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Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Third Grade. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: _____________


1.- Write a form of the words in capitals in each gap.

When the spelling board game Scrabble first made an (1)

__________ over 70 years ago, it wasn’t an immediate (2)
__________. But over time it has become one of the biggest
board games in the world and is now sold in 121 countries.
There are many (3) __________ and every year the world’s APPEAR
best players enter the World Scrabble (4) __________ . SUCCEED
With the introduction of versions of the game for
smartphones and on Facebook, Scrabble’s (5) __________ CHAMPION
has grown with younger players in recent years. It is now POPULAR
possible to play a game against anyone in the world PLEASE
providing both players are connected to the internet.
Why do people get so much (6) __________ out of using a IMPRESS
few letters to spell out words on board? Some people (7)
__________ that Scrabble’s winning formula is its simplicity.
It doesn’t require you to have any (8) __________ skills to
play the game. In fact, if you can read this text, you can play

2.- Write a form of DO, MAKE, or TAKE in each gap.

a) We __________ our time because we wanted to make sure we hadn’t made

any mistakes.
b) I find having someone to study with really __________ a difference.
c) You __________ your best - now we just have to wait for your exam results.
d) Dan __________ part in a whole range of activities since he joined the club.
e) It was the first time Lauren and Will __________ me such a big favor.

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Third Grade. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: _____________


1.- Match to make words and phrases.

- Screen _____ - Demand

- Special _____ - Buster
- On _____ - Maker
- Block _____ - Play
- Box _____ - Office
- Effects

2.- Choose the correct word.

a) They found the programme boring so they turned (over / off) to watch something else.
b) We’d said we’d go to the cinema, but we ended (up / with) just staying in.
c) I’m thinking of (taking / setting) up an online group for people our age who like photography.
d) On Sundays, I usually just hang (off / out) with my friends in the park.
e) Homework takes (up / down) most of my time in the evenings at the moment.
f) You haven’t got school tomorrow, so you can (lie / laze) in if you want to.
g) After missing several lessons, it took Angie quite a while to (catch / hold) up.

3.- Write one word in each gap.

a) Can everyone pay careful attention ___________ this, please?

b) You can’t criticise Lizzie __________ trying her best.
c) My sister’s just qualified __________ a dental hygienist.
d) There’s nothing wrong ___________ using a dictionary if you need it.
e) You need to concentrate __________ your studies and spend less time
f) I’ve decided __________ becoming a doctor. I want to be a vet instead.
g) I’m not very experienced __________ organising events, so could you help
h) I don’t know how you succeeded __________ persuading Adam to lend you
his jacket.

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Third Grade. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: _____________


1.- Choose the correct word or phrase.

a) The teacher was very angry because (no / none) of the students had done their
b) Have you heard (a / an / many) news about the new games console that’s coming
c) After spending so much on going out, Lauren’s got (few / a few / little) money left
over to buy new trainers.
d) I think (all / all of) young people would benefit from getting involved in drama.
e) I have enough free time for (either / either of) a sport or going to Zumba tonight, but
not both.

2.- Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first one. Do not
change the word given.

a) Not many people came to the party.

b) There __________________________________ people at the party.

a) For a long time, Emma found living in a foreign country difficult.

b) It took a long time for Emma ___________________________ in a foreign country

a) It was my second time in a helicopter.

b) It was the ____________________________________ in a helicopter.

a) Do you really think that aliens exist?

b) Do you really believe ___________________________ aliens?

a) If you really try hard, you’ll succeed.

b) If you really _______________________________, you’ll succeed.

a) I’m trying to think of a good excuse!

b) I’m trying to _____________________________ a good excuse.

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

First Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


1.- Complete these conversations with words in the box.

help repeat slowly say spell

- Can you _______________ me? This is difficult. - Yes, of course.

- How do you _______________ that in English? - You say, “Excuse
- Can you speak more _______________, me”.
please? - Yes, I’m sorry.
- How do you ______________ your name? - It’s G-L-O-R-I-A.
- Sorry, can you ______________ that, please? - Yes, G-L-O-R-I-A.

2.- Complete the sentences with the ordinal numbers for the words in

a) Today is August _________ (twenty third).

b) Tomorrow is December __________ (fourteenth).
c) July __________ is American Independence Day. (fourth).
d) On January __________, people in the U. S. celebrate New Year’s Day. (first).
e) Wednesday is May __________ (second).

3.- Circle the correct options.

Hi Carolina.

