruang
2 menentukan ruang ortogonal dan 5
komplemen ortogonal pada ruang nol komplemen ortogonal, hubungan antara
komplemen ortogonal dari suatu
dan ruang baris matriks, keakuratan Bentuk non-test: ruang baris dg ruang nol matriks A (atau
ruang vector, mampu mencari
menerapkan Cauchy-Schwarz untuk Short answer question, [TM: 2x2x50] LMS ruang kolom dg ruang nol matriks AT)
sebuah basis untuk komplemen
membuktikan ketaksamaan segitiga Individual Home work saling komplemen ortogonal

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, properties of

Being able to apply Cauchy Schwarz Accuracy calculates vector length, Criteria:
length and distance, angles between 2
inequality, calculating vector distance and angle between two vectors, Accuracy of examples Lecturing, CL
vectors, generalization of Pythagorean
length, calculating distance and determines orthogonal complement sub and proofs
propositions, vector orthogonal to
angle between two vectors, space W and application of orthogonal
LMS subspace W, orthogonal complement
determining orthogonal space and complement concepts to zero space and
space, relationship between row space
orthogonal complement of a vector matrix row space, accuracy applies Non-test form:
with zero space matrix A (or column
space, able to find a basis for Cauchy-Schwarz to prove triangular Short answer question, [TM: 2x2x50]
space with zero space matrix AT ) mutual
orthogonal complements inequality Individual Home work
orthogonal complement

Mampu mencari basis ortogonal Ketepatan pemahaman Lecturing Basis ortonormal, dekomposisi-QR,
Keakuratan mengerjakan proses Gram- dan contoh
atau ortonormal dengan proses vektor koordinat relatif thd basis
Schmidt, keakuratan menentukan
3 Gram-Schmidt, mampu Bentuk non-test: ortogonal atau ortonormal, projeksi 5
projeksi suatu vektor ke salah satu [TM:2x2x50]
menetapkan projeksi vektor ke Short answer question, ortogonal vektor u di V pada subruang W
salah satu subruang. < V, proses Gram-Schmidt,
Small Group
Rubrik diskusi
Accuracy of Lecturing
understanding and Orthonormal basis, QR-decomposition,
Being able to search orthogonal or
Accuracy working on the Gram-Schmidt relative coordinate vector on orthogonal
orthonormal bases with the Gram- Bentuk non-test:
process, accuracy determines the [TM:2x2x50] or orthonormal bases, orthogonal
Schmidt process, able to assign Short answer question,
projections of a vector to one subspace. projection vector u in V in W <V
vector projections to one subspace.
Small Group subspace, Gram-Schmidt process,
Discussion Rubric

Mampu menyatakan Teorema Kriteria: Ketepatan Lecturing [TM:

Pendekatan kuadrat terkecil, projeksi
Pendekatan Terbaik, mampu Keakuratan mencari basis projeksi pembuktian dan contoh 2x2x50]
ortogonal subruang W pada V dan
mencari solusi kuadrat terkecil dari orthogonal dan projeksi vektor pada
4 matriks bakunya, projeksi x pada ruang 5
sistem normal dan syarat subruang, keakuratan dan kecepatan
kolom matriks, solusi kuadrat terkecil
perlu/cukup ketunggalan solusi mencari solusi kuadrat terkecil
dari sistem normal
tersebut. Bentuk test: Kuiz. [TM: 1x50]
Able to declare the Best Approach Accuracy of proof and
The least squares approach, orthogonal
Theorem, able to find the least Accuracy seeks the basis of orthogonal example
projections sub space W on V and the
squares solution of a normal projections and vector projections in
standard matrix, projection x on the
system and the necessary / subspace, accuracy and speed of finding
matrix column space, the least squares
sufficiently unified requirements of the least squares solution
solution of the normal system
the solution.

