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Data Collection | Data Enhancement

Drive your applications ROI with the premier provider of comprehensive and integrated data services.

uthenticom has been more than a reliable vendor; they have served as a valued partner in the design and execution of our business solutions. Today, Authenticom integrates data daily for more than 2,500 dealer-partners nationwide with virtually no negative feedback...thats exactly the level of service we value. John Soave
Sr. Vice President Data Architecture Credit Acceptance Corporation


At Authenticom our focus is simple

We groW our business by helping you groW yours.

2012 Authenticom, Inc. All rights reserved. Authenticom complies with all applicable federal and state laws related to data privacy.

enterprise-level Data partner

A partnership with Authenticom means your data is managed and delivered by a team of experts with global experience. Growing your business is our verticalwe offer no competing products or services because our focus is solely on managing your data. Authenticom:
> Connects with over 12,500 dealerships across North America > Integrates with over 75 Dealer Management Systems > Provides industry-leading service levels, full reporting, and 100% transparency > Processes and manages over 10 million records per day

Mission CriTiCAl
Authenticoms business continuity entails enterprise-level integration and data management for the optimal business partnership experience. Enhanced Service Level Agreements
> Clearly-defined SLAs > High-end customer support (Authenticom receives the highest marks from current clients)

Business Intelligence 2.0

> On-demand reporting > 100% transparency of daily activities

Business Infrastructure
> Leading-edge technology > Made-to-order data solutions

reporTing leVels
The Authenticom Online Client Portal provides a full transparent view of data servicesON DEMAND! Order Metrics
> View orders in process, completed orders, and any cancellations over the last 30 days

Order Detail and Tickets

> Receive up-to-date information on any outstanding trouble tickets > View comments and additional information related to new order status > Communicate online with Authenticom Customer Service Representatives to discuss tickets and cases

MADe-To-orDer soluTions
Authenticoms data services are highly dynamic and flexible to meet your unique business specifications. Fully Customizeable
> 100% of development done in-house

Any Format and Schema

> Tab delimited, CSV, XML

Competitively Priced
> Rooftop pricing > No DMS Integration fees > Low historical data fee > Enterprise pricing available

serViCe leVels
Our success is derived from performance levels that redefine the industry standard for: Response Time
> First priority less than 3 hours

Integration time
> 1-week client onboarding > 72-hour new dealer setups

> 99.9%

Automotive Data solutions

DMs polling

The essential source for DMs integration

Receive transactional data when you need it, how you need it. Authenticoms automated DMS Polling Service efficiently and effectively extracts data from over 75 Dealer Management System types, including ADP, DealerTrack, Reynolds and Reynolds, and UCS. We extract and deliver crucial data in any required format to power automotive manufacturer, 3rd-party vendor, and CRM data-driven applications. > > > > Sales Customer Name Files Service Special Order Parts > > > > Vehicle Inventory Parts Sales Service Appointments Parts Inventory > Open Repair Orders > Financial Statements

Authenticom provides historical data and ongoing data deliveries customized to meet your business needs. We can also apply data enhancement services to your files to improve the effectiveness of direct mail, email, and telemarketing campaigns: > > > > > NCOA Processing (National Change of Address) CASS Standardization (Coding Accuracy Support System) Geocoding Auto Valuation Data VIN Explosion > > > > Email Append & Validation Phone Append & Validatio DNC (Do Not Call) PTI (Phone Type Indicator)

100% inDepenDenT

Zero ties to any DMs or other provider

MulTiple DAily DeliVeries

on your schedule, Driven by your business needs

Our preferred connection type for DMS Integration is AuthentiLinka direct connection between a Windows PC at each dealer location and the Authenticom Polling Servers. This secure connection uses SSH protocols and can be setup in only 20 minutes. Other secure connection methods, including VPN and FTP, are also available.