My name (am / is / are) Megan, and I (am / is / are) from Chicago, in the U. S. I (am
/ is / are) years old. My birthday (am / is / are) in May. I (am / is / are) a student in
college, and I study biology. My friends at school (am / is / are) Jessica and Oliver.
Jessica (am / is / are) 20 and Oliver is 18. What about you? (What / Where / How
old) are you? (What / Where When) is your birthday? (What / Where / When)
exactly are you from? (What / Where / When) are the names of your friends?

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

First Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


1.- Look at Mark’s family tree, then complete these sentences with one word.

a) Edward and Irene are Mark’s

b) Edward is Mark’s __________.
c) Irene is Mark’s mom and Edward’s
d) Mary and Jessica are Mark’s
e) Jeff is his __________.
f) Mark is a __________.
g) Jessica is a police __________.
h) Sarah is Mary’s __________. She’s
four years old.
i) George and Betty are Mark’s
j) George is a taxi __________.

2.- Read this facts about famous people and their families. Complete the
sentences with A, AN, THE or the ZERO articles.

Julio Iglesias is __________ famous singer. His sons, Enrique and Julio Jr. are
__________ singers, too. Michael Douglas’ wife, Catherine Zeta Jones, is
__________ actress. Michael’s father, Kirk Douglas, is also __________ actor. He
was __________ navy, too!

3.- Circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) (Who / Whose) is the daughter of Paul McCartney?

b) Martin Sheen’s sons are actors, but most of them use a different last name
from (his / theirs).
c) Mario (Aldama / Aldama’s) father is a famous TV host and writer.
d) Madonna’s name is Italian, like (mine / my).
e) Ben Affleck’s (children’s / child’s) names are Violet, Seraphine and Samuel.

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

First Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


1.- Read the text and answer the questions.

Antonio Casas is a writer from Puerto Rico. He lives in the United States. He isn’t
from a family of writers. His Parents are lawyers. He has a brother and a sister. His
brother Luis is a firefighter and his sister Ana is an engineer. Antonio doesn’t have
any children. He wants to write many books and be famous.

a) Where’s Antonio Casas From?

b) Where does he live?
c) What do Antonio’s parents do?
d) What does his brother do?
e) What does his sister do?
f) How many children does he have?

2.- Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

lawyer musician daughter husband police director

Mrs. Davies is 50. She’s a __________. Her __________ is also 50. He’s a
famous __________. He plays the piano and the guitar very well. Their
__________, Ana is a__________ officer, but she wants to be a movie

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Third Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


1.- Complete the conversations. Write the correct forms of the verbs.

A: Hi, Bruno. __________ you __________ (get) my text about Sumiko?

B: Yes, I __________ (read) it a few minutes ago. What __________ to her?
A: She had a car accident last night. She __________ (drive) home when she
__________ (lose) control of her car. It __________ (rain) at the time.

A: What __________ Johnny Depp __________ (do) when he was discovered?

B: He __________ (play) in a rock band and he __________ (make) a TV series
when Tim Burton __________ (start) using him in his movies. He soon
__________ (become) a star.

A: Where __________ (be) you and Vanessa last night?

B: We __________ (study) for the exam at Vanessa’s. I __________ (try) to call
you when I got there, but you __________ (not answer).
A: I __________ (watch) a movie at home.

2.- Choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

a) Yesterday, I bought / was buying a birthday present for my sister online.

b) I was talking / talked to my friend on the phone when the doorbell rang.
c) I was meeting / met Stephanie while I was traveling in Thailand.
d) Kate and Elizabeth were going / went to their first concert when they were
e) What were you doing / did you do at this time last year?
f) Gianni didn’t see / wasn’t seeing me when I drove past him yesterday.

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Third Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


1.- Look at the underlined parts of the conversation. Check (✓) the sentences
that are correct. If they are not correct, write the correct form.

A: So, Giulia, when (0) were you going to Russia?

B: It was in 2002. I (21) went for six weeks to a language school in St. Petersburg.
A: Why (22) were you deciding to go there?
B: Well, I (23) was working as a journalist at that time, and Russian was useful for
my work. A: And (24) were you enjoying your time there?
B: Oh, yes – and for a special reason! While I (25) lived there I (26) met Yuri, and
now we’re married! It was a big surprise – I certainly (27) wasn’t looking for a
husband. My parents were so shocked when I (28) told them. In fact, they were very
unhappy at first. My mother (29) wasn’t coming to our wedding.
A: That’s a shame.
B: Yes, but then I (30) was having my baby son and she loves him so much, so
everything is OK now.