Kriteria: Ketepatan
CL [TM: 2x2x50]
Mampu menggunakan matriks pembuktian dan contoh
transisi P untuk mencari kordinat Keakuratan mencari matriks transisi P, Perubahan basis, koordinat baris (v)B dari
baru/lama dari setiap vektor mencari koordinat baru dari koordinat vektor v relatif terhadap basis B,
5 5
sebagai solusi dari SPL P[v]B’ = [v]B lama (atau sebaliknya) sebagai akibat koordinat kolom [v]B, matriks transisi P
perubahan basis. dari basis B’ ke B
perubahan basis dari B ke B’. Bentuk non-test: Tugas Small Group
Kelompok Discussion

Accuracy of proof and CL [TM: 2x2x50]
Able to use the transition matrix P example
to find the new / old coordinates of Accuracy looks for the transition matrix P, Base change,row coordinate (v) B of
each vector as a solution of linear looking for new coordinates from the old Non-test form: Small Group vector v relative to basis B, column
equation system P [v] B '= [v] B coordinates (or vice versa) as a result of Group assignments Discussion coordinate [v] B, transition matrix P from
after the base changes from B to B changes in the basis. basis B 'to B
Able to use the transition matrix P
to find the new / old coordinates of Accuracy looks for the transition matrix P, Base change,row coordinate (v) B of
each vector as a solution of linear looking for new coordinates from the old vector v relative to basis B, column
equation system P [v] B '= [v] B coordinates (or vice versa) as a result of coordinate [v] B, transition matrix P from
after the base changes from B to B changes in the basis. basis B 'to B

Mampu mendefinisikan dan

Keakuratan member contoh dan
memberi contoh matriks . Mampu Kriteria: Ketepatan Matriks ortogonal sebagai operator
penjelasan matriks ortogonal sebagai CL [TM: 2x2x50]
mencari satu basis ruang eigen, penghitungan linear, sebagai matriks transisi perubahan
operator linear dan sebagai matriks
mampu membuktikan syarat/perlu basis ortonormal ke basis ortonormal
transisi perubahan basis ortonormal ke
cukup terdiagonalnya suatu matriks yang lain. Review nilai dan vektor eigen
6 basis ortonormal yang lain. Keakuratan Sikola dari matriks, basis ruang eigen, nilai eigen 5
persegiortogonal, mampu
mencari sebuah basis dari salah satu
menjelaskan matriks ortogonal nol dan keterbalikan matriks persegi,
ruang eigen, keakuratan pembuktian
sebagai operator linear dan syarat perlu cukup terdiagonalnya suatu
syarat/perlu cukup agar suatu matriks Bentuk test: Kuiz.
hubungannya dengan basis matriks.
persegi terdiagonal.

Criteria: Colaborative
Able to define and give examples of The accuracy of member examples and Accuracy of calculation Learning The orthogonal matrix is a linear
matrices. Being able to search for orthogonal matrix explanations as linear operator, as a matrix of transitioning
an eigenvalue basis, being able to operators and as a transition matrix for from an orthonormal base to another
prove the conditions / need to be orthonormal base changes to other orthonormal base. Review the eigenvalue
sufficiently diagonalized is a orthonormal bases. Accuracy searches for Test form: Quiz. Sikola and vector of the matrix, the eigenvalue
orthogonal square matrix, able to a base from one of the eigen spaces, the base, the zero eigenvalue and the inverse
explain orthogonal matrices as accuracy of proving the terms / of the square matrix, the requirements
linear operators and their conditions is sufficient so that a square need to be sufficiently diagonal to a
relationship to orthonormal bases matrix is diagonal. matrix.

Jika diberikan matriks terdiagonal Kriteria: Ketepatan Lecturing, CL

A, mampu mencari matriks transisi Keakuratan mendiagonalkan matriks, pembuktian dan contoh [TM: 2x2x50]
P agar matriks P-1AP diagonal, keakuratan menentukan multiplisitas
mampu menentukan multiplisitas aljabar dan multiplisitas geometri serta Matriks transisi yang mendiagonalkan
aljabar dan multiplisitas geometri keakuratan menyimpulkan hasil matriks lain, multiplisitas aljabar dan
individual HOME WORK Sikola\
dari suatu matriks. Mampu perhitungan kedua multiplisitas ini. multiplisitas geometri. Syarat
7 5
menyatakan syarat perlu cukup Keakuratan pembuktian pernyataan- perlu/cukup sebuah matriks terdiagonal
suatu matriks terdiagonal, mampu pernyataan yang ekuivalen dengan ortogonal, nilai dan vektor eigen matriks
menurunkan kesimpulan umum pernyataan ‘A adalah matriks simetri’, simetri, diagonalisasi matriks simetri.
tentang nilai dan vektor eigen keakuratan mendiagonalkan matriks
matriks simetri, mampu simetri.
mendiagonalkan matriks simetri.
If given a diagonal matrix A, able to
find the transition matrix P so that
Accuracy diagonalizes matrices, accuracy Criteria:
the P-1AP matrix is diagonal, able Lecturing, CL
determines algebraic multiplicity and Accuracy of proof and Sikola Transition matrices that diagonalize
to determine the algebraic [TM: 2x2x50]
geometric multiplicity and accuracy example other matrices, algebraic multiplicity and
multiplicity and geometric
concludes the results of these two geometric multiplicity. The necessary /
multiplicity of a matrix. Being able
multiplicity calculations. The accuracy of sufficient requirement is an orthogonal
to declare a condition needs to be
proof statements is equivalent to the diagonal matrix, the value and
sufficiently a diagonal matrix, able
statement ‘A is the symmetry matrix ', eigenvectors of the symmetry matrix, the
to derive general conclusions about
accuracy diagonalizes the symmetry individual HOME WORK diagonalisation of the symmetry matrix.
the value and eigenvector of the
symmetry matrix, able to
diagonalize the symmetry matrix.

