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Performance measurements on a Pelton turbine model

F G Stamatelos, J S Anagnostopoulos∗ , and D E Papantonis
School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

The manuscript was received on 19 May 2010 and was accepted after revision for publication on 22 September 2010.
DOI: 10.1177/2041296710394260

Abstract: Pelton hydraulic turbines are impulse-type turbomachines commonly used in hydro-
electric plants with medium-to-high water head and in various energy recovery applications. The
aim of the present work is to provide detailed performance measurements on a Pelton turbine
model, along with the design and geometrical dimensions of its runner/buckets and injectors.
Such a complete set of data would be useful for further development and evaluation of numerical
modelling tools of the complex unsteady free-surface flow developed in the turbine, and is miss-
ing from the literature. The two-nozzle Pelton model was designed using standard guidelines and
was fully constructed in the Laboratory of Hydraulic Turbomachines, NTUA. The measurements
include the net water head and flowrate, the injector characteristic curves, and the torque and
rotation speed of the runner, from which the corresponding overall efficiency and shaft power
are computed. The model was tested with one injector (upper or lower) and with both injectors in
operation, using either constant or variable rotation speed mode. The comparative results were
satisfactory and in line with the theory, verifying similarity and repeatability, and allowing for an
estimation of mechanical losses. The measurements covered the entire operation range of the
turbine, in order to draw complete hillcharts for various operation modes.

Keywords: Pelton turbine model, performance measurements, runner geometry, turbine

hillcharts, mechanical losses

1 INTRODUCTION The experimental studies on Pelton hydroturbines

that have been published in the literature are not
In 1879, Lester Pelton developed an impulse hydrotur- many. The high complexity of the unsteady jet–bucket
bine runner with double-bucket design that exhausted interaction in the rotating runner and, moreover, the
the water to the side, decreasing the correspond- contaminating effects of the outflow that splashes
ing kinetic energy losses. Later on, in 1895, William on the casing walls make the measurements of the
Doble improved Pelton’s idea and created an ellipti- flow in the interior of the casing practically impossi-
cal bucket with a cut, allowing the water jet to enter ble. Hence, the existing experimental works concern
the bucket smoothly. The current bucket design prac- either flow visualization studies [1, 2] or flow–bucket
tices are based mainly on the accumulated experience; interaction in non-rotating buckets [3, 4].
however, in recent years significant effort has been Perrig et al. [1, 2] used flow observation techniques
directed towards a better understating of the details to study the unsteady evolution of the free-surface
of the complex unsteady flow in the runner, with the flow in a single-injector Pelton runner. They found that
aid of modern numerical modelling and experimen- the impact of the droplets released from the buckets
tal techniques. Now, all Pelton turbine components causes perturbations on the jet surface, which may
are analysed by calculation and the research aims at result in reduced bucket efficiency. Also, some more
a complete design optimization of the buckets and the complex and not well understood mechanisms dur-
distribution system. ing the jet cut process were identified and showed
that they can influence considerably the subsequent
evolution of the flow in the bucket and the energy
∗ Corresponding author: School of Mechanical Engineering, exchange efficiency (compressibility effects, spray and
National Technical University of Athens, 9 Heroon Polytechniou water threads formation, Coanda effect, etc.).
Str., Zografou, Athens 15780, Greece. The measurements of Kvicinsky et al. [3] include
email: pressure distribution and water layer thickness in a

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352 F G Stamatelos, J S Anagnostopoulos, and D E Papantonis

