Senior Leader Skills Assessment Feedback Report

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Senior Leader Skills Assessment

Feedback Report

Lalu Sudirham
Assessment Completed: 2022/03/02
Position: Senior Leader


Senior Leader Skills Assessment

The Senior Leader Skills Assessment is designed to evaluate how likely individuals are to be successful as Senior Leaders
(Managers of Managers). The assessment asks different types of questions that provide insights into:
‡ the individual¶s potential responses to situations commonly faced by managers, and
‡ the individual¶s ability to interpret and make decisions based on hospitality-related business information presented in the
form of tables, text, and charts.
The data from these questions is linked to senior leadership competencies that are important for success on the job.

Interpreting This Report

This Feedback Report was designed for quick and easy interpretation of assessment results. The results offer information about
the individual¶s potential strengths and development areas which may not be available from other evaluation processes, such as
successful Senior Leader. The overall results profile is a summary of the individual¶s performance across the entire assessment,
however based on the technical requirements for this type of role, additional weight in the overall result was given to the Business
Acumen competency. In general, the relative importance of the individual¶s performance on a given competency should be
interpreted based on the business needs for a specific vacancy or position. All information gathered about an individual during
the selection process should be considered when making hiring decisions.

The results in this report should be considered valid for 12 months from the date of administration.


This report is confidential and is intended for use by a Human Resources Professional or Hiring Manager. Do not
reproduce any part of this report. The Human Resources Professional is responsible for retaining appropriate documentation of
the recruitment process, including all individuals considered and the final selection decision, in accordance with Company policy.
These results are to inform selection and development decisions only, and are not to be shared with the individual




The Overall Assessment Result is: Red

Result Description Individuals with this profile tend to show:

Red Development Opportunity More development opportunities than strengths.
Yellow Competent Consistently moderate performance across competency areas evaluated or
performance varies from strengths in some areas to development opportunities in
Clear Proficient Strong performance across many competency areas evaluated with few areas
identified as development opportunities.
Green Strength Strong performance across most competency areas evaluated with little to no areas
identified as development opportunities.
Details on the individual¶s performance across each competency area are available on the following pages.


Every management interview guide contains behavior-based questions for interviewers to explore core and discipline-specific
competencies during an interview. Targeted questions in the interview guide can be used to gather more information on the
competencies discussed above. For example, if an applicant scores lower than expected on any given competency, a question
focusing on this area may be used to gather more information. You should consider probing more into developmental areas or
gather more than one behavioral example or STAR during the interview process to gain further insight into the skills of the
individual in relation to these competencies.
Developmental Resources
To put these assessment results to use in building an onboarding or personal development plan for the individual you choose to
hire, there are a number of places you can find related development resources:
‡ Search myLearning, the Company¶s Learning Management System designed to accelerate associate and business
performance while driving personal and professional growth, for formal, instructor-led or online learning courses
‡ Use The Leadership Learning Guide on MGS to find developmental activities organized by the Company¶s global
competency framework
‡ Visit the discipline tabs on MGS for information on discipline-specific training (for example, Food & Beverage Services,
Human Resources)
If the individual is hired, consider using a mix of formal, informal, and on-the-job learning opportunities to facilitate their

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Senior Leader DO NOT DISTRIBUTE 2022/03/02
BUSINESS ACUMEN reflects an understanding of market dynamics, the business environment and the ability to identify
opportunities for improvement. It includes setting department performance standards for key business metrics and modeling and
coaching others on making business decisions based on data from a variety of sources. Business Acumen also refers to an
individual¶s ability to evaluate profit and loss statements, develop operating budgets, and conduct forecasting for the department.
It involves demonstrating sound business judgment when addressing resource needs and improving efficiencies while balancing
guest, associate, and financial results. Business Acumen also refers to the ability to implement innovative programs to maximize
the revenue potential of different customer groups.

