Writing Anh 3

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Before Tet, my family always spent a day tidying our house. It was a sunny
morning when my sister and I were cleaning and rearranging stuff in the attic, we
suddenly saw an old album. Out of the blue, it contained the photos when we
were young, which my parents thought was lost. We immediately ran downstairs
to show mom and dad. They were like “Omg! Why was it there? We found it
everywhere.” After that, they turned each page and told us about the photos. My
sister and I then put it in a box and continue our duty. Although we had to clean
up until late in the evening, it was still an amazing day.
I wanted to leave the city as soon as possible. About two years ago, I passed the
university entrance exam, so I had to go to the city to study. At first, everything
was good because I lived with my sister. I didn’t need to be concerned about
money, accommodation, food, etc but water. I didn’t know if the problem was
with my skin or the water supply. Since I used the water there, my face got a lot
of pimples. At that time, I was so stressed out, I wanted to come home
immediately. However, I had already moved into a new apartment in another
district. The water was much better athough it wasn’t as good as the water in my
Dear Becky,
Thanks for your letter. I’m really happy to be answered your questions. First, I’m
into casual clothes. A T-shirt or a sweater, sometimes a hoodie and a pair of jeans
would be always the best choice. They make me feel comfy and flexible.
Moreover, it is suitable for my studying environment too.
Second, I quite like school uniforms because they are useful in creating a sense of
equality among students. Besides, wearing them can promote school pride.
However, now when I’m in university, the uniform is not compulsory except
during PE lessons. Therefore, I usually choose my favorite clothes instead of it.
Hope that my reply can help your project and I look forward to hearing your
Hi Amanda,
I’m happy to receive your letter. Firstly, listening to music is my favorite hobby. I
regard it as the best way of relieving stress. More specifically, English songs are
my priority. Not only does it put me at my ease but also it helps improve my
listening skills.
Secondly, I have to study and do my part-time work; therefore, I’m quite busy. As
a result, I can just see my friends about twice or three times a month at the
Finally, wish your friend the happiest of birthdays. Besides, I would love to know
how a birthday party is in your country. Your friend’s party is an example. Where
is it held? Is it held with just friends or both friends and relatives? Are there some
birthday traditions at the party?
Hope you have a good time this evening. I’m looking forward to your reply.
When I saw our new home for the first time, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was
completely different from our old one. My parents bought it from my father’s
friend two years ago but we had moved into for nealy a year. This new one looked
like a cottage. It was covered with stone-clad walls and had two floors. The
second floor was an attic, which was also my room. Therefore, I could see
everything around through the window. However, here was the best thing. Our
home was surrounded by many types of flowers and trees like in the fairy tale. My
soul was filled with love because the house was exactly what I had dreamt of.
Sara was excited about her fantastic costume as she set off to the party. That was
the first time her school had held the Halloween party so all students were so
delighted and Sara was no exception. Therefore, she decided to make her outfit
on her own. Sara chose a long black beaded dress with a wing behind it because
her costume idea was Maleficent. When she walked into the party, everyone was
starring at her. She was wondering “Was I beautiful or ugly? Was my dress too
terrible?” then her friends came and said “Omg, you looked so great today”. She
was pleasant and enjoyed the party until midnight.
Just as the film began, I received a text message on my mobile phone. It was from
a strange number that said "You are going to be arrested in a few minutes." At
that time, my friend and I were watching the science fiction film called Avatar in
the cinema. I was so nervous and gave the message to my friend. While we were
confused, I received another message including the text "Because you've just
stolen my heart. Thanks for your feedback!" and the photo of me. It turned out to
be the shop I bought clothes yesterday. We looked at each other and laughed
then continued to enjoy the film.

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