steady jet–bucket interaction, whereas in a similar test multi-injector system and rotating runner including
rig Zoppe et al. [4] conducted experiments for various penstock and casing. Also, CFD dynamic results can
jet incident angles and present additional data for total be used as input for the structural analysis of Pelton
torque and thrust variation versus the jet diameter and runners [18].
angle. Although these computations can simulate the
Kvicinsky et al. [5, 6] used 32 pressure sensors on entire working cycle of the bucket, the accuracy of
the inner surface of a rotating bucket and performed the torque predictions is still not adequate, due to the
unsteady pressure measurements, defining five dif- development of complex secondary flow mechanisms
ferent pressure zones on the surface. The transient mentioned above that are not modelled [9, 22]. More-
pressure distribution on a rotating bucket was mea- over, the traditional mesh-based Eulerian approaches
sured in the works of Mack et al. [7] and Perrig et al. [8]. face significant numerical diffusion problems due to
The comprehensive experimental study of Perrig [9] the complex evolution of the free-surface flow pat-
also includes measurements of the water film thick- tern, whereas the unsteadiness of the flow requires
ness evolution and the pressure coefficient variation extended and fine meshes with enormous compu-
at various zones of the bucket during the runner rota- tations, which are still not feasible for industrial
tion, and analyses the contribution of each zone to the design [17].
energy transfer. Also, the importance of some complex Other numerical approaches alternative to mesh-
mechanisms developed in the jet impact and the back- based flow simulation methods have recently been
side flow was identified, and the energy losses during developed and applied for flow modelling in rotat-
the jet–bucket interaction were analysed. The author ing Pelton runners aiming at reducing the computer
emphasizes the need for additional measurements to demands, like the use of streamlines in the Animated-
quantify these effects. Cartoon Frames method [23], and the integration of
Flow visualization studies have also been conducted fluid particle motion equations in the Fast Lagrangian
in the jet discharged from the nozzle of Pelton turbine Solution method [24]. The fully Lagrangian mesh-
injectors, and several parameters that can influence less simulation approaches adopt the Moving Particle
the jet quality and cause reduction of runner perfor- Semi-Implicit method [25] or the Smoothed Particle
mance and efficiency were examined. The influence Hydrodynamics method [26–29]. These methods are
of the injector design on the unsteady and divergent based on the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
behaviour of the jet is studied by Staubli and Hauser and among their advantages are the inherent simula-
[10], whereas the significant role of secondary flows tion of the surface pattern, and the capability to predict
generated at the bends of the distribution piping on the behaviour of the flow after the exit from the bucket
the jet shape, orientation, and surface disturbances and its interaction with the casing. However, their per-
and instabilities was identified by Zhang and Parkin- formance and accuracy are still not satisfactory and
son [11] and Zhang and Casey [12], and supported by further development and improvements are needed.
laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) velocity measure- From the above survey it can be deduced that, due
ments. Finally, the effect on the runner efficiency of to the high complexity of the flow and the implica-
the jet interference in multi-jet Pelton turbines and of tion of various flow mechanisms in the jet–bucket
the casing dimensions were investigated in the exper- interaction, the numerical simulation and design tools
imental works of Fuji et al. [13] and Matthias et al. need experimental support to validate and improve
[14], respectively. their capability to reproduce as close as possible the
An extended flow mechanical analysis was done in
the theoretical work of Zhang [15] for a better under-
standing of the flow in a rotating bucket. The particular
contribution of the flow frictions in the bucket surface
to the total losses, as well as of the jet impact work to
the total energy transfer during the jet–bucket inter-
action, are investigated and quantified in subsequent
studies [16].
The computer modelling of the flow in Pelton run-
ners is taking advantage from the progress in computer
power and the development of advanced software
tools [17–19]. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
is being increasingly used with Reynolds averaged
Navier–Stokes equations (RANS) solvers and commer-
cial software. Among the latest such studies are the
works of Kvicinsky [6], Mack et al. [17], Zoppe et al. [4],
Perrig et al. [8, 20], and Santolin et al. [21], concern-
ing from a stationary bucket, to a complete single- or Fig. 1 Laboratory Pelton turbine model

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Performance measurements on a Pelton turbine model 353

performance of a real Pelton turbine. The present work within the Laboratory of Hydraulic Turbomachines
aims at providing comprehensive measurements of facilities. The model corresponds to a real turbine of
the performance characteristic curves in the whole the Greek Public Power Corporation, installed at the
working range of a laboratory model turbine, along springs of Aoos River, and it was constructed in a
with the detailed geometrical data of its injector, run- 1:6 scale. A comparison of the main characteristics
ner, and buckets. Such complete set of data is missing between the original and the model turbine is given
from the published literature; hence, it could be useful in Table 1.
to the continuing research effort in the area.