The individual's result for Business Acumen is Red

Development Competent Proficient Strength

Result Individuals with this profile tend to show:
Red Individuals who score Red tend to perform best when:
(Development ‡ they can rely mostly on their own judgment and expertise when determining business plans
Opportunity) ‡ someone helps them avoid setting departmental standards that may be too complex or too broad
‡ they get extra time or support to handle new or unanticipated business challenges
‡ someone helps them with property financials or contractual obligations in situations they find difficult
‡ someone prompts them to consider more than just readily available data when monitoring property
Yellow In comparison to those who score Red, individuals who score Yellow tend to perform well by:
(Competent) ‡ using information about the current state of the market to determine business plans
‡ setting and monitoring departmental standards based on previous plans and actions
‡ leveraging known approaches for handling new or unanticipated business challenges
‡ being more likely to have a basic understanding of property financials and related contractual
‡ monitoring property performance across required data points
Clear In addition to the above individuals who score Clear tend to out-perform those who score Yellow by also:
(Proficient) ‡ analyzing market trends to identify opportunities and build business plans
‡ using metrics to inform departmental standards and track progress over time
‡ building financial plans that achieve desired results
‡ trying new approaches when faced with new or unanticipated business challenges
‡ having a deep understanding of property financials, contractual obligations, and other requirements
‡ going beyond just monitoring property performance to tracking it across multiple data points over time
Green In addition to the above, individuals who score Green tend to out-perform those who score Clear by also:
(Strength) ‡ forecasting and leveraging market dynamics and trends to anticipate opportunities and maximize
‡ researching business metrics and using this information to set departmental standards and evaluate
performance over time against key milestones
‡ establishing robust and integrated financial plans that consistently exceed objectives
‡ developing innovative solutions for new or unanticipated business challenges that can be used by
‡ have strong expertise in property financials, contractual obligations, and other requirements, as well as
their interrelationships and dependencies
‡ performing in-depth analyses of performance that facilitate more effective monitoring and tracking over
‡ being sought out for expertise and teaching others in the areas above

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BUILDING AND CONTRIBUTING TO TEAMS reflects an individual¶s ability to coach and hold others accountable for
establishing team-building strategies and encouraging cooperation. It includes recognizing achievements that support department
success and involving team members in making decisions that impact them. It also refers to coordinating with other departments
and clarifying the responsibilities of each group. This involves communicating clear expectations about how departments, teams,
and individuals contribute to property success. Building and Contributing to Teams also includes considering associates¶
strengths and team dynamics when assigning work.

The individual's result for Building and Contributing to Teams is Yellow

Development Competent Proficient Strength


Result Individuals with this profile tend to show:

Red Individuals who score Red tend to perform best when:
(Development ‡ someone reminds them to not be overly rigid or strict when communicating and tracking goals
Opportunity) ‡ they receive help in communicating responsibilities or expectations simply and thoroughly
‡ someone else tracks progress so they can focus more on the end result
‡ prompted to seize opportunities to recognize achievements
Yellow In comparison to those who score Red, individuals who score Yellow tend to perform well by:
(Competent) ‡ helping direct reports to understand goals and expectations and cascade that information to their
‡ clarifying the responsibilities of each department and supporting coordination efforts
‡ communicating goals for each department or team
‡ monitoring and enforcing accountability for achieving individual and team objectives
‡ recognizing achievements of direct reports at key milestones
Clear In addition to the above, individuals who score Clear tend to out-perform those who score Yellow by also:
(Proficient) ‡ setting the vision for the property and ensuring direct reports collaborate to achieve it
‡ clarifying expectations not only for each department but also each sub-group, as well as how they are
supposed to work together to achieve shared goals
‡ communicating clear expectations about how departments, teams, and individuals contribute to
property success
‡ coaching and holding others accountable to establish team goals, and encouraging cooperation
‡ recognizing broader achievements that support property and department success
Green In addition to the above, individuals who score Green tend to out-perform those who score Clear by also:
(Strength) ‡ partnering with direct reports to create a shared vision of success and working together to motivate
and inspire employees across the property to achieve it
‡ teaching and empowering others to effectively manage conflict
‡ modeling and coaching others on creating high performing teams
‡ continually recognizing achievements that support property and department success in a way that
motivates and inspires others across the property

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Senior Leader DO NOT DISTRIBUTE 2022/03/02
TALENT MANAGEMENT reflects an individual¶s ability to model and coach others on creating a team environment that supports
feedback and ongoing development. This includes setting departmental expectations for desired or required behaviors,
knowledge, or skill levels. Talent Management involves coaching others by providing constructive feedback and helping others
identify developmental needs and monitor progress. In addition, Talent Management refers to building relationships to attract top
talent and recruiting candidates with skills in high demand. It includes modeling and holding others accountable for using
recruiting and hiring tools to select top talent. It also involves creating on-boarding plans and helping new hires become
comfortable in their new roles.