DMs push backs

Authenticom can standardize, cleanse, and append customer name file data from select Dealer Management Systems, and push the data back into the DMS. All processing is fully automated to produce the most reliable data. Quality assurance checks and in-depth analyses are performed throughout the entire DMS Push Back process to ensure all data is pushed back to the DMS correctly, without corruption.

Write-back to Top DMS Types

> ADP > DealerTrack > Reynolds and Reynolds

Push Back Customer Name File

> Email Append > Address Data > Phone Append

preventative Maintenance
Preventative Maintenance provides data including service items to be worked on and actions to be performed at various mileage intervals. The Authenticom Preventative Maintenance product uses an input file layout (i.e., customer supplied Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), vehicle mileage, and a mileage range code) to identify the Preventative Maintenance items that are due for any given vehicle. Authenticom appends Preventative Maintenance data to your original file using the following numeric codes:
> Item Codes to indicate which item requires action (e.g., Air Filter) > Action Codes to signify what action is to be performed on the item (e.g., Replace) > Mileage Range (within a given range) to indicate when the next maintenance should be performed

Authenticom appends all applicable Preventative Maintenance items to the end of the original data record along with the mileage associated with each item and action.

Vin explosion
VIN Explosion is part of the DMS Polling process that eliminates incongruences, increases reliability, and standardizes VIN (vehicle identification number) data. Authenticom also has the capability to convert nondescript VINs into rich, detailed vehicle descriptions that can make your automotive application the most reliable and desirable source for VIN information. Comprehensive Receive year, make, and model data via real-time web service or batch processing services. Efficient The Authenticom data processing engine can process thousands of VINs within minutes. Simply upload your batch of VINs to Authenticoms secure FTP site and our fully-automated systems will easily manage the workload. Cost-Effective VIN Explosion is built right into the Authenticom DMS Polling Servicemaking it the most efficient and costeffective method for standardizing VINs. Authenticom VIN Explosion is a fully-automated process that captures and standardizes the year, make, and model information coded in the VIN so that it can be correctly imported into or exported from your data-driven application. Our VIN batch-processing system is a fast, easy way to acquire the VIN information you need.

roofTop priCing AVAilAble

Auto Valuation and DMs polling from a single provider
Combined with our industry-leading DMS Integration Solution, Authenticom now offers Black Book and Kelley Blue Book data for every vehicle record. This added value enhances our DMS Polling Service by including wholesale, retail, and trade-in values of cars, vans, and light trucks. Authenticom is your essential source for flexible DMS Integration and Automotive Valuation Data Solutions available at rooftop prices.

Jeep (2005)
Updated weekly with automotive valuation data for the year, make, model, and trim level based on vehicle identification number (VIN), mileage, and region:
> Retail Value > Trade-In Values > Private-Party Values > Auction Values > Lending Value > MSRP

Vin : Model: Wholesale: retail: Trade-in:

1J4hrs824XXXXXXXX grand Cherokee $11,250 $14,450 $9,925

Automotive valuation data from 1981-current for the year, make, model, series, and style based on the vehicle identification number (VIN), mileage, and region:

> Retail Value > Trade-In Values > Private-Party Values > Wholesale Value > Finance Advance > MSRP

Data enhancement solutions

Address Data services

reV-up the performance of your data

Deliver targeted messages with accuracy and realize cost savings by validating your records and qualifying your data set for bulk-postage discounts.
> CASS Standardization > NCOALink Processing > Geocoding

phone Data services

Unlike static files, our data set contains over 400 million unique residential and business phone numbersupdated multiple times daily.
> Reverse Phone Append > Do Not Call > Phone Type Indicator > Phone Append and Validation

email Data services

Authenticom is the largest appender of up-to-date email addresses in the automotive sector our data set contains over 750 million unique, opt-in email records, and boasts industry-leading match rates that oftentimes exceed 25% on initial files.
> Email Append > Email Validation > Reverse Email Append


oVer one billion reCorDs

Managed Annually Via batch processing and real-Time Web services

The opTiMAl business pArTner

leverage Authenticoms enterprise-level DMs integration and Data services to Crystalize your business Continuity