The design and construction of the Pelton turbine

model shown in Fig. 1 were carried out completely

Table 1 Pelton original and model’s main features

Pelton turbine Pelton model
(Aoos River) (scale 1:6)

Runner pitch diameter 2407 mm 400 mm

Jet diameter 188 mm 31 mm
Rotation speed 428.6 r/min 1150 r/min
Flowrate (nominal) 18.3 m3 /s 270.6 m3 /h
Net head 653 mWG 129.6 mWG
Mechanic power 110 MW 83 kW
Buckets 22 22 Fig. 2 Three-stage centrifugal pump
Injectors 6 2

Fig. 3 Model turbine bucket design and main dimensions

Fig. 4 Model injectors design and main dimensions

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354 F G Stamatelos, J S Anagnostopoulos, and D E Papantonis

Table 2 Nozzle and spear geometry in Fig. 4 and summarized in Table 2. The spear valve
opening fraction is defined as the distance x from
Injector inlet diameter 81.5 mm
Nozzle length 53.4 mm the close valve position, divided by the nozzle exit
Nozzle outlet diameter 36 mm diameter DN = 36 mm (Fig. 4).
Nozzle outlet angle 90◦
Nozzle profile radius 75.6 mm
Spear length 50 mm
Spear angle 50◦
Spear travel distance 40 mm The performance data of the turbine model are
obtained in the form of characteristic operation curves
of the net head, and the shaft power and the overall
The opening of the two injectors is regulated manu-
efficiency as a function of the flowrate and rotation
ally by a precision screw. The front cover of the model is
speed, varied within a broad operating range. The cor-
made of Plexiglas permitting the visual observation of
responding physical quantities were measured at each
the flow field (Fig. 1). The turbine’s brake is a 75 kW DC
operation point with the following instrumentation:
generator, which provides the capability of continuous
adjustment of the rotation speed of the runner. (a) rotational speed of the turbine by an electronic
Water supply is provided by a 200 kW, three-stage pulse meter (Fig. 5(a)), with measurement error
centrifugal pump (Fig. 2), the rotation speed of which ±0.5 per cent;
is controlled by a hydraulic coupler. At its Best Effi- (b) flowrate, Q, by an electromagnetic flow meter
ciency point the pump rotates at 1800 r/min, providing (Fig. 5(b)), which was calibrated by the volumet-
320 m3 /h flowrate and 117 mWG net head. ric tank of the test stand, with relative uncertainty
The cast-iron-made buckets are mounted on the ±0.5 per cent;
runner hub and their design details and geometrical (c) relative static pressure of the water right before
dimensions are given in Fig. 3. The bucket’s splitter the injectors, using a differential pressure trans-
line deviates 10◦ from the radial direction of the run- ducer (0–20 bar), with relative uncertainty ±0.25
ner (Fig. 3(c)). The bucket design is based on available per cent;
theoretical guidelines [30, 31], and the same was done (d) torque, M , developed at the shaft between the
with the injectors, the dimensions of which are shown turbine and the brake, by a torque transducer

Fig. 5 Photos of the instruments used in the laboratory: (a) pulse meter; (b) flow meter; (c) torque
meter; and (d) monitoring environment

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Performance measurements on a Pelton turbine model 355

