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Luis Avila-Alvarez

Scientific Validity Assignment

Bio: 110

Product: Sensa Weight Loss-Product.

I. Claims: In the video advertisement claims made were that it was the largest study of its
kind to be ever conducted in the U.S. 1400 hundred people lost an average of 30 ½
pounds using Sensa. It also begins with stating that diets are hard to grasp the audience's
attention. It states that all you have to do is shake, eat and lose weight. The video
advertisement ends by asking them to join the revolution. On the other hand the flyer
advertisement states that the product is clinically proven to be effective. It also states that
you’d be able to get a gym body without actually going to the gym. It finally states that
there is one-hundred percent satisfaction with their product.
A. There was no control group presented in the advertisements for this product in either
B. The importance of having control groups in experiments is important because scientists
must be able to provide the efficiency of the product by testing it on two groups: those
who received the product and those who didn’t. This allows for researchers to confirm
that the results are due to testing it.
A. In the study we are told that there are 1,400 users.
B. It is important to have as many subjects in an experiment because we are able to have a
broad amount of data which can better tell us how we can improve the product. It is also
important to see the similarities and differences between the data received.
A. There were no specific groups assigned in the experiment.
B. When an experiment is conducted to prove efficiency it’s important to be able to have
separate data that will further prove the effectiveness of the product. For example, having
a group that received the product and a group that didn’t receive the product.
A. Sensa promotes weight loss through portion control but doesn’t state specifics.
B. It’s important for the validity of the results of an experiment for variables to be controlled
because it makes the experiment fair. By having controlled variables we are able to
identify the effect the independent variable will have on the original experiment.
A. Yes, they are presented in the video advertisement and in the flyer advertisement as well.
B. It is important to provide results of the investigation to make your claims much more
credible as a result of having data presented to the audience. Also, having concrete data is
important to be able to tell if your research was worth it.
A. No, I don’t think that there is sufficient information given to be able to conduct this
experiment that lacks a lot of information.
B. Providing enough information is vital to being able to claim scientific or even clinical
proven claims. If there is enough information that proves the claims made then the
experiment is effective but if there isn’t then it makes it hard to believe it actually works.
A. No, the data is not statistically analyzed although it informs us about the amount of
weighloss from the testers it doesn’t offer their previous weight.
B. It is important for data to be statistically analyzed to be able to have concrete data of
progress made in the experiment. For example, we must be able to analyze before and
after data.
A. Yes, there are testimonials presented in the video advertisement.
B. The weakness of the tested testimonials is that they never showed a before and after they
began to take “Sensa” and their prior weight was not mentioned to strongly be able to
support the data.
A. Some questions that I would like to ask the author of this are: what ingredients does it
have?, Does the amount you take vary depending on your weight?
B. The role of peer reviewin science helps reassur ethat the data published is meaningful and
accurate before drawing full conclusions of the experiment.
I believe that the claims that are made in this advertisement are not scientifically valid nor are
they clinically proven like they say that they are. There is insufficient evidence and data meaning
that when there is insufficient evidence we reject the null hypothesis or in this case reject the
claims made by this advertisement. Specifically on the claim that says, “Get a gym body without
going to the gym”. There is no type of evidence to support this claim nor is there a data
comparison from before and after taking the product. The video advertisement never backs up a
clinically proven claim. Overall, this product is an invalid one with false claims. If we continue
to read about this product we see the FTC actually filed a lawsuit against it’s false claims,
Video AD:
Join the revolution to shake, eat and lose weight. It's that easy! In a study, 1,400
users lost an average of 30.5 pounds.

Flyer AD

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