Address services
Reduce undelIveRAble-As-AddRessed (uAA) mAIl

CAss standardization

Save time and money with our CASS Standardization Service that ensures your direct mail is sent to valid addresses. CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) is a stringent certification process developed by the USPS for evaluating address-matching software products that support the following addressing technologies:
> DPV System validate delivery address > DSF2 validate and identify type of delivery address > SuiteLink add known secondary (suite) numbers > And more

All address data processed through Authenticoms CASS software generates a CASS Summary Report and USPS Form 3553 to qualify mailings for postage discounts.
delIveR wIth PInPoInt PRecIsIon


Geocoding is the process of finding the geographic coordinates associated with an address. This application can help map market segmentation, demographics, dispatched services, sales districting, and more. Authenticom uses address-level geocoding in our software to obtain the most precise results for all required records.

eACh yeAr oVer 40M people ChAnge ADDress

negatively impacting your bottom line


ReAch mIllIons of PotentIAl customeRs

nCoAlink processing
A partnership with Authenticom gives you access to the USPS NCOALink database of 160 million records / 48 months of permanent address changes to help:
> Reduce UAA mail (Undeliverable-As-Addressed) > Provide current address information for matches made to the NCOALink File > Save time, reduce printing, processing, and postage costs by preventing duplicate mail pieces or re-mailings

after address corrections are received > Deliver your marketing faster > Analyze Return Codes to determine deliverability of specific address records

The NCOALink database is updated every 7 days, along with a daily update of the Daily Delete File. The Daily Delete File contains addresses that still exist in the NCOALink database, but have been marked for deletion. The Daily Delete File is used to stop addresses from being incorrectly updated.


phone services
stARt the tRAnsActIon PRocess ImmedIAtely

rpA (reverse phone append)

Confirm and standardize customer identities at the beginning of every transaction with a single phone number. Our database of over 400 million names and numbers provides the results you need, oftentimes even if the phone number is unpublished.
exPeRIence betteR ResPonse tImes And conveRsIon RAtes

phone Append and Validation

Authenticoms industry-leading Phone Append and Validation Services provide valid phone data to give sales teams the ability to respond immediately to inquiries, with confidence. The result increased conversion rates and higher customer satisfaction levels.
mAke the RIght cAll the fIRst tIme

DnC processing (do not call)

A positive reputation in the market place is essential to the growth of your business. DNC Processing, imperative to brand reputation, is a service that maintains your compliance with both Federal and State DNC Laws. We process data against DNC registries (Federal, State, and Direct Marketing Association lists) to ensure do-not-contact numbers listed have been removed from your data set.
mAtch youR customeR PRefeRences

pTi (phone type indicator)

Make the right contact, the right way with a phone-number-type-lookup solution. Identification of landline, wireless, and PCS device numbers helps you reach your fulfillment goals for a profound impact on your bottom line.


no seTup ChArges | no proCessing fees

Monthly, flat rate phone Append subscriptions
Authenticom phone Data set by line Type

Authenticom phone Data set by segment

The industry leader

Authenticoms proprietary phone data set contains over 500 million unique residential and business phone numbers in North America:
> 270+ million residential numbers > 120+ million cell phone numbers > 120+ million business numbers

right party, right number

In recent tests of over 10,000 records, Authenticoms data set returned less than 1% questionable or reported bad numbers.* Our competitors returned between 15% and 20% bad numbers because their files are largely compiled from static white page listings or household records subject to much lower validation standards.
* source: Independent research provider.


email services
geneRAte An RoI of $43.62 foR eveRy $1 sPent1

email Append

Receive new and valid email addresses for records based on name and address information provided. Authenticoms proprietary data set of email addresses are accurately matched and verified.
> Increase the effectiveness of your application > Take advantage of a proven marketing channel > Realize higher ROI