with strain gage sensing (Fig. 5(c)), and maximum of the turbine model performance. The characteristic
experimental error ±0.2 per cent. operation curves were obtained for nine consecutive
opening positions of the spear valve, and separately
The laboratory test rig and the measuring proce-
for the lower and for the upper injector, as well as with
dure comply with the international electrotechnical
both injectors in operation.
commission (IEC) model test standards (TC 4/WG
23). Prior to the experiments all measuring instru-
ments were calibrated according to their manuals.
The pressure transducer was calibrated according 4.1 Injector performance
to the method of hydraulic deadweight testers. The
Indicative views from the turbine operation are given
referred measurement errors of the instruments corre-
in Fig. 6. The photo on the left shows the opera-
spond to their manufacturing and/or calibration data.
tion of only the upper injector at increased runner
According to the error propagation theory, the error
speed quite above the optimum to allow for bet-
probability of turbine performance results obtained
ter observation inside the casing. The right picture
from the primary experimental data can be assessed.
presents a more detailed view of the free jet formation
The flowrate and net head parameters,  and , as
at the nozzle outlet and of its downstream diameter
well as the turbine efficiency η are the parameters
variation. The jet diameter takes its minimum value
used throughout the present article, and from their
about one nozzle diameter from the exit (Vena con-
definition relations (1) and (2) given in section 4.2 it
tracta) and then exhibits a slight expansion because
emerges that their relative uncertainties are within ±1
of the friction with the air, a typical behaviour for
per cent, ±1.25 per cent, and ±1.5 per cent, respec-
this type of injectors [12]. It must be noted how-
tively. Furthermore, the repeatability of the measured
ever that the distance between the nozzle exit and
data was thoroughly tested for several operating points
the runner, which is depicted also in Fig. 4(a), is
of the turbine on daily and weekly basis, and the calcu-
quite larger than in full-scale turbines. This can result
lated overall efficiency results showed deviation below
in substantial spreading of the jet before its impact
±1 per cent, except for the smallest spear opening,
to the bucket, and must be taken into account in
where in some particular cases it exceeded ±2 per cent.
numerical simulation studies of the present turbine
The produced signals from the instruments were all
model. Moreover, it may increase the jet degradation
analog; hence, an A/D card was used for their gath-
effects of secondary flows developed in the distri-
ering and digitization. The LabView 8.6 graphical
bution branches, especially towards the closed valve
programming software was implemented for the data position.
acquisition of the analog signals and their conver- The flowrate through a Pelton turbine spear valve
sion into digital. The dimensionless quantities of the depends on the opening position of the valve and the
flowrate, net head, and efficiency are calculated and fluid pressure. The corresponding performance curves
the developed graphical environment, an example of correlate the flowrate variation with the spear opening
which is given in Fig. 5(d), allows for continuous mon- at constant pressure. These quantities are measured at
itoring of the pump and turbine operating conditions the lower injector of the laboratory turbine model, and
and real-time evaluation of every measured value, with the obtained performance curves are given in Fig. 7
respect to the performance characteristic curves. for two differential pressure values, 50 and 110 mWG.
The pattern is typical for spear valves, having linear
4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS relation at small openings and asymptotic flowrate
increase towards full opening [10]. Also, according to
Several sets of measurements were conducted in order the theory, the flowrate increases with the square root
to acquire a more reliable and comprehensive picture of pressure.

Fig. 6 Operating turbine model: (a) view through the casing and (b) jet at the nozzle exit

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356 F G Stamatelos, J S Anagnostopoulos, and D E Papantonis

130 15

Net Head Parameter, y

Flow Rate, Q [m3/h]

90 10
70 8
7 Spear opening, a
6 0.22
50 5 0.33
4 0.55
30 P = 50 mWG 3 0.66
P = 110 mWG 0.77
2 0.88
1 1.00
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0
0,000 0,003 0,006 0,009 0,012 0,015 0,018 0,021 0,024
Nozzle opening portion, Dx/DN
Flow Rate Parameter, F
Fig. 7 Injector performance curves for two fluid pres- 0.9

4.2 Runner performance Overall Efficiency, h 0.7

In order to facilitate comparison and generalize their 0.6

usage, the flowrate and the head measurements are 0.5

Spear opening, a
expressed in dimensionless form, using the flowrate 0.11
parameter  and the net head parameter , respec- 0.22
tively 0.3 0.44
0.2 0.66
Q 2gH 0.77
= and = (1)
πR 3 ω R 2 ω2 0.1

