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International Holidays Global Education

Objective: Students will recognize the connectedness and similarity of
people through the common symbol, the candle. They will gain
multicultural awareness by researching the traditions of different
holidays celebrated in the winter season around the world. They will
decorate their paper candle with symbols of different holidays by
researching how holidays are celebrated in different countries.


-White Paper
-Red, orange, and yellow tissue paper
-Crayons, colored pencils, or markers
-Student iPads

Opening: Students will watch a presentation by the teacher of how

candles are used in different winter holidays around the world. This
presentation will include text, pictures, and graphics telling about the
different holidays.

Body: Students research the holidays using provided sites and design
their candles. They will complete a worksheet to gather information and
brainstorm their ideas before drawing on their candles.
Next, students will use a white piece of paper to draw their symbols
representing what they have learned in their research. They will roll their
paper into a cylinder, attaching each end of the paper with glue. They will
add colored tissue paper to the top end, representing the flame of the

Closing: Students will share their candles in groups of 3-4. They will show
their classmates what symbols they have drawn, what tradition they
come from, what they represent, and why they chose them.
Assessment: Students will be assessed informally by teacher observation
during research as well as their planning worksheet. Summative
assessment will be the final product, their candle with their symbols.

Resources for student research:


Related Resources: This
link includes access to lesson plans and resources for teaching students
about the many multi-cultural holidays in December. Resources include
websites, games, lesson plans, and more. This site offers a

variety of resources to help expose students to global art, culture, and
experiences. The page listed here links to resources concerning
international celebrations, but many other topics are explored including
languages, food, and geography.

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