ImPRove customeR connectIvIty

email Validation

Email marketers are constantly challenged with the task of keeping up with changes to email addresses or Internet Service Providers, and poor data entry in their data sets. Authenticoms powerful Email Validation Service generates quality contact lists and improves efficiencies.
> Identify which email addresses are deliverable or undeliverable > Reduce email marketing costs > Recover valid email addresses > Improve data quality > Increase the accuracy of marketing metrics

reverse email Append

Confirm and standardize customer identities at the beginning of every transaction. Our Reverse Email Append service is powered by a database of over 750 million records that can return name, address, city, state, and zip based on a single email address.
1 Direct Marketing Association. 2 The Authenticom Email Append service complies with the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM Act), which establishes a framework for reducing unsolicited email.


DisCoVer The poTenTiAl

1+866.289.3283 toll free | 1+608.796.1167 international

submit a test file and receive free email match rates

The industry leader

Make Authenticom your source for valid email addresses. With Authenticom, you benefit from:
> 750+ million unique, opt-in email addresses > Guaranteed deliverable email addresses > Free test files available

protect your ips from being blacklisted

Authenticoms extensive suppression files remove complainers, spam traps, and honeypots to help you maintain your reputation score and protect your IP Addresses from being blacklisted.

MATCh rATes ofTen eXCeeD 25% on iniTiAl files2


real-Time Web services

The Authenticom Real-Time Web Service processes transaction-based queries to return name and address data based on a phone number. This service utilizes web and database clustering in an environment that spans across two collocation facilities to provide the redundancy necessary for continuous up-time. Our Real-Time Web Service can manage many rooftops under a single client. However, the Authenticom RealTime Web Service works best when the service is integrated with your DMS or CRM software.
Data Services Real Time Batch

CASS Standardization NCOA/18 Months NCOA/48 Months Geocoding Reverse Phone Append (RPA) Do Not Call (DNC) Phone Type Indicator (PTI) Phone Append Phone Validation Email Append Email Validation Preventative Maintenance Automotive Valuation Data VIN Explosion

No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Automated batch processing

The alternative to our Real-Time Web Services is Automated-Batch Processing. Our data processing engine service monitors a set of folders on the Authenticom Secure FTP Site, with separate locations for file drop off and file pick up. This service runs validations to format the file and to ensure the process completes successfully. During verification, notifications will be sent to you as a way to track the progress of your files. All orders can also be monitored through the Authenticom Online Client Portal.


The optimal business partner

Authenticom is the essential source for DMS Integration and Data Enhancement Services that will drive your applications ROI:
> Privately-held and independent of any DMS or service

provider in the industry > Unparalleled technological and data assets > Ability to match any format and schema > 100% transparent with on-demand reporting

> Fully-automated record delivery > First-class customer support > Competitively pricedno DMS Integration fees and

low setup charges > Provider of industry-leading match rates

Authenticom is strategically headquartered in the Upper Midwest of the United States. Our talent base originates from global corporations including Ashley Furniture, Harley-Davidson, Ingersoll-Rand, Kaplan, Inc., Logistics Health, and SAP (Business Objects), world-renowned health systems (Mayo Clinic, Gundersen Lutheran), and nationally-recognized universities.

business Alliances
Authenticoms innovative data services are driven by market demand. We know each business requires a unique data solution where a one size fits all approach is not the appropriate answer. Thats why we create and customize solutions that match specific business data complexities of marquee manufacturers and service companies, including:
> AutoAlert > Autobase > Credit Acceptance > DealerSocket > DealerTrack > eLead CRM > Team Velocity > VinSolutions

product Development
Look for these new services provided by Authenticom. We manage 100% of product development and quality-control services in-house.
> Manufacturers Statement of Origin (MSO) /

Manufacturers Certificate of Origin (MCO)


The essential source for Automotive Data services 866.289.3283 (toll-free) 608.796.1167 (international)

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