where Q denotes the measured flowrate (m3 /h), H is 0,000 0,003 0,006 0,009 0,012 0,015 0,018 0,021 0,024
the measured manometric pressure before the noz- Flow Rate Parameter, F
zles, R is the runner pitch radius (R = 200 mm), ω its (b)
angular speed, and g the gravitational acceleration.
For a given opening of the spear valve(s), the varia- Fig. 8 Turbine performance curves for the lower injec-
tion range of the above quantities can be covered by tor: (a) net head parameter and (b) overall effi-
two different methods: either by keeping constant the ciency versus flowrate parameter, 
operation point (flowrate, head, and speed of rota-
tion) of the feeding pump and varying the rotation , , and η will be used for graphical presentation and
speed of the runner, or by keeping constant the tur- analysis of the measurements. Some indicative sets are
bine runner speed and adjusting the pump flowrate also given in numeric form in the Appendix.
by varying its rotation speed. These two measuring The characteristic performance curves of the Pelton
procedures should produce equivalent results for the turbine model obtained with one injector (the lower)
above quantities  and , as also for the correspond- in operation and by the constant-pump/variable-
ing efficiency values. In order to verify the reliability turbine rotation speed method are shown in Fig. 8,
and the repeatability of the experimental results, the where the spear valve opening, x/DN is the draw-
latter were obtained with both the above procedures, ing parameter. The net head parameter, , exhibits
and will be compared in the next section. a smooth correlation with the flowrate parameter, ,
The overall efficiency of the turbine is calculated for all openings (Fig. 8(a)), thus verifying the normal
from the ratio of the mechanical power developed on operation of the test rig in the entire flow range. Some
the shaft over the hydraulic power of the fluid at the minor scattering of the data at high flowrates are due to
injector inlet, as follows difficulties in the exact regulation of the turbine speed.
The scattering increases in the corresponding results
Nm Mω of the overall efficiency in Fig. 8(b), because its value
η= = (2)
Ni ρgHQ obtained by equation (2) includes the perturbations of
the torque developed at the shaft.
where M denotes the measured torque at the shaft The pattern of the efficiency characteristic curves
(kpm) and ρ is the water density. The above quantities in Fig. 8(b) is in agreement with the theory and with

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Performance measurements on a Pelton turbine model 357

the known performance of Pelton turbines: for a given respectively, where only the total flowrate range
injector opening there is an optimum flowrate that is now double. Some differences in the maximum
maximizes efficiency, at which the remaining angular efficiency values can be observed compared to the
momentum of the bucket outflow becomes minimum. single-injector operation in Fig. 8(b), which will be
The maximum efficiency is achieved for an inter- discussed later.
mediate injector opening, whereas there is a small
decrease towards full opening, due to the increase of
the jet diameter and the entailed reduction of buck- 4.3 Constant turbine speed operation mode
ets accommodation effectiveness. On the other hand, The above measurements were repeated following
efficiency exhibits a drastic drop below certain injec- the second, variable-pump/constant-turbine rotation
tor opening (here below 20 per cent), but this time speed method, in which the runner speed is fixed to
because of the degradation of the jet quality (devi- 700 r/min and the characteristic curves are obtained
ation from the axis, surface disturbances, or other by varying the feeding pump rotation speed. The
instabilities). obtained experimental data were close to the first-
The corresponding turbine performance with the method ones for both single- and two-injector opera-
upper injector in operation was found to be almost tion, but they are not identical as the similarity rules
the same with the lower one. Also, the  −  and η −  would require. As shown in Fig. 10 for three indicative
characteristic curves have the same pattern when both spear openings, the measurements with the second
injectors are operating, as shown in Figs 9(a) and (b), method exhibit increased fluctuations and scattering.

14 a = 0.11
13 10

12 a = 0.33
Net Head Parameter, y

a = 1.0
Net Head Parameter, y

8 6
Spear opening, a
7 0.11
6 0.22
0.33 4
5 0.44
4 0.55
0.66 2
2 Variable Turbine Speed
Constant Turbine Speed
1 0
0 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035
0.000 0.006 0.012 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.036 0.042 0.048 Flow Rate Parameter, F
Flow Rate Parameter, F (a)
(a) 1.0
a = 0.33
0.9 0.9
a = 0.11 a = 1.0
0.8 0.8
Overall Efficiency, h

0.7 0.7
Overall Efficiency, h

0.5 Spear opening, a
0.11 0.4
0.4 0.22
0.33 0.3
0.3 0.44
0.55 0.2
0.2 Variable Turbine Speed
0.77 0.1
0.88 Constant Turbine Speed
0.1 1.00 0.0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035
Flow Rate Parameter, F
0.000 0.006 0.012 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.036 0.042 0.048
Flow Rate Parameter, F
Fig. 10 Comparison of different measuring procedures
Fig. 9 Turbine performance curves with both injectors: with both injectors in operation: (a) net head
(a) net head parameter and (b) overall efficiency parameter and (b) overall efficiency versus
versus flowrate parameter,  flowrate parameter

