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Course: Project Client Care

Moment: Moment 1 – Know your Customer

Session: Session I, 1 February 2021

This exercise must be completed before Session I

as well as prepared to be discussed in that same Session I (1 Feb 2021)

Why do clients buy from us?
Understanding the reasons why do clients buy from us, will help us preserve
what has value for the customer in Angola Cables and stop investing in
processes and resources, which are not strictly necessary nor valued by the
We ask you the do the exercise below but following strictly the order

1. In your own opinion, what do you are the main reasons that lead the
decision maker of one of your clients to sign a purchase order for Angola
Cables services (“Why do clients buy from us?”)
2. Without previous notice for them to be ready (trying to obtain
spontaneous answers) ask your colleagues, your collaborators and your
boss, why do they think clients buy from Angola Cables. Compare their
answers with you own answers in the previous #1 and write down what
you notice.
3. Call the Decision-maker* of at least 3 clients (preferably new clients or
existing clients but with recent new business),
a. What were the main reasons that motivated their final decision
when buying services from Angola Cables. Compare with answers
to #1 and #2 and write down what you notice.
b. What was the most stressing factor for them (your client) when
they had to make a final decision?

* “Decision-maker” is the person that made the final decision, facing different competitive offers
and had the power to sign the order and start the payment process.

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