MMW PracticeSet2 BULAGAO

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How to Read Classification

1.) Dog Dog English Noun

2.) 125 One Hundred and English sentence


3.) The word “cat” The word “cat” begins English sentence
begins with letter with letter K

4.) 3+5= 8 Three plus five is equal Mathematical sentence

to Eight

One hundred and

5.) 120-27 twenty minus Twenty- Mathematical sentence

6.) The car is black The Car is Black English sentence

7.) 12.12=24 Twelve multiply by itself Mathematical sentence

is equal to Twenty-four

8.) X-1=0 Eight minus one is

equal to Zero Mathematical expression
9.) Y+4 Y plus 4 Mathematical

10.) This This sentence is not English sentence

sentence is false true

11.) a+6=6+a a plus six is equals to Mathematical

six plus a expression

12.) bat cat dat Bat cat dat English nouns

13.) 1,000,000 One Million English noun

14.) 10x(x+1) Ten x multiplied by x Mathematical

plus one expression

15.) The square The square root of four English sentence

root of four is two is two

1.The sum of a number and 10


2. The product of two prime numbers


3. The ratio of –1 and a number


4. Three-fourths times the sum of two numbers

¾ x n+n

5. Thrice a number

6. Four less than a number


7. A number, less 8

8. There are twice as many boys as there are girls


9. The area of a rectangle whose length is twice its width


10. The cube of a number

C. Write each mathematical expression/sentence into its equivalent English

1.) 7x^2 - The square of Seven x

2.) 1/5 (100)=20 - One-fifth multiplied by one-hundred is equals to 20

3.) 3x-4 - The difference of three x and four

4.) 2x+12=3 – The sum of two x and twelve is three

5.) (5+x)^2 – the product of five plus x squared

6.) a^3+b^3 – The sum of a cube and b cube

7.) √25 - Square root of Twenty-five

8.) 10-3+4=11 - Ten decrease by 3 and added by 4 is equals to Eleven

9.) 4x)^5 - (Four x is raised to the power of five

10.) 2x^2+x-1=0 - Two x squared was increased by x and decrease by 1 is

equal to zero
D. Choose a quantity to be represented by a variable, then write a mathematical
expression for each. Do not solve.
1. Angelo’s age in 5 years
- 5years old

2. A three-digit number whose hundreds digit is half the tens digit and the tens
is 2 more than the units digit.

-100(x) + 10(2x) + 1(2x-2)

3. The total interest earned after one year when Php 100 000 is invested, part of
6% annual interest rate and the remaining part at 7.5% annual interest rate

4. The distance travelled by a man driving at the rate of 60 kph

- d= x2-x12+y2-y12

5. The total distance travelled by a boat 1 hour upstream and 30 minutes

downstream in which the rate of current is 3 kph
- I=Prt

6. The fraction of work done by a man who can finish a job in 2 hours
- 120mins.

7. The percentage of alcohol in a mixture of 3/4 liter of pure water and x liters of
- 8g/soln × 3.4L1000L

8. The age of a woman 15 years ago

- 15 years old

9. The perimeter of a rectangle whose length is twice the width

- P= 2L+ 2W

10. The sum of three consecutive even integers

- x+x=z

11. A three-digit number whose hundreds digit is twice the tens digit and the tens
digit is 3 more that the units digit
- 3+x

12. The total peso value of 20 coins consisting of P5-coins and P10-coins
-Php5 + 5Php + 10Php

13. The total distance travelled by a boat 30 minutes upstream and 25 minutes
downstream in which then rate of the current is 2 kph
- I=P/R

14. The fraction of work done by a man who can finish a job in 3 hours and 20
minutes is
- 3hours20 minutes

15. The percentage of alcohol in a mixture formed by combining 1 liter of pure

water and x liters of 40% alcohol solution
- 40g/soln × 1Liter1000Liter

E. State whether or not the following are statements. In the case of a statement,
indicate if it is true or false.
1. All perfect squares are even numbers.

2. Every decimal number is a rational number.


3. The summation

4. Either x is divisible by 3 or it is not.


5. The sum of two real numbers is a real number.


6. If 2x + 7 = x, then x = –7.
7. 12e t

8. x : x ℕ

9. The function F

10. The sine function is an odd function


11. For all x > 0, |x| = x


12. X+1/ 22

13. The gcd (1, 2) is 2.


14. x2 + 2x + 1 = 0.

15. All squares are rectangles.


16. The square root of two is four.


17. 5 ∙ 4 + 3 = 35

18. a + b (c – d) = a + bc + a– bd

19. 3 divides 5
20. Two is the only even number that is prime.

F. Complete the table below.

Symbol Say Means Example

1. f(x) function of X One variable in F(x)= 2x-3
terms of another
2. loga x Logarithmic A logarithm base log2
expression b of a positive
number x
3.✓y square root opposite of the ✓4=2
4. x -y determinant something that ( 5 - 2)
determines an
outcome or result
5. P(x, y) joint probability refers to the P(five and black)
probability will
both occur
6. a|b relative objects that a|b
component belong to a, not to
7. a ∙ b multiplication process of 3x3=9
8.X2 exponent the power to 42 =16
which a given
number to be
raised= 16
9. R set of real designates the set (-2, 0, 1)
numbers of real numbers
10. a > b greater than Inequality use to 20>5
compare numbers
11. a ∈ ℕ element of, set membership {a,b,c}
belongs to
12. ln x natural logarithm the logarithm log(15)= 1.176
13. x : y ratio indicates how 2:4
many times one
number contains
14. x ÷ y division splitting into equal 16÷2=8
parts or groups
15. a/b rational fractions that X+4/X-5
expression/ratio have a polynomial
nality in numerator and

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