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358 F G Stamatelos, J S Anagnostopoulos, and D E Papantonis

This is mainly due to difficulties in regulating the pump 0.9

a = 0.33
rotation speed, which in turn cause deviations from a = 0.11
the desired flowrate and corresponding fluctuations
a = 1.0
in turbine loading and runner speed. Consequently,

Overall Efficiency, h
the first measuring procedure is preferable, since it
requires control of the runner rotation speed only. 0.6


4.4 Turbine efficiency analysis 0.4

Upper nozzle
The maximum attainable efficiency of the model tur- 0.3 Lower nozzle
bine over the entire loading range is the envelope of Both nozzles
the particular efficiency curves for various openings of 0.2
the injectors, like the ones in Figs 8(b) and 9(b). These 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.024

envelope curves for one and two injectors in opera- Flow Rate Parameter, F
tion are drawn in Fig. 11. The best efficiency point
Fig. 12 Comparison of overall efficiency curves for
is obtained with both injectors at about 60 per cent
injectors at various loadings
of nominal flowrate and reaches a maximum value
of almost 87 per cent. The overall efficiency curve
At the same, intermediate opening position of the
remains quite flat, with values above 80 per cent for
injectors (x/DN = 0.33) the three corresponding effi-
loads between 20 per cent and 100 per cent, providing
ciency curves are quite close, except for the best
that the unit operates with one injector at loads below
efficiency region, where the two-nozzle operation
about 45 per cent and with both injectors above this
shows better performance. However, for smaller open-
threshold value. The efficiency differences between
ings this difference becomes much more pronounced
upper and lower injector curves can be attributed to
and the two-nozzle efficiency near the closing posi-
possible injector manufacturing deviations, as also to
tion (α = 0.11) is almost 10 percentage units greater
the non-symmetric branches of the distributor, which
(Fig. 12). This behaviour can be explained consider-
induce different secondary flow structures at noz-
ing that the overall turbine efficiency includes both
zle inlet and consequently produce jets of not the
hydraulic and mechanical power losses. The latter
same quality. The second explanation seems more
consist of the bearing losses and the windage losses
valid because the discrepancy becomes much smaller
of the rotating runner, and remain about the same
towards full nozzle opening, where the influence of
when the turbine operates at a given speed with either
secondary flow structures is expected to reduce.
one or both injectors. However, in the second case the
A more detailed comparative view of the turbine
total water hydraulic power is double and hence the
performance measurements can be obtained from the
percentage fraction of mechanical losses is about half.
efficiency data drawn in Fig. 12 for three different spear
Based on this remark, the comparative results of
openings and with the lower, upper, and both injectors
Fig. 12 can be used to obtain an assessment of the
in operation. In order to compare the two-nozzle case
magnitude of turbine mechanical power losses, which
with the single-nozzle cases, the flowrate of the former
cannot be directly measured. Overall efficiency for
is divided by 2.
single and both injectors in operation is given by
equations (3) and (4)
0.90 Njet − Ns − Nh − Nm
ηsingle = (3)
0.85 2Njet − 2Ns − 2Nh − Nm
ηboth ≈ (4)
Turbine efficiency, h

where Njet = γ QH is the net water power measured
upstream of a single injector, Nh and Ns are the
0.75 hydraulic power losses at the injector and at the
Lower injector runner, and Nm the mechanical power losses, taken
Upper injector constant in both cases. In equation (4) it was assumed
Both injectors
that the hydraulic losses of two-injector operation
are double those of single injector. Although in two-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 injector operation the bifurcation introduces some
Turbine load, Q/QN (%) additional disturbance into the flow, the changes in
flow path direction, which are mainly responsible for
Fig. 11 Attainable efficiency curves of the Pelton model the creation of secondary flow structures (cross-flow

