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Task 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of small , medium, large

companies which used social media for business purposes between 2012 to

The bar chart delineates the proportion of three levels of companies is small,
medium and large which used social media for business from 2012 to 2016
Overall, both three sizes of the companies had the proportion of companies
using social media for commercial reasons increased from time to time. Large
companies have a higher percentage of social media usage than small and
medium sized companies.
According to the chart, 2015 is considered the year that companies use social
networks the least with a percentage of only 30 to 50. Small and medium
companies had an upward trend of using social media from 2012 to 2014.
Meanwhile, large companies had a fluctuated proportion of about 78 percent of
social media usage. The proportions for large firms were more than twice those
for small and medium businesses. This percentage remained quite stable until
2015, when it plummeted to a low of 51 percent, before recovering to 79
percent in 2016. The year 2016 witnessed the most use of using social media of
three sizes of companies.  
Task 2: Some people say history is one the most important school subjects.
Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like science and
technology are more important than history. Discuss both these views and
give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least
250 words.

Some people argue that studying history in school is one of the most essential
activities while others think that students should learn science and technology
more than study history. Both of these have their own value but I think students
should study history.

To begin with, it is understandable that some people believe studying history

should be mitigated. Firstly, this practice does not have much applicability.
Students can spend more time researching science and technology which are
more beneficial instead of trying to remember numerous dates and events.
Cramming names and history milestones from the past does not help increasing
the living standard or promoting the economy. For instance, knowing the way
Vietnamese people’s army used to transport weapons and food into Southern
Vietnam in the 1960s seems irrelevant in the 21st century. Secondly, students
can easily feel monotonous when studying history. The way of teaching and
taking exams in school like asking a question and forcing learners to remember
is one of the reasons why students get bored of studying history.

On the other hand, I do believe learning history has many benefits.

Firstly, studying history helps educate students about gratitude. It is very
difficult that current generations know detailly about deprivations and
challenges that the previous generations had to go through in defending the land
against outside intruders.Therefore, knowledge related to history makes students
understand how their ancestors' noble and precious sacrifices to defend the
country. Secondly, knowing history allows pupils to have a better understanding
of the world and the evolution of mankind. History encompasses not only a
single nation but the entire planet, as well as a lengthy process of country
formation and growth.

In conclusion, both subjects have their own value and people should
encourage students study effectively and change the way history is taught so
that students can find it interesting. 

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