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Good afternoon Excellencians, it is my pleasure to be the moderator for this Parents and Students

Orientation. I am John Francis P Book, call me Teacher France, and I would to extend my warm
welcome to all of you, our students, parents and online viewers. We appreciate you taking time off
and/or inserting us in your busy schedules to join us today. We hope you will learn a lot today.

For your attendance:

Write on the comment section your Name and Class Section. With the hashtags:
#ExcellentlyMovingForward #PEGAFIForwardWeGO

Before we begin this session, please be reminded that we, as Excellencians, should be respectful
with our comments, also in replying to any comments, and to everyone in general.

And while the Orientation is ongoing, you may drop your questions and queries on the comment
section, the committee will collect your questions, and we’ll attend to those on the later part of the
program which is the “Open Forum”

Now, to formally begin this Orientation, we will have to start with the Philippine National Anthem,
Prayer, and the Toledo City Hymn.

And to welcome us all, we are pleased to have our very own Assistant Principal of the School
Development and Academic Affairs, Sir Osias Kit T. Kilag, for his words of welcome.

Thank you Sir Kit for that warm remarks.

And to make it warmer, here is a short dance clip from your Tiktokerist teachers.

That marks the official start of this Orientation, and without further ado, let us have the Orientation
To give us all the details about the school, our colors, the school voucher program, what we had last
year and where are we heading through, and to introduce the pillars of the school, faculty and staff…
Let us welcome the Woman who carries the dream, the President and also the Principal of the School
Development and Academic Affairs… Doctor Francisca Tomarong Uy.

There you have it Excellencians. Our President and Principal, Doctor Francisca T. Uy.

Let us now move on to the Q and A/Open Forum.

On the onset of the Orientation, I have informed you, the viewers, to drop your questions in the
comment section. Now, it has been collected by the teachers and it’s time for Doc Uy to answer

(Q and A)

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