The individual's result for Talent Management is Clear

Development Competent Proficient Strength


Result Individuals with this profile tend to show:

Red Individuals who score Red tend to perform best when:
(Development ‡ they can focus on the task to be done and not to what others are doing
Opportunity) ‡ they can provide feedback on current work performance only
‡ they can cascade expectations without having to give a lot more detail
‡ they are not under time pressure to make a hiring decision
‡ someone else executes onboarding plans for their new hires
Yellow In comparison to those who score Red, individuals who score Yellow tend to perform well by:
(Competent) ‡ encouraging individuals and teams to work together
‡ providing feedback and supporting ongoing development for their team
‡ demonstrated required behaviors and modeling what good looks like in key performance areas
‡ ensuring the team has the skills and resources to be effective in getting things done
‡ successfully attracting top talent to their team and personally investing in onboarding new talent
Clear In addition to the above, individuals who score Clear tend to out-perform those who score Yellow by also:
(Proficient) ‡ creating and sustaining a positive team environment
‡ modeling positive leadership behaviors and coaching their team on how to do the same
‡ building and maintaining high performing teams
‡ building a future pipeline of top talent through
relationship skills, persuasion, and engaging leadership style
‡ championing and reinforcing the importance helping new hires become comfortable in their roles
Green In addition to the above, individuals who score Green tend to out-perform those who score Clear by also:
(Strength) ‡ modeling and teaching their direct reports on how to be top coaches and leaders to get the very best
performance from their team
‡ providing ongoing, customized feedback and coaching to others, including own team and high
potential talent
‡ building robust development plans for direct reports and enabling and empowering them to invest in
their own and others¶potential to achieve more
‡ setting and displaying desired behaviors, knowledge, and skill levels, and helping others cascade and
consistently reinforce these behaviors throughout the property
‡ championing and leading property talent reviews and building succession plans for key positions
‡ building a culture of high performance where others consistently strive to do their best
‡ networking with high potential leaders and coaching others on targeted recruitment efforts
‡ effectively using available recruiting and hiring tools to bring together hiring teams, make hiring
decisions, and ensuring the successful on-boarding of new hires

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Senior Leader DO NOT DISTRIBUTE 2022/03/02
COMMUNICATION AND PROFESSIONAL DEMEANOR reflects an individual¶s ability to actively listen and use appropriate
communication styles to deliver information in a clear and concise way. This also involves influencing others to accept a point of
view, gain consensus, or take action. Communication and Professional Demeanor also refers to keeping leaders informed about
key issues and displaying a leadership style that conveys confidence and encourages respect from others.

The individual's result for Communication and Professional Demeanor is Green

Development Competent Proficient Strength


Result Individuals with this profile tend to show:

Red Individuals who score Red tend to perform best when:
(Development ‡ reminded not to downplay issues and ideas in order to focus on getting the work done quickly
Opportunity) ‡ they get help in communicating complex business needs in a way that others can understand them
‡ they can be direct and straightforward in their communications
‡ working with others whose viewpoints, ideas, or opinions are similar to their own
‡ they rarely have to deliver unpopular or difficult information to others
‡ they don¶t have to notify key leaders or stakeholders of issues right away, even if they are critical or
Yellow In comparison to those who score Red, individuals who score Yellow tend to perform well by:
(Competent) ‡ addressing issues or ideas as they come up
‡ explaining complex business needs and expectations to others
‡ striving to motivate others and understand what they need when communicating
‡ actively listening to others and considering their viewpoints, ideas, and opinions
‡ communicating information to those who need to know when they need to know it
‡ notifying leaders or stakeholders of issues as they arise
Clear In addition to the above, individuals who score Clear tend to out-perform those who score Yellow by also:
(Proficient) ‡ encouraging employees to raise issues or ideas and openly consider or discuss them
‡ not just explaining complex issues, but also simplifying them so key steps can be cascaded and acted
‡ using effective communication techniques to motivate others and adjusting as needed
‡ not just considering others¶viewpoints, ideas, and opinions, but also actively seeking out opportunities
to regularly interact with others at all levels
‡ proactively informing key leaders and stakeholders of issues
‡ displaying a leadership style that conveys confidence and encourages respect from others
Green In addition to the above, individuals who score Green tend to out-perform those who score Clear by also:
(Strength) ‡ encouraging open discussion of key issues and being receptive to others¶ideas at all levels
‡ using communication styles, methods, and messages that motivate and inspire others, adapting to the
audience¶s needs in order to maximize impact
‡ seeking out differing viewpoints, ideas, and opinions and integrating them to craft the best approach or
‡ sharing important information in an effective manner, even if it is unpopular or difficult
‡ being attuned to the feelings and non-verbal messages from others and adjusting accordingly
‡ being recognized as a highly visible and accessible leaders who haves frequent and meaningful
contact with others at all levels
‡ not just proactively raising issues, but also keeping key leaders and stakeholders informed on progress
‡ coaching others on all of the areas above

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