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Performance measurements on a Pelton turbine model 359

vortices), are similar to the ones during single-injector runner [1, 32], and the phenomenon is expected to
operation in each corresponding branch. Therefore, become worse as the total flowrate in the turbine (tur-
for a given spear opening the flow field in the nozzle bine loading) increases, a behaviour that is evident in
and the produced jet quality are expected to be similar the experimental results (Figs 8(b), 9(b), and 12).
for both operation modes.
From the above relations it can be deduced by
4.5 Losses in turbine components
subtraction that
Nm In order to analyse the turbine efficiency and the
≈ 2(ηboth − ηsingle ) (5) power losses in the machine further it is necessary to
estimate the hydraulic losses of the spear valve. Since
Consequently, using the experimental data of Fig. 12 measuring the discharged jet properties is not possible
for the smallest opening (x/DN = 0.11), the mechan- in this case, it can be achieved only by numerical sim-
ical losses are about 14.5 per cent of the average of ulation of the flow in the injector. Such studies have
the corresponding water input power at a single injec- been carried out in the laboratory using the Smoothed
tor (overall efficiency difference from the two-injector Particle Hydrodynamics, as also the commercial soft-
operation is about 6.5 percentage units for the upper ware Fluent [33]. Applying the latter tool the total
and about 8 for the lower injector). power losses as the flow passes through the spear valve
Next, using the results of Figs 8(a) and (b), and are numerically computed for the entire spear travel
assuming that the absolute value of the mechanical distance in order to discriminate between the feeding
power losses are about the same in the entire load losses in the injector and the losses in the jet–bucket
range of the runner (at fixed rotation speed), one can interaction.
estimate the fraction of mechanical losses at the best Next, considering also the mechanical losses esti-
efficiency region of the turbine. For example, compari- mation of section 4.4, a more detailed picture of the
son of the operating conditions (net head and flowrate) losses distribution between the components of the
for maximum efficiency at the spear openings x/DN turbine can be obtained, as demonstrated by the effi-
0.11 and 0.33 gives ciency curves of Fig. 13. Increasing the measured
overall efficiency curve by the corresponding mechan-
Nm Nm Njet − 0.11 ical losses results in the total hydraulic efficiency curve
Njet − 0.33 Njet − 0.11 Njet − 0.33 of the turbine. Then, adding to this the calculated spear
(HQ)jet−0.11 valve losses, the resulting curve represents the effi-
≈ 0.145 · ≈ 0.065 (6) ciency of the jet–bucket interaction mechanism and
energy exchange in the runner. This curve includes
Since the overall turbine efficiency for the 0.33 spear the friction losses during the free-surface flow in the
opening is about 86 per cent (Figs 8(b) and 12), the bucket, the kinetic energy of the outflow (of the order
corresponding hydraulic losses in the injector and the of 1 per cent), the minor losses at the jet impact points,
runner can be estimated as as well as any jet degradation and interference effects.
As discussed in section 4.4, the latter become signif-
Nh Njet−0.33 − N − Nm
= icant at low and high load operation conditions. The
Njet−0.33 Njet−0.33
≈1−η− ≈ 0.075 (7) 1.00
On the other hand, Fig. 12 shows that at larger
spear valve openings the efficiency of the two-injector 0.90
Efficiency degree

operation mode exhibits an opposite trend, becoming

substantially less than the single-injector one (about 4 0.85
percentage units at fully open position, Fig. 12). This
unexpected behaviour cannot be attributed to either 0.80
hydraulic or mechanical reasons. The only reasonable
explanation is that it is caused by the outflow from 0.75

the buckets, part of which may re-enter the runner Jet-bucket interaction efficiency
0.70 Total hydraulic efficiency
section after exiting from the cutout notch lips or after Overall efficiency
impacting on the casing walls, and may also interfere 0.65
with the nozzle jets and cause surface perturbations. In 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
addition, the water mist environment inside the case Turbine Load, Q/QN (%)
increases the average density of the air surrounding
the runner and hence the windage losses. Such effects Fig. 13 Efficiency curves of various machine compo-
can cause substantial reduction of the efficiency of the nents

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360 F G Stamatelos, J S Anagnostopoulos, and D E Papantonis

Fig. 14 Hillcharts of the turbine model at constant runner speed: (a) upper injector and (b) both
injectors in operation