0 ________________________________________
21 _______________________________________
22 _______________________________________
23 _______________________________________
24 _______________________________________
25 _______________________________________
26 _______________________________________
27 _______________________________________
28 _______________________________________
29 _______________________________________
30 _______________________________________

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Third Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


1.- Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one extra option in
each box.

angry blog browse interested online surprised upload

My father is very (0) __________ interested in the internet. He spends hours (1)
__________ . He likes to (2) __________ videos and he also writes a (3)
__________ . I was very (4) __________ by his reaction to an article I sent him
about older people and the internet. He was very (5) __________ about it.

email Google read shocked worried checking

I was (6) __________ my (7) __________ this morning and I was (8) __________
by a message Matt sent me. He said he (9) __________ your blog and he’s (10)
__________ about you. You seem upset.

excited happy worried upset interested surprised angry

a) Mona’s dog died and she’s very __________ about it.

b) The children can’t sit still! They’re so __________ about going on vacation
c) Sara broke my phone. I’m really __________ with her.
d) Nils passed his exam. I’m very __________ by it, because he didn’t do any
e) Gita’s daughter is not home and it’s very late. Gita is __________ about her.
f) Javier is very __________ in history, and reads a lot of books about it.

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Fifth Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


A) Correct the sentences which have mistakes with the use of the present
perfect simple or the present perfect progressive. Check (✓) the correct
sentences. There is at least one correct sentence.

0.- We’ve been in this restaurant for an hour now and no one has been taking our
We’ve been in this restaurant for an hour now and no one has taken our order!_____
1.- Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been abroad eight times.
2.- I’m studying here in the USA since September.
3.- I’ve been working all day and I’m really tired.
4.- In the last twenty years, she’s been writing thirteen best-selling novels.
5.- I’ve been knowing Isabella for three years.

B) Complete the sentences with ALREADY or YET.

0.- Jamie and Natalie are here but Emma hasn’t arrived yet .
6.- I can’t believe you’ve __________ received some job offers. You haven’t even
7.- I’ve __________ read that book, although it was three or more years ago.
8.- I haven’t called Maria __________ . I’ll call her later this afternoon.
9.- Have you finished your essay __________ ? You have to hand it in by tomorrow,
you know!
10.- I’m calling to say we’re __________ at the restaurant. How long do you think
you’ll be?

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Fifth Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


Complete the conversation with the present perfect simple or present perfect
progressive of the verb in parentheses.

A: You look a little tired, Tom. Do you want to sit down?

B: No, it’s all right, thanks. I (0) ’ve been sitting down (sit down) all afternoon! No, the
reason I’m tired is that I (11) ____________ (train) a lot recently for this run I’m doing
next week – it’s 20 miles.
A: Wow. That’s a long way! Have you (12) ____________ (go running) today?
B: No, unfortunately not. I (13) ____________ (hurt) my knee – something
happened when I was running yesterday – so I’m taking two or three days off.
A: Oh, that’s really bad luck.
B: Yes, and because I’m worried about the run, I (14) ____________ (not sleep) well
these past few nights.
A: Have you (15) ____________ (go) to the doctor about that knee?
B: No, I’m worried she might tell me I can’t do the run.
A: Tom! You’ve got to take care of yourself!

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct words.

0.- He use / used to be slim when he was younger.

1.- When I was a child I was used / used to read for hours at a time.
2.- Did you used / use to watch a lot of television when you were little?
3.- I ate a lot of fruit as a child but I didn’t use / used to eat many vegetables.
4.- When I was younger, I used to seeing / see my friends much more.
5.- As children we used / were used to play outside all the time.

Name of the Student: ___________________________________

Fifth Semester. Group: _____ Parent’s Signature: ___________


Order the words to make sentences.

0.- I got there / already / gone by / she had / the time

She had already gone by the time I got there______________________________
6.- read the book / the movie because / I knew / I had / the ending of
7.- missed / late because / we / the train / we had / were
8.- at the movie theater / the movie / the time / had started by / we arrived
9.- already / I wasn’t / because / hungry / eaten / I’d
10.- I got / I hadn’t / an umbrella / wet because / taken

Complete the sentences with the past perfect of the verbs in the box.

recommend buy break into save check in leave

0.- By this point we had checked in and were waiting for our flight.
11.- We got to the station so late that the train ____________ without us.
12.- We stayed in a nice hotel that Jim ____________ .
13.- My computer stopped working last week. Luckily, I ____________ all my work.
14.- They cancelled the show because not enough people ____________ tickets.
15.- When we finally got home, we found that someone ____________ the house
and stolen our laptop

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