8 Evaluasi Tengah Semester melalui Ujian Tengah Semester 20

Mid-Semester Evaluation through Middle Semester Exams

9 Mampu memberi contoh suatu Keakuratan memberi contoh pemetaan Definisi umum transformasi linear,
Kriteria: Ketepatan
pemetaan adalah (atau bukan) (atau tidak) linear dan merumuskan CI matriks transformasi linear, SPL Ax = b
pembuktian dan contoh
transformasi linear, mampu transformasi linear dari peta vektor- sebagai transformasi linear, diagram
merumuskan transformasi linear vektor basis, keakuratan pembuktian [TM: 2x2x50] komutatif transformasi linear T: U -> V
dari peta vektor-vektor basis, suatu pemetaan adalah (atau bukan) ketika diubah menjadi T’: Rm-> Rn,
mampu membuktikan bahwa transformasi linear, pembuktian sifat- perubahan vektor umum menjadi vektor
penentuan koordinat suatu vektor sifat transformasi linear koordinat sbg transformasi linear.
adalah transformasi linear.
Bentuk non-test: Short
answer question,

Being able to give an example of a Accuracy gives an example of (or not) The general definition of linear
Criteria: Accuracy of
mapping is (or not) a linear linear mapping and formulates a linear CI transformations, linear transformation
proof and example
transformation, able to form a transformation from a map of base matrices, linear equation system Ax = b
linear transformation from a map vectors, the accuracy of proof of a [TM: 2x2x50] as linear transformations, commutative
of basis vectors, able to prove that mapping is (or not) a linear diagrams linear transformations T: U -> V
the determination of the transformation, proof of the properties of when converted to T ': Rm-> Rn, changes
coordinates of a vector is a linear linear transformation in common vectors into vector
Non-test form: Short
transformation. PBL coordinates as linear transformations.
answer question
10 Mampu memberi contoh dan Keakuratan dan kecepatan mencari Kriteria: Ketepatan CL [TM: 2x1x50] Kernel dan daerah jangkauan
menentukan kernel dan daerah kernel dan daerah jangkauan contoh dan pembuktian transformasi linear serta sifat-sifat-nya,
jangkauan pemetaan linear, transformasi linear, keakuratan rank dan nolitas transformasi linear,
mampu menentukan rank dan mengaplikasikan rumus n = rank + nolitas, transformasi linear yang 1-1, yang 4
nolitas pemetaan linear, mampu keakuratan membuktikan suatu transf mempunyai balikan,
menentukan suatu transf linear 1-1 linear 1-1 atau bahkan memiliki balikan
atau memiliki balikan
10 Mampu memberi contoh dan Keakuratan dan kecepatan mencari Kernel dan daerah jangkauan
menentukan kernel dan daerah kernel dan daerah jangkauan transformasi linear serta sifat-sifat-nya,
jangkauan pemetaan linear, transformasi linear, keakuratan rank dan nolitas transformasi linear,
mampu menentukan rank dan mengaplikasikan rumus n = rank + nolitas, Sikola transformasi linear yang 1-1, yang 4
nolitas pemetaan linear, mampu keakuratan membuktikan suatu transf mempunyai balikan,
menentukan suatu transf linear 1-1 linear 1-1 atau bahkan memiliki balikan Tugas Mandiri
atau memiliki balikan