Fig. 15 Hillcharts of the turbine model with variable runner speed: (a) upper injector and (b) both
injectors in operation

results in Fig. 13 indicate efficiency reduction up to the aforementioned analysis, the best efficiency area
about 5 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively. is somewhat larger in case of two-injector operation
(Figs 14(b) and 15(b)), and the corresponding maxi-
4.6 Turbine hillcharts mum values are about 2 percentage units higher. Also,
as expected, overall efficiency maximizes at about
The complete performance hillcharts of the Pelton the same net head value in all cases. However, the
model turbine are finally constructed and presented bucket outflow interferences discussed in the previ-
in Figs 14 and 15. Figure 14 presents the experimen- ous section cause a displacement of the best efficiency
tal data obtained with constant runner rotating speed area towards smaller flowrates through each nozzle
(700 r/min), whereas Fig. 15 presents the correspond- in the two-injector operation case (e.g. at  ≈ 0.9 in
ing ones with the constant-pump/variable-turbine Fig. 15(a) and at  ≈ 0.14 = 2 × 0.7 in Fig. 15(b)).
speed method. The diagrams include  −  lines for
various spear openings, lines of constant shaft power,
and turbine efficiency contours. The general pattern 5 CONCLUSIONS
of all these charts is quite similar, verifying the proper
and qualitative design and construction process of the The performance of a Pelton turbine model designed
model turbine followed in the laboratory. According to and constructed in the laboratory is thoroughly

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27 Marongiu, J.-C., Leboeuf, F., and Parkinson, E. Numer- and they are also included in the graphs of Figs 8 to 10,
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Lower injector Upper injector Both injectors

  η   η   η

0.015 61 21.68 0.5651 0.019 10 33.41 0.4778 0.029 81 20.29 0.5884

0.014 80 19.33 0.5989 0.017 71 28.76 0.5089 0.027 92 17.91 0.6129
0.013 66 16.74 0.6265 0.016 58 25.19 0.5338 0.026 16 15.82 0.6402
0.012 70 14.24 0.6605 0.015 50 22.05 0,5613 0.023 78 13.22 0.6728
0.011 84 12.38 0.6900 0.014 36 18,93 0.5953 0.022 80 11.89 0.6826
0.011 37 11.46 0.6985 0.013 58 16.90 0.6183 0.021 40 10.44 0.7246
0.010 65 10.13 0.7391 0.012 75 14.89 0.6410 0.019 82 9.224 0.7624
0.010 14 9.020 0,8025 0.012 08 13.50 0.6638 0.018 89 8.317 0.7951
0.009 598 8.233 0.7741 0.011 61 12.35 0.6849 0.017 93 7.490 0.8382
0.009 068 7.289 0.7930 0.010 99 11.05 0.7093 0.016 93 6.644 0.8305
0.008 684 6.671 0.8121 0.010 42 9.985 0.7331 0.016 47 6.210 0.8436
0.008 296 6.182 0.8243 0.010 01 9.201 0.7524 0.015 68 5.715 0.8654
0.007 917 5.572 0.8309 0.009 499 8.245 0.7734 0.014 81 5.178 0.8738
0.007 665 5.225 0.8270 0.009 224 7.824 0.7864 0.014 30 4.744 0.8736
0.007 373 4.795 0.8335 0.008 866 7.223 0.8017 0.013 81 4.430 0.8514
0.007 051 4.421 0.8184 0.008 523 6.637 0.8118 0.013 23 4.082 0.8307
0.006 784 4.118 0.8081 0.008 252 6.201 0.8200 0.012 75 3.755 0.8003
0.006 650 3.908 0.7922 0.007 997 5.848 0.8272 0.012 40 3.562 0.7660
0.006 332 3.557 0.7530 0.007 714 5.441 0.8286 0.011 97 3.301 0.7304
0.006 149 3.396 0.7371 0.007 386 5.009 0.8288 0.011 61 3.110 0.7049
0.005 952 3.159 0.7083 0.007 195 4.726 0.8251 0.011 33 2.921 0.6775
0.005 739 2.922 0.6748 0.006 903 4.363 0.8050 0.010 83 2.744 0.6324
0.005 690 2.782 0.6483 0.006 744 4.155 0.7901 0.010 57 2.600 0.5698
0.005 455 2.662 0.6128 0.006 551 3.925 0.7868 0.010 19 2.446 0.4890
0.005 231 2.451 0.5630 0.006 369 3.710 0.7604 0.009 959 2.303 0.4419

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