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Modular learning modality and student academic performance

S.Y 2020 - 2021

A Quantitative Research Presented to the Faculty

Of College Department
West Prime Horizon Institute Inc. Pagadian City

In Partial Fulfilment for Research II 2nd semester,

S.Y. 2021-2022

Basaya,Cristopher Rey
Soriano,Odessa May

July 2021


Teaching is a human activity education. In the Philippines Education is the most

emphasized according to the President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. He give more attention to the

Education specially this pandemic. Though education and learning are thought to be the most

crucial foundation of growing economy, yet academic performance system needs radical

transformation and major technologies reforms. Mobile learning or a modular learning are

very applicable for this years because of that pandemic that needs social distancing in order

to prevent the virus. This year 2020-2021 the school opening will not necessarily mean

traditional face to face learning in classroom. Most countries around the world have

temporary closed educational institutions to contain the spread of the virus and reduce

infections. Face to face engagement of students and of school teachers within the school has

been suspended. The physical opening will depend on the risk severity grading or

classification of a certain community according to guidelines of Department of Health (DOH)

and the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF).

Some of individuals try to adopt the working online, doing school activities in home and

learning their own in a particular things like answering the modules. The Philippines is the

process of adopting to the new normal form of education at present and continues innovation

of educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are driving force for its success.
Teachers takes responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners. The learners may ask

assistance the teachers via e-mail and text message. Modules will be delivered to students,

parents/guardians by the teachers or faculty who are assigned to collect the modules. In

contemporary education management, students tent to greatly rely upon mobile technologies

to achieve dramatic performance outcomes. Using technologies for knowledge and

understanding is consideration for the learners.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

The following theoretical framework and conceptual framework would be used while

assessing the Modular Learning Modality and Student Academic Performance at West Prime

Horizon Institute Inc.

This study focuses to the Modular Learning Modality and Student Academic Performance at

West Prime Horizon Institute Inc. The arrow shows a reflective path that the researcher will

adopt throughout the research process. This study focuses on the two variable, Modular

Learning Modality and the independent and its effect to the Student’s Academic Performance

as the dependent variable.





Figure 1:Schematic Diagram


The theory of Distance Education will be used to anchor the present the study. The

development of new technologies had promoted an outstanding growth in distance education,

both in a number of students enrolling and in the number of Universities adding education at

a distance to their curriculum (Garrison 1990). While application of a modern technologies

may glamorize distance education, literature in the field reveals a conceptually fragmented

framework lacking in both Theoretical foundation of programmatic research. Without a

strong base in research and theory, distance education has struggled for recognition by the

traditional academic community. Distance education has been described be some Authors

(Garrison,1990;Hayes,1990) as no more than hodgepodge of ideas and practices taken from

traditional classroom settings and imposed on learner who just happen to be separated

physically from an instructor. As a distance education struggled to identify appropriate

theoretical frameworks, implementations issues also become important. These issue involved

the learners, the instructors and the technologies. Because of the very nature of distance

education as a learner-centered institutions, distance educators must work far ahead to

investigate how the learners, the instructor and the technology collaborated to generate


Statement of the Problem:

In this analysis the goal of the researcher is to understand the effect of Modular

learning Modality to the Student’s Academic Performance. Specifically, the student’s needs

to answer the following questions.

1. To what extent is the utilization of modular learning modality in the learning process at

West Prime?

2. To what level is the academic performance of the students in the use of modular learning


3. What intervention plan caned be formulated to address the findings of the study?

Significance of the Study

The study is focused on the modular learning modality and student’s academic

performance. The result will be significant to the following:

 Parents- To give more guidance and also to be aware of the modular learning

modality and student’s academic performance.

 Students- It will help them to be their basis and serve as their guide in doing research.

 Teacher- Could gave an additional learning and knowledge to their students specially

in conducting a research.

 School Administrator- It will serve as their guide to make a new strategies and plan to

be implemented.

There is a significant effects of modular learning modalities towards the student’s

academic performance of the 3rd year college.

There is a significant effects intervention plan caned formulated to address students

academic performance

Scope and Delimitations

Subject: This study is primarily focused on the Modular Learning Modality and Students

Academic Performance at West Prime Horizon Institute Inc. From March 2021- May 2021.

The research aim to determine the challenges that the students encounter during

answering their modules.

Respondents: The researcher selected the 3rd college of West Prime Horizon Institute

be the respondents of the study, preferably the Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teachers


Place and Time: The researchers conducted the online survey questionnaire on July 6 2021 at

West Prime Horizon Institute inc.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are hereby defined operationally based on how are used in the study.

MODALITY- Is a form of distance learning that uses self -learning modules (LSM).

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE- Is the measurement of student achievements across various

academic subjects.
ONLINE LEARNING- A system based on formalized teaching but with the help of

electronic resources is known E-learning.

EDUCATION- Is a process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,

values, morals, beliefs and habits.

PANDEMIC-Is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for

instance multiple continents or worldwide.

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