Able to set an example and The accuracy and speed of searching the Criteria: Accuracy of Colaborative The kernel and the range of linear
determine the kernel and linear kernel and the linear transformation examples and proofs Learning transformation range and its properties,
mapping range, able to determine range, the accuracy of applying the Sikola rank and linear transformation nullity, a 1-
the rank and zero linear mapping, formula n = rank + nullity, accuracy 1 linear transformation, which has
Independent task [TM: 2x1x50] inverse,
able to determine a linear transf 1- proves a 1-1 linear transf or even has a
1 or have a return return
11 Ketepatan menghitung invers operator Kriteria: Lecturing, CL Kriteria satu-satu, pada, invers dari
Mampu menjelaskan beberapa sifat linier dan mampu mengaplikasikan sifat- [TM: 2x2x50] transformasi linier.
Ketepatan penghitungan
operator linier yang memiliki invers sifat invers transformasi linier dalam 4
dan contohnya. pembuktian. Bentuk non-test:
Tugas kelompok Sikola
Criteria: Criteria one on one, on, inverse of linear
The accuracy of calculating inverse linear Accuracy of calculation transformation.
Able to explain some properties of
operators and being able to apply inverse Lecturing, CL
linear operators that have inverses
properties of linear transformations in Non-test form: [TM: 2x2x50]
and examples.
proof. Group assignments

12 Mampu menggambarkan dan Keakuratan dan kecepatan membuat Kriteria: CI Matriks transformasi (operator) linier
menjelaskan diagram komutatif diagram komutatif, keakuratan dan Ketepatan secara umum, relatif terhadap basis
transformasi (atau operator) linear ketepatan melakukan verifikasi rumus- [TM: 2x2x50] Sikola tertentu dan diagram komutatifnya.
menyelesaikan soal 4
umum dan memberi contoh. rumus yang terkait dengan diagram Bentuk test:
komutatif tersebut.
Soal Essay [TM: 1x1x50]
Able to describe and explain The accuracy and speed of making CI Linear transformation (operator)
general linear commutative commutative diagrams, the accuracy of The accuracy of the [TM: 2x2x50] Sikola matrices in general, relative to certain
diagrams (or operators) and give verifying the formulas associated with the matter solves bases and commutative diagrams.
Test form: Essay [TM: 1x1x50]
examples. commutative diagram.

13 Mampu menerapkan konsep Keakuratan memberi contoh-contoh Kriteria: Ketepatan Definisi similaritas dan beberapa sifatnya.
CL [TM: 2x50]
similaritas dan sifat-sifatnya dalam entitas atau sifat yang invariant contoh dan pembuktian Sifat invariant similaritas.
masalah yang terkait. keserupaan dari matriks terhadap Sikola 5
perubahan basis
Bentuk test: Soal Essay [TM: 1x1x50]
Able to apply the concept of Accuracy gives examples of entities or Criteria: Accuracy of Definition of similarity and some of its
CL [TM: 2x50]
similarity and its properties in properties that invariably resemble the examples and proofs properties. Invariant similarity
related problems. similarities of matrices to changes in Sikola properties.
bases Test form: Essay [TM: 1x1x50]

14 Mampu merumuskan dan Keakuratan merumuskan dan Kriteria: Ketepatan CL, PBL Isomorfisma antara setiap dua ruang
membuktikan isomorfisma antara membuktikan isomorfisma antara dua contoh dan pembuktian [TM:2x2x50] vektor real berdimensi n dan dengan
dua ruang vektor ruang vektor ruang vektor Euclid Rn 4
Bentuk non-test:
individual home work Sikola
Able to formulate and prove Accuracy formulates and proves Kriteria: Ketepatan Isomorphism between every two
isomorphism between two vector isomorphism between two vector spaces contoh dan pembuktian dimensional vector spaces n and with
spaces Non-test form CL, PBL Euclid vector space
individual home work [TM:2x2x50]

15 Mhs mampu menjelaskan beberapa keakuratan konsep, pembuktian mau pun Kriteria: Beberapa pokok bahasan dipilih untuk
konsep Aljabar linier dan contoh yang diberikan. Kejelasan konsep yang Diskusi dan dipresentasikan oleh mahasiswa secara
menerapkannya dalam dipresentasikn, baik presentasi individual.
pemasalahan yang terkait. Sikola
definisi, contoh dan sifat- 5
Bentuk non-test:

Students are able to explain several the accuracy of the concept, proof and Kriteria: Clarity of the Some subjects are chosen to be
linear Algebraic concepts and apply example given. concepts presented, Discussion and presented by students individually.
them in related problems. Sikola
both definitions, presentation
examples and
Non-test form:

16 Evaluasi Akhir Semester melalui Ujian Akhir Semester 20

Final Semester Evaluation through Final Semester Examination


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