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Culture is the knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, behavior, values, music, and arts of a particular society. But

according to Edward B. Tylor, culture is not only the knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, etc., but also all the
humans’ ability and capability in their society.

Cultural pluralism defines as a smaller groups within a larger society that maintain their unique
cultural identities, values, and practices that are accepted by the wider culture provide they are
consistent with the laws and values of the wider society. It is also refers to the different groups in
society keeping their distinctive culture while coexisting peacefully with the dominant group. The two
specified definitions of cultural pluralism only means

The two specified definitions of cultural pluralism only means that a small culture exist within a larger
culture that the small culture does not against by the law of the larger culture. The larger culture
accepted the small culture in a way that they add the small culture to their culture peacefully. One
examle of cultural pluralism is the acceptance of Chinese calligraphy class in the United States. In
example, China is a cultural pluralist society where Chinese calligraphy originate and this kind of culture
was being accepted by the United States, that China refers to the small culture and United States as the
larger culture in the concepts of cultural pluralism. Another
example, the acceptance of Indian yoga sessions in another country and the introduction of Latin salsa
dancing in different Asian countries.

A prominent example of pluralism is 20th-century United States, in which a

dominant culture with strong elements of nationalism, a sporting culture, and an
artistic culture contained also smaller groups with their own ethnic, religious,
and cultural norms.

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