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Class 5

Sustainable Engineering

Dr. Aswathy G P
Assistant Professor
Department of ECE
TKM College of Engineering

3 December 2021

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1 Millennium Development Goals

2 Sustainable Development Goals

3 Clean Development Mechanism

4 Review Questions

5 Subject Coverage

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Millennium Development Goals

The UN Millennium Declaration is signed in September 2000

MDGs are derived from this declaration
The United Nations MDGs are 8 goals
All 191 UN member states agreed to achieve by the year 2015

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Millennium Development Goals

1 End poverty and hunger

2 Universal education
3 Promote gender equality and empower women
4 Reduce child mortality
5 Improve maternal health
6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7 Ensure environmental sustainability
8 Develop a global partnership for development

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Sustainable Development Goals

Set in 2015 by the UN General Assembly

SDGs are part of a UN resolution called “The 2030 Agenda”
Intended to be achieved by the year 2030
It is a collection of 17 goals
“Blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for

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Sustainable Development Goals

1 No poverty
2 Zero hunger
3 Good health and well-being for people
4 Quality education
5 Gender equality
6 Clean water and sanitation
7 Affordable and clean energy
8 Decent work and economic growth

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Sustainable Development Goals

1 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

2 Reducing inequalities
3 Sustainable cities and communities
4 Responsible consumption and production
5 Climate action
6 Life below water
7 Life on land
8 Peace, justice and strong institutions
9 Partnerships for the goals

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Kyoto Protocol

Vast use of fossil fuels during industrial revolution, population explo-

sion and urbanisation have contributed to rise in greenhouse gases in
Greenhouse gases prevented escaping of heat into outer space which
resulted in global warming and climate changes
To tackle these challenges the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) framed a protocol during the climate
change meeting held at Kyoto, Japan in 1997 - Kyoto Protocol
First international step towards global greenhouse gas emission re-
Mention reduction targets to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations
in atmosphere
Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding agreement which was adopted on
11 December 1997 and came into force on 16 February 2005

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Kyoto Protocol

Under this protocol, countries were classified as

1 Annex I countries (highly industrialised and developed countries)
2 Non-Annex I countries (developing countries)
These countries have emitted the greatest quantity of greenhouse
Greenhouse gases - CO2 , CH4 , N2 O, hydrofluoro carbons, perfluoro-
carbons and Sulphur hexafluoride
To achieve quantified reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (by
atleast 5.2% as compared to 1990 level during the period 2008-2012)
The period 2008-2012 is known as first commitment period
Developing countries had legally no greenhouse gas reduction targets

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Kyoto Protocol

Kyoto Protocol provide three mechanisms (known as Kyoto mech-

anisms) for Annex-I countries to achieve greenhouse gas reduction
1 International Emission Trading (IET)
2 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
3 Joint Implementation (JI)
IET is known as Carbon Market
CDM and JI are known as project-based mechanism which generate
greenhouse gas emission reduction projects

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International Emission Trading

A flexible mechanism defined in Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol

Allows countries with greenhouse gas commitments the following
To sell excess “assigned amount units” if that nation have ex-
ceeded their emission reduction commitments
To purchase excess “assigned amount units” if that nation have
exceeded the greenhouse gas emission limits
Penalty = (Actual emission - Target emission) + 30% in the second
commitment period 2013 - 2020

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Clean Development Mechanism

Flexible mechanism in article 12 of Kyoto Protocol

Annex I countries are allowed to invest in emission reduction projects
in developing countries
Purposes of CDM
To help developing countries achieve sustainable development
To assist highly industrialised/developed countries in complying
their emission reduction commitments
CDM projects generate Certified Emission Reduction (CER) unit or
Carbon Credit for the developed country
One CER is the unit related to the reduction of one tonne of CO2 or
its equivalent greenhouse gas
CDM Executive Board (CDMEB) controls and monitors the imple-
mentation of CDM
CERs generated by CDM projects is given by CDMEB

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Joint Implementation

One flexible mechanism defined in Article 6 of Kyoto Protocol

Annex I countries are allowed to invest in emission reduction projects
in developed countries
Annex I countries in return can meet their own emission targets by
earning credits from these projects

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Review Questions

1 What are millennium development goals?

2 What are the sustainable development goals?
3 Explain about Clean Development Mechanism?

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Subject Coverage

Module 1

Sustainability: Introduction, concept, evolution of the concept; So-

cial, environmental and economic sustainability concepts; Sustain-
able development, Nexus between Technology and Sustainable de-
velopment; Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

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