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Approaches to Teaching

Skills:Teaching Strategies
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Discuss the different teaching strategies available to the nurse
• Identify different traditional teaching strategies;
• Discuss activity-based teaching strategies;
• Explain the different computer teaching strategies , distance
learning , and clinical teaching;
• Identify various guidelines in teaching psychomotor skills.
Traditional Teaching
1. Lecturing
2. Discussion
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
3. Question & Answer Technique
7 Types of Questions:
• Factual
• Probing
• Multiple Choice
• Open-ended
• Discussion-Stimulating
• Questions that Guide the Problem-Solving
• Rhetorica
4. Use Audiovisual Aids
Types of Traditional Audiovisuals include:
• Handouts or Printed Materials
• Chalkboard or Whiteboards
• Overhead Transparency
• PowerPoint Slides
• Videotapes
Activity- Based
Teaching Strategies
1. Cooperative Learning
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
2. Writing to Learn
3. Concept Mapping
4. Debate
5. Simulations
4 Types
• Simulation Exercise
• Simulation Game
• Role-Playing
• Case Study
6. Problem-Based Learning
• Differences between Problem-Based Learning and
7. Self-Learning Modules
Teaching Strategies
1. Computer Assisted Instructions
2. Internet
3. Virtual Reality
Distance Learning
Distance Learning
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
Clinical Teaching
Clinical Teaching
The educator should do the following:
• Assess learning needs of students by pre-testing for incoming knowledge.
• Develop learning experiences based on desired results.
• Implement teaching strategies to meet learning needs
• Post-test students for outcome knowledge in planning for clinical teaching, the following steps should be taken
into consideration:
1. Diagnose students needs , interest , and abilities.
2. Set objectives and select content.
3. Prepare areas for learning and select appropriate teaching strategies.
4. Plan instructional units and make lesson plans
5. Motivate students in guided learning activities
6. Tasks that relate to plans focus on measuring , evaluating , grading and reporting student’s performance and
7. Put up plans for follow-up
1. Related Learning Experience
(RLE) Laboratory
2. Models of Clinical Teaching

a. Traditional Model
Models of Clinical Teaching

b. Faculty – Directed Independent

Experience Model
Models of Clinical Teaching
c. Colaborative Model
3 Ways:
• Clinical Teaching Associates (CTA) Model
• Clinical Teaching Partner (CTP) Model
Clinical Educator/ Paired Model
Models of Clinical Teaching

d. Preceptor Model
Psychomotor Skills
Other Teaching
Other Teaching Strategies
• Peer Review Assignments • Exercise in
• Informal Socializing Communication
• Students Presentations • Brainstorming
• Structure Seminar • Real World References
• Public Tutorial • Guest Lecturers
• Reflective Journals • Authentic Tasks
• Peer Learning Groups • Socratic Dialogue
• Role Playing • Small groupwork on
• Previous Discussions comparative Learning
• Special Interest Groups
Classroom Management
• Principles

• Tan,C.B.(2017).The Nurse as Health Educator:Concepts:,Principles and Strategies in

Teaching.(2nd ed.).Manila:Educational Publishing House.
• Benes,S.(2016).The Essentials of Teaching Health Education: Curriculum,Instruction, and
Assessment.Champaign,IL: Human Kineticss
• Estrada,C.C.(2019).Teaching Strategies in Health Education with Privilages of Teaching
and learning.(1st ed.).Philippines:Giuani Print House.
• Sharma,M.,Romas,J.A.,(2015).Theoretical Foundations of Health Education and Health
Promotion.(2nd ed.).Sudbury,MA:Jones Bartlett Learning.
Thank you for listening!!!

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