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A Bible concordance is a concordance, or verbal index, to the Bible. A simple form lists Biblical
words alphabetically, with indications to enable the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible
where the words occur.

A Bible dictionary is a reference work containing encyclopedic entries related to the Bible,

typically concerning people, places, customs, doctrine and Biblical criticism.

Bible Handbook Intended to help readers understand the place of the Bible in Catholic
tradition, the history of the Bible, biblical interpretation, and the use of the Bible in prayer. This
handbook is invaluable for preparing Sunday Lectionary readings and includes a suggested plan
for reading the Bible, a chart of New Testament parables, and much more.

Atlas is a book on the geography, civilizations and cartography of the Holy Land. It describes the
movements of biblical characters, trade routes and battles. 

Bible Commentary - Offer the insights of one who has deeply studied the text.

Assignment #1.2 Bible Exegesis Exercise:

1. Mark 3:34 -35

A. Exegesis

B